Welcome to Follow The Flow Guiding, I’d like to give you a small insight into my background and introduce myself!
Originally from the UK, I cut my teeth at a young age fishing for all manner of coarse fish becoming quickly infatuated with angling and the outdoors.
Since moving to New Zealand, I have lived in the central north island for 6 years and my obsession for fly fishing and the outdoors has only grown deeper, from chasing backcountry rainbows, trophy browns to shallow water kingfish on fly out in the harbours.
I have a passion for fly tying and a creative mindset seeking out new patterns from small nymphs to big salt water flies to help make that dream capture come true.
I am determined and patient character who will put in the yards to capture that dream fish you've been searching for!
If you’re interested in a trip or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to shoot me a message or contact me via email!