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South Andes Travel Our handcrafted adventures immerse you in the vibrant tapestry of Latinamerican culture and history.

💐We would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!! We are so thankful to our clients who chose us to help them create un...

💐We would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!! We are so thankful to our clients who chose us to help them create unforgettable trips this year. We appreciate your trust and we promise to keep working hard, along our beloved local communities, to bring more meaningful experiences this 2024 to you all. Thank you, thank you!

Here is to another year full of traveling and fun memories!! 🎉🙌

Thanks Sam!  Her video really shows Peru and its amazing diversity - best only experienced by trekking the area.  Anyone...

Thanks Sam! Her video really shows Peru and its amazing diversity - best only experienced by trekking the area. Anyone who might be interested, this was combined with some village homestays, trekking between the communities and followed up by the Salkantay route to Machu Picchu. We have an open group actiually for April 9-14. Please enquire if interest for this or indeed any other date you would like to do it.

Throwback to my two weeks in Peru in March of 2022! It was an incredible group trip organized by Travel Differently. Interested in booking a similar trip?htt...

🥰Reflecting on a few years back, we can't help but smile at the cherished memories created with these delightful clients...

🥰Reflecting on a few years back, we can't help but smile at the cherished memories created with these delightful clients. Their easy-going and cheerful nature added an extra layer of joy to our work. We are truly grateful for their positive review, a testament to the wonderful moments shared. Thank you Pattie and family for letting us being a part of your journey and for the timeless memories we created together! 🌟🌍

🌿 Madre de Dios is renowned as one of the most biodiverse places on the planet, boasting an incredible 10% of the world'...

🌿 Madre de Dios is renowned as one of the most biodiverse places on the planet, boasting an incredible 10% of the world's bird species and 5% of its mammals. The canopy above is alive with the sounds of more than 130 species of frogs, creating a natural symphony that echoes through the trees. This region of the peruvian Jungle is also recognized for its efforts in sustainable tourism and conservation. By choosing our tours, you contribute to the preservation of this extraordinary ecosystem.🌺

🦎 Immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of life that thrives within this lush paradise.🌎🌳
🌿 Madre de Dios es conocida como uno de los lugares más biodiversos del planeta, albergando un increíble 10% de las especies de aves y un 5% de los mamíferos del mundo. Por encima de las copas de los árboles se logra escuchar los sonidos de más de 130 especies de ranas, creando una sinfonía natural que resuena entre los árboles. Esta región de la selva peruana también es reconocida por sus esfuerzos en turismo sostenible y conservación. Al elegir nuestros tours, contribuyes a la preservación de este ecosistema extraordinario. 🌺

🦎 Sumérgete en la vibrante tapicería de vida que prospera en este paraíso exuberante. 🌎🌳

🌋 Misti isn't just a geological marvel; it's a cultural symbol embedded in the history of Arequipa. Learn about the loca...

🌋 Misti isn't just a geological marvel; it's a cultural symbol embedded in the history of Arequipa. Learn about the local legends and myths surrounding this iconic volcano from our experienced guides. 🌟

Did you know Misti is an active stratovolcano? Despite its dormant status, the occasional puff of white smoke serves as a gentle reminder of its volcanic nature.

🌎✈️ Embark on a once-in-a-lifetime journey to the enchanting landscapes of Uyuni, Bolivia, where every moment is a canva...

🌎✈️ Embark on a once-in-a-lifetime journey to the enchanting landscapes of Uyuni, Bolivia, where every moment is a canvas for unforgettable memories. Experience Bolivia with us! 🇧🇴🌄✨

🇧🇴Driving through Bolivia! 😎 We are looking forward to our next groups to this beautiful country in 2024! Photos by: Iul...

🇧🇴Driving through Bolivia! 😎 We are looking forward to our next groups to this beautiful country in 2024!

Photos by: Iulia Constantin from Romania

We are now offering our first open-group departure for next year. 1-8/9 June 2024. A 6 day trek throughout the Sacred Va...

