Arch Angelic Attunements & Orbs ~ Ascension & Healing

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Arch Angelic Attunements & Orbs ~ Ascension & Healing This is an Arch Angel space for Attunements with the Arch Angels energies.healings..and 'readings for all Sessions must be Paid prior to session..

Counseling ~ Guidance ~ Clearing sessions ~ and Series of Coaching sessions
Long Distance Reiki and energy work with Roshandra Reiki Master and Arch Angel Raphael

Clearing Sessions are of great care for those going thru Ascension and Awakening processes and clearing energies and emotions of your Patterns and Past Lives...
As...we are awakening and going thru these changes, we often have pattern a

nd stuck energies that need counseling and balancing. This 'service' aids on both the 'mind patterns to let go and see' along with the energy pressures of what is held within the body and light body. A session gives insight and immediate releasing and or a section of this release' . Healing is natural when done with both the Angels and the Energy of understanding the blocks or inner parts of what the soul is wanting to move thru i n the Healing process'...These session are very uplifting and very cleansing as it allows the body and mind and emotions to repolarize and the light body to align more easily and grounding the person naturally. Balance is achieved and so is the experience of more Awareness when finishing a Healing Session...

Sliding Scale of $110 ~ $140 is available upon request...
all Sessions must be Paid prior to session for booking your appointments...

Retainers for pre sessions require payment at the time of Booking
Before Sessions are done.. executive fee for those that are dealing with more complex counseling is $170/hr

you may also consider working with Roshandra for a series of sessions and personal follow ups and that can be focused in a CORE issue area or in your Life Path work or Relationship. Often those areas take more then one session to get to the root issues or the support and guidance needed to facilitate the persons process more fully. Namaste Blessings Roshandra ~ Reiki Master
Arch Angel Raphael ~ Arch ANgel Airriel ~ Arch Angel MICHAEL

Retainers and guidelines for multiple sessions ~

Four Sessions One Hour each session ~ $680

Monthly Executive Counseling and Guidance Package is $1,000
this includes 4 one hour sessions and 4 half hour sessions

Four Sessions 30 minutes each ~ $440
only for previous clients....if they want on going coaching ..pep talks.. after initial work is accomplished..these sessions are to help the new patterns be more coached along further. Retainers for pre sessions require payment at the time of Booking
Before Sessions are done..

Transpersonal Counseling

Clearing Sessions...Counseling ...Guidance...

Pattern changes..discussion of the THREE areas each session focuses on
and CLEARING of the part of the Guidance and Healing Work

all sessions are on LINE and you can PRINT them after.. via Instant Messenger [email protected] is my email I M...

this work is truly TRANSFORMATIONAL ..and will Clear you quickly.. in both mind..body..heart energy and karma....and your Life PATH. Payment Method
Western may do that ON LINE and the procedure
works like this.. you open up an account with Western Union..or go on line and or in person to a Western Union locationn..they ARE all over the WORLD. SAFE, FAST, Secure and EASY...

you send your payment to Roshandra Simon, Los Gatos, California, USA
American Dollars.. i will need your First and Last name
i will need your City, State, Country
i will need your PHONE Number ( Western Union Codes the transfer this way) you EMAIL me this information and then ..i receive the electronic
transfer/cash in person....

Thank you
i also Accept CREDIT CARDS and Pay Pal..once a Client is established
but i prefer WESTERN UNION..Namaste Roshandra * Arch Angel Raphael

KEEP HIM IN YOUR PRAYERS  there is so much going on

KEEP HIM IN YOUR PRAYERS there is so much going on


"Stand up for what's important to you."
~ Your Angels

(Artist: Unknown)


✨I allow all of the beauty in my life

to show in all areas of my life

And so it is
Much love
Namaste ✨Marialuisa & The Lemurian Unicorns ✨


A cosmic healing Orb - photograph by Jan Rekoutis

The energies of Archangels Sandalphon, Gabriel, Mary, Chamuel, Michael, Jophiel and Metatron gathered into the Orb. Then it opened to allow four of the great universal angel Butyalil’s angels to enter. They raised the frequency to cosmic levels. As you look at the Orb it prepares you to expand your cosmic aura.

