Counseling ~ Guidance ~ Clearing sessions ~ and Series of Coaching sessions
Long Distance Reiki and energy work with Roshandra Reiki Master and Arch Angel Raphael
Clearing Sessions are of great care for those going thru Ascension and Awakening processes and clearing energies and emotions of your Patterns and Past Lives...
As...we are awakening and going thru these changes, we often have pattern a
nd stuck energies that need counseling and balancing. This 'service' aids on both the 'mind patterns to let go and see' along with the energy pressures of what is held within the body and light body. A session gives insight and immediate releasing and or a section of this release' . Healing is natural when done with both the Angels and the Energy of understanding the blocks or inner parts of what the soul is wanting to move thru i n the Healing process'...These session are very uplifting and very cleansing as it allows the body and mind and emotions to repolarize and the light body to align more easily and grounding the person naturally. Balance is achieved and so is the experience of more Awareness when finishing a Healing Session...
Sliding Scale of $110 ~ $140 is available upon request...
all Sessions must be Paid prior to session for booking your appointments...
Retainers for pre sessions require payment at the time of Booking
Before Sessions are done.. executive fee for those that are dealing with more complex counseling is $170/hr
you may also consider working with Roshandra for a series of sessions and personal follow ups and that can be focused in a CORE issue area or in your Life Path work or Relationship. Often those areas take more then one session to get to the root issues or the support and guidance needed to facilitate the persons process more fully. Namaste Blessings Roshandra ~ Reiki Master
Arch Angel Raphael ~ Arch ANgel Airriel ~ Arch Angel MICHAEL
Retainers and guidelines for multiple sessions ~
Four Sessions One Hour each session ~ $680
Monthly Executive Counseling and Guidance Package is $1,000
this includes 4 one hour sessions and 4 half hour sessions
Four Sessions 30 minutes each ~ $440
only for previous clients....if they want on going coaching ..pep talks.. after initial work is accomplished..these sessions are to help the new patterns be more coached along further. Retainers for pre sessions require payment at the time of Booking
Before Sessions are done..
Transpersonal Counseling
Clearing Sessions...Counseling ...Guidance...
Pattern changes..discussion of the THREE areas each session focuses on
and CLEARING of the part of the Guidance and Healing Work
all sessions are on LINE and you can PRINT them after.. via Instant Messenger [email protected] is my email I M...
this work is truly TRANSFORMATIONAL ..and will Clear you quickly.. in both mind..body..heart energy and karma....and your Life PATH. Payment Method
Western may do that ON LINE and the procedure
works like this.. you open up an account with Western Union..or go on line and or in person to a Western Union locationn..they ARE all over the WORLD. SAFE, FAST, Secure and EASY...
you send your payment to Roshandra Simon, Los Gatos, California, USA
American Dollars.. i will need your First and Last name
i will need your City, State, Country
i will need your PHONE Number ( Western Union Codes the transfer this way) you EMAIL me this information and then ..i receive the electronic
transfer/cash in person....
Thank you
i also Accept CREDIT CARDS and Pay Pal..once a Client is established
but i prefer WESTERN UNION..Namaste Roshandra * Arch Angel Raphael