Get a glimpse into the cockpit from six different cameras, from the preparation stages to takeoff at an altitude of 35,000 feet.
Discover the systems that assist in the safe deceleration of the aircraft during landing.
Have you ever wondered why you hear two chimes during takeoff and landing?
Meet our flight attendants, who have traveled thousands of kilometers, served tens of thousands of passengers, and accumulated thousands of flight hours.
We are continually enhancing your flight experience and ensuring you stay connected from anywhere in the world, especially during this period.
Even at 30,000 feet, we support the Israeli economy with Blue and White duty-free.
Why are 2 pilots necessary for a flight?
How does a night flight look from the cockpit, with everything glowing below? Experience the breathtaking night journey from Dubai to Tel Aviv through six different camera angles...
"Please come in with a smile". In memory of Hadar Goldin.
How Do You Dress Up Like a Flight Attendant for Purim?
Fly The Flag: How we keep our aircraft clean, organized, and ready for takeoff!
We continue standing alongside the families of the hostages and supporting their global awareness campaign. Yesterday, we embarked on a special flight to New York, carrying around 100 family members who will testify at the UN about the crimes committed by Hamas.
During the flight, Jewish-American actor Michael Rapaport communicated through the cockpit with Jordan Gonen, sister of Romy, still held by Hamas, and Ilan Tis, daughter of Keith Siegel, who remains in captivity. Rapaport spoke words of encouragement, providing strength for their crucial mission at the UN.
To amplify global awareness, we named the departure flight LY157 to signify the number of days the hostages have been held. The return flight, LY134, denotes the count of hostages we still await.
Our pilots communicated these flight numbers with international air traffic control, serving as a poignant reminder to the world that 134 Israeli men and women have been held captive by Hamas for over five months, and demanding their immediate return.
It is an honor to accompany these families, offering unwavering support and we eagerly await the swift return of all the hostages.