REMINDER, TODAY 10-3pm. Gorgeous day for it, and great to get a lift to the top !
Ngā mihi
Glenfern Team
Come along and join us THIS Sunday (24Nov) 10am at Glenfern Sanctuary, to view the environment through the lens of local mana whenua.
Ko te Manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngahere
Ko te Manu e kai ana i te mātauranga, nōna te ao.
The bird that feeds on the miro berry, for him the forest.
The bird that partakes of knowledge – for him the world.
Join with Rodney connecting to the ngahere to ngā rakau korero about Papatuanuku and what we know about the mauri and wairua of her and her children.
Transport to the top will be available, bring kai to share, coffee and teas will be provided.
Ngā mihi