🌎🌿 Today, the Day of Pachamama is celebrated! 🙌🏽 This festivity honors the Andean Divinity Pachamama or Mother Earth, representing space-time, fertility, and abundance. It is celebrated in many Andean communities across Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru.
🌽🍃 During the celebration, offerings are made with various products such as food, drinks, flowers, coca leaves, to***co, and more. These offerings express gratitude, requests, and blessings for the gifts provided by Pachamama, such as good weather, protection, and bountiful harvests. It also seeks to uphold Ayni, the principle of reciprocity in Andean cosmovision, which involves giving Pachamama what she has received from her.
🙏🏼 On this Day of Pachamama, let us celebrate and express our gratitude to Mother Earth for all that she provides. From Llama Guía, we wish you a wonderful start to the month of August. Let's celebrate, honor, and care for Pachamama together! 🥳🌱