Sleep Works

Sleep Works Hi, I’m Tam your certified baby and toddler Sleep Consultant. I will guide you with calm, clear an I am ready to help your family get the sleep it deserves.

Sleep Works offer calm, clear and confident sleep solutions for tired parents that are ready for change. I guide you through teaching your babies and toddlers how to establish healthy sleep habits and essentially learn the skills needed to consolidate their sleep, have great naps and in turn learn to sleep through the night. I offer a range of packages for babies and toddlers from phone/Skype call

s to in-home visits - all with follow up phone/email support available. I am also available to attend coffee groups for our Sleep Talks and Newborn Sleep Shaping Package. Visit my website to view our full range of packages or contact us today for your free 10 minute explore call.



I love a good dummy to help settle a newborn and often tell mums not to worry it’s not actually difficult to get rid of, as long as you get the timing right. 🌟

From 16 weeks the dummy will become a problem (if not sooner) and parents will find themselves endlessly having to pop it back in so baby can return to sleep 💤 🌈The best age to ditch the dummy are between 4mth-9mth of age.

👌 When you are dropping the dummy make sure the room is set to support sleep and you are using an age appropriate routine to help with the transition, then you can either use an independent settling method to help your baby sleep without the dummy this sounds hard but with confidence and consistency it’s actually easy!!

🫶🏻 I’d love to help so please reach out !!

👍 After around 9mths a baby is often quiet attached to the dummy so it’s often gentler to keep it, and the good part is that a baby this age is now more then capable of finding the dummy themselves and replacing it 🎉

So if you have a baby 9mths or older that you are having to replug the dummy all night long this is for you. 🌟 For 3 days, when baby wakes wait 5-10mins to allow baby time to find it, don’t rush in. Then if still grizzling go in and Place the dummy in baby’s hand and guide to their mouth. Repeat for 3 days. 🌟 For another 3 days, when baby wakes wait 5-10mins to allow baby time to find it, don’t rush in. Then if still grizzling go in and Place dummy in baby’s hand and let them guide to their own mouth. Repeat for 3 days. 🌟 For another 3 days, when baby wakes wait 5-10mins to allow baby time to find it, don’t rush in. Then if baby is still grizzling go in and pat the mattress next to the dummy to signal to where the dummy is stay a moment and leave. Repeat for 3 days.



As the end of daylight savings approaches I recommend to help our little ones body adjust, slowly move the routine out (forward) by 15mins every two days this will soften the effects when the clock goes backwards by one hour next Sunday. We are really trying to avoid EARLY MORNING WAKING 😲

Adults are really good at taking a sleep in when we can, but your baby is going to follow their internal body clock so shift the routine the week before the clocks go back.

Everything in the routine needs to move

•all milk feeds
•all solids
•all snacks
•morning wake up

⚠️If you just move bedtime without the morning wake up or solids without naps, it will not work!

What we are doing is helping your baby’s body adjust by April the 7th so we don’t end up with early morning waking due to the end of daylight savings 😣

This adjustment can take your baby’s little body 2 weeks to settle down back into their usual routine so getting a head start can help.

👉You can make this adjustment after the clocks have gone back too so, if you want to be more reactive rather than proactive that’s ok 👍 (also not forgetting that there are those easygoing kids that will just ride it out)

☀️ 3 sunlight tips are:

1) When baby wakes in the morning (at the new adjusted time) get them into some direct morning sunlight to help set the circadian rhythm.

2) After the bath in the evening pop out go for a short walk to the letterbox or on the lawn to get a little more evening sunlight into the end of the day.

3) Pushing the routine later in the a.m can be difficult so make it easier on yourself and your baby by BLACKING OUT THE ROOM, this is truly a must!

Have you got sleep struggles, are you looking for support to teach independent sleeping skills to your baby..?Reach out ...

Have you got sleep struggles, are you looking for support to teach independent sleeping skills to your baby..?

Reach out for a free 10min explore call or if you’re ready for a restful night simply book in!

Thank you so much for this amazing review gosh I love my clients 💖


🍠🍐🥕🥦🥩 Starting solids is an exciting milestone so let’s enjoy this new stage!

🔅It is a myth that starting solids equals your baby will sleep through the night so try not to rush this process, the recommended age to start is 6mths.

There is so much to learn for your baby when starting solids, from tongue movement and swallowing to new tastes, texture and temperature not to mention navigating the gag reflex that may still be just a little sensitive at first.

