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True twin flames vibrate at exactly the same electromagnetic frequency because they are identical counterparts of one another . WELCOME Friends !!

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Eclipsa Totala de Luna din 4 aprilie – Portalul DRAGOSTEIOh! Astrele au chef serios „de joaca” in aceasta perioada. Se i...

Eclipsa Totala de Luna din 4 aprilie – Portalul DRAGOSTEI

Oh! Astrele au chef serios „de joaca” in aceasta perioada. Se intampla lucruri intense si importante din punct de vedere astronomic dar, pentru oamenii deschisi sa vada lumea din mai multe perspective, se intampla lucruri importante chiar si din punct de vedere astrologic.
Eclipsa Totala de Luna Sangerie in Balanta, din data de 4 aprilie, care urmeaza eclipsei totale de Soare in Pesti, din data de 20 Martie este considerata a fi un Portal spiritual al Iubirii. Pregatiti-va deci, caci vom fi inundati de o energie profunda a dragostei in toate manifestarile sale.

Eclipsa Totala de Luna va putea fi vizibila doar din zona Oceanului Pacific, dar ne va afecta pe toti. In Romania, eclipsa nu va fi vizibila.
Trecem printr-o perioada importanta din punct de vedere spiritual cu un flux de energie impresionant pe care cei aflati in conexiune mai profunda cu ei insisi si Universul, deja il simt intens; dar aceasta Eclipsa Totala este o provocare pentru noi toti, din multe puncte de vedere, spun astrologii. Provocarea este aceea de a reusi sa ne mentinem in echilibru emotional. Constientizarea distorsiunilor care reflecta separari si tumult, ne ajuta de fapt sa ne echilibram fiinta si sa ne conectam mai profund la constiinta colectiva.


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Sorry we're CLOSED

Traim in acest moment o iluzie a pierderii. Avem senzatia ca pierdem ceva: un job, o prietenie, o relatie de iubire, poa...

Traim in acest moment o iluzie a pierderii. Avem senzatia ca pierdem ceva: un job, o prietenie, o relatie de iubire, poate chiar si sanatatea. Devenim disperati si credem ca totul se termina. Nu putem pierde insa NIMIC pentru ca nu avem NIMIC.
E important acum sa nu intram in energia fricii si sa ne centram in inima. Stiu ca nu e usor, dar nu suntem singuri.. Se poate!
O sa iti dai seama apoi cm te eliberezi de niste atasamente toxice, cm lectiile incep sa fie bifate si invatate si cm LIBERTATEA devine noul tau stil de viata. Esti si ai venit aici sa fii un SPIRIT LIBER. Ne-am inlantuit singuri iar acum putem sa ne eliberam.

Angel Numbers111 – Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don’t wa...

Angel Numbers

111 – Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don’t want. The sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 111 is like the bright light of a flash bulb. It means that the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts…ask your angels to help you with this if you have difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts.

123 — Simplify your life. Get rid of anything that’s pulling at your energy, time, or finances—especially anything that pulls you away from your life purpose. The ascended masters are helping you with this simplification.

222 — Have faith. Everything’s going to be all right. Don’t worry about anything, as this situation is resolving itself beautifully for everyone involved.

333 — The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin and Yogananda.

444 — Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an Earth angel yourself. You have nothing to fear—all is well.

555 — Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you. This change should not be viewed as being “positive” or “negative” since all change is but a natural part of life’s flow. Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continuing seeing and feeling yourself to be at peace.

666 — Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world. This number sequence asks you to balance your thoughts between Heaven and Earth. Like the famous, “Sermon on the Mount” the angels ask you to focus on spirit and service, and know your material and emotional needs will be met as a result.

777 — The angels applaud you… “congratulations, you’re on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true.” This is an extremely positive sign and you should also expect more miracles to occur.

888 — A phase of your life is about to end, and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional career or relationship phase. It also means there is light at the end of the tunnel. In addition it means, The crops are ripe. Don’t wait to pick and enjoy them. In other words, don’t procrastinate in making your move or enjoying the fruits of your labor.

875 — The changes you’re making have put you on the right path for manifesting abundance in all ways.

