Apu Ausangate la montaña Sagrada de los Inkas. DescripciónAusangate es la montaña más alta del departamento del Cuzco y la quinta más alta del Perú. Su altitud máxima es de 6385 m s.n.m. Está situada a unos 84 kilómetros al sudeste de la ciudad del Cuzco #travellingthroughtheworld #COMPARTEYSIGUENOS #somethingspecial #machupicchuperu #somethingdifferent #somethingnew #incas #trekkinglovers #TravelInStyle
Estación de tren Machupicchu ayer muchos trenes cancelaron sus salidas descarrilamiento de un tren en túnel en la ruta Ollantatambo Machupicchu #perurail #IncaRail #COMPARTEYSIGUENOS #machupicchuperu #incas #travelingphotographer #travelperu #travelinstyle #somethingdifferent #somethingnew #travellingthroughtheworld #somethingspecial
Machupicchu with Waskar Expeditions, tours every day #somethingspecial #machupicchuperu #somethingdifferent #somethingnew #incas #bestfoodintown #travellingthroughtheworld #travelingphotographer #TravelInStyle #travelperu
I want to be here with you folow your dreans #machupicchutravel #cuscoperu #waskarexpeditions #trekkinglovers #cuscoperu #somethingspecial #Machupicchuperu #travelwithus #somethingdifferent #waynapicchu #travelphotography #trekkinglife Waskar Expeditions
Red Valley new Wonderfull mountain #trekkinglovers #cuscoperu #waskarexpeditions #somethingspecial #Machupicchuperu #travelwithus #waynapicchu #travelphotography #trekkinglife #somethingdifferent
Machu Picchu función de las Qolcas lugar donde se guardaba los alimentos, multifuncional
Machupicchu subiendo en Bus 15 dólares Peruanos y 24 dólares extranjeros #waskarexpeditions #cuscoperu #cuscoperú #trekkinglovers #somethingspecial #Machupicchuperu #waynapicchu #somethingnew #trekkinglife #
Wild Putukusi Mountain be here #waskarexpeditions #trekkinglovers #cuscoperu #waynapicchu #somethingnew #trekkinglife #trekkinglife #somethingnew #somethingspecial
Wayna Picchu climbing and Machu Picchu 2023
#waskarexpeditions #MachuPicchu #somethingspecial #somethingdifferent #somethingnew #Palccoyo #bikeloverchallenge #BikersChallenge #inkasbike #cuscoperú #trekkinglife #trekkinglovers #trekkingday
Bike tours in Cusco 4 Hours Natural connection Waskar expeditions is aiting for you #waskarexpeditions #inkasbike #cuscoperú #MachuPicchu #BikersChallenge #bikeloverchallenge #somethingspecial #somethingdifferent #somethingnew
Waskar Expeditions is waiting for you
Centro Arqueológico de Moray considerado centro de experimentación agrícola en la época Inka. #waskarexpeditions
#sacredvalleyoftheincas #incatrailcusco #seekmoments #incatrailtrek #Putukusi #MachuPicchu #machupicchutravel #trekkinglovers #cuscoperu #andes #somethingnew #somethingspecial #somethingdifferent
Line before enter to Machu Picchu #waskarexpeditions #MachuPicchu #Chinchero #LagunaHumantay #cuscoperu #trekkinglovers #somethingspecial #somethingforeveryone #humantaylake #waqrapukara #somethingdifferent #somethingnew Inkas Bike
Trail to Wayna Picchu is time to be here. #waskarexpeditions #MachuPicchu #waynapicchu #MachuPicchu #trekkinglovers #cuscoperu #moray #Chinchero #waqrapukara #humantaylake #Tambopata #somethingspecial #somethingnew #somethingdifferent
Humantay Lake in Sacred Valley #waskarexpeditions #MachuPicchu #trekkinglovers #cuscoperu #somethingspecial #somethingdifferent #somethingnew #waqrapukara #humantaylake #trekking #Tambopata Inkas Bike
Humantay Lake trekking a day #waskarexpeditions #MachuPicchu #trekkinglovers #cuscoperu #waqrapukara #trekking #travelphotography #humantaylake #somethingspecial #somethingdifferent #Tambopata #somethingnew
Tambopata Jungle Waskar Expeditions is waiting for you. #waskarexpeditions #MachuPicchu #cuscoperu #Tambopata #trekkinglovers #somethingspecial #somethingdifferent #somethingnew #waqrapukara #trekking #travelphotography
Vininkunka Mountain 5035 M.
You have to dance to receive beautiful weather #waskarexpeditions #MachuPicchu #trekkinglovers #waqrapukara #trekking #travelphotography #somethingspecial #somethingdifferent #somethingnew #cuscoperu
Cóndor Volando en el Inti Punku la puerta del Sol en Ollantaytambo #waskarexpeditions #cusoperu #MachuPicchu #trekkinglovers #somethingspecial #waqrapukara #somethingdifferent #trekking #travelphotography #somethingnew
New Discovering in Cusco Waqrapukara.
Don't miss the opportunity to discover a wonder of the world in Cusco Perú 😁
#cusoperu #waskarexpeditions #waqrapukara #trekkinglovers #travelphotography #machupicchu #trekking #adeventure #somethingspecial #somethingdifferent #somethingnew