In the context of the prevention measures and control of the Coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19, MoreTravel Chauffeur service is now certified as a "Clean & Safe" Company in accordance with the standards of the General Directorate of Health and Portugal’s Tourism Bureau. Our Protocol and containment measures will be initiated immediately as provided for in accordance with the guidelines and the law in force, until further official notification from the authorities:
- Our Staff / Drivers will have training on protocol and precautionary standards, prevention and infection control in relation to COVID-19.
- Our drivers will be equipped with the appropriate protective material: mask and disposable gloves according to DGS recommendations.
- Our vehicles will be hygienized immediately after each transport made, with products of effectiveness and color with the recommendation by the DGS.
- The vehicles will be equipped hygienic acrylic separators, for your passengers and drivers safety.
- The vehicles will be equipped with hand disinfectant dispensers of alcohol-based or alcohol-based, as well as will be available cleaning wipes for individual use moistened in disinfectant or alcohol at 70º for passengers and staff / drivers.
-The vehicles will be equipped with non-manual containers and disposable plastic bag at each trip.
- The filtering and disinfection of the air conditioning system of the vehicles will be carried out regularly.
- In order to comply with the distance rules, the capacity of the vehicles will be determined by legal regulation.
- The use of a mask by our passengers will be advised, as well as to provide and suggest information on basic prevention standards, as recommended by DGS.
- The internal protocol as well as all the information on the basic precautionary procedures and control related to the outbreak of COVID-19, will be affixed to the vehicles and will be made available the consultation by our customers.