PICE - DWCL Student Chapter

PICE - DWCL Student Chapter DWCL Civil Engineering Students ARTICLE I

Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. seminars, field trips, etc.) Section 4. Section 5.




We, the Civil Engineering students of Divine Word College of Legazpi, imploring the aid and guidance of the Almighty God in order to establish an organization that shall embody our common

ideals and aspirations, promote the genuine welfare of our fellow students in our common pursuit for academic excellence and to enhance our knowledge and skills towards the development of the community, preserve the benefits of our projects, and secure to ourselves the fruit of our endeavours under the principle of equality and justice, in mutual cooperation, understanding, liberty, peace and friendship, do ordain and promulgate this constitution and By-laws. This entity herein referred to as “PICE-DWCL Student Chapter” or also as “PICE-DWCLSC” formerly known as JPICE DWCL CHAPTER, shall be called Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers Divine Word College of Legazpi Student Chapter. The PICE-DWCL Student Chapter shall maintain and hold its meetings, assemblies, and activities within the premises of Divine Word College of Legazpi. The PICE-DWCL Student Chapter shall be the Civil Engineering students’ organization in Divine Word College of Legazpi and shall exist under and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Divine Word College of Legazpi, College of Engineering and Computer Studies, and the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers, Inc., acronym PICE, herein after also referred to as the “Institute”. ARTICLE II

Section 1. The following are the principles of the PICE-DWCL Student Chapter:
1.1 Right for knowledge and education in various terms (e.g. should be available to all members.

1.2 Unity and fellowship among Civil Engineering students of Divine Word College of Legazpi shall be encouraged at all times. The main goals of the PICE-DWCL Student Chapter are the following:

2.1 To encourage the members and the Civil Engineering students of Divine Word College of Legazpi and make them work together in fellowship and dedication to Science and Technology to further develop the advancement of knowledge and skills with good moral values in preparation to practice of civil engineering profession.

2.2 To enhance leadership skills of every member in preparing for greater responsibilities in becoming a member of civil engineering profession. ARTICLE III

Section 1. To organize and unify the Civil Engineering students of Divine Word College of Legazpi together as efficient and effective organization through but not limited to the conduct of general assembly and officers’ conferences to identify and discuss the common needs and problems encountered. To formulate and implement possible programs for the benefit of the members and the Civil Engineering students of Divine Word College of Legazpi

Section 3. To support and develop learning and leadership abilities of its members through but not limited to lectures, seminars/workshops, researches, forum, etc. To establish and maintain a fraternal support system within the general membership by pooling resources and giving a helping hand for Civil Engineering students of Divine Word College of Legazpi who are in need. To extend a hand to other organizations when assistance is deemed necessary to establish good relationship between them. Section 6. To foster a spirit of pride, responsibility and camaraderie in the Civil Engineering profession. Section 7. To present a visible symbol identifying the Civil Engineering students in Divine Word College of Legazpi by affiliating and reintegrating the organization with other college – based organizations who have similar, if not the same, common goals as students in the field of engineering. Section 8. To establish a central point of reference and union for Civil Engineering students of Divine Word College of Legazpi and its members in learning and preparation for Civil Engineering profession. Section 9. To develop a sense of service and responsibility among the students ensuring them to be well rounded individuals for the welfare of the Organization. ARTICLE IV

Section 1. Membership of PICE-DWCL Student Chapter which to be passed to the National Chapter shall consist of the requirements listed below, which are defined in SECTION 8 of ARTICLE II of the Amended By-laws of the Institute (SEC approved on October 11, 2005):

1.1 Any student enrolled not lower than in the third year level in a Commission on Higher Education (CHED) – recognized engineering institution in the Philippines that offers the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering or its equivalent;

1.2 Must submit a Student Member application form to the Student Chapter organized in the engineering institution;

1.3 Payment for all fees and dues required of a student members. Membership of PICE-DWCL Student Chapter shall also consist of the requirements listed below:

1.1 All students in Divine Word College of Legazpi who are presently enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering.
1.2 Payment for all fees and dues required of a student members. ARTICLE V

Section 1. Each member of PICE-DWCL Student Chapter shall have the following rights:

1.1 To vote matters relating to the affairs of the organization except those within the jurisdiction of the officers;

1.2 To vote and to be voted on any elective position of the organization and/or be appointed on temporary undertakings;

1.3 To be notified in a timely manner, to participate in all deliberations of the general meetings, gatherings, conventions or conferences of PICE-DWCL Student Chapter, and to express his/her opinion on any matters through discussions.

