The principle of yielding is one that I love working with, in this short series I would like to share the reason I think it is so important to reconnect to our innate wisdom and relationship with the group and the earth.
If you would like to watch the whole video which includes a short practice, check the link in my YouTube highlights for the full video on my channel!
Part 4!
This is a short series about why I don’t believe in ‘alignment rules’ in Yoga poses, but how instead we can work, learn and move from sensory input and find support through our structure.
If you would like to watch the whole video, check the link in my YouTube highlights for the full video on my channel!
#yoga #yogapractice #yogaalignment #alignment #asana #asanapractice #yogalife #yogainspiration #yogateacher
What are the benefits of working with someone long-term?
In Thai Yoga Massage, working with someone long-term means getting to know them to a point where they trust you and can feel supported by you in the ups and downs of life, and you get to experience a bit of their journey too. Supporting them at difficult times, but also being there to share the good times!
If you want to dive even deeper into working with chronic conditions and pain in Thai Yoga Massage, I am running an advanced course specifically on this topic in May.
For dates and enrolment details, check my link in bio!
#ThaiYogaMassage #MassageCourse #YogaPortugal #TerapiasAlternativas #TraumaInformed #ManagingPain #PostTraumaGrowth #ThaiYogaMassageTraining #Colitis
Trusting the process of healing can be tough when it is not always linear, but the relationship between patient and care-provider needs to be solid in order to navigate the lower moments and come out on the other side.
At times, a flare-up is bound to happen and it is important to support the person and offer empathy, and guidance.
This video is an excerpt of a longer YouTube video where I’m discussing a couple of case studies I encountered while offering Thai Yoga Massage treatments. If you are interested in learning more about it, check the whole video on my YouTube channel!
#ThaiYogaMassage #ThaiYogaMassageCertification #ThaiYogaMassageTraining #Colitis
"You can't pour from an empty cup" is a phrase we hear when talking about self-care, it reminds us that to effectively support others we must take care of ourselves first.
As teachers, facilitators, caregivers, we are used to the role of giving and to be able to keep doing that and showing up for our students or clients we need to make sure that we are also nourished and taken care of. That is why I wanted to highlight the importance of creating a resilience regimen, a set of daily practices that will focus on doing something that nourishes us every single day.
Creating a resilience regimen is essential, even if it requires discipline to establish and maintain. These daily practices focus on nurturing ourselves and are vital for sustaining our roles.
What is something you do to nourish yourself? #SelfCare #SelfNourishment #MentalHealth #Burnout #NourishYourself #AvoidBurnout #SelfcareRegimen #SomaticToolkit
Grounding is one of those overused words and it has lost its authenticity. So let's try to understand what it really means, how we can foster it, and why practice it in the first place.
10 things that a Yoga class should foster when working with people with persistent pain (in my opinion anyway).
It's so good to hear that more and more people starting out in supporting professions consider a more trauma-informed approach from the outset.
5 reasons why creating safe spaces matters. Let's keep having these important conversations.
#SafeSpace #TraumaInformed #LanguageOfTheBody #StrongerInCommunity #PostTraumaticGrowth #SomaticHealing