We are now offering our first open-group departure for next year. 1-8/9 June 2024. A 6 day trek throughout the Sacred Valley visiting local communities and stays in the villages including Inca ruins and interactive workshops + a final extra 2 days Machu Picchu visit can be done as an extension. June is one of the best months to visit due to the dry season climate. We are offering one of our best trekking trips that is showcased in the photos, and you can join with an early bird discount on the first 4 places. Maximum of 10 people. Please DM or email us for prices and options. Hope to see you here!

We loved this mother-son duo. Thank you, Lori and Dustin, for choosing South Andes Travel to plan your special trip to P...

We loved this mother-son duo. Thank you, Lori and Dustin, for choosing South Andes Travel to plan your special trip to Peru and immerse yourselves in the living history and culture of Luquina Community at Lake Titicaca.

Lake Titicaca is surrounded by numerous communities, both on its shores and on the many islands within the lake. Luquina Chico is one of them, with a history deeply rooted in the pre-Incan and Incan cultures. The community traces its origins to the Aymara people, who have inhabited the region for centuries. In the mid-20th century, Luquina Chico initiated a movement to promote sustainable tourism as a means of economic development. This transition towards community-based tourism allowed the villagers to share their unique culture, traditions, and the breathtaking beauty of Lake Titicaca with the world.🌅🦙

Add this experience to your next trip, contact us at [email protected] 📨

Photo credit to: Lori Bonnell

Floating through the magic of the Uros Islands in Lake Titicaca! These man-made islands, handcrafted from totora reeds, ...

Floating through the magic of the Uros Islands in Lake Titicaca! These man-made islands, handcrafted from totora reeds, are a marvel of human ingenuity. They're a glimpse into a unique way of life, where the Uros people live in harmony with their stunning surroundings. Nature and culture unite on these amazing floating isles! 🌿🏝️🌅

Dive into the vibrant world of Taquile Island! These colorful feather hats aren't just accessories, they're windows into...

Dive into the vibrant world of Taquile Island! These colorful feather hats aren't just accessories, they're windows into a rich culture. Each feather and hue tells a tale of age, wisdom, love, and even marital status. Their intricate designs reveal a person's community ties. These hats are more than fashion; they're a living tradition! 🌈🎩✨
Sumérgete en el vibrante mundo de la Isla Taquile. Estos coloridos sombreros de plumas no son simples accesorios, son ventanas a una cultura rica. Cada pluma y tono cuenta una historia de edad, sabiduría, amor e incluso estado civil. Sus diseños intrincados revelan los lazos comunitarios de quien los lleva. ¡Estos sombreros son mucho más que moda; son una tradición viva! 🌈🎩✨

Crop diversity is key for sustainable farming, boosting resilience, soil health, and food security amid climate change. ...

Crop diversity is key for sustainable farming, boosting resilience, soil health, and food security amid climate change. It safeguards against pests and preserves valuable agricultural knowledge. In the Cusco highlands, like the Huilloc community, people have long practiced diverse crop cultivation, promoting resilience and cultural heritage. 🌾🥔🌽
La diversidad de cultivos es fundamental para la agricultura sostenible, impulsando la resistencia, la salud del suelo y la seguridad alimentaria en medio del cambio climático. Protege contra las plagas y preserva valiosos conocimientos agrícolas. En las tierras altas de Cusco, como la comunidad de Huilloc, las personas han practicado durante mucho tiempo la cultivación diversificada de cultivos, promoviendo la resistencia y el patrimonio cultural. 🌾🥔🌽

☝Andean communities have rich ceremonial traditions deeply rooted in their culture that reflects the profound connection...

