Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú

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Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú  Agoa-Perú Guías de Observación de Aves

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Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú


Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú



Jose Antonio Padilla, Percy Avendaño Medina, Jose Luis Avendaño, Dorita Valencia, Cesar Bollatty Bedregal, William Huaman, Danny Vargas, Miguel Lezama Ninancuro, Vidal Quispe Delgado, Juan José Salas Falcón, Adolfo Alex Durand Torres, Klaus Maceda, Naun Amable Silva, Fernando Ccoa Quispe, Silverio Duri Valdivia, Ramiro Yabar, Fiorella Caleni, Alejandro Carrascal Carranza, Yuri Oyola, George Christopher Dávila, Carlos Altamirano, Josias Tello, Usiel Lot Vasquez Flores, Edgardo Aguilar, Roger Huaman, Jesus Glhemm, Colitur Cusco, Miguel Angel Oroz Barrientos, Agotur Cusco, Antonio Coral, **e Castillo.

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú estara presente en este gran evento mundial.ESTE 17 DE OCTUB...

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú estara presente en este gran evento mundial.


Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú

Jose Luis Avendaño, Percy Avendaño Medina, Dorita Valencia, Cesar Bollatty Bedregal, William Huaman, Miguel Lezama Ninancuro, Alejandro Carrascal Carranza, Josias Tello, Antonio Coral, Usiel Lot Vasquez Flores, Fiorella Caleni, Yuri Oyola, Silverio Duri Valdivia, Edgardo Aguilar, Fernando Ccoa Quispe, Roger Huaman, Jesus Glhemm, George Christopher Dávila, Vidal Quispe Delgado, Adolfo Alex Durand Torres, Carlos Altamirano, Juan José Salas Falcón, Ramiro Yabar, **e Castillo

Creditos: Jose Luis Avendaño,

Como asociacion,  Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú, creemos en la formalidad y la profesional...

Como asociacion, Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú, creemos en la formalidad y la profesionalizacion de nuestra profesion, lo que nos llevara al perfeccionacionamiento de nuestra actividad, y a proveer el mejor servicio posible a nuestros visitantes.

Por esto, a traves de este medio nos unimos al rechazo de las leyes establecidas hasta el dia de hoy por las insituciones que lideran nuestra activdad.

Somos concientes de la problematica del turismo en el Peru y por lo tanto, pedimos desde nuestra pequeña esquina, que se revisen las leyes para establecer una mejora continua y que nos permitan ser parte como profesionales especializados que somos, de una nueva estructuracion de nuesta especializacion.

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú

Percy Avendaño Medina, Jose Luis Avendaño, Dorita Valencia, Cesar Bollatty Bedregal, Danny Vargas, Miguel Lezama Ninancuro, William Huaman, Klaus Maceda, Naun Amable Silva, Juan José Salas Falcón, Vidal Quispe Delgado, Ramiro Yabar, Silverio Duri Valdivia, Edgardo Aguilar, Alejandro Carrascal Carranza, Josias Tello, Usiel Lot Vasquez Flores, Yuri Oyola, Fiorella Caleni, Antonio Coral, George Christopher Dávila, Fernando Ccoa Quispe, Roger Huaman, Carlos Altamirano, Jesus Glhemm, **e Castillo.



Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú

Jose Antonio Padilla, Percy Avendaño Medina, Jose Luis Avendaño, Danny Vargas, Dorita Valencia, Miguel Lezama Ninancuro, Adolfo Alex Durand Torres, Vidal Quispe Delgado, William Huaman, Klaus Maceda, Naun Amable Silva, Fernando Ccoa Quispe, Cesar Bollatty Bedregal, Fiorella Caleni, Alejandro Carrascal Carranza, Josias Tello, Yuri Oyola, Ramiro Yabar, Silverio Duri Valdivia, Usiel Lot Vasquez Flores, Carlos Altamirano, Edgardo Aguilar, Juan José Salas Falcón, Antonio Coral, Roger Huaman, **e Castillo.