On the 22nd October as part of the preparation to merge with our Monads we will strengthen our cosmic auras. Looking at this Orb will help us connect with the cosmic qualities we need. More information can be found at


Dryads are the spirit of trees. Their name comes from the Greek word for Oak, the most majestic tree, a symbol of strength and longevity whose roots go across the earth as the branches spread across the sky


Solar flare alert. We have an unstable Sunspot that is kicking out extra strong solar flares. We have been hit with like 20 solar flares in the past 2 days. We are in the peak of the Pleiadian Portal. This means we are receiving a huge influx of Pleiadian Energies. Expect a lot of Solar Winds and Plasma Energies over the next few days. You may be receiving a lot of Pleiadian messages and downloads. You may be feeling a pull to the Galactics to your Star Family. Lots of Violet Flame Energies hitting Earth/ the Grid right now. Major cleansing and activation underway. Our Sun is supercharged with Pleiadian Energies/ light from Alcyone. We have shifted into Gemini Season. The element of Air! It’s time to dream bigger. Gemini is the sign of the Twins. This Gemini Season is all about your mind and the power of your thoughts, and words. All about using them to create the future that you want. We can tap into these energies to manifest and to create magic. This Gemini Season is a great time to get intentional. We are integrating a lot of energies. As your frequency is rising you may have a lot coming to the surface. Major DNA activations in progress thru May 28th. We are in a stretch of Galactic Activation Days until then. Lots of New Light Codes streaming in right now. You may be experiencing having issues sleeping, waking up more, or may be feeling you need more sleep right now. Expect more clarity about your path ahead over the next few months, by June 1st. June 1st we have a conjunction between Jupiter and the North Node of Destiny in Ta**us. This aspect is considered powerful and auspicious. Jupiter magnifies everything it touches. In this case your own Destiny. Expect major Shifts! Expect a lot of positive energies and clarity about your future. This alignment will be activating your souls purpose. If you have a destined connection expect things to activate in this area….




To The Ascending LightWorker / Starseed
The recent Solar Eclipse has left us all in intense waves of energy, leading to dramatic changes in your reality with chaos and peace intertwined. Expect the unexpected as the recent solar Eclipse will continue to force away what is not for your highest good, which may cause temporary challenges before things feel better.

Trust in a Higher Plan as old karmic layers and connections are removed, paving the way for a shift to the next level. Allow the energy to work on you, even if things may not feel clear or make sense right now. Embrace the upgrade.

Mercury Retrograde is raising our awareness of living in the New Earth timeline, We are encouraged to trust ourselves and our decisions as there is no longer any separation between us and our higher self. As Starseeds your decisions are based on love and you are unifying with our Creator, the Most High, in this new time-space continuum.

Our operating system is with Creator source freeing us from limitations and obstacles. The illusions of "can't" and "won't" beliefs are dissipating, allowing us to carry on with optimism and a "can-do" attitude.
This Mercury Retrograde provides an opportunity to shift forward easily into 5D consciousness, letting go of limited thinking and embracing this new way of being.

Continue setting boundaries with external interferences, energies, and people that drain your creative life force energy. Your divine power is still recovering and being integrated into your DNA, paving the way for ascension into the higher Body and expanding you into more light. This higher frequency is a match to loyal, faithful, and loving relationships, including your star family origins.

Any feelings of unworthiness are being healed to support you through this metamorphosis with the Eclipse energies. Let go and receive destined planetary help that is raising you up. Ta**us Season is helping establish a foundation for unconditional love, free from limitations.
prioritise , rest and self-care is key to establish balance between mind and heart, allowing you to begin creating the new life you desire.

The new moon is shining a light on your shadows, bringing to the surface unpleasant memories and experiences. It's important to acknowledge these experiences for what they are past events that no longer control you.
You no longer need to run away from them or carry their energy with you.

Smile and embrace the fact that you are now in control of your journey. You have the power to choose your experiences and the energies you want to cherish. Let go of the past and move forward with the knowledge that you are the author of your own story.

Starseeds it’s possible that the universe is guiding you towards being alone for now so you can learn to rely on yourself and remove unhealthy attachments to others. This is an opportunity to redirect that energy back towards yourself and focus on becoming the best version of you.

With self-love and personal growth, you can build a foundation of strength and independence that will serve you well in all areas of your life. Instead of seeing being alone as a negative, embrace it as a chance to reconnect with your inner voice and cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness.

As we go through lifetime after lifetime of karmic interactions, pieces of ourselves can become scattered throughout the universe. But now is the time to reunite all those pieces of Self and call yourself home to a new consciousness that acts as a magnet. By doing so, you will heal the wounds of the past, embrace your true nature, and reclaim your inner power.

