FM's Travel Adventures is my personal page about my travel activities. It is my way of sharing my personal experience with my friends, families, colleagues and fellow citizens. And giving all the inspiration to discover . Here at my page, I am promoting leisure, travels, adventures, trips, foods and delicacies and beautiful places that can only be seen here in the Philippines! I
conquered some of the best paradise with natural and finest beaches (a.k.a Beach-lover) in the coastline of the Archipelagic state - the Philippines, and I hunted many places with historical landmarks (ala historical-scholars) like hundred years old churches from different regions that established and founded since Spanish era. Also, I raid most wanted restaurants (certified Food-seeker/Food-lover) and dine from different towns with their different delicacies and specialty dishes. Here at my page, I posted all of my wonderful and memorable travel adventures. I uploaded lots of photos from every corner of my trip. I took more and more photos of my adventures to share and feel by others the feeling I had when I engaged with the activity.
***See.Explore.Achieve.Rejoice.Chill.Hang-out. (S.E.A.R.C.H.) for the next Adventures!!!***
***"There's one thing money can't buy, a Happiness!"***
FM's Travel Adventures (Franz A.Manalo)