Since 1963, We have been privileged to serve the Cotton ginning,Wheat straw or Hay baling press,Waste baling press,Grass baling press,Textile industries,Tuff tile plants & molds,Mixer machines,Spun pole molds,Automatic Power Gates & Agriculture Equipments We pride ourselves on good service and the efficient performance of our machinery. We would appreciate hearing from you if you have any suggesti
on that will enable us to serve you better. We are as near as your mobile phone and ready to be of
service at any time. Since 1963, we have been privileged to serve the cotton ginning,Chaff or hale baling press, Waste cotton baling press, textile industries,tuff tile plants,tuff tile plant moulds,mixer machines, spun pole moulds, pamir hand pumps, Automatic Power Gates. Our years of Experience are invaluable in our efforts to provide our valued customers and friends with the very finest machinery available on order. Our machinery is of the latest design, Precision, Engineered, and field tested under actual ginning & mill conditions. Every effort has been made to provide the maximum in service with a minimum of maintenance. However, all gin machinery will at times require repairs or the replacement of parts to operate at top efficiency. We also repair all machinery and also give instruction to Operator of your factory equipment and to Simplify the ordering of repair parts. One of our Sales Engineer will be calling on your company periodically and will be happy to give you additional assistance in the event you should find it necessary. Again, thank you for this opportunity to serve you and our best wishes for successful ginning.