Through this process of integration you become whole and usher in a new era of self-awareness, enlightenment, and joy. It is a time to embrace this journey and call yourself home to your true Self.

Starseed Souls This world is your best teacher
There is a lesson in everything.There is a lesson in each experience. We are here to Learn it and become wise. Every failure is a stepping stone to success. Every difficulty or disappointment is a trial of faith. Every unpleasant incident is a test of inner strength.

In loving and dedicated light worker / Starseed service
Written by Ascension LightWorkers


To The Ascending LightWorker / Starseed
Starseeds your bodies are undergoing a transformation, allowing more light to enter your cells and activate your dormant DNA. This process involves releasing old karma and clearing energy blockages. While it may be challenging and tiring, symptoms such as muscle cramps, fatigue, and heightened sensitivities will eventually pass as you continue to adjust to new and higher frequencies.

With continued inner work and purification of your spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental being, you will successfully handle all increased energy and access extra-sensory communication.

Embrace the discomfort of metaphysical upgrades, for they are clearing away the old to make room for the new. As you purge toxins and emotional baggage you attune yourself to higher frequencies and unlock dormant DNA. Trust the process and tend to the house where spirit lives as you do, you open up to new circuits of extra-sensory communication. The sensory switchboards, activate to receive the heightened energy flowing through you .

Starseeds Strengthen your boundaries in the new earth energy your frequency is much higher , this means your boundaries need to also become strong , the energetic reaction is similar to an electric fence, this energy will be protecting you effortlessly. Anything not serving your higher self and highest good will not be able to pe*****te these strong energetic boundaries in your auric fields .

There is importance for surrounding yourself with peace and positivity, and being protected from dysfunction, chaos, confusion and conflicts. The earths new energy emphasises the importance of focusing on your achievable goals and maintaining inner strength and composure during times of uncertainty remaining consciously aware of your frequency without letting anyone else influence it negatively.

The new earth energy encourages trusting your intuition to discern ulterior motives and impure intentions, and maintaining a sense of worthiness and self empowerment.
The new earth energy encourages you to expresses gratitude and to recognise your true value and acknowledgments .

The New energy on this planet plays a key role in helping you to overcome all challenges to manifest your dreams here .
You are upgrading and ascending to your higher timelines , major upgrades have just taken place within you , the recent planetary energies have all played a significant part in this collective ascension .

During Mercury retrograde, embrace your inner peace and positivity, knowing that you are protected , remain sovereign and steadfast on your ascension path choosing to remain calm and composed in the face of adversity. You are now choosing a higher vibration in self and refusing to lower your energy and standards for anyone who may seek to compromise you .

You are gaining control of your emotions and thoughts, and trusting your strong intuition to guide you at all times . Reminding self that you are worthy, empowered, and filled with light and grateful for those who see you for who you are .

Prepare to receive many more upgrades at an accelerated rate , major changes are occurring from within you , this means your physical body will continue to alter and adjust to the conscious jumps in your ascension levels .

Starseeds your Life is about discovering who you really are and creating your own personal identity on this planet based in the real and true self . You achieve this by continuing to strip away all remains and remnants of false beliefs , programming etc in self .

In love and devoted Starseed / LightWorker
Written by Ascension LightWorkers


To The Ascending LightWorker / Starseed
The 144 Starseed Souls are Divine Beings from the Highest Dimensions who have vast knowledge and experience in liberating planets from dark control. They are here to assist in raising the consciousness of humanity and energetically removing Gaia Earth out of the grips of darkness , hostage and negative forces, Starseeds have been tasked by the higher divine realms to save our planet .Their higher purpose here is to help heal Earth and the human collective and to guide us into the 5th dimension

The 144 are incarnated on Earth in 4D-5D Realms to ensure that the planetary purpose is accomplished completely. Lightworker / Starseed souls are a powerful team working tirelessly behind the scenes for a much brighter future.

Ascending souls - Your calling will not be easy, but it is necessary for your human function to be authentic, humble, knowing and powerful. If you are called to heal the brokenhearted, you will face broken heartedness. If you are called to teach / prophesy you will struggle to control your voice , If you are called to lay healing hands, you will battle many spiritual attacks and viruses. If you are called to be a higher example on our ascending planet then you will be sort after for the higher wisdom that surrounds your message. If you are called to experience all of the above in one lifetime , your calling is far more complex and challenging in its nature and are often here to pave and lead the way .

Embrace the light within you and the darkness will have nowhere to hide. Low consciousness loses its grip when you no longer feed it with fear, doubt, and negativity. Rise above it and let your inner light and higher self guide you towards your potential and soul purpose

Starseeds You don't destroy the ego, you override it with LOVE. It submits to LOVE the SOUL must be in control. There are layers and levels in the ego just like there are levels in the SOUL connection. Each time you become conscious of healing aspects of the Ego you enter into a new time line paradigm one of Love and into a new level of Heightened Awareness,you are then mastering more of your TRUE SELF.


Starseeds There is power in your subconscious mind, within it lies the infinite knowledge you accumulated over many lifetimes. It holds the keys to unlock your full potential, the truth is nothing is ever lost in the expansion of your mind.

Respect the ego and everything it was helping you to discover in self It’s true purpose in your life is to consciously teach you what and who you do not need to be in Self , Society and in Life anymore. Once it is in your conscious awareness and knowing you can then disconnect from the old internal programming and false beliefs .

Starseeds Your hard work and dedication on your Ascension path means you are releasing old and stagnate energy, fears, harmful thoughts, toxic patterns, negative attachments, outdated beliefs and anything out of vibrational alignment.

You are now ready for higher transformation and are welcoming and adapting to this new earth energy one that is constantly shifting and changing as you are now clearing a great deal of space for your many new chapters , filled with new opportunities, deeper soul connections, abundance and many deserved blessings.

In loving and devoted Starseed LightWorker service
Written by Ascension LightWorkers


Macha is an Irish Warrior Goddess who battles against injustice to women and children.


When we find it too difficult to arrive fully into the present moment, it is almost always because the quiet is telling us something we are not yet ready to hear. The longer we avoid looking honestly at ourselves, the louder our inner worlds will become. When we find the courage to look long enough into the eyes of our demons, they dissolve into crying children just asking us to set them free.

We don’t need a lot to be happy, but we do need things that are real. We do need things that grip our hearts and enliven us and make us feel like we are here for a reason, here to experience something that could only be touched by a human body, understood by a human mind, loved by a human heart. When we deny ourselves the authentic experience of being alive, we reach for more when what we really want is not to stretch wider, but to go deeper.

You don’t have to run forever. The answers you’re looking for have probably been with you all along. The journey has not been about finding that truth, but strengthening your inner resolve to choose what you have always known is right, even if the world would not understand, even if you might disappoint some people, even if it might scare you or challenge you or make you feel vulnerable in a way you never have before.

I hope you will discover that making it is not always about where you end up, but how you take each step. When you change your relationship with today, you change your relationship with tomorrow.

Brianna Wiest

Instagram ‘raisingvibrationswithjo’


CLINIC DAY : FRIDAYS (Brisbane, Australia)

Looking forward to serving and working with you in the light beautiful soul!

Love and Divine Ascension to you


Prayer invocation ~ Code Angelic ~ Archangel light Language Transmission

“May the angel be in all directions of your soul day and night streaming love that will bless all your are.

May angels whisper wisdom into your ears gently and lovingly when you love faith.

May angels remind you to care for yourself and be filled with love at all moments during your day and every person you encounter comes into the same perfect love wavelength you already vibe.

My angels shed a light on every problem, pain, sorrow and with soothing healing can fiercely heal, powerfully feel the Grace in Divine being active in you in every cell, bone, organ and all you are physically balancing your Energetics into rightful way, highest outcome for all

May this loving prayer be valuable and make you feel help in legions of angel the rest of your life if you wish it and according to your higher self wisdom, so be it”

Archangels Healing Light Language Guided Meditation | Soothing Relaxation


~ wild rose 🌹


Pleasant dreams 😴🍀🐾


Archangel Amethyst is the twin flame of Archangel Zadkiel and carries the Divine Feminine energy.

She tempers Zadkiel's violet light with the pink of love and soft white, and she heals as she transmutes lower energies.

Her essence is held within amethyst crystals, through which she radiates a light thta clears gently but thoroughly.


Shasta Rainbow Angels is a metaphysical store located in Mt. Shasta & owned by Keiko Anaguchi, a spiritually renowned teacher, speaker, author and healer.


For over 27 years the Sacred mountain of Mt.Shasta in Northern California has been a place of retreat, meditation, St.Germain, Arch Angel Gabriel, ascended masters, Virgin Mary, the Christ, White Buffalo Woman, the Divine Feminine of this mountain and Native American Grandfathers.  


Blessings are brought forth in the form of a new life to be treasured and loved



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