By Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon,2011:
In every life that is lived is a story of life. A tale of love, a tale of life and whatever it brings, as life passes and go.
Within each story of life are masterpieces of ones life, with tear and sorrow, with laughter and joy, with courage. And a fortitude as ones character becomes massive during ones life's journey. And comes the masterpieces of ones life. A greatness, that only the man himself knows and God, in the many unflipped pages of a life's story. Unchronicled or chronicled by time, in the history of every human civilization.
Within each heart, as it breathes is a desire for freedom, a resonating desire for peace and equality. Equality, as we pay reverence to universal peace, as we wish others to be so. Other nations, other people, other creeds under one roof in the skies. So there will be no tyrants and oppressors from other nations, and from the same people of same nation. A peace we can build within a nation, within nations among nations, within every piece of human society, as we know how to learn to build peace within our own family.
When we know how to respect the human dignity of each, be they poor or ignorant, rich or educated, bad and ugly. Still they are human beings with dignity of existence as the highest creation of the Almighty God, whom He commanded us to love. When we know how to pay reverence to all the creations within this beautiful universe, created by the Almighty God.
Then we can build peace......The Universe is a place for all of us to dwell in, as we are given the gift of time to live.
When we know how to live, then we should know how to love. So we can aspire to become the highest self that we can be. With that higher self comes our vision in life. For the betterment of our own self. For the betterment of our self with others. For the welfare of all human race. As we spend our gift of time, to learn many things, so we may unlearn what we learned wrong. And as we dream it to be, then it can be! As we ask God, our Creator for the preparation of our heart.
May all of us, and the future generations, from every child that will come from each mother's womb of our family, see our gifts. So we can be gifts to others. As we cloth ourselves with honor and dignity, not with wealth and power, that so many wrongly use and exercise. I open my heart and my tongue to speak. To witness our beautiful heritage gifted by God with wealth, fame, honor, power, length of days, and glory for four long centuries.
I vow my head in worship of God, and to Him be the glory. In the name of His Son, JESUS CHRIST, THE MESSIAH, THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD.
November 24, 2011
Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon.
The City of Seven Lakes
*****Ticzon (Ticson) and *****Tecson Family
[1700 - 2000 A. D.].
Descendants of 3 *****Tek Sun (Son Tek) Brothers of:
Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China.
Paternal,maternal families:
*****Africa and Marasigan,
Paternal, paternal families:
*****Suarez, Sarmiento.
[Laguna Province]
My paternal grandparents: Guillermo Africa Ticzon and Silveria Gesmundo.
My greatgrandfather: Cornelio Suarez Ticzon, ***great2grandfather: Sebastian Sarmiento Ticzon,
***Great3grandfather: Engr. Juan Ticzon,
Domingo Ticzon M.D. - 1771 Mayor of:
San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines.
Maternal, maternal family: ***** Bernardo Family
[1800 - 2000 A.D.]
Maternal, paternal family: *****Cruz Family Heritage whose ancestors were from:
[Balagtas, Bulacan] [Pandi, Bulacan]
Maternal, maternal, paternal family: *****Oliveros Heritage from:
Ilocos Region,Philippines.
The families that bred me. My father and my mother.
My two younger brothers. My mother's mother, and her younger sister, and their elder brother:
Luisa Bernardo Oliveros-Cruz, Rosenda Bernardo Oliveros-Contreras, Francisco Bernardo Oliveros.
To my families.
==To the universal world of facebook.
With all my warmest thoughts from across the miles.
Crescenciana Cruz Ticzon,
November 24, 2011.
[The Founder]:
"The Petals of Many Hearts".
"World Poetry Library, 2006"..
Founded: July 19, 2006.
In The Year of The LORD.
Holy Angels' Academy Alumni Association:
Founded: June 12, 2015.
Alumni and graduates, students of the pioneer highschool in Pandi,Bulacan:
Maria Gabriel Santos-Galvez M.D.
(Maria is an Oliveros 2nd cousin of Crescenciana's mother) from her
mother's father side (Juan Oliveros):
Oliveros Family, originally from Ilocos Region.