Hi! I'm Jena Mae Cruz.
I'm the Face (Model) of "Pilipinas Kong Mahal Ang Ganda" Project of more than 250+ Fan Pages on Facebook (Local Travel & Tourism).
CLICK PO => patreon.com/JenaMaeCruz
“Resorts, Hotels, Spas, Resthouses, Motels, Lodges, Inns, Apartelles, Pension Houses, Rest Areas, Café & Restaurants, Golf Courses, Travel & Tours, etc.” and all other travel & tourism-related establishments.
Pleeease help us maintain our 250+ Facebook Fan Pages of Philippine cities & provinces, with your patronage.
Would like to visit personally each & every city and province of my country (144 cities & 82 provinces) and feature "all that's unique" about them by vlogging. This involves a budget.
Also wish to create a directory-website for Pilipinas Kong Mahal Ang Ganda.
I am just an aspiring model, with modest means. Your membership maybe a small change for you but it will go a long way towards my dreams.
BECOME MY PATRON (PHP 250 ~5 USD per month)
=> patreon.com/JenaMaeCruz
Pilipinas Kong Mahal Ang Ganda Project by Aredconsult, Inc., Makati City, Philippines.
“Resorts, Hotels, Spas, Resthouses, Motels, Lodges, Inns, Apartelles, Pension Houses, Rest Areas, Café & Restaurants, Golf Courses, Travel & Tours, etc.” and all other travel & tourism-related establishments.
WE HAVE (250+) FAN PAGES with more than 700,000 fans & followers
Ms. Jena Mae Cruz can model & indorse your establishments while we promote you (free) to our 700k fans in 144 cities & 82 provinces of the Philippines.
CONTACT US: For more details
Messenger (Aredconsult, Inc.) => m.me/aredconsult
FB Fan Page: facebook.com/2SailorMoonVenus
Jena Mae Cruz
The National eBookStore
Linus Adventures Travel Advisor