Getting the timing right along with the best foods to start with is important when teaching this new skill of eating and can take quite a few days for some babies to learn and others are very ready and scoff it down (those babies we want to make sure they aren’t over eating causing a milk solids imbalance in the beginning).

Great foods to start with are low-gi carbohydrates like kumara and some pear to keep the bowls going along with carrot pumpkin, broccoli and believe it or not meat 🥩 is a vital part of starting solids.

Meat/iron is needed from 6mths to sustain your baby’s blood sugar levels overnight, if your baby is late to start solids and or meat they can actually have night walking because of a blood sugar drop that occurs.

Foods to avoid are raw banana 🍌 avocado 🥑 and potatoes as these foods are actually very complex and difficult for your baby to digest, so interfere with baby’s sleep due to tummy upset and possibly constipation.

Other things that can interfere with sleep when starting solids are eating too much off just one food, or eating solids at the wrong time.

Look at starting with one meal a day and the best time is 11am after the mid morning milk feed, this way we won’t have an imbalance of solids versus milk. Then aim to slowly work your way up to 1/4-1/2 cup in volume of a variety of first foods (starting one new food at a time and adding to the mix)

🤍 I offer support with solids for baby’s and toddlers within my sleep training program




🤍 I want you to thrive as a mother, to feel empowered and rested, YES I said rested that is possible for you!

There is so much support out there for you if we need it reach out before you’re at breaking point 💔

lactation consultant or nutritionist they are here for you.

Sleep consultants or maybe a personal trainer..

If you want to have knowledge and understanding around sleep or routines reach out and give your day predictably and confidence to make sleep work! 💖 😴

🤔 The answer is both yes and no, but why…?• Yes because they are helpful for keeping your baby entertained.• Yes because...

🤔 The answer is both yes and no, but why…?

• Yes because they are helpful for keeping your baby entertained.

• Yes because baby can see more and feel involved so often less fussing

• Yes because you can pop baby down anywhere and always see baby

• Yes because baby likes the bouncing and so can be soothing for them

🤔 So why would I say no to these helpful seats…?

• No because they can create a lazy tummy and stall the skill of rolling making sleep difficult.

• No because they can support micro napping reducing the drive for sleep and creating cat napping

• No because often baby isn’t using enough energy when sitting in them and so reducing the drive to sleep, making resettling difficult.

👍 So for the times when you are working on a routine or doing some sleep training, then try to avoid these bouncing seats at this time as they aren’t going to support the skill of long restorative sleep and they will make settling or resettling difficult.

👌 Instead try to offer plenty of floor time so that baby’s back can be flat on the floor stretching out and create some muscle memory to support movement and sleep.


🫶🏻 If your baby was sleeping well but sleep now seems to be falling apart with nap refusals, or short naps, or night wak...

🫶🏻 If your baby was sleeping well but sleep now seems to be falling apart with nap refusals, or short naps, or night waking. Then check the ages below that typically need to move onto the next routine. 👇

• 4mths moving onto a routine three naps a day.

• 6.5-7.5mths dropping from three to two naps a day.

• 15-18mths dropping from two naps down to one.

• 2.5-3yrs reducing and then dropping the day nap.



🤔 - Wondering if these night time feeds are just habitual waking..?

Baby can seem fussy after the feed and not easy to settle

Baby is taking short feeds just to calm and resettle themselves

Baby wakes frequently even with a night feeding

Baby isn’t interested in the morning milk feed

Note: That a newborn may need 2-3 night feedings and waking for help to resettle is expected. Babies between 4-8 mths can often still need only one night feeding, and from 8mths a baby can be taught to consolidate their night and sleep through without a feed.

If the night feed is needed and it’s because of hunger, the wakes are at random times not the same time every night

When baby does feed it’s a big full feed and when finished they resettle easily and without any fuss.

The waking is after at least one full night sleep cycle (4hrs)

If the night feed is from hunger your baby will still take a full feed at breakfast time.


It’s really exciting when families return for sleep help not only am I extremely flattered that they have come back to m...

It’s really exciting when families return for sleep help not only am I extremely flattered that they have come back to me, I’m also excited as these families know the process works so get right down to business and we get the job done ✅

I’m truly grateful for all the wonderful families I am able to support!


- Have you got a method and you’ve been working on consolidating the lunchtime nap but it’s just not coming together..?•...

- Have you got a method and you’ve been working on consolidating the lunchtime nap but it’s just not coming together..?

