Also one more thing Rotorua is springing back into life just had this through from Mountain Bike Rotorua ....
Gosh it's been a long two months and we just have to say that we are proud as punch of what has been achieved in smashing Covid-19. There's still a little more to go yet but play our cards right and we may very well kick this thing out of the country completely... only time will tell.

We are super stoked to announce we will be back up and running with all services on Saturday. However there are a number of changes we have had to make to both give us the best chance of making it through the Covid-19 Crisis with all of our whanau and to comply with the Ministry of Health rules and guidelines;
Redwoods and Waipa Cafes
Redwoods - 10am - 3pm 7 days
Waipa - 9am - 4pm 7 days
All takeaway as per our standard operations. We will have contact tracing methods in place which all visitors to site must adhere to. There will likely be a QR Code scanning option at point of sale or doorways and a manual sign in sheet with hand sanitiser for protection after using the pen and paper.
Skyline Bike Hire
Skyline Opens Saturday and bookings MUST be made in advance as bikes will only be available on demand. Email [email protected]
Waipa Bike Hire
9am - 4pm 7 days
As with the cafes, contact tracing systems will be in place.
1 group in our shop at a time. Maximum of 4 people per group.
Bikes are sanitised after each use.
Public Shuttles
10am - 3pm 7 days
Contact tracing systems, like the cafe, will be in place.
Social distancing of 1m between groups is required.
In line with the transport industry, we will operate window seats only which means effective half capacity.
We will run a trust based system where clients will clip their own tickets. Please be honest.
Vehicles are sanitised daily.
Private Shuttle Charters
Available 24/7
Contact tracing systems in place.
Only single groups as per usual.
We will not be allowing front seat passengers until further notice. This is over and above standard practice and will be reviewed regularly.
Battle Waka will have a maximum 3 people
Squad Waka will still have a maximum 7 people, all will be seated in the rear.
Bookings can be made from now via email only; [email protected]
Bike Servicing
On demand based on availability 7 days.
For now, we will continue to provide free pick up and delivery of service package booked bikes.
To book please email [email protected]
All Tours and Skills Sessions
On demand based on availability 7 days.
This includes bike tours, hiking tours, rafting, kayaking and more!
To enquire or book please email [email protected]
We are super stoked to get rolling again and are very hopeful it will be enough to keep our entire team on.
We will be reviewing all operations weekly and if the demand dictates, we will increase services in those areas. On the flip side, if there isn't demand, we will have to reduce hours.
We hope to see as many of you out there as possible and wish everyone all the best as we all try and get back to as normal a life as possible.