☝Andean communities have rich ceremonial traditions deeply rooted in their culture that reflects the profound connection these communities maintain with their environment and all living creatures. One such tradition is the "Llama Blessing." In this ritual, llamas, which are considered sacred animals in the Andean culture, are adorned with colorful ornaments and led through various symbolic acts. It is believed that llamas have a spiritual connection to the earth and the cosmos. During the blessing, llamas may be sprinkled with water, herbs, or other offerings while prayers and songs are recited. This ceremony is a way to seek protection and abundance of llamas for the next season. 🦙💐
☝Las comunidades andinas tienen tradiciones ceremoniales profundamente arraigadas en su cultura, que reflejan la profunda conexión que estas mantienen con su entorno y todas las criaturas vivas. Una de estas tradiciones es la 'Bendición de las Llamas'. En este ritual, las llamas, que son consideradas animales sagrados en la cultura andina, son adornadas con coloridos ornamentos y conducidas a través de varios actos simbólicos. Se cree que las llamas tienen una conexión espiritual con la tierra y el cosmos. Durante la ceremonia, las llamas pueden ser rociadas con agua, hierbas u otras ofrendas mientras se recitan oraciones y canciones. Esta ceremonia es una forma de buscar protección y la abundancia de llamas para la proxima temporada. 🦙💐

☀Community-based tourism and its wonders come together in a harmonious blend of cultural immersion, sustainable travel, ...

☀Community-based tourism and its wonders come together in a harmonious blend of cultural immersion, sustainable travel, and unforgettable experiences. In destinations like Cusco, community-based tourism opens doors to a world that goes beyond conventional sightseeing. We share our thoughts on this on our latest blog, check it out! 👇

Peru is a land of ancient wonders and beautiful landscapes, offering a unique travel experience. Travelers can now explore Peru’s communities in the Andes of Cusco for an immersive adventure. Welcome to community-based tourism in Peru, where we value connection, sustainability, and cultural exchan...

We have an open group tour for end of October, early November, including all the highlights and some treks and homestays...

We have an open group tour for end of October, early November, including all the highlights and some treks and homestays. Please enquire to us if you might be interested. Dates: October 28-November 8. Includes: Cusco, Machu Picchu, Sacred Valley, Rainbow Mountain, Lake Humantay, Lake Titicaca.

The 1st of August starts with the celebration of Pachamama Day in the Andes of Peru. It is the initiation of the sowing ...

The 1st of August starts with the celebration of Pachamama Day in the Andes of Peru. It is the initiation of the sowing season. In the Andean cosmovision, however, it is important to honor Mother Earth and ask permission to plant the seeds, but also for the new season to be prosperous and abundant, with enough rain and great climate conditions overall. It is common to see the shamans opening an offering ceremony with a "Coca Kintucha" or three coca leaves, that are offered to the spirits in the mountains and then placed in the main offering along with seeds, "chicha" corn beer, sweets, etc.

Throughout this month, we will start "Unveiling the Wonders of Pachamama." stay tuned!


En los Andes del Perú, el 1ro de agosto inicia con la celebración del Día de la Pachamama. Es el inicio de la temporada de siembra. En la cosmovisión andina, sin embargo, es importante honrar a la Madre Tierra y pedir permiso para sembrar las semillas, pero también que la nueva temporada sea próspera y abundante, con suficiente lluvia y condiciones climáticas en general. Es común ver a los chamanes abriendo una ceremonia de ofrenda con una "Coca Kintucha" o tres hojas de coca, que se ofrecen a los espíritus en las montañas y luego se colocan en la ofrenda principal junto con semillas, chicha, chicha, dulces, etc.

A lo largo de este mes, estaremos "Revelando las Maravillas de la Pachamama". ¡Manténganse al tanto!

We share with you the latest experience from our customers. You too can enjoy this great experience! More info on our li...

We share with you the latest experience from our customers. You too can enjoy this great experience! More info on our link in the bio.

Compartimos con ustedes la última experiencia de nuestros clientes. ¡Tu también podrás disfrutar de esta gran experiencia! Más info en nuestro link en la bio.

Book your tour ➡️ // +511 969 653 651 // [email protected]

If you are a nature lover, this tour is perfect for you. Upcoming tour: October 21st.Si eres un amante de la naturaleza,...

If you are a nature lover, this tour is perfect for you. Upcoming tour: October 21st.

Si eres un amante de la naturaleza, este tour es perfecto para ti. Próximo tour: 21 de Octubre

Book your tour ➡️ // +511 969 653 651 // [email protected]


This is the view you can enjoy during your visit to Nicaragua. Close to the sea, amidst palm trees, and with a spectacul...

This is the view you can enjoy during your visit to Nicaragua. Close to the sea, amidst palm trees, and with a spectacular view. For more information about the tour: 🌴

Our next departures are: 21 October 2023 and 23 December 2023.

Esta es la vista que podrás disfrutar en tu visita por Nicaragua. Cerca del mar, entre palmeras y con una vista espectacular. Para más info sobre el tour: 🌴

Book your tour ➡️ // +511 969 653 651 // [email protected]


Our current clients from Israel are enjoying a very comprehensive private 21 day tour, all the way from Lima, Peru 🇵🇪 to...

Our current clients from Israel are enjoying a very comprehensive private 21 day tour, all the way from Lima, Peru 🇵🇪 to La Paz, Bolivia🇧🇴. On the way, they have seen the Nazca Lines, Rainbow Mountain, Colca Canyon, Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca, Uyuni Salt Flats, Moon Valley and much, much more.

Contact us, if it is something you would love to do.

Email: [email protected]
WA: +51 969653651

Browse the river and enjoy the peace and calm. Don't miss our tour to Nicaragua and Costa Rica! We are excited to invite...

Browse the river and enjoy the peace and calm. Don't miss our tour to Nicaragua and Costa Rica! We are excited to invite you to our next tours to Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Departures are: 21 October and 23 December🛶

Navegar por el río y disfrutar de la paz y calma. ¡No te pierdas nuestro tour hacia Nicaragua y Costa Rica! Salida este 21 de Octubre 🛶

Book your tour ➡️ // +511 969 653 651 // [email protected]


One of the favorite experiences for our visitors! If you like to be surrounded by nature, this place is ideal for you 🌴s...

One of the favorite experiences for our visitors! If you like to be surrounded by nature, this place is ideal for you 🌴swipe for more information. Our next departures are: 21 October 2023 and 23 December 2023.

One of the favorite experiences for our visitors! If you like to be surrounded by nature, this place is ideal for you 🌴 desliza para más info. Nuestras próximas salidas grupales son: 21 de Octubre de 2023 y 23 de Diciembre de 2023.

Book your tour ➡️ // +511 969 653 651 // [email protected]



The cast of the movie enjoyed their time in Cusco and the Jungle. 😊 We can not wait to see our beautiful country in this movie soon! Visit Peru!

Very proud! Our city of Cusco was part of scenes for the great movie   🇵🇪¡Muy orgullosos! Nuestra ciudad del Cusco fue p...

Very proud! Our city of Cusco was part of scenes for the great movie 🇵🇪

¡Muy orgullosos! Nuestra ciudad del Cusco fue participe de escenas para la gran película de 🇵🇪

¡Nuestro país tiene destinos y atractivos de película! 🇵🇪✨ Más de 6 atractivos peruanos fueron utilizados para grabar la última entrega de . 🦾📽️🎞️

Podrás disfrutarla este miércoles 7 de junio a nivel nacional. 🍿

On our last tour to Costa Rica, our clients enjoyed a delicious meal in nature. Would you like to join us in this experi...

On our last tour to Costa Rica, our clients enjoyed a delicious meal in nature. Would you like to join us in this experience? 🌴 Our next departures are: 21 October 2023 and 23 December 2023

For more info go to the link:


En nuestro ultimo viaje a Costa rica, nuestros clientes disfrutaron de una deliciosa comida entre la naturaleza. ¿Te animas a unirte a esta experiencia? 🌴 Nuestras próximas salidas grupales son: 21 de Octubre de 2023 y 23 de Diciembre de 2023.

Book your tour ➡️ // +511 969 653 651 // [email protected]


Pura Vida. The best phrase to encompass what a trip to Costa Rica is, full of life, adrenaline and relaxation 🤙🏻Pura Vid...

Pura Vida. The best phrase to encompass what a trip to Costa Rica is, full of life, adrenaline and relaxation 🤙🏻

Pura Vida. La mejor frase para englobar lo que es un viaje a Costa Rica, lleno de vida, adrenalina y relax 🤙🏻

Book your tour ➡️ // +511 969 653 651 // [email protected].



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