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú,

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú,


Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú
Jose Antonio Padilla, Percy Avendaño Medina, Jose Luis Avendaño, Dorita Valencia, William Huaman, Miguel Lezama Ninancuro, Danny Vargas, Vidal Quispe Delgado, Adolfo Alex Durand Torres, Juan José Salas Falcón, Klaus Maceda, Naun Amable Silva, Ramiro Yabar, Edgardo Aguilar, Josias Tello, Usiel Vasquez Flores, Fiorella Caleni, Silverio Duri Valdivia, Roger Huaman, Jesus Glhemm, Yuri Oyola, Cesar Bollatty Bedregal, Carlos Altamirano, George Christopher Dávila, Fernando Ccoa Quispe, Antonio Coral, Alejandro Carrascal Carranza.

Rusty-tinged Antpitta (Grallaria przewalskii)Rusty-tinged Antpitta replaces White-bellied Antpitta (Grallaria hypoleuca)...

Rusty-tinged Antpitta (Grallaria przewalskii)

Rusty-tinged Antpitta replaces White-bellied Antpitta (Grallaria hypoleuca) south of the Río Marañón in northern Peru. This is a range-restricted species, endemic to Peru, where its range spans the eastern Andes in just three departments. It is replaced farther south by Bay Antpitta (Grallaria capitalis). Rusty-tinged Antpitta forms a superspecies, along with these last two-named species and with Yellow-breasted Antpitta (Grallaria flavotincta) of Colombia and northwestern Ecuador. Rusty-tinged Antpitta inhabits humid montane forest at 1700 to 2750 m, and like other members of the genus is more often heard than seen; virtually nothing is known of the natural history of this species. The song is an easily imitated series of three notes, of which the middle note is usually lowest and the ultimate is the highest and loudest. Although Rusty-tinged Antpitta was not considered to be globally threatened until recently, it is restricted to a single Endemic Bird Area faces severe habitat alteration in the near future and so it currently is listed as Vulnerable to extinction.
"Peruvian Endemic"

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú

Photo taken by Naun Amable Silva, member of Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú

Yellow-billed Pintail (Anas georgica)One of the common ducks of the Southern Cone, the Yellow-billed Pintail is widely d...

Yellow-billed Pintail (Anas georgica)

One of the common ducks of the Southern Cone, the Yellow-billed Pintail is widely distributed from sea level up into the mountains of South America, primarily in the Southern Cone but also north along the Andes. This is a puddle duck which "tips up" to feed just below the surface of freshwater bodies, though it dives occasionally as well. Two subspecies are currently extant, one (A. g. spinicauda) is the common subspecies of mainland South America and the other (A. g. georgica) is endemic to South Georgia; a third (A. g. nicefori) formerly lived in Colombia prior to its extinction. The Yellow-billed Pintail is largely pale warm brown with a bright yellow bill; structurally it is slim with a long, elegant neck.

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú

Grass-green Tanager (Chlorornis riefferii)The sole constituent of the genus Chlorornis is a beautifully distinctive and ...

Grass-green Tanager (Chlorornis riefferii)

The sole constituent of the genus Chlorornis is a beautifully distinctive and well-named bird. Virtually the entire bird is clad in bright green, relieved only by the chestnut face mask and ventral region, while both the chunky bill and the tarsi and toes are deep red. This bulky bodied, robust looking, sluggish tanager is found in the Andes from Colombia south to Bolivia, and throughout this wide range it is found in wet mossy forest and edges between 1500-3350 m. Grass-green Tanager often joins mixed species flocks, but also travels in pairs or small groups of its own species; the birds take both animal and vegetable matter. The generic name derives from the Greek words khloros, which means green, and ornis, which means bird, referring to the color of its body; the species name riefferii honors Gabriel Rieffer, a collector in the American tropics (Jobling 2010). In Spanish the common name for this species is Tangara Lorito, which translates as the "little parrot tanager" (Hilty 2011, de Juana et al. 2012).

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú

Seguimos con las alianzas estratégicas.Esta vez nos aliamos a Progatur Cusco Peru, Muchas gracias.Asociación de Guías Ob...

Seguimos con las alianzas estratégicas.

