Neotropical Expeditions

Neotropical Expeditions Información de contacto, mapa y direcciones, formulario de contacto, horario de apertura, servicios, puntuaciones, fotos, videos y anuncios de Neotropical Expeditions, Agencia de viajes, Lima.

Neotropical Expeditions offers birding and natural history tours, photography tripsz and fixing services throughout Peru and the Neotropical region with both fixed departures and on demand trips.


Several hundreds of Inca Terns, Peruvian Pelicans, Peruvian Bo***es, Guanay Cormorants, and other marine birds feed off a anchovy school trapped by a fishing vessel off the Coast of Lima, Peru.

The Peruvian Diving-petrel is the largest of five diving-petrel species found throughout the Southern Hemisphere. These ...

The Peruvian Diving-petrel is the largest of five diving-petrel species found throughout the Southern Hemisphere. These seabirds have a characteristic whirring flight, barreling so low over the ocean's surface that they sometimes cut through the crests of tall waves. It lives in the cold waters of the Humboldt Current System, a nutrient-rich upwelling running along South America's west coast. The Humboldt Current is one of the planet's most productive ocean ecosystems, accounting for 18 to 20 percent of the total catch of sardines, anchovies, and jack mackerel worldwide. ⁣

Underwater, diving-petrels use their short, powerful wings as paddles, propelling themselves as they search for small fish, squid, and zooplankton such as krill. Peruvian Diving-petrels have several other adaptations for hunting underwater, including an expandable gular (throat) pouch for storing food. Their genus name Pelecanoides derives from this feature, as it resembles the much larger pouch of pelicans. They have nostrils that open upwards rather than pointing forward, another adaptation for diving.⁣

Once considered abundant, the Peruvian Diving-petrel has declined rapidly in recent decades due to a variety of manmade threats.⁣

Photo by Jean Paul Perret⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

The South American Sea Lion is found along the coasts and offshore islands of South America, from Peru south to Chile in...

The South American Sea Lion is found along the coasts and offshore islands of South America, from Peru south to Chile in the Pacific and then north to southern Brazil in the Atlantic. Southern American Sea Lions show responses with regard to thermal changes. When it is too cold, they place their bodies to expose minimal surface area to the air. When it is too hot, they may lie belly up, one hind foot projected outwards.⁣

Photo by Jean Paul Perret⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

The Andean Emerald is a medium-sized hummingbird, fairly common in Andean cloud forest from Colombia to Peru, typically ...

The Andean Emerald is a medium-sized hummingbird, fairly common in Andean cloud forest from Colombia to Peru, typically from around 800–1,800 m. Usually seen at forest edge, clearings and second growth.⁣

Photo by Jean Paul Perret⁣

Keeping up with the Lomas de Lachay theme from our last post, today we share a photo of a striking Variable Hawk. Lomas ...

Keeping up with the Lomas de Lachay theme from our last post, today we share a photo of a striking Variable Hawk. Lomas de Lachay supports one of the highest raptor densities in Peru. At any point in time you can look up and seen Black-Chested Buzzard-Eagles and Variables Hawks soaring above, American Kestrels scanning the vegetation for rodents, or sleeping Burrowing Owls waiting for dusk.

Photograph by for


A curious Sechura Fox stops by for a quick look while on one of our Lomas de Lachay tours. Located a mere 100km of downt...

A curious Sechura Fox stops by for a quick look while on one of our Lomas de Lachay tours. Located a mere 100km of downtown Lima, Lomas de Lachay is a National Reserve home of foxes, pampas cats, Endemic snakes and a handful of unique birds.

Endemic to the Coastal Deserts and the lower elevation Andes of Central Peru, the Desert Fer-de-Lance (Bothrops pictus) ...

Endemic to the Coastal Deserts and the lower elevation Andes of Central Peru, the Desert Fer-de-Lance (Bothrops pictus) is one of the best indicators of said ecosystem's health. As it is unfortunately commonly killed by local populations out of fear and ignorance.
This adult individual was photographed by co-founder during his expedition to the Lomas Ecosystem of Peru.

Salvin's Albatross breeds in New Zealand and ranges across temperate South Pacific to Humboldt Current, where it is by f...