1.4 To examine the records of the organization any time;

1.5 To petition the organization for any redress of grievances that may affect him/her;

1.6 To be informed in a timely manner of any programs, projects and/or activities of the organization; and

1.7 To participate in such undertakings

Section 2. Each member of PICE-DWCL Student Chapter shall be entitled to the following privileges:

2.1 The privilege to avail of all benefits of the organization;

2.2 The privilege to suggest new projects/programs for the organization provided that it shall benefit the members;

2.3 The privilege to receive any possible form of assistance that may be available from the organization; and

2.4 The privilege to promote or publish his/her works or achievements through the official documents of the organization. The following are the duties and responsibilities of each member:

3.1 To strive and to gain knowledge and skills to be worthy as a member and a leader;

3.2 To attend all meetings, trainings, seminars/workshops and orientations and to actively participate in all the affairs that may be called upon by the organization;

3.3 To pay all dues, fees and other and other assessment as they become due;

3.4 To perform faithfully, honestly and diligently the duties and responsibilities that may be vested on him/her if chosen to assume any position of leadership, authority and responsibility;

3.5 To uphold and respect the official position in all matters affecting the interest of the organization as well as its members;

3.6 To respect and protect the best interest of the organization;

3.7 To fully cooperate and help the achievement of the objectives of the organization;

3.8 Must have a dedication and determination to uphold the interest of the organization and to work for the success in the attainment of its objectives as provided in this Constitution and By-laws;

3.9 To obey and comply with the Constitution and By-laws and regulations that may be agreed upon by the officers;

3.10 Must observe and exercise good image while wearing the organization’s uniform;

3.11 Must exercise concern to his/her surroundings at all times;

3.12 To elect a committee for which he is interested and entitled to join;

3.13 To cultivate and maintain fraternal relationship with fellow members, other allied technical and scientific organizations and students of Divine Word College of Legazpi;

3.14 To attend the organization’s orientation. ARTICLE VI

Section 1. The officers shall be composed of the following:

1.1 President

1.2 Vice-President

1.3 Secretary

1.4 Treasurer

1.5 Auditor

1.6 Business Manager

1.7 Public Information Officer

1.8 Year Level Representatives

1.9 Muse

2.0 Es**rt

Section 2. Candidates for all PICE-DWCL Student Chapter elective positions shall:

1.1 Be of good moral character;
1.2 Have not been subjected to any disciplinary sanction;
1.3 Have paid the PICE-DWCL Student Chapter fees and other related contributions since his/her admission to the College; and

1.4 Be competent, able and willing bonafide students that have demonstrated the values of integrity, responsibility, loyalty, humility, and equality, God – fearing and willing to serve their fellows. The officers of PICE-DWCL Student Chapter shall hold office for one academic year. ARTICLE VII

Section 1. All Officers of PICE-DWCL Student Chapter shall be directly responsible for leading the organization in attaining its objectives;

Section 2. Shall decide on matters that questions the legality of the collection of fees and dues;

Section 3. Shall transfer to their respective successors the following:

3.1 Procedures and recommendation to promote helpful ideas to solve any but not limited to anticipated problems that may arise in the organization;

3.2 Written reports; and

3.3 A record of the organization’s structure, goals and accomplishments through complete and organize files

Section 4. The President

No member may be elected President unless he/she is a regular Civil Engineering student of Divine Word College of Legazpi. He/she shall:

4.1 Be the chief executive officer of the organization and shall be the person “in-charge” and responsible for supervising/overseeing the work of other officers and ensuring that they function together as an effective team;
4.2 Call and preside over the meetings of the Organization and the general assembly and vote only to break a tie;
4.3 Represent the Organization in all occasions and in all matters in which representation may be required;
4.4 Take active supervision over the properties, interest, businesses and affairs of the organization, and to countersign all disbursements made by the treasurer;
4.5 Provide the overall vision and sense of direction for the organization;
4.6 Serve as a role model for other officers and members;
4.7 Ensure the delivery of basic privileges to its members as mandated under Article V, Section 2 of this Constitution and By-laws;
4.8 Support the Inter-Organizational Council in performing their duties and functions;
4.9 Have the authority to create Ad Hoc committees;
4.10 Lead the members in carrying out the activities in the attaining the objectives of the organization;
4.11 Render report of the organization’s activities; and
4.12 Perform other duties inherent to his/her position. Vice-President

