The Al Amana Centre - Al Amana Centre history and what we do today
Want to know more about our history and what we do? Take a look and listen to Justin & Mohammed talk about how the Al Amana Centre came to be and what we are doing today.
"We want to help people create sustainable peace, wherever they're from and wherever they call home."
Thank you for engaging with us!
Help us continue changing lives and please consider supporting our work with either a one time, or on going gift at or email us at [email protected] for other options.
Help us continue changing lives
✨ Help us continue changing lives ✨
Our Executive Director Justin shares some of his thoughts as the year comes to an end.
Al Amana Centre is actively creating spaces and programs for people to move past tolerance into mutual understanding, empathy, and peace.
To be able to create this experience for more people, we need your financial support as we close out this year.
Please consider supporting our work with either a one time, or on going gift at
Or email us at [email protected] for other options.
Help us continue changing lives
✨ Help us continue changing lives ✨
Al Amana Centre is actively creating spaces and programs for people to move past tolerance into mutual understanding, empathy, and peace.
To be able to create this experience for more people, we need your financial support as we close out this year.
Please consider supporting our work with either a one time, or on going gift at
Or email us at [email protected] for other options.
Invest in a peace-filled world
✨ Invest in a peace-filled world ✨
Al Amana Centre is actively creating spaces and programs for people to move past tolerance into mutual understanding, empathy, and peace.
To help this message of peace extend, we need your financial support as we close out this year.
Please consider supporting our work with either a one time, or on going, gift at
Or email us at [email protected] for other options.
“At Al Amana Centre, you can find your peaceful moments, learning, and the interfaith programs" What are you taking home? "I’m taking my reflections from the Al Amana Centre, the Oman experience, and the relationships with Muslims and Christians, and how they respect foreigners…” - Hiba The experience at Al Amana Centre and in Interfaith Photovoice not only allows participants to step into the unknown and cultivate growth, but also provides an opportunity for deeper gratitude. The result of such programs is more than stories to tell, it is the ability to foster connections and relationships with those who welcomed participants with open arms.