To The Ascending LightWorker / Starseed
Starseeds your bodies are undergoing a transformation, allowing more light to enter your cells and activate your dormant DNA. This process involves releasing old karma and clearing energy blockages. While it may be challenging and tiring, symptoms such as muscle cramps, fatigue, and heightened sensitivities will eventually pass as you continue to adjust to new and higher frequencies.
With continued inner work and purification of your spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental being, you will successfully handle all increased energy and access extra-sensory communication.
Embrace the discomfort of metaphysical upgrades, for they are clearing away the old to make room for the new. As you purge toxins and emotional baggage you attune yourself to higher frequencies and unlock dormant DNA. Trust the process and tend to the house where spirit lives as you do, you open up to new circuits of extra-sensory communication. The sensory switchboards, activate to receive the heightened energy flowing through you .
Starseeds Strengthen your boundaries in the new earth energy your frequency is much higher , this means your boundaries need to also become strong , the energetic reaction is similar to an electric fence, this energy will be protecting you effortlessly. Anything not serving your higher self and highest good will not be able to pe*****te these strong energetic boundaries in your auric fields .
There is importance for surrounding yourself with peace and positivity, and being protected from dysfunction, chaos, confusion and conflicts. The earths new energy emphasises the importance of focusing on your achievable goals and maintaining inner strength and composure during times of uncertainty remaining consciously aware of your frequency without letting anyone else influence it negatively.
The new earth energy encourages trusting your intuition to discern ulterior motives and impure intentions, and maintaining a sense of worthiness and self empowerment.
The new earth energy encourages you to expresses gratitude and to recognise your true value and acknowledgments .
The New energy on this planet plays a key role in helping you to overcome all challenges to manifest your dreams here .
You are upgrading and ascending to your higher timelines , major upgrades have just taken place within you , the recent planetary energies have all played a significant part in this collective ascension .
During Mercury retrograde, embrace your inner peace and positivity, knowing that you are protected , remain sovereign and steadfast on your ascension path choosing to remain calm and composed in the face of adversity. You are now choosing a higher vibration in self and refusing to lower your energy and standards for anyone who may seek to compromise you .
You are gaining control of your emotions and thoughts, and trusting your strong intuition to guide you at all times . Reminding self that you are worthy, empowered, and filled with light and grateful for those who see you for who you are .
Prepare to receive many more upgrades at an accelerated rate , major changes are occurring from within you , this means your physical body will continue to alter and adjust to the conscious jumps in your ascension levels .
Starseeds your Life is about discovering who you really are and creating your own personal identity on this planet based in the real and true self . You achieve this by continuing to strip away all remains and remnants of false beliefs , programming etc in self .
In love and devoted Starseed / LightWorker
Written by Ascension LightWorkers