• At 7mths there is sooooooo much happening we can actually not realise that there are changes needed to support babies fast pasted development.

• One area we can be slow at implementing is offering enough movement, at 7mths we want to encourage independent rolling, pushing up on hands, commando crawling and even sitting. Without enough movement your baby simply won’t have emptied the energy tank making a resettle over the lunch nap very difficult.

• By now we are looking at a short long routine, meaning that by capping the morning nap to around 30mins is also going to support the sleep debt build up for the lunchtime and so supporting it’s consolidation.

• Having lunch solids fully established is recommended because we have now moved the milk feeds away from nap settling, so if solids aren’t yet on the go baby is simply hungry when waking early and will need to feed making independent nap consolidation impossible as this is assisted resettling.

• I’m not kidding when I say that you must have the sleep environment set up to support restorative sleep, yes your baby may be capable of settling to sleep with some light in the room but at 7mths your baby is very unlikely to resettle and return to sleep if the room is not blackout!!

• Another reason why the lunchtime nap may be taking a long time to consolidate, baby my be sleeping for too long at the late afternoon nap (nap3) or baby may need to drop this nap all together and move into to 2 nap routine.

Milestones can cause regression with sleep 😴 Rolling Crawling Solids Sitting Standing Separation anxiety If you have tau...

Milestones can cause regression with sleep 😴

Separation anxiety

If you have taught self-settling skills then please don’t panic your baby hasn’t forgotten how to sleep, they are simply moving through a new stage of development and in my opinion this is very exciting!

Try to keep a positive attitude around this sleep regression as it signals growth as your baby moves through the next phase of development, yes it may make naps short for a short time but if you stick to your settling method they will be back on track within 1-2 weeks 🤗🎊

If you haven’t yet taught independent sleep this is still an exciting next phase, but it can mean more waking’s than normal for your baby OR the once easy to do hands-on settling no longer works as your baby is exploring with their new movement and strength.

Rolling and crawling can be difficult milestones to navigate for babies that are assisted sleepers. These babies are growing and often need a little more independence and no more to experience these changes without giving this space you may find that your baby begins to fight the hands on settling, especially from around 7mths old.


Following a routine can feel tricky especially if your baby is cat napping or waking up early in the morning.

But helping baby reach the ideal awake window is going to get you there.

Babies that are 4-6 month old may need help in the form of a 🛟 rescue nap to get them on track, but for older babies 7+mths they should be ok to “aim” for the top end of their awake window for the nap to start if cat napping.

Catnapping is a difficult stage but is developmentally normal for younger baby’s to go through this phase, use your wake windows, and set up the room to support sleep to help them out of this issue.

4mths - 2hrs awake time - 3hr 45mins of total day sleep over three naps.

5mths - 2hrs 15mins awake time - 3.5hrs of total day sleep over three naps

6mths - 2.5hrs awake time - 3hrs of total day sleep over three naps

7.5-12mths - 2.5-3hrs awake time - 2.5hrs of total day sleep over two naps

🤔 Yes, technically they are both short naps but one serves a purpose within your baby’s routine and one will disrupt you...

🤔 Yes, technically they are both short naps but one serves a purpose within your baby’s routine and one will disrupt your routine!

🤗 A rescue nap is an assisted nap in your arms/pram/front pack.

This short 10 minute "power nap" that will help your baby make it from an early morning wake until their first scheduled nap OR if baby is having short naps you can use a rescue nap to bridge their awake window and save them from overtiredness.

A rescue nap will help you stay on track with the routine keeping naps within “biological sleep windows”, it also will help your baby learn to self-settle more easily as an overtired baby will fight sleep meaning there is likely to be more unnecessary crying when a baby is overtired.

When to use a rescue nap:
after a set feed, and ideally in the middle of an awake window to help your baby make it to their next "set nap" and not be overtired.

Great times for a rescue nap is at 7.30am, 10.30am, and 2.30pm approximately.


😓 Micro napping is different to those recommended rescue naps.

Micro napping is when a baby falls asleep right before a set nap is due and will reduces the drive to sleep when you do go to put baby down, these typically happen when you’re out and about busy.

For example, on pram outings or maybe you have a toddler that needs daycare drop off or pick up, or maybe the queue at the supermarket was long meaning baby feel asleep in the car ride home.😩

Sometimes micro naps are unavoidable as life just happens, for a baby that is already on a predictable schedule this often doesn’t faze them and they nap beautifully. But for a baby that is trying to get onto a routine or has just completed some sleep training we want to avoid this situation from happening.