Esta vez nos aliamos a Progatur Cusco Peru,

Muchas gracias.

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú

Percy Avendaño Medina, Jose Luis Avendaño, Dorita Valencia, Cesar Bollatty Bedregal, Danny Vargas, Miguel Lezama Ninancuro, Adolfo Alex Durand Torres, Vidal Quispe Delgado, Juan José Salas Falcón, Klaus Maceda, Naun Amable Silva, Edgardo Aguilar, Carlos Altamirano, Ramiro Yabar, Alejandro Carrascal Carranza, Josias Tello, Usiel Lot Vasquez Flores, George Christopher Dávila, Fernando Ccoa Quispe, Roger Huaman, Jesus Glhemm, William Huaman, Antonio Coral, Fiorella Caleni, Silverio Duri Valdivia, Yuri Oyola, **e Castillo, Jose Antonio Padilla




Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú

Percy Avendaño Medina, Jose Luis Avendaño, Jose Antonio Padilla, Dorita Valencia, William Huaman, Danny Vargas, Miguel Lezama Ninancuro, Adolfo Alex Durand Torres, Vidal Quispe Delgado, Juan José Salas Falcón, Klaus Maceda, Naun Amable Silva, Josias Tello, Usiel Vasquez Flores, Alejandro Carrascal Carranza, Carlos Altamirano, George Christopher Dávila, Edgardo Aguilar, Fernando Ccoa Quispe, Yuri Oyola, Fiorella Caleni, **e castillo, Ramiro Yabar, Silverio Duri Valdivia, Cesar Bollatty Bedregal, Roger Huaman, Antonio Coral, Jesus Glhemm, Agotur Cusco, Colitur Cusco, Miguel Angel Oroz Barrientos, APGOT - Ayacucho, Sheyla Cosio Bejar, Paula Quiros, Augusto Lescano Bazan, Fisher Chavez, Luis Jussyf Velarde Mora, David G. Ricalde,

Rufous-crested Coquette (Lophornis delattrei)These coquettes spend very little time in the forest and instead feed on lo...

Rufous-crested Coquette (Lophornis delattrei)

These coquettes spend very little time in the forest and instead feed on low flowering plants around shrubby clearings, roadsides, or the forest edge. Their flight is rather beelike and individuals tend to favor high perches. Both sexes are remarkably similar in appearance to the Spangled Coquette (Lophornis stictolphus). The male’s striking, elongated, rufous crest is more spiky than the bushy crest of the Spangled Coquette, and females are potentially distinguished by the bronzy green underparts and more cinnamon throat (instead of mostly white) found on the Rufous-crested.

Photo taken by Naun Amable Silva, member of Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú.

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú
Naun Amable Silva

Amazonian Antpitta (Hylopezus berlepschi)The Amazonian Antpitta is widely distributed over southern Amazonia, from the m...

Amazonian Antpitta (Hylopezus berlepschi)

The Amazonian Antpitta is widely distributed over southern Amazonia, from the mouth of the Amazon River in Brazil to eastern Peru and northern Bolivia, and it inhabits the dense undergrowth of terra firme forest below approximately 700 m. Above and over the head, the plumage is medium brown, whereas the underparts are white with dark streaking over the breast and flanks, becoming warm buff over the posterior flanks. As with any other antpitta, the Amazonian Antpitta is far more frequently heard than seen, and the species’ territorial song is a series of up to four cuock notes given at regular intervals, and sometimes uttered for long periods. Despite that the species is locally common, to date almost nothing has been published concerning its behavior and ecology.

Photo taken by Naun Amable Silva, member of Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú.

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú
Naun Amable Silva

White-bellied Parrot (Pionites leucogaster)The White-bellied Parrot is an attractive medium-sized parrot of the southern...

