Lake Bito exhibits a crater-like topographical contour.
The bottom profile is gradually sloping with a depth of 11.6 m. Water transparency ranged from 0.6 to 1.0 m. Water pH in Lake Bito is 7.5 while water temperature is 28 deg C. Phytoplankton is predominated by microcystis which consists of 75% of the plankton group followed by Anabaena, Nostoc and Synnechoceptis.
The dominant fauna usually caught by fishermen are tilapia, goby and freshwater mussel. This observation was made on the fish landing area along the border of Lake Bito.
Dense growth of floral species such as water lily, Ipomoea reptans was observed on the northeastern part of the lake. Mass mortality of the fish fry were observed and algal growth of filamentous green algae (lumut) could rarely be seen especially during continued aplication of pesticides on rice paddies in the upland of Villa Imelda.
Source: AGRIS