If you are aiming to established a routine for your baby then try start on a day that you can keep things chill and stay home, even 3 days of staying home to focus on keeping to the routine will set you up for sleep success!

Making sure your baby isn't too warm can help prevent micro naps from happening, try stripping baby down to just a nappy after a feed to play on the floor can help.


🕗 Timing newborn sleep is tricky 😴 but it plays a massive part of helping to shape sleep making it easier or harder in some cases for your baby.

In the first 3 months, your baby’s biological clock is still immature and not fully formed so we are mostly going of awake windows. By supporting the development of this immature internal clock you can create healthy sleep patterns that will begin to emerge.

The timing of milk feeds and activities are important but mostly watching out for those sleep cues is what has an impact on the quality of the sleep that follows.

If the timing of sleep is too soon, then your baby is not tired enough to fall asleep easily (under tired), and may struggle to have the ability to link their sleep cycles, we often see a baby fighting the swaddling, cat napping and difficulty settling in under tired babies.

For a baby to sleep well you must also help your baby have enough wakefulness through the day (awake windows), be sure they are taking good optimal milk feeds, have enough time to grow and develop with physically movement, and have enough natural light exposure to further support night sleep as this biological clock develops.

If the timing of a nap is too late, then your baby may be too tired to be able to shut off and settle easily, stress hormones are produced when your baby is over tired and this is often what is responsible for making your baby cry more at the settling time, fight sleep, fighting the swaddle and also cat napping.

Having a consistent flow to the day you will set your baby up to have a loose schedule and the begin of what will form sleep associations.

💜👍 Please understand that a newborn needs help to sleep and to settle, so providing a pattern or schedule is great but not to forget that feeding or cuddling to sleep within the recommended time frame is a positive thing when working on newborn sleep.



👣Now I’m not suggesting you put your baby on a workout schedule or that you can’t head out in the car, what I’m actually asking you to think about is how much physical movement is your baby getting and how is this impacting sleep..!?

What has the day looked so far.?

💜Baby is up and milk feed then sit and have long cuddles with Mum, then get dressed and into car popping out for some jobs, then into pram and into shops (have some snacks in pram), then back to car seat heading home, home and into highchair for my solids then off to the nursery to clean up and into cot for nap time 😴

OR did the day look more like this……

💜Baby is up and milk feed, then put on floor to roll stretch and reach for toys, then into nursery to put on clothes and practice some sitting with Mums help, then into the kitchen to play on the floor while Mum prepares baby’s solids, baby gets a little grumpy after so much physical play so mum picks up and finished making lunch with baby in her arms.

🤔What morning would you say will better prepare baby for long restorative, consolidated sleep..?

😅Things you want to try and avoid “for a little bit” if you’re working on consolidating your baby’s sleep.

Long prams rides
In the front pack all day
car seats
Stationary play stations

🤔. Before kids, what did you imagine parenting would be like ...?No matter how you decide to parent it’s always going to...

🤔. Before kids, what did you imagine parenting would be like ...?

No matter how you decide to parent it’s always going to be hard! 😅

💓But every parent deserves to feel in control, rested and happy with their new job as Mum or Dad. 🫶🏻

I believe that starts with sleep, Not only baby’s sleep but the entire family’s sleep because sleep effects EVERY aspect of your daily life


😴 When we take our babies to their room for sleep we need to expose them to positive sleep inducing elements such as.✅ D...

😴 When we take our babies to their room for sleep we need to expose them to positive sleep inducing elements such as.

✅ Dark room

✅ White noise

✅ sleeping bag

✅ Calm cuddles

Darkness will help melatonin production, white noise is going to create a positive sound for sleep that also helps with linking longer sleep cycles, a sleeping bag is going to keep baby warm and safe as loose bedding will fall off and is considered a SIDS risk so stick with the sleeping bag is recommended.

Did you know that our emotions when in the room matter how we feel effects how our children/babies feel, so offering a calm and confident cuddle before bedtime is actually an important part of setting up an ideal sleep environment.

Spending time in your baby’s dimly lit room, with continuous white noise playing, popping them into their sleeping bag and having a small confident cuddle is all it takes to help prepare them for sleep.

Take your time in the room and try to understand that your baby is just tired and they are telling you this by crying, don’t let that communication fluster you.


🛌 My advice is to always keep your toddler in a cot until as close to 3yrs as possible, your toddler will start to form impulse control around this age and this means they will then begin to understand that they should stay in bed 🛌 and not to continuously get up.

