TAXI FERRY - Ferragudo

TAXI FERRY - Ferragudo Serviço de Taxi Maritimo -Taxi Boat -FERRAGUDO, Praia da Rocha, Praia Grande & Portimão Registado no Turismo de Portugal RNAAT - 1318/2016 Taxi Ferry

We are back for 2025 season... Hope to see you soon! 10am until 5:45pmEstamos de volta para a época de 2025...Esperamos ...

We are back for 2025 season... Hope to see you soon! 10am until 5:45pm

Estamos de volta para a época de 2025...
Esperamos vê lo entre as 10 e as 17:45!

We wish our friends and costumers a great 2025... We are almost back! See you in February!Desejamos aos nossos amigos e ...

We wish our friends and costumers a great 2025... We are almost back! See you in February!

Desejamos aos nossos amigos e clientes um excelente 2025... Estamos quase de volta... Vemo-nos em Fevereiro!

Dear costumers, we are closing today for a short break to recharge batteries...See you in February! Merey Christmas anda...

Dear costumers, we are closing today for a short break to recharge batteries...
See you in February! Merey Christmas anda Happy New Year!

Caros clientes, encerramos hoje para uma curta pausa para recarregar baterias.
Esperamos por vós em Fevereiro!
Feliz Natal e um bom ano novo

Dear costumers, we are closing now on sunday's to staff rest. Monday until saturday 10am until 6:45pm we are working.Car...

Dear costumers, we are closing now on sunday's to staff rest. Monday until saturday 10am until 6:45pm we are working.

Caros clientes, estamos a encerrar ao Domingo para descanso do pessoal.
Segunda a sabado trabalhamos das 10 as 18:45


Thank you all! We keep getting better for you every day!

Thank you all! We keep getting better for you every day!

Thank you Afro Nation were amazing! See you next year...Safe journeys home to all of you!

Thank you Afro Nation were amazing! See you next year...
Safe journeys home to all of you!


TAXI FERRY - Ferragudo


Are you coming to Afro Nation Portugal 2024The easiest and faster way to reach the festival... only 3 min walk from the ...

Are you coming to Afro Nation Portugal 2024

The easiest and faster way to reach the festival... only 3 min walk from the drop off point.

Returns until 3 AM... safe and fast, no trafic mess in the roads acessing the festival. Saves you hours returning home.

No prebook needed, no long waitings...

TAXI FERRY - Ferragudo

Mobile 00351927272784

We are back to our summer time, 10AM until 11PM.Mondays we close at 7PMEstamos de volta ao horario de verão das 10 as 23...

We are back to our summer time, 10AM until 11PM.
Mondays we close at 7PM

Estamos de volta ao horario de verão das 10 as 23.
À segunda feira encerramos as 19


This is the way to cross the river...

⚠️⚠️⚠️Due the exercise from the Portuguese Navy that will close some areas in the harbour and mainly the acess to Portim...

Due the exercise from the Portuguese Navy that will close some areas in the harbour and mainly the acess to Portimao Marina, on the friday 19th of April we are suspending our operation on this day.
By this situation we will be operating on Sunday the 21st of April.
Apologize for any inconvenience.
Kind regards

Dear friends and costumers, we are back to give you the wonderfull experience of crossing the river with us!10am until 6...

Dear friends and costumers, we are back to give you the wonderfull experience of crossing the river with us!
10am until 6pm - See you soon

Caros clientes e amigos,estamos novamente abertos para lhe proporcionar uma fantástica travessia entre o rio!
10 da manhã até às 18. Até já

Dear custumers and friends, we close today for staff holidays, we Will be back in the Middle of February... Wishing you ...

Dear custumers and friends, we close today for staff holidays, we Will be back in the Middle of February... Wishing you all a great christmas and hopping to see you on 2024.

Caros clientes e amigos, encerramos hoje para férias. Regressamos em meados de Fevereiro.
Um santo natal e esperemos ver vos em 2024.


Avoid trafic and parking make the river crossing between and with us! 10am 2245pm

Travel to the and by boat!
On the festival days we are open until 3am!

2min walking from the drop point to the

Serviço de Taxi Maritimo -Taxi Boat -FERRAGUDO, Praia da Rocha, Praia Grande & Portimão Registado

Travel with us crossing the river

Travel with us crossing the river

🇵🇹 Dias aborrecidos não existem a partir do momento em que há a possibilidade de visitar Ferragudo. Acredite: será um dia em grande! 😁

🇬🇧Boring days do not exist once you have the opportunity to visit Ferragudo. Believe us: it will be a great day! 😁



Horário de Funcionamento

Segunda-feira 09:30 - 12:00
Terça-feira 09:30 - 01:00
Quarta-feira 09:30 - 01:00
Quinta-feira 09:30 - 01:00
Sexta-feira 09:30 - 01:00
Sábado 09:30 - 01:00
Domingo 09:30 - 01:00





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