Salvin's Albatross breeds in New Zealand and ranges across temperate South Pacific to Humboldt Current, where it is by far the most numerous “gray-hooded” albatross off Chile and Peru. All ages have gray hood, narrow black leading edge on the underwing (wider and messier on immature).

Photo by Jean Paul Perret⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

The Chilean Flamingos unique color of pink puts it amongst the most recognizable creatures in the world. They are native...

The Chilean Flamingos unique color of pink puts it amongst the most recognizable creatures in the world. They are native to temperate part of South America from Ecuador and Peru to Chile and Argentina and east to Brazil. They inhabit muddy, shallow brackish and alkaline lakes. Their range extends from sea level, along coastal areas, to high altitudes in the Andes, up to 4,500m.⁣
Photo by Jean Paul Perret⁣⁣

Inca Terns are best known by their dashing white mustaches, which are found on both male and female birds. The species i...

Inca Terns are best known by their dashing white mustaches, which are found on both male and female birds. The species is found only near the cold waters of the Humboldt Current, where the birds feed on anchovies and other small fish. Inca Terns feed by plunge diving and surface dipping. The birds also scavenge scraps from sea lions, dolphins, and fishing boats. The Inca Tern's elaborate courtship includes a "high flight," with the male quickly ascending to several hundred feet, pursued by the female. Pairs choose a nest site in cliff hollows or fissures—sometimes even in the old nest burrow of a Humboldt Penguin. They often return to the same nest site for several years in a row, and both parents incubate and care for the chicks.

Photo by Jean Paul Perret

Pampas Cat photographed at Lomas de Lachay National Reserve with a camera trap by Alfredo Fernandez .                   ...

Pampas Cat photographed at Lomas de Lachay National Reserve with a camera trap by Alfredo Fernandez .

The Toucan Barbet is a spectacular and iconic cloud forest bird of northwestern Ecuador and western Colombia. Usually fo...

The Toucan Barbet is a spectacular and iconic cloud forest bird of northwestern Ecuador and western Colombia. Usually found in pairs in the forest canopy, often with mixed-species flocks. Eats large insects as well as fruits of at least 62 species. Inhabits understory of wet montane forest, especially at edges and in dense second growth.⁣

Photo by Jean Paul Perret⁣⁣

The Laughing Falcon (Herpetotheres cachinnans) is named from its loud voice, the specific name cachinnans, Latin for "la...

The Laughing Falcon (Herpetotheres cachinnans) is named from its loud voice, the specific name cachinnans, Latin for "laughing aloud" or "laughing immoderately”. The namesake call is a long series of separate, human-like cries, each one often rising sharply in pitch in the middle and sometimes falling sharply at the very end, changing from a "joyful" to a "sad" sound, and rendered as ha-ha-ha har-her-her or haww harr herrer. The series may be introduced by faster hahahahahaha calls suggestive of maniacal laughter, particularly when the bird is startled. Sometimes two birds call together at different pitches and tempos, producing a striking off-beat effect. ⁣

Laughing falcons hunt for snakes by swooping down on their prey, landing heavily just behind the snake’s head and immediately biting down, often with enough force to decapitate the victim. They will then carry the snake to their perch to consume it.⁣

It is found from both coastal slopes of Mexico through Central and South America south to the Peruvian Amazon, Bolivia, Brazil, northern Argentina and Paraguay, at altitudes up to 1,500 m (4,900 feet), though it is often absent from mountainous regions. It occupies varied habitats, usually including at least scattered trees; it prefers humid regions to arid ones and tends to avoid closed forest.⁣

Photo by Jean Paul Perret⁣

While fairly abundant on the warmer waters of the Northern Peruvian Coast, the Blue-footed B***y is hardly seen on the c...

While fairly abundant on the warmer waters of the Northern Peruvian Coast, the Blue-footed B***y is hardly seen on the cooler and nutrient-rich water of the Humboldt current. However, if you scan a colony of Peruvian Bo***es, you might find a lost Blue-footed B***y mixed in.
This particular individual was photographed in Pucusana, and stayed in that Peruvian B***y colony for a full season.

Photo by Jean Paul Perret


The Speckled Hummingbird inhabits Neotropical montane cloud forests at elevations of 1,000–2,500 meters and found in Arg...