But before this age they don’t have the impulse control and so will get up repeatedly overnight if in a big bed too early as they simply don’t understand how to stay in bed and can’t fight the urge to get up.

😃 So if it’s safe to do so, keep the cot until 3yr 🎉

In my experience a toddler will often sleep better without a pillow until closer to the age 3.5-4yo because they are still moving so much in their sleep at this age.

❌Babies should not have pillows or anything large and lose in the cot!!

Introducing a pillow when your toddler goes into a big bed can make the transition a little more difficult simply because there is more to go wrong and a toddler will often fuss over a pillow especially if it’s a new thing along side a new bed.

• The pillow can fall out
• The pillow can get “lost”
• The pillow can give your child a stiff neck
• The pillow can be used for attention

Keep it simple when moving into the big bed and maybe wait to introduce a small skinny pillow “once” your child has made the transition to a big bed and is sleeping through consistently.

😴 .nz

We do not want any light in our baby or toddlers room when sleep training!✅ Darkness is a fundamental part of healthy sl...

We do not want any light in our baby or toddlers room when sleep training!

✅ Darkness is a fundamental part of healthy sleep, so providing a dark room for your child supports the “sleepy hormone” melatonin making sleep training easier for your baby, and who would want to make it harder on your baby anyway..?

Without darkness this sleepy hormone isn’t produced effectively and this can cause the onset of sleep to stall (meaning more crying) and fragmented nights 😊 more wake-ups) not to mention the dreaded Early morning wakings. 😩

Let’s check your nursery rooms.

✅ Grab a book and go into your baby’s room in the middle of the day.
Close all curtains and the door.

✅ Can you read the words in the book?

If you can read the book the room is far too light, you will need to darken it further!

This is my favourite blackout

Or 🌟the slumber pod is also great especially when travelling!

Enjoy every moment they say, that it will pass by so quickly! 💨 😅That can feel hard to do at times If you have exhaustin...

Enjoy every moment they say, that it will pass by so quickly! 💨

😅That can feel hard to do at times If you have exhausting nights that only roll into exhausting days.

🎉The exciting news is that your baby can sleep independently, so let’s sleep well and enjoy parenting!💜

Healthy sleep = Healthy life



❗️There are no secrets to sleep training 😱

That’s right, once you get the basics right (and make sure there are no medical issues) you are on your away!

All of the correct information is out there and easy to follow, I’ll list a few things that you need to get right.

• Having an age appropriate naps routine
• Have a milk/solids routine to supports sleep
• Create the OPTIMAL sleep environment
•Be ready and committed to the change.
• Then you need to be confident with your settling method, and keep it up!

Having someone to answer all the questions as you are “in the moment” makes all the difference to your confidence and often your success

Some of the things that run through our minds when sleep training are…... 💭

Maybe they are cold?
Maybe they are hungry?
Maybe they are hot?
Maybe the timing isn’t right?
Maybe they need me (separation anxiety)
Maybe they are teething? 🦷
How long do I do this for ?
How do I get through the day on short naps?

Having a sleep consultant will allow you to fully focus on just sleep training, I will take the worry out if it and give you the confidence to commit and see sleep WORK for your family. 💓💓




Absolutely a comforter will help your baby or toddler sleep, and encourage independent resettling.

all you have to do is encourage your baby to become attached to it.

⭐️Make sure it’s a small hanky size breathable fabric lovey.

⭐️ Toddlers may enjoy using a favourite teddy or doll.

⭐️Newborns-8mth nothing in the cot!

⭐️How to encourage a lovey, offer your chosen lovey at feeding times and at (room exposure) settling times as these are moments when you are calm and bonding with your child. Overtime they will become attached and upon waking will use the lovely to help settle back to sleep.

⭐️Toddlers may like to choose a teddy as the special toy to sleep with, and you can talk with them explaining that if they wake to cuddle into their teddy and close your eyes.

Loveys and comforters are so helpful for when separation anxiety hits.

OR if your baby is sleeping in a new environment.
OR even take them to daycare to help your baby sleep.

😴 For sleep help and advice find me .nz

🍼A big sign that your baby is ready to drop those night calories is that they are not interested in the morning milk fee...

🍼A big sign that your baby is ready to drop those night calories is that they are not interested in the morning milk feed.

But saying all this if your baby is within the age I recommend to start dropping feeds but you are happy to continue with night feeding then no one is telling you to stop.

