
ReadyVisa Providing the best immigration advice for all of your visa applications to NZ


Important information for employers

From 11 April 2024, employers who are found to be employing people in breach of their visa conditions, employing people unlawfully in New Zealand, or failing to comply with a 10-day information request can be issued an infringement notice.

Infringement penalties can include:

a minimum fine of $1,000
loss of accredited employer or Recognised Seasonal Employer status
being banned (stood-down) from supporting further visas for migrant workers for a period of time depending on the number of infringement notices the employer gets, and
having their name put on a public list of non-compliant employers (stand-down list).

I had to set up a new official line ID Account so I can regularly share INZ news with all of my past and new clients.Ple...

I had to set up a new official line ID Account so I can regularly share INZ news with all of my past and new clients.
Please add me at

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I now have an official line app for keeping in touch with loyal clients.Stay in the know and add me as a friend Will adv...

I now have an official line app for keeping in touch with loyal clients.
Stay in the know and add me as a friend
Will advise on up and coming changes to INZ visas and help for businesses


Post-accreditation checks are underway

INZ working with Accredited Employer Work Visa employers to ensure they are compliant with accreditation requirements.

This post-accreditation process is conducted by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and helps show where there may be instances of migrant worker exploitation.

Any accredited employer may be selected for this process.

MBIE may want information from selected employers to confirm the undertakings and statements made in their accreditation application.

This may include, but is not limited to:

- financial statements to demonstrate financial viability
- evidence of PAYE payments to migrant employees
- evidence of how offshore recruitment agents of their migrant employees were paid
- hiring dates of migrant employees
- evidence that settlement information was provided to migrant employees
- logs of hours worked by migrant workers
- information on which key persons are involved in the business, and their role.

A site visit may be conducted by MBIE staff in some cases if this is the best way to gather the information


Quick update from INZ

Partner work visa changes deferred

Kia ora,

We previously communicated that there would be changes to partner work visas in December 2022.

The Minister of Immigration has announced today that changes to partner work visas have been deferred to April 2023. More details on the policy settings will be announced next year.

This means the change to partnership work visas has been delayed until April 2023


Quick Update

The new median wage of NZD $29.66 an hour will be adopted into the immigration system on 27 February 2023.

What does this mean?

For most employers needing to hire a migrant to fill a shortage then you will be requirement to pay at least $29.66 phr.
If you pay below this then the employee will only obtain a 2 year work visa and must leave NZ for 12 months before applying for another work visa.

Accreditation is required for all employers hiring migrants
A job Check is required for all employers hiring migrants
The work visa is applied for by the employee

Processing times for all visas types vary and are at this stage completely random and do not rely on when the application was submitted.
Only the guy in the sky will know when your application will be decided and not even INZ.
So if you see or know a friend who got a visa approved it does not mean your one will soon.

INZ's visa processing system is well and truly broken so we are doing the best we can.


Requirement for chefs to have level 4 certificate for AEWV is being removed from 18th October

Minimum wage to employ a migrant for AEWV is rising to $29.66 on the 27th Feb 2023


INZ Update

Applications are now open for the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV). From today, accredited employers who have passed a job check can ask a migrant worker to apply for an AEWV.

The AEWV is a new temporary work visa that replaces six temporary work visas, including the Essential Skills Work Visa and Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa. The work visa is the final part of the 3-step process to open, following employer accreditation and the job check.

Application requirements

A migrant worker can only begin an application for an AEWV if they have been asked to apply by their potential employer. Employers can do this by inputting the details of the migrant worker into their dashboard in the enhanced Immigration Online system. By doing this, the migrant worker will be sent a unique URL, or job token, to begin their online application.

To begin an application for an AEWV, migrant workers will need to click on the unique link and confirm the role and their employer details.

To complete an application, employers must provide the worker with:

the worker’s employment agreement and
a copy of the signed employment offer.


When applying for an AEWV, workers may need to provide evidence that they have an acceptable standard of health and good character.

Workers must also provide evidence that their skills and experience match the skills and experience the employer told INZ was required as part of their job check application.

If workers have shown skills and experience in a previous work visa application, or by holding occupational registration, they will not need to provide evidence again.

Applicants can use this helpful quick-reference checklist to support them to prepare everything they need to submit their application for an AEWV.