The Speckled Hummingbird inhabits Neotropical montane cloud forests at elevations of 1,000–2,500 meters and found in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela.⁣

Photo by Jean Paul Perret⁣

The narrow, forked tails of these small-bodied hummingbirds is over twice the length of their bodies. Males and females ...

The narrow, forked tails of these small-bodied hummingbirds is over twice the length of their bodies. Males and females are bright green and females are white below with extensive green spotting. Green-tailed Trainbearers inhabit second growth, shrubby forest edges, bush-filled pastures, parks, páramo, and areas with hedges. Active and defensive, these hummingbirds weave around, hovering at flowers at various heights, and females hold small floral territories. During courtship displays, individuals make snapping sounds with their tails. This male was photographed on a Lantana flower at Huembo Reserve in Northern Peru during one of our photography tours.
Photo by Jean Paul Perret

The Great Grebe is the largest species of grebe in the world. A disjunct population exists in northwestern Peru, while t...

The Great Grebe is the largest species of grebe in the world. A disjunct population exists in northwestern Peru, while the main distribution is from extreme southeastern Brazil to Patagonia and central Chile. Inhabits large open areas of water including large rivers and coastal lagoons. Birds from coastal Peru probably constitute an undescribed race. This species is commonly seen during our Pantanos de Villa and Pucusana tour.

Photo by Jean Paul Perret

The highly camouflaged Lesser Nighthawk sits motionless during the day, but takes flight as the desert heat starts to di...

The highly camouflaged Lesser Nighthawk sits motionless during the day, but takes flight as the desert heat starts to dissipate. Lesser Nighthawks, like other nightjars have an uncanny ability to deal with extreme heat and cold. If it gets too cold, they shut down and enter torpor until conditions improve. If it gets too hot, they face into the wind or open their bills wide to let air flow over the mouth to cool down. In the glow of twilight, the Lesser Nighthawk flies almost like a butterfly on buoyant wings with its mouth wide open, inhaling insects that fly near.

Photo by Jean Paul Perret

Black Agoutis are found in the northwestern Amazon, in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, western Brazil and northeastern Per...

Black Agoutis are found in the northwestern Amazon, in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, western Brazil and northeastern Peru. Agoutis live in close proximity to water and are often found on the banks of all types of streams. They inhabit forests, thick brush, savannas and cultivated areas, they are terrestrial, denning at night in burrows among boulders, tree roots, hollow logs, or brushy tangles on the forest floor. They feed on fruits, seeds, nuts, vegetables, and different plants. Agoutis are generally wary, and most species are difficult to see or approach in their native habitats. ⁣⁣
Photo by Jean Paul Perret⁣⁣⁣

The Silvery Tanager is found in the Andes of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, mostly near forest edges. The species is someti...

The Silvery Tanager is found in the Andes of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, mostly near forest edges. The species is sometimes referred to as Silver-backed or Silvery-backed Tanager, based on the plumage of males. This is one of the most sexual dichromatic members of the genus Tangara, however, and females have mostly green plumage.

There are two subspecies, one found in Peru and the other in Ecuador and northwestern Peru. Silvery Tanagers are omnivorous, with a diet of both fruit and arthropods. They are mainly found in pairs and in groups of about 3-5 birds, but also travel alone or in mixed flocks with different bird species.

Photo by Jean Paul Perret

Ochre-fronted Antpitta, Abra Patricia Northern Peru.⁣ Small, streaky antpitta found only in a small area of the eastern ...

Ochre-fronted Antpitta, Abra Patricia Northern Peru.⁣ Small, streaky antpitta found only in a small area of the eastern Andes in northern Peru. Male has a chestnut face and forehead; female lacks this and has a much thicker eye-ring. Inhabits the understory of epiphyte-laden cloud forest. Unlike most larger antpittas, it is usually seen on a low perch and only occasionally comes down to the ground. ⁣

Photo by Jean Paul Perret ⁣⁣⁣⁣

The White-bellied Woodstar is an Andean species found from Colombia to Bolivia. Woodstars are tiny hummingbirds that fly...

The White-bellied Woodstar is an Andean species found from Colombia to Bolivia. Woodstars are tiny hummingbirds that fly like large bumblebees.