999 — Get to work, Lightworker! The world needs your Divine life purpose right now. Fully embark upon your sacred mission without delay or hesitation.

000 — A reminder you are one with God, and to feel the presence of your Creator’s love within you. Also it is a sign that a situation has gone full circle.

Freedom is possible. One in-breath alone is enough to set you free - from your regrets about the past, your worries abou...

Freedom is possible. One in-breath alone is enough to set you free - from your regrets about the past, your worries about the future, and your projects in the present. In that state of freedom, you will make better decisions. Next time you have to make a decision, be sure to breathe in and out first.


BRADFest este o iniţiativă civică care urmăreşte reîmpădurirea cu brazi a zonelor defrișate din România și creșterea conştientizării cu privire la problemele pădurilor precum și stabilirea importanței lor în ecosistem prin promovarea unei atitudini civice pozitive.

Cat timp scoti la lumina dovezi incontestabile, scrise negru pe alb, si nu te abati de la adevar, nimeni nu te poate inv...

Cat timp scoti la lumina dovezi incontestabile, scrise negru pe alb, si nu te abati de la adevar, nimeni nu te poate invinge!

Este vorba despre o renastere a noastra, o deschidere a unor porti catre un nou ciclu de viata. Am putea spune ca maine ...

Este vorba despre o renastere a noastra, o deschidere a unor porti catre un nou ciclu de viata. Am putea spune ca maine este Revelionul, daca tot vrem sa dam o importanta deosebita acestei zile. Azi ne pregatim, incheiem etape, renuntam la iluzii, renuntam la credinte mai vechi, facem curatenie. Ca de maine sa incepem sa ne preocupam mai mult de noi si de sufletul nostru.
Ni se spune acum ceva foarte important.


Degeaba vrei sa ajuti Mama Pamant, degeaba vrei sa ii ajuti pe cei din jurul tau daca nu te ajuti pe tine. Intelege intai ce se intampla cu tine, ce vrei de la viata, fa tu ce ai de facut, FA-TI ROLUL SI MISIUNEA PENTRU CARE AI VENIT AICI, iar apoi din prea plinul tau da si altora. Tu poti crea tot ceea ce iti doresti, ai pensula in mana ta si doar fa ce simti!

Luna aceasta e important sa intelegi ca nimeni in viata asta nu a venit aici ca sa te judece. Nu esti CHIAR atat de impo...

Luna aceasta e important sa intelegi ca nimeni in viata asta nu a venit aici ca sa te judece. Nu esti CHIAR atat de important(a). Modul in care vezi lucrurile in aceasta luna va fi total opus a ceea ce te astepti. Poate credeai ca esti o persoana generoasa si iti dai seama ca actiunile tale iti hraneau ego-ul. Poate ti se parea ca esti cea mai blanda persoana dar iti dai seama ca esti cea mai dura persoana, mai ales cutine.
TU esti cel mai dur judecator al tau, nu ceilalti. Asadar luna aceasta e bine sa iti faci curatenie in propria ograda. E necesar sa vezi lucrurile asa cm sunt, fara a mai apasa butoane care declanseaza durere, pedeapsa, vina,confuzie.. in tine si implicit in ceilalti.

Este o luna a „oglinzilor”.

Poate vei ameti atat de mult te vei vedea in ceilalti, in toate situatiile. Uneori iti va placea, alteori te va durea. Vei vedea insa CLAR in aceasta luna toate aspectele tale, mai ales aspectele tale negative.Vor fi bine oglindite si puse in evidenta tocmai pentru a putea lucra la ele.

Daca tu nu esti foarte convins asupra propriilor tale calitati, priveste-te prin ochii celor care iti sunt alaturi cu iu...

Daca tu nu esti foarte convins asupra propriilor tale calitati, priveste-te prin ochii celor care iti sunt alaturi cu iubire. Daca vezi cat de mult te pretuiesc ei, cat de des cauta sa-ti stea in preajma, inseamna ca ei te plac asa cm esti si ar fi bine sa fii si tu la fel de multumit de tine insuti. Nu-ti mai vedea toate defectele in oglinda, cand se vad de la o posta numai lucruri minunate pe care merita sa le evidentiezi. