So it's now 19 years without my beautiful beautiful son Nicholas 🙁 hard to believe.
When Nick was in year 12 he went to a retreat in Mosgiel, I was asked to write a letter to him, this is his reply.
Dear Dad,
Thank you for the letter, they were a great surprise. You have always been an awesome father to me and I believe I wouldn't be the man I am today if it wasn't for your guidance and support. Through some hard times with your help I got through them and did come out more mature and knowing what to be aware of in this wild world. You have always made every day special for me. By you letting me run the Christmas trees and working in your forestry gang, you have let me grow up and learn myself by my own mistakes. I love going away on trips with you, even if we were just hanging out and chatting about everyday life. You are always full of energy, get up and go. Your always the first up when were off to get firewood and pushing me along in everything I do (Which I need at times) Your a great father in every way, from all the holidays you've taken me on and sending me to Kavanagh, which I'm so grateful for I can't stress it enough, to Jujitsu also. getting me into the Beatles haha John Lennon, the best band in the world. Giving me the freedom most parents wouldn't, I've learnt for myself. To when you go away to Wanaka and know it's great for me to live in different environments, you are always around, most of my mates fathers are not anything compared to you. You have brought me up so well, I look forward to the future with you in it, going away on trips and getting alone as best friends as we always have and always will. Thanks very much for always being there Dad. I love you. Love Nick
This is a look into our very special world, it's not about me ! It's about Nick and an insight into his world and how he perceived things.
I still miss Nick every bloody day, I always will.