Males are mostly emerald green above with a bright white chest and belly, dark green sides, a glittering purple throat, and a forked tail. Their wings make a distinctive metallic whirring in flight. ⁣

Females have a white throat, white eyeline, and rich buffy flanks. Both sexes have very prominent white patches on the sides of the lower back. Females in particular can be difficult to distinguish from other woodstars; look for their brighter and better-defined white belly patch and larger white patches on the sides of the lower back.
Photo by Jean Paul Perret⁣⁣

Female Peruvian Racket-tail, it previously was considered conspecific with the White-booted Racket-tail and the Rufous-b...

Female Peruvian Racket-tail, it previously was considered conspecific with the White-booted Racket-tail and the Rufous-booted Racket-tail, together called the Booted Racket-tail. In fact, many taxonomic authorities, including the American Ornithological Society, continue to lump the species together.

Peruvian Racket-tails have pronounced sexual dimorphism (sexes have different plumage). Only the male has elongated racket-shaped outer rectrices (tail feathers) that are about 7 to 7.5 cm long. These tail feathers have bare shafts with long terminal oval shaped flags that have blunted ends. This hummingbird is an Andean mountain specialty, found in mid-elevation woodlands.

Photo by Jean Paul Perret

Learn about the unique and endangered Lomas Ecosystem of the Peruvian Desert on our latest blog post by National Geograp...

Learn about the unique and endangered Lomas Ecosystem of the Peruvian Desert on our latest blog post by National Geographic Explorer and Neotropical Expeditions co-founder Alfredo Fernandez.

A quick glimpse of the incredible natural history of the unique and endangered Lomas Ecosystem, its threats and some of its unique species.

New Guide to Whales, Dolphins & Porpoises.

New Guide to Whales, Dolphins & Porpoises.

This visually impressive guide to Whales, Dolphins & Porpoises is the latest offering from Annalisa Berta, Professor of Biology at San Diego State University. The first part covers biology, evolution and behaviour; part two provides a series of identification keys and maps; while the final section comprises species accounts of the 90 currently recognised species of Cetacean.

Próximas salidas pelagicas desde Lima.Next pelagic tours from Lima.

Próximas salidas pelagicas desde Lima.

Next pelagic tours from Lima.

An important discovery of a Markham's Storm-petrel breeding colony in northern Chile. We usually see this species on our...

An important discovery of a Markham's Storm-petrel breeding colony in northern Chile. We usually see this species on our pelagic tours from Lima.

Discovery of breeding colonies of Markham's Storm Petrels reported in desolate Chilean desert. This small seabird is among 62 species of birds worldwide for which very little is known about breeding habits and locations. Researchers to launch conservation efforts to protect birds from numerous threats such as mining, power lines, vulture predation and light pollution.

TOUR DE OBSERVACIÓN DE BALLENAS Y DELFINES Estamos programando un nuevo tour de observación de fauna marina el día 23 de...


Estamos programando un nuevo tour de observación de fauna marina el día 23 de Agosto saliendo desde el Callao. Navegaremos 30 millas mar adentro en busca de ballenas, delfines y aves pelágicas. En nuestra ultima salida pudimos observar una pareja de Ballenas Jorobadas, Albatros de las Galápagos y varias especies de Golondrinas de la Tempestad. Informes en [email protected].

Fotos: Alfredo Fernández Photography / Jean Paul Perret

The Brazilian Ruby is an endemic hummingbird from the Atlantic Rainforest, in south-eastern Brazil.

The Brazilian Ruby is an endemic hummingbird from the Atlantic Rainforest, in south-eastern Brazil.

The endemic Surf Cinclodes is the passerine bird that lives closest to the ocean! We normally see it on our Pucusana tri...

The endemic Surf Cinclodes is the passerine bird that lives closest to the ocean! We normally see it on our Pucusana trips and on our Pelagic trips off Lima.

Photo: Alfredo Fernández Photography

Inca Terns are arguably the most beautiful looking terns in the world, and are amazingly easy to spot in the coast of Li...

Inca Terns are arguably the most beautiful looking terns in the world, and are amazingly easy to spot in the coast of Lima!

Photo: Alfredo Fernández Photography




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