Rich Lion Artists Romania

Rich Lion Artists Romania Agentie de Artist & VIP Booking | Talent Management & Development | +40745.838383 Rich Lion Entertainment - We offer the guarantee of a successful party.

Rich Lion Booking - Prin divizia de booking, va oferim posibilitatea sa angajati pentru evenimentul dumneavoastra artisti, dj, prezentatori radio sau tv, actori, dansatori sau orice alta entitate din showbiz-ul autohton sau international. Rich Lion Booking - With our booking division we offer you the chance to employ artists, dj’s, radio or tv hosts, actors, dancers or any other showbiz entity for

your events.
Rich Lion Entertainment - Prin divizia de evenimente ne punem in slujba celor care vor sa aiba garantia organizarii unei petreceri reusite. Cand spunem petreceri, avem in vedere un spectru larg de evenimente cm ar fi : petreceri tematice pentru cluburi si discoteci (vezi aici), event-party corporate. Petrecerile corporate sunt extrem de permisive, limita in ceea ce priveste organizarea lor fiind doar imaginatia sau bunul simt. Experienta de peste 5 ani in organizarea de team-buildinguri si de petreceri corporate ne da posibilitatea sa oferim clientilor garantia succesului si a reusitei depline. And by party we mean a large variety of events such as themed parties for clubs and disco’s or corporate events. Corporate parties offer a lot of room to move, the only limit when organizing them being your imagination and good taste. Over 5 years experience in organizing team building events and corporate parties gives us the possibility to offer our clients the guarantee of a successful event. Rich Lion Booking Shop - Rezervari artisti, dj, persoane publice, vip.
Rich Lion Talent Management - Talentul poate sa nu insemne nimic daca nu este promovat. Reteta succesului nu este una simpla iar rezultatele presupun efort sustinut atat din partea artistului cat si din partea managementului acestuia. Know how-ul este esential, iar noi, cei de la RL il avem. Daca ai vreun talent, vino sa te facem cunoscut! Avem profesionisti care vor determina cat esti de talentat si impreuna vom stabili care sunt pasii pe care-i avem de facut. Pe scurt : Marketing, PR, Publicitate, Gestionare agenda, Negocieri contracte, etc. Rich Lion Talent Management - Talent is nothing if it’s not properly promoted. The recipe for success is not a simple one and results require sustained effort and work from the artist and from his management. The know-how is essential and we, here at RL, have plenty of. If you have a talent let us make you famous! We have professionals that will determine how talented you are and together we will establish a road to follow. In short: Marketing, Public Relations, Contract Negotiation, Tour Management, etc.




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