Crew International

Crew International Portal pracy na morzu CREW INTERNATIONAL is not a recruiting nor manning agency and acts as an information portal only. A.T. Wendy 10
70-655 Szczecin

Portal For Jobs At Sea - CREW INTERNATIONAL is created by experienced personnel with many years of maritime experience, as well as by people who have many years´ practice in human resource management. We are flexible and very carefully listen to your opinions. We are changing to an even greater extent to meet the needs of the maritime labour market and focus on the most important issue - effective

recruitment and satisfaction of all our customers. Information about the PORTAL’s Owner:
Crew International Ltd




Bądź na bieżąco i daj nam wysłać e-mail, gdy Crew International umieści wiadomości i promocje. Twój adres e-mail nie zostanie wykorzystany do żadnego innego celu i możesz zrezygnować z subskrypcji w dowolnym momencie.

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