It is with enormous pain I come to you all at a time of extreme sadness and need for my family. Unfortunately, my Mother's health condition has reached a final stage. After 11 months showing how strong and determined she was to fight against Cancer, unfortunately it has reached a final stage. The last couple of weeks have been the hardest and saddest for our family. The doctors can no longer go on and advise us to prepare for her passing. The priority for us now is to give her a dignified farewell with all the love that she has always deserved, whoever had the opportunity to meet my mother in life was able to always experience first-hand her human quality, her natural affection and her joy towards others. That always resulted on everyone who was close to her to feel good and cared for. She is the reason my sister and I inherited the way we are; and it is with immeasurable pain that we have to say goodbye to her knowing that physically we lose her but that her soul, her heart, her strength and her spirit will always be in us. I sincerely thank you all for any kind of help with which you can contribute, the main one being that you pray in the name of my beloved Mother Marisela González Seoane so that her farewell from this earth is full of love and life as she always was! Thank you very much.