White-bellied Parrot (Pionites leucogaster)

The White-bellied Parrot is an attractive medium-sized parrot of the southern Amazon. It has three subspecies which are all easily separated from other parrots by their shockingly pale lemon-orange head, pale green back and white underparts. It is sister to the Black-crowned Parrot which is distributed north of the Amazon. These two species had long be exemplary northbank-southbank Amazonian replacement species but recent surveys in western Amazonia have shown them to cross their putative river boundaries and occur on the same-side of the river where hybridization may occur. Its primary habitat is humid lowland forest, particularly seasonally flooded forest, where it presumably feeds on fruits and seeds.

Photo taken by Naun Amable Silva, member of Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú,

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú
Naun Amable Silva

Black-faced Cotinga (Conioptilon mcilhennyi)The Black-faced Cotinga occurs only in a small region of southeastern Peru a...

Black-faced Cotinga (Conioptilon mcilhennyi)

The Black-faced Cotinga occurs only in a small region of southeastern Peru and adjacent Bolivia and Brazil. It generally occurs in the canopy of river-edge and floodplain forest, perhaps particularly in areas where forest is interspersed with patches of bamboo. Its querulous, rising call is generally the first indication of its presence, and it easily can be overlooked when not vocalizing; indeed, this species was not known to ornithologists at all until 1964. It feeds on fruit and insects, and evidently positions its small nest of plant fibers relatively high in a tree. Both sexes are gray overall, palest on the belly and darkest on the wings, with contrasting blackish heads.

Photo taken by Naun Amable Silva, member of Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú.

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú
Naun Amable Silva

Wire-crested Thorntail (Discosura popelairii)Males of this species are stunning with their long, wire-like crests and ex...

Wire-crested Thorntail (Discosura popelairii)

Males of this species are stunning with their long, wire-like crests and exceedingly long, forked tails. Both sexes display a white rump band and while the female is similar to the female Black-bellied Thorntail (Discosura langsdorffi), her middle underparts are all black, not black and green. The Wire-crested Thorntail inhabits humid forests where it is most often seen hovering like a bee high in the canopy or perching conspicuously along the canopy’s edge.

Photo taken by member of Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú, Naun Amable Silva

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú  Agoa-PerúATTE, LA JUNTA DIRECTIVAPercy Avendaño Medina, Jose Luis Ave...

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú


Percy Avendaño Medina, Jose Luis Avendaño, Dorita Valencia, Antonio Padilla, Cesar Bollatty Bedregal

Rusty Flowerpiercer (Diglossa sittoides)Rusty Flowerpiercer is a small tanager of South American mountains. The species ...

Rusty Flowerpiercer (Diglossa sittoides)

Rusty Flowerpiercer is a small tanager of South American mountains. The species is found in forest, edge habitat, and gardens between 1500 and 3000 meters from the coastal mountains of Venezuela south along the Andes to northern Argentina. Males are dark blue gray above and rusty orange below with a narrow black face mask. Females are olive above and whitish below with fine brown streaks. As is typical of flowerpiercers, this bill of this species has an upswept bill with a finely hooked tip, with which it punctures the bases of flowers for the purpose of feeding on nectar.

Photo taken by member of Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú, Amable.


Russet-crowned Crake (Anurolimnas viridis)Smaller than the congeneric Chestnut-headed Crake (Anurolimnas castaneiceps), ...

Russet-crowned Crake (Anurolimnas viridis)

Smaller than the congeneric Chestnut-headed Crake (Anurolimnas castaneiceps), the Russet-crowned Crake is further distinguished by having the entire underparts rufous, rather than dark brown from the belly rearwards. The two species are also completely different in terms of their vocalisations. The Russet-crowned Crake is a wide-ranging species, being found over the greater part of Amazonia, as well as more locally in eastern Brazil and in the middle Magdalena Valley of Colombia. This crake prefers dense thickets of second growth, waste ground, wet pastures and bushy savanna, and is not a strict inhabitant of marshes. It has been recorded to at least 1200 m, and is far from being strictly terrestrial, as it regularly climbs on low trees and bushes. Very little has been published on its ecology, although the nest has been described, and the species is generally assumed to breed in the first six months of the year.

Photo taken by a member of -Peru, Amable,

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú,


EXCELENTE VIDEO PARA REFLEXIONAR!Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú 🥺


Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú

It is estimated that 1 out of every 8 bird species is currently threatened. In fact, 40% of all bird species are declining. In most cases, this is directly o...