There is no “right” way to parent only YOUR way so do what is working for your family💓


🥵 🥶 The room temperature is so difficult to get right because it’s always changing AND because our maternal instinct is ...

🥵 🥶 The room temperature is so difficult to get right because it’s always changing AND because our maternal instinct is telling us to keep baby warm.

The problem here is that we no longer sleep outside in huts or caves, we now have insulated homes with double glazing and heating. So, getting too cold isn’t a danger, now it’s actually getting too hot that is the issue/danger when it comes to sleep.

Sleeping your baby in natural materials like cotton - bamboo - wool or muslin is the key to safe clothing AND not using loose blankets, stick with a swaddle for newborns and sleeping bag for babies 4mth-3yrs and blankets from 3yr+.

In the winter make sure the heater isn’t up too high or on all night, you want heaters to just take the edge off a cold night not to make the room stuffy.



Did you know you can do both, or if your baby doesn’t enjoy tummy time then floor time is just as effective!

The aim with tummy time is to strengthen the core tummy muscles helping baby with movement and rolling.

The problem is some babies will simply cry the entire time resulting in families not offering any or enough of it.

The good news is that “floor time” helps in the same way, if your baby doesn’t enjoy tummy time then simply place baby flat on their back to stretch right out. This will give those tummy muscles the work out they need to gain muscle memory, strengthening your baby AND the bonus is this physical activity actually supports sleep as it increases the drive to sleep.

Things to avoid when wanting to encourage rolling and support sleep, long stints in baby seats, bouncers or cuddles for the entire awake window.

The reason for this as that in these positions baby’s core body is relaxed and the muscles are inactive and becomes lazy.


Imagine if sleep was easy, and you had the confidence that your baby will put themselves to sleep 🙌Nothing feels better ...

Imagine if sleep was easy, and you had the confidence that your baby will put themselves to sleep 🙌

Nothing feels better than sleep let me show you how it works 💕


Clocks spring forward 1hr September 25th - (NZ) 👉 More info over in Instagram stories To help your baby’s body clock wit...

Clocks spring forward 1hr September 25th - (NZ)

👉 More info over in Instagram stories

To help your baby’s body clock with this time change you want to follow this information

(If you have a little one currently early morning waking OR you have a newborn you won’t need to make any adjustments 🥳)

The week before the clock changes begin to slowly pull the routine earlier by 15mins every 2days.

So that’s the awake time in the morning and ALL naps and bedtime

Don’t forget milk feed and solids

✅ Yes it is possible for your baby to simply fall asleep independently - from 16wks +What we are allowing your baby to d...

✅ Yes it is possible for your baby to simply fall asleep independently - from 16wks +

What we are allowing your baby to do is go from - awake - calm - drowsy - asleep “independently”

This doesn’t mean you can help them along the way, and by help i mean responding with support not doing it for them.

Now what works when teaching this is a consistent approach AND a calm, confident energy from the parent as you are responding to any protest crying

There is likely going to be some protest crying as you make the change from assisting sleep to teaching independent sleep, (change is hard for everyone)

As long as you keep calm and consistent you will see how fast your baby learns this independent skill.

The key here is waiting until you are ready for things to change, and if you are feeling unsure and need a hand to hold reach out I will walk you through the process giving you that calm confident consistent approach you needed for sleep to work.

😴- If you have started teaching independent settling skills to your baby I want you to know it’s often the lunchtime nap...

😴- If you have started teaching independent settling skills to your baby I want you to know it’s often the lunchtime nap that is the last part to fall into place, so hang in there!

Offering what I call ROOM EXPOSURE is the beginning of this self-settling skill and it’s important to get it right, just like the name suggests (room exposure) you want to take your baby into their room 5-10mins before nap time and offer some calm but very much awake play time,

This will expose your baby to those positive SLEEP ASSOCIATIONS you have set up, like a dimly lit room / some good white noise / and the visual cue of the sleeping bag.

Making sure these naps are happening within your babies biological sleep windows is also going to be helpful, not only is this the ideal time for a nap to happen, it also keeps the naps on a CONSISTENT ROUTINE.

And once you have popped baby down for the nap you will want to offer a CONSISTENT APPROACH to help these new independent sleep skills fall into place

Keeping in mind the a POSITIVE PARENT is also a large part to sleep working, if your not feeling confident with your approach or the routine or the timing ⏱ then reach out for help I can offer you the support and confidence needed for sleep to work 💕



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