5.1 Shall assume responsibility during absence of the President or inability to discharge his/her duties;
5.2 Shall coordinate in organizations inside the University that is necessary for the activities or programs of the organization

5.3 Shall assist the President when his/her assistance is deemed necessary
5.4 Shall perform other duties inherent to his/her position

Section 6. The Secretary
6.1 Shall keep custody of all records and documents of the organization and the assembly meetings;
6.2 Shall prepare and keep the minutes of all meetings of the organization and the general assembly;
6.3 Shall prepare and keep an accurate list of all the members and officers with their addresses and phone numbers;
6.4 Maintains thorough organizational files and records and distribute all pertinent information to members including minutes of the meetings, upcoming events and opportunities
6.5 Assist in the preparation of all necessary forms and letters for the conduct of election of officers, initiatives, and other activities and projects that may be called upon by the organizations;
6.6 Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance or the President may delegate. The Treasurer
7.1 Shall be the duly authorized person to keep custody of the organization’s funds and properties.
7.2 Disburse funds in accordance with the financial procedures provided in this By-laws;
7.3 Shall keep the funds of the organization or shall deposit such to the bank in the account of the organization as provided and defined in Article 1 Section 1 of the PICE-DWCL Student Chapter’s Constitution.
7.4 Shall keep all records pertaining to cash receipts and disbursements
7.5 Collect and issue official receipts for fees, contributions, materials and all other resources according to the organization’s treasury
7.6 Shall render financial reports to the President and the members.
7.7 Shall perform other duties inherent to his/her position. The Auditor
8.1 Shall audit the financial reports of the organization
8.2 Shall perform other duties inherent to his/her position

Section 9. The Business Manager
9.1 He/she shall be in charge of any present and future projects of the organization
9.2 Shall make and submit reports on the organization’s projects as may be required by the President

9.3 Shall perform other duties inherent to his/her position. Section 10. The Public Relations Officer
10.1 Shall disseminate information as to the internal and external transactions of the organization

10.2 Shall serve as the Liaison Officer.

10.3 Shall perform other duties inherent to his/her position. Section 11. Year Level Representatives
11.1 Shall compose the legislative department. Section 12. Muse
12.1 Shall be one of the candidates for Ms. COECS for the Mr. and Ms. INTRAMURALS competition. Section 13. Es**rt
13.1 Shall be one of the candidates for Mr. ARTICLE VIII

Section 1. The election of officers shall be during the first general assembly meeting of all the members within a school year. The officers shall be elected from the members in a manner decided by the members. ARTICLE IX

Section 1. Officers shall conduct regular meetings at least twice a month on a date, time and place decided by the officers;
Section 2. The officers may conduct special meetings at any time, under any of the following circumstances:
2.1 Upon call by the President;
2.2 Upon request by a majority of the officers;
Section 3. In regular or special meetings, the physical presence of the majority of the officers (50% + 1) shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business;
Section 4. In General Assembly, the physical presence of the majority of the members (50% + 1) shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business;
Section 5. With the presence of a quorum, a majority vote of the officers/members present during the meeting shall be sufficient to take any action which shall be binding on PICE-DWCL Student Chapter. Each officer is entitled to only one vote. No proxy shall be allowed when voting. The General Assembly of the organization shall be composed of all the Civil Engineering students in Divine Word College of Legazpi;
Section 9. The General Assembly shall be a forum for information and consultations, which decisions shall be significantly considered;
Section 10. Special General Assembly shall be convened by the President as the need arises. During Special General Assembly, only the purpose of the meeting shall be discussed and acted upon; no other business shall be taken or discussed. The order of business of any PICE-DWCL Student Chapter meetings shall be as follows:

12.1 Call to order by the President or by the Presiding Officer
12.2 Opening Prayer/Exhortations
12.3 Review of the previous meeting
12.4 Determination of a quorum
12.5 Discussion of Agenda Items
12.6 Adjournment


Section 1. The Adviser of the PICE-DWCL Student Chapter shall be any competent, able and willing full time Faculty Member of the College of Engineering and Computer Studies designated by the Officers with the knowledge of the Dean. The Adviser shall advice the President or any officer or members about leadership, ethics and conduct and other leadership principles and techniques. The Adviser shall monitor all transactions, programs, projects, and activities made and initiated by the organization. He/she may attend the meeting. ARTICLE XI