POR CESAR BOLLATYL MIEMBRO DE LA Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú


Percy Avendaño Medina, Jose Luis Avendaño, Dorita Valencia, William Huaman, Danny Vargas, Miguel Lezama Ninancuro, Adolfo Alex Durand Torres, Vidal Quispe Delgado, Klaus Maceda, Naun Amable Silva, Edgardo Aguilar, Carlos Altamirano, Alejandro Carrascal Carranza, Yuri Oyola, Josias Tello, Usiel Lot Vasquez Flores, Juan José Salas Falcón, Cesar Bollatty Bedregal, Fernando Ccoa Quispe, Jesus Glhemm, Roger Huaman, Silverio Duri Valdivia, Ramiro Yabar, Fiorella Caleni, **e Castillo, Jose Antonio Padilla, Agotur Cusco, Colitur Cusco,

Y seguimos creciendo como asociacion.En esta oportunidad damos la bienvenida a George Christopher Dávila  de la ciudad d...

Y seguimos creciendo como asociacion.

En esta oportunidad damos la bienvenida a George Christopher Dávila de la ciudad de Iquitos, Loreto-Peru.

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú,

George Christopher Dávila

Y seguimos con las charlas pajareraras del Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú.Este sábado 5 de ...

Y seguimos con las charlas pajareraras del Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú.

Este sábado 5 de Sep, nos acompaña Cesar Bollatty B. Miembro del Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú.

Nos hablara de "Los Retos y Desafíos de la observación de aves en la Amazonia", desde su propia experiencia.

Durante el desarrollo de la presentación nos ira mostrando algunas de las especies restringidas al departamento de Madre De Dios … con Una Exclusiva ! … Acompañenme

Nos vemos este sábado a las 19 horas.
Los esperamos!

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú.


Conversaremos con Peggy Morante, consultora en gestión sustentable sobre sostenibilidad, economía circular, conservación de la naturaleza y desarrollo del turismo responsable. Sab 5 Septiembre, 6 pm Hora Peru, 7 pm Hora Bolivia. Con el apoyo de EcoAmerica Peru, America Tours Bolivia, Federación Boliviana de Guías de Turismo, RED TRAVEL NOTICIAS. Turismo Bolivia, Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú. Via Zoom y Facebook live por los muros de Federación Boliviana de Guías de Turismo, RED TRAVEL NOTICIAS. Turismo Bolivia y Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú . Inscríbete y comparte.

The Sword-billed hummingbird (Ensifera ensifera) is a neotropical species of hummingbird from the Andean regions of Sout...

The Sword-billed hummingbird (Ensifera ensifera) is a neotropical species of hummingbird from the Andean regions of South America. It is the sole member of the genus Ensifera and is characterized by its unusually long bill; it is the only bird to have a beak longer than the rest of its body. E. ensifera uses its bill to drink nectar from flowers with long corollas and has coevolved with the species Passiflora mixta. While most hummingbirds preen using their bills, E. ensifera must use its feet to scratch and preen due to its bill being so long. This uncommon bird is also one of the largest hummingbird species.

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú

Inca Tern (Larosterna inca)The Inca is the most aberrant member of its family and is placed in its own monotypic genus. ...

Inca Tern (Larosterna inca)

The Inca is the most aberrant member of its family and is placed in its own monotypic genus. Its body is charcoal grey, with dark black primaries and black cap, and bright red bill and legs. The most distinctive feature of this species are its prominent white moustaches which, starting at the base of the bill, are quite long and curl down around the cheek. The Inca Tern is primarily coastal occurring from north central Chile to Ecuador. It is quite common along near shore waters where it forages for anchovetta but are most easily found along rocky coasts where they breed on sea cliffs and guano islands. Though highly distinctive at close range, from a distance, this species can easily be confused with the Grey Gull, especially juveniles, but note structure and especially on the adult, the bright red bill.

Asociación de Guías Observadores de Aves del Perú Agoa-Perú


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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
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Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00





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