♥♥♥Una bella historia de amor.♥♥♥
Esta es una historia Inca que relata un amor imposible al estilo Romeo y Julieta.
Cuenta la la leyenda que Ollantay, un general del inca Pachaquteq se enamoró perdidamente de la princesa "Cusi Coyllur" la hija menor de este, y aunque ella le correspondía sin ningún prejuicio al amor que el tenia, su relación no era bien visto ante la ley del incanato por nacer en diferentes clases sociales.
Por tal razón estos dos enamorados decidieron verse a ocultas durante un largo tiempo, hasta que Cusi Coyllur quedo embarazada. Ante la necesidad de dar mejor vida al bebe se armaron de valor y se presentaron ante el inca para pedir formalmente un matrimonio.
Tal fue el disgusto del soberano rey por el pedido de ambos enamorados, que hecho al destierro a Ollantay y a su hija la encerró en un Acllahuasi sin tener permitido salir al exterior.
Allí dio a luz a su hija, por ser fruto de un amor prohibido el Inca mando a quitársela para ser criada por unas sacerdotisas.
Mientras tanto Ollantay decidio tomar la ciudadela de Ollantaytambo como un refugio y así planear una estrategia de rebelión, la cual llevo a cabo de manera exitosa con la muerte del inca Pachacuteq.
Sin embargo este jamás le revelo lo que hizo con Cusi Coyllur y él bebe de ambos. Ollantay hundido en la depresión pensó que ambas habían mu**to.
Sin un rey a cargo del imperio inca, el hijo mayor de Pachacuteq "Tupac Yupanqui" toma el mando como nuevo gobernante, aprisionando a Ollantay y sentenciándolo a muerte por traición.
Cuando llego el día de la ejecución, el nuevo inca se entera también de la maldad que había cometido su padre y decide perdonar a Ollantay reuniéndolo con su amada Cusi Coyllur y su pequeña hija.
Para remediar el dolor vivido, Tupac Yupanqui decide dar la ciudad de Ollantaytambo a Ollantay para que vivan en tranquilidad con su familia, es por este motivo que la ciudad lleva este nombre.
"Ollantaytambo" que entre sus ruinas guarda un misterio que solo tu puedes revelar si lo visitas.
♥♥♥A beautiful love story. ♥♥♥
This is an Inca story that tells of an impossible love in the style of Romeo and Juliet.
Legend has it that Ollantay, a general of the Inca Pachaquteq, fell madly in love with Princess Cusi Coyllur, his youngest daughter, and although she corresponded to him without any prejudice to the love he had, their relationship was not well seen before the law of the Inca, since they were born in different social classes.
For this reason, these two lovers decided to go into hiding for a long time, until Cusi Coyllur became pregnant. Faced with the need to give a better life to the baby, they took courage and went to the Inca to formally ask for a marriage.
The sovereign king was annoyed by the request of both lovers, made to the exile to Ollantay and his daughter locked in an Acllahuasi without being allowed to go outside.
There she gave birth to her daughter, because she was the fruit of a forbidden love, the Inca ordered her to be taken away and raised by some priestesses.
Meanwhile Ollantay decided to take the citadel of Ollantaytambo as a refuge and thus to plan a strategy of rebellion, which I carry out in a successful way with the death of the Inca Pachacuteq.
However, he never revealed what he did with Cusi Coyllur and his baby. Ollantay, who had sunk into depression, thought that both had died.
Without a king in charge of the Inca empire, the eldest son of Pachacuteq "Tupac Yupanqui" takes the command as the new ruler, imprisoning Ollantay and sentencing him to death for treason.
When the day of the ex*****on arrived, the new Inca also learns of the evil that his father had committed and decides to pardon Ollantay by reuniting him with his beloved Cusi Coyllur and his little daughter.
To remedy the pain lived, Tupac Yupanqui decides to give the city of Ollantaytambo to Ollantay so that they live in tranquility with their family, it is for this reason that the city takes this name.
"Ollantaytambo" that among its ruins keeps a mystery that only you can reveal if you visit it.