Section 1. The organization’s funds shall be classified into Trust Funds and Special Funds. Trust Funds shall consist of the membership fee, the amount of which shall be regulated by the organization. The Special Funds are funds that come from donations, sponsorship, fund-raising projects, or any amount derived from legitimate sources. The amount of membership fee for each member shall be one hundred pesos (P100.00). All expenses shall be liquidated with the supporting documents. A financial report for every semester on the receipts and/or collections made duly signed by the Treasurer and President and noted by the Adviser shall be posted on the organization’s bulletin board. All funds received and collected by the organization shall be deposited to a reputable bank under the account of the PICE-DWCL Student Chapter. The organization may accept cash donations from any member or any public or private person or institution as long as it will not affect or compromise the integrity of the PICE-DWCL Student Chapter. The PICE-DWCL Student Chapter may undertake fund – raising activities to subsidize its projects or activities. The PICE-DWCL Student Chapter shall enjoy the freedom to determine its priorities in the disbursements of its funds, provided that it shall be actually, directly and exclusively used to support and/or finance the PICE-DWCL Student Chapter programs, projects and activities. All disbursements and bank withdrawals shall be made in accordance with the programs, projects and activities of the PICE-DWCL Student Chapter. The PICE-DWCL Student Chapter President and the Treasurer shall be the signatory of all fund disbursements and bank withdrawals of the PICE-DWCL Student Chapter. The PICE-DWCL Student Chapter, through the Treasurer and the Auditor, shall promulgate financial guidelines for proper financial management. At the end of every activity, the PICE-DWCL Student Chapter shall liquidate expenses before another disbursement or bank withdrawal shall be authorized. Funds of the PICE-DWCL Student Chapter shall be audited at the end of the term of the PICE-DWCL Student Chapter. ARTICLE XII

Section 1. The officers of the organization may be impeached on the following grounds:
1.1 Culpable violations of the Constitution and By-Laws;
1.2 Gross misconduct, violence to person in authority, negligence, and disloyalty to the cause of the organization;
1.3 Non – attendance in both regular and special meeting for three (3) times without valid cause;
1.4 Abuse or misuse of power and authority. Two-thirds (2/3) vote of the General Assembly shall be necessary to decide after hearing a case of impeachment;
Section 3. The decision of the General Assembly shall be final. However, the officer charged shall be informed twenty (20) days prior to his/her impeachment case proceedings, of the charge/charges against him/her, to afford him/her the opportunity to be heard with or without a counsel in his/her defense. Resignation of an elected officer shall be in writing and shall take effect five (5) days after the approval of the majority of the organization’s officer. Resignation of an appointed officer shall be in writing and shall take effect immediately after the approval of the appointing authority. Any vacancy in any of the positions for the reason of death, resignation, impeachment, shall be filled, subject to the recommendation of the officers. Any vacancy in the roster of officers, except the position of the President, shall be filled, within ten (10) school days from the day the position is rendered or considered vacant, by appointment of the President among the qualified members of the PICE-DWCL Student Chapter immediately upon the appointment; the appointee shall serve the remaining period. ARTICLE XIII

Section 1. This Constitution and By-Laws maybe amended or modified in full, in part and/or revised by the majority vote of all members of the organization once every academic year from its official issuance. Any amendment to or revision of this Constitution and By-Laws shall be valid when ratified by a majority of the members of the assembly in a special meeting called for such purpose. The PICE-DWCL Student Chapter officers may propose amendments. Such proposal shall be carried through a resolution duly signed and concurred in by a majority vote of the officers. Amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect immediately once ratified and approved. This Constitution and By-Laws can only be amended a year after the date of approval. ARTICLE XIV
Section 1. Any provisions of the Institute’s By-laws that are referred to in this Constitution and By-laws shall become an integral part of this Constitution and By-laws. In case of any conflict between any provision of this Constitution and By-laws and the provisions of the By-laws of the Institute, the By-laws of the Institute shall prevail. Consequently, if any provisions of this By-laws shall be deemed unconstitutional or unlawful in respect of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines. All other provisions of these By-laws shall remain in effect. RATIFIED AND AMENDED ON JUNE 14, 2011 BY:

President Public Information Officer

Vice President Muse

Secretary Es**rt


Auditor 2nd Year Representative

Business Manager 3rd year representative

Business Manager 4th year representative
5th year representative


(SGD.) ENGR. FERNANDO BAILA JR. Adviser, PICE DWCL Student Chapter

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Look at this palm island. The engineering, the urban planning, and the dredging. The best!


DWCL Fr. J. Bates Street , Old Albay





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