Considering hosting a trip? Here's four things to consider, to make it a success from the outset! 🙌🏼
1. Do you share a common interest with your audience? Offering a trip that’s built on a specific theme or purpose will be much more enticing for your community to join. Its an easy way for you to add value.
2. We can organise trips to anywhere in the world, within reason! Although partnering with Synergi provides the opportunity for you to travel pretty much anywhere, paying customers must want to visit there too! Keep this in mind when you're considering what country you want to host a trip to.
3. There's no point in designing your dream trip if no one can afford to join you! We'll help you find the balance between location, length of time, inclusions and cost. where will your customers be coming from, and where are you going?
4. Annual leave allowances are vastly diverse, so know who your audiences are, and tweak plans accordingly! If you're dead set on a location which is quite expensive and know that your potential customers aren't flush with cash, consider a shorter length trip.