The production of semen from selected excellent bulls are closely controled and monitored by Government regulations and international standard in terms of their health and sanitary conditions
- With the use of various kinds of high-tech equipments, suitable number of sperms are sealed automatically in plastic staw, which is frozen quickly under the extremely low temperature of -196℃. These guaran
teed semens can be preserved semi-permanently and distributed anywhere in the world.
- According to the analysis of 200,000 A.I. data in Korea, the fertility rate of DCIC semen was higher than any other foreign dairy semen results, which included major bovine semen from North America.
- And Korea has four distinctively divided seasons. In summer the temperature hovers around 35℃ and fluctuate around -20℃ in winter, which gives a typical weather conditions with annual temperature range of 55℃.
- Under such a wide range of temperature, our Korean dairy genetics show outstanding adaptability to any environmental conditions and also powerful resistant ability against various diseases. we are confident these strong advantages of Korean genetics can be applied to the world dairy environment in the same way.