Best Seller 2D1N
Moalboal Sardines Run
Turlte Watching
Coral Viewing
Canyoneering with Kawasan Falss
Oslob Whale Shark
Sumilon Island
Tumalog Falls
Carcar Best Lechon & Pasalubong
#tourswithlokalguidearchiesakuragi #everyonehighlightsfollowers #canyoneeringadventure
#SardinesRun #oslobwhalesharkwatching #SumilonIslandSandbar
Turtle Watching with Tours with LokalGuide Archie Sakuragi
#everyonehighlightsfollowers #tourswithlokalguidearchiesakuragi
Bohol || Man Made Forest
Tours with LokalGuide Archie Sakuragi
#everyonehighlightsfollowers #tourswithlokalguidearchiesakuragi #BoholPhilippines #manmadeforest
Day 2 || Mongolian Guest || Bohol Python
Day 2 || Mongolian Guest || Man Made Forest
Day 2 || Mongolian Guest || Bohol ATI Tribe
ADVENTURE AWAITS!EXPLORE CEBU with Tours with LokalGuide Archie Sakuragi
Day 1-Cebu & Uphill Tour
-sirao garden
-temple of leah
-taoist temple
-lavie in the sky
-House of lechon-Lunch
-cebu heritages
-ancestral house
-magellan cross
-sto niΓ±o church
-port san pedro
-tabo-an market
-10k roses-Optional
Day 2-Moalboal-Badian tour
-Sardines run
-turtle watching
-Coral Viewing
-Moalboal Basdaku Sunset Viewing
-Canyonering with Kawasan Falls
Note: You can also Costumized your tour.
For inquiries contact us
πIsland Hopping in Olanggo Island
Tours with LokalGuide Archie Sakuragi
#tourswithlokalguidearchiesakuragi #everyonehighlightsfollowers #cebuphilippines #localtourguide #localguide
πMoalboal Sardines Run
Tours with LokalGuide Archie Sakuragi
for inquiries contact us whatsapps 09454511804
Adventure Awaits!Explore Cebu with Tours with LokalGuide Archie Sakuragi
πMoalboal Turtle Watching
#everyonehighlightsfollowers #tourswithlokalguidearchiesakuragi #localtourguide #everyonehighlights #cebuphilippines