Requirements for employer accreditation and job check

Applications for employer accreditation opened on 23 May. The type of accreditation an employer needs is based on their business model.

Applications for job checks opened on 20 June. Employers need to ensure they have advertised the role they want to apply for a job check (if required) for 2 weeks, before starting their application.

Employers must provide an acceptable job offer, job description and employment offer in their application. An employment offer is an unsigned, draft contract for the role being applied for.

Employers can use this checklist to help them to understand what documents are needed for an application, and the details that they should include.

Processing AEWV applications

All three steps in the AEWV process are delivered through the enhanced Immigration Online system.

However, due to COVID-19 and the impact this has had on our business, INZ will initially be processing applications for AEWVs in the AMS system while further work and testing is completed in the enhanced Immigration Online system.

The impact of this on customers will be minimal. Customers can still take the following actions in the enhanced Immigration Online system:

submit an application for an AEWV
view key updates about the status of their application in their dashboard
upload supporting documentation
view the outcome of their application once a decision has been made.
If further information is needed, this will be requested by an Immigration Officer via email.

Applications will be processed in the order they are received. We aim to start processing applications in the enhanced Immigration Online system as soon as testing is complete.

It is still INZ’s aim to process complete, decision-ready applications within 20 working days, once we begin processing.

Essential Skills Work Visa closure

The AEWV has replaced six temporary work visas including the Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa and the Essential Skills Work Visa. The Essential Skills Work Visa closed to new applications yesterday, 3 July 2022.

All applications lodged on or before the closing date will still be processed and current Essential Skills visas will remain valid until their expiry date.

Employers with workers who hold an Essential Skills visa do not need to do anything for those workers to continue to be able to work for them.

Essential Skills visa holders can continue to apply to vary their employer through existing channels and under existing criteria.

Partners of AEWV holders

Partners of AEWV holders will qualify for a work visa with open work rights if the AEWV holder is paid at least the median wage. Partners of AEWV holders who are paid below the median wage will need to apply for a Visitor Visa. Applications for these visas can be made on Immigration Online.

Varying the conditions of an AEWV

AEWV holders will be able to vary the conditions of their visa, if it is approved. More information will be available on how to do this later in July.

Immigration Website has crashed againPlease bear with me for today

Immigration Website has crashed again

Please bear with me for today


INZ update

Kia ora,

Applications for the next phase of the 2021 Resident Visa will open from 10am on 1 March 2022.

Those eligible will be able to apply online any time from then until 31 July 2022.

We have made some operational decisions that mean there is no advantage to submitting an application in the first week.

Applications made in the enhanced Immigration Online system received from 1 March will be held in our system. We will not start processing these until the end of March.

Applications will then be released for processing in order of the principal applicant’s current visa expiry date at the time of their 2021 Resident Visa application.

A medical certificate will not be needed to apply in the enhanced Immigration Online system. If a medical certificate or any further information is required, we will ask.

Applicants will need to provide information from a valid passport. They will not need to send the document itself to us. Anyone who needs a new passport has plenty of time as applications for the 2021 Resident Visa are open until 31 July 2022

Update on the 2021 Residency Scheme application times

Update on the 2021 Residency Scheme application times

Anyone wondering how long it will take to gain residency under the 2021 one off residency program?77 applications decide...

Anyone wondering how long it will take to gain residency under the 2021 one off residency program?

77 applications decided in second week.. x 52 weeks = 4004 applications completed in 12 months
How does this compute considering there were 9418 applications in the first week?

Is the government committed to having all of these decided within 12 months as they have stated?

As expected INZ has broken again with the opening of the new residence category today, the easiest way to slow applicati...

As expected INZ has broken again with the opening of the new residence category today, the easiest way to slow applications is to have an inadequate application system.
Those who are applying, I suggest to just wait until everything has settled down before applying.
We have no indication of a repair time as of yet

Anyone wanting to know about the new Employer Assisted Work Visa Policy from INZ coming out in Mid 2022 please watch the...

Anyone wanting to know about the new Employer Assisted Work Visa Policy from INZ coming out in Mid 2022 please watch the video linked below

Immigration New Zealand is introducing a new accredited employer policy meaning that any employer wanting to hire a migrant will need to be accredited. This ...


The Government has confirmed the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) will be introduced on 4 July 2022.

Businesses and regions are encouraged to train, upskill and hire New Zealand workers. Where genuine skill or labour shortages exist, accredited employers can hire skilled migrant workers using the AEWV.

Employers must be accredited to employ migrants on the new visa. Applications for accreditation will open on 9 May 2022.


New residency visa for work visa holders!!

Government would provide a one-off simplified residency pathway through its “2021 resident visa”, and an estimated 165,000 migrants will be eligible for it

The 2021 resident visa will be available to most work-related visa holders and their family members, as long as they were in New Zealand on September 29

They will also need to meet one of six criteria:
-Have lived in New Zealand for three or more years,
-Earn above the median wage ($27 per hour or more),
-Work in a role on the long-term skill shortage list,
-Hold occupational registration and work in health or education, -Work in personal care or other critical health worker roles, or -Have jobs within the primary industries.

The majority of applicants would be granted residency by the end of December 2022.
Applicants will only need to meet a simplified set of requirements including health requirements and police checks.

INZ accidentally uploaded new policy to website again New “One-Off 2021 Residence Visa to be announced soonWhen I know d...

INZ accidentally uploaded new policy to website again

New “One-Off 2021 Residence Visa to be announced soon

When I know details I will post here for updates
Potentially thousands eligible!!🙏🙏


Big changes expected in Immigration today / tomorrow
As usual we are in the dark but expected to be similar too....
** Possible increase in points needed for SMC invitation to apply and extra points for Long Term Skill Shortage List applicants
** A new residency stream for work visa holders who have held a work visa for 5 or more years
** Reopening of EOI selection pool

Why the changes?
It is expected these are being made to try to keep essential skilled workers from moving to Australia
The current residence queues are too long and showing INZ's failure


Great interview from Chris Lynch with Judith Collins discussing the hard work Erica Stanford MP and other advocates are doing to try and get some movement from this shambles of an immigration plan currently unfolding in NZ.


Minister of immigration comes out of hiding to front on the education and workforce committee

Updates include

The usual line regarding residency queues where “that will be updated soon” or there will be news on that soon”

VOC applications can be processed online from today, as usual advisers are last to know
Can’t provide processing times yet

Temporary visa holders are not getting extensions to current visas during this lockdown period according to the minister migrants don’t want this they want residency

Anyone who has made a paper based application whose visa is expiring are suggested to contact INZ call centre to explain their situation and they will be prioritised to prevent them becoming unlawful

The minister suggested INZ is better prepared for this lockdown than last time

It can be suggested that labour will be making an overall residency decision soon.. quote “very soon”


Variation of conditions applications will soon be able to be applied for online

Very soon


Update from INZ

Current processing of online visa categories
Staff who are home due to the current COVID-19 restrictions and are able to work are processing the following online visa products:

Border Exceptions
Essential Skills work visas
Work to Residence visas
Partnership visas (temporary and residence)
Post-study work visas
Student visas
Visitor visas
Section 61 requests
Reconsideration process for temporary entry visas

An interim reconsideration process of a temporary entry decision for onshore applicants has been set up during lockdown.

Please note applicants requesting reconsideration via the Immigration Contact Centre must still do so within 14 days.
Employment Visa Escalations process

INZ continues to monitor Employment Visa Escalation requests however during the current restrictions we are unable to prioritise paper applications.
New Essential Skills Work Visa application form online

On 19 July 2021, changes were made to Essential Skills visas to streamline application processing and increase visa duration for some workers who are staying with the same employer.

We encourage you to use the new online application form for Essential Skills Work Visas, available from 31 August 2021.


Anyone looking to come back to NZ and struggling to find an MIQ spot.?
The govt has said there are no "bots" or similar working on the booking site.

Try this one on for size.....

Have a go and see how you get on

Tools to help booking a spot in New Zealand Managed Isolation and Quarantine. Automatically refreshes, checks and fills forms in the website to find and book the rare spots. - GitHub - jvolker/miq-...


INZ update confirmed work vis changes for the good

Changes have been made to immigration instructions to:

- Increase the maximum duration of Essential Skills visas for employment paid below the median wage from 12 months to two years

- Remove the requirement to provide a police certificate or medical certificate with an Essential Skills visa application, if one has been provided previously

- Remove the labour market test requirement and not require an employment agreement to be provided for applicants who meet the streamlined criteria

The streamlined criteria applies if an applicant is remaining in their current, full-time employment and they hold one of the following visas:

- a work visa of any type (including a Working Holiday visa), or

- a student visa with conditions allowing unlimited work rights (see U13.15.15), or

- a Critical Purpose visitor visa either granted as a critical health worker, or granted for more than six months as an ‘other critical worker’ (including those coming in under a class exception).

These instructions are effective on and after 19 July 2021.


INZ Update

Accredited Employer Work Visa temporarily deferred

The introduction of the AEWV, previously scheduled for 1 November 2021, will be temporarily deferred to the middle of next year.

We will keep stakeholders updated on the progress of the AEWV.


INZ Update - Good news for migrants & Employers

From 19 July, Essential Skills Visa holders will be able to apply for a longer visa to remain in their current role.

The Government has decided to extend the maximum duration of an Essential Skills Visa for a job paid below the median wage from 12 to 24 months.

The duration of Essential Skills visas for roles paid the median wage or above will still be up to three years.

Application process simplified

From 19 July 2021 until 28 August 2021, applicants need to apply using a paper-based form on the INZ website. From 30 August 2021 applicants will be able to apply online instead.

Employers who are retaining migrant workers in the same roles will not have to prove there are no New Zealanders available. Employers will still need to undergo a labour market test for vacant roles or where your worker will change the region they work for you in.

Applicants remaining in the same role will not need to include an employment agreement with their new Essential Skills visa application. Applicants will not be required to provide medical and police certificates, if these were previously supplied with a visa application.

These measures will make it easier for employers to retain their current migrant workforce.

These changes to requirements will apply up to the middle of next year. An update will be provided as soon as an exact date is confirmed.

I’m making my way to Auckland for an urgent application for a client who has been exploited in the work place.This is ju...

I’m making my way to Auckland for an urgent application for a client who has been exploited in the work place.
This is just a friendly reminder that NZ has pretty good systems in place to look after employees and just because you hold a work visa is does not mean you will be treated differently.

You still have the right to get paid what your contract says, you have the right to freedom of movement to do what you want and if offered a accommodation, a paddling pool and cold water is not acceptable.

There are avenues to support you and help you move out of that situation.. If you want help

Send me a PM

Update on flights available from New South Wales - AustraliaChanges have been made to immigration instructions to implem...

Update on flights available from New South Wales - Australia

Changes have been made to immigration instructions to implement Quarantine Flights from New South Wales.

The current pause in quarantine-free travel with New South Wales has been extended for the near future. As such, from Tuesday 13 July the Government will institute ‘Quarantine Flights’ from New South Wales requiring eligible travellers on the flight to enter MIQ for 14 days.

The following people who are stranded in NSW are eligible for managed return flights:

• New Zealand citizens.
• New Zealand permanent residents or resident visa holders.
• Citizens of Australia or persons who hold current permanent residence visas (including a resident return visa) issued by the Government of Australia who last departed New Zealand after 5 April 2021.
• Holders of New Zealand temporary visas who last departed New Zealand after 5 April 2021.
• Spouses, civil union partners, de facto partners, dependent children or parents of dependent children of any of the above categories.

The criteria set out in the immigration instructions aligns with the criteria on who is allowed to return to New Zealand on these flights as set out in the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Exemptions and Conditions for Quarantine Travel from Australia) Notice 2021.

Further information on returning on these flights is available at

Information about quarantine-free travel between New South Wales and New Zealand.




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Immigration Adviser

Applying for a visa no matter what the purpose to enter any country can be a difficult task. Making sure you meet the right criteria, have the right supporting evidence, and knowing which form to complete can be a stressful time.

If you are applying for a visa to come to New Zealand, no matter what the type then you need to get in touch with me for honest and frank immigration advise for New Zealand.

Being a licensed adviser with the New Zealand Immigration Licensed Advisers Authority, you can rest easy in knowing that I will provide you with genuine, and professional advice for you next visa to come or continue to stay in New Zealand.

No matter if you are coming for a visa, to work, or you have essential skills needed in NZ and you want to settle here permanently then I am the guy to help you out.