Pro Island Tour

Pro Island Tour Jeep Tours | Trilhos | Observação de Cetáceos | Pesca nos Açores | Tours E-Bike | Entre Outros 😎🚙 Narrow paths, dirt roads used by mostly farmers.

You no longer need to go to Africa for a safari! 😃
Also in the Azores you can experience moments of pure adrenaline in all-terrain vehicles. Tighten your seatbelt and feel the adventure through the interior of the island. The trip is made comfortably in jeeps properly equipped for this purpose and can take you to places you never even knew existed. It is intended for those who want unusual scenari

os in Terceira Island. Preference is given to routes on secondary roads that are not on the usual tourist routes. They are now flanked by blue hydrangeas, large trees or rough walls of basaltic stone that cut up the green pastures. Lead to breathtaking views, capable of breathtaking anyone. Take the opportunity to go stopping along the route. Get out of the jeep and contemplate better all the magical nature that surrounds it. There are several routes and travel possibilities.


Já não é preciso ir a África para fazer um safari! 😃
Também nos Açores é possível vivenciar momentos de pura adrenalina em veículo todo o terreno. Aperte o sinto. A aventura pelo interior das ilhas vai começar. A viagem é feita, confortavelmente, em jeep devidamente apetrechado para o efeito e capaz de o levar a lugares que nem imaginava que existissem. Destina-se a quem quer conhecer perspetivas e cenários invulgares na Ilha de Bruma (Ilha Terceira) de forma mais radical. Privilegiam-se percursos em estradas secundárias, que não constam dos habituais roteiros turísticos. São caminhos estreitos, de terra batida e usados, maioritariamente por lavradores. Encontram-se ladeados ora por hortênsias azuis, árvores de grande porte ou toscos muros de pedra basáltica, que retalham os verdes pastos. Conduzem a vistas deslumbrantes, capazes de tirar o fôlego a qualquer um. Aproveite para ir parando ao longo do percurso. Saia do jeep e contemple melhor toda a natureza mágica que o envolve. Existem vários percursos e possibilidades de viagens.

📞 (+351) 920 581 523
📩 [email protected]

Great day of fun

Great day of fun

Great tour

Great tour

Another fun tour

Another fun tour

Great work

Great work

This is what makes a team that works hard feel good, thank you everyone

This is what makes a team that works hard feel good, thank you everyone

Another great day

Another great day

great day

great day

Fantastic Pro Island Tour

Fantastic Pro Island Tour

Another great tour

Another great tour

Fantastic Pro Island Tour book yours today

Fantastic Pro Island Tour book yours today

one more amazing day

one more amazing day


This is what it is all about, creating memories for our customers, we begin the day with clients and end with new friends!
Short Video

Great job

Great job

Great tour with fantastic people

Great tour with fantastic people

Great cooking class

Great cooking class

Great fun with a great tour leader

Great fun with a great tour leader



Great Pro Island Tour

Great Pro Island Tour

Another great Pro Island Tour

Another great Pro Island Tour

another tour done well

another tour done well

always feels good to get an email like this, makes our work feel worth doing

always feels good to get an email like this, makes our work feel worth doing

Fantastic day with amazing family

Fantastic day with amazing family


Avenida Ten-cel. Jose Agostinho 9700, Angra Do Heroismo


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