Llama Guía

Llama Guía Información de contacto, mapa y direcciones, formulario de contacto, horario de apertura, servicios, puntuaciones, fotos, videos y anuncios de Llama Guía, Agencia de turismo, Urubamba.

🌎🌿 Today, the Day of Pachamama is celebrated! 🙌🏽 This festivity honors the Andean Divinity Pachamama or Mother Earth, re...

🌎🌿 Today, the Day of Pachamama is celebrated! 🙌🏽 This festivity honors the Andean Divinity Pachamama or Mother Earth, representing space-time, fertility, and abundance. It is celebrated in many Andean communities across Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru.

🌽🍃 During the celebration, offerings are made with various products such as food, drinks, flowers, coca leaves, to***co, and more. These offerings express gratitude, requests, and blessings for the gifts provided by Pachamama, such as good weather, protection, and bountiful harvests. It also seeks to uphold Ayni, the principle of reciprocity in Andean cosmovision, which involves giving Pachamama what she has received from her.

🙏🏼 On this Day of Pachamama, let us celebrate and express our gratitude to Mother Earth for all that she provides. From Llama Guía, we wish you a wonderful start to the month of August. Let's celebrate, honor, and care for Pachamama together! 🥳🌱

🌎🌿 ¡Hoy se celebra el día de la Pachamama! 🙌🏽 Esta festividad es en honor a la Divinidad Andina Pachamama o Madre Tierra...

🌎🌿 ¡Hoy se celebra el día de la Pachamama! 🙌🏽 Esta festividad es en honor a la Divinidad Andina Pachamama o Madre Tierra, que representa el espacio-tiempo, fertilidad y abundancia. Se celebra en muchos pueblos andinos de Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador y Perú.

🌽🍃Durante la celebración se realizan ofrendas con diferentes productos como alimentos, bebidas, flores, hojas de coca y tabaco, entre otros. Con estas ofrendas se agradece, solicita y bendice los dones que brinda la Pachamama, como el buen tiempo, la protección y las cosechas. También se busca mantener el Ayni o principio de reciprocidad de la cosmovisión andina, que implica devolver a la Pachamama lo que se ha recibido de ella.

🙏🏼 En este Día de la Pachamama, unámonos en la celebración y agradezcamos juntos a la Madre Tierra por todo lo que nos brinda. Desde Llama Guía, les deseamos un buen inicio de mes de agosto ¡Celebremos, honremos, y cuidemos la Pachamama juntos! 🥳🌱


Happy Independence Day, Peru!🎉

Join us in celebrating this special day as we honor our heritage and the spirit of our beloved Peru! 🏔️🌿 We're filled with pride to be part of this beautiful nation and share this joyous moment with all of you.

As we gather with our families, let's relish in the flavors of our traditional food and raise a toast to our shared history. 🍲🥂

From the entire team at Llama Guia, we send our warmest wishes for a joyous Independence Day! 🎊❤️


Happy Independence Day, Peru!🎉

Join us in celebrating this special day as we honor our heritage and the spirit of our beloved Peru! 🏔🌿 We're filled with pride to be part of this beautiful nation and share this joyous moment with all of you.

As we gather with our families, let's relish in the flavors of our traditional food and raise a toast to our shared history. 🍲🥂

From the entire team at Llama Guia, we send our warmest wishes for a joyous Independence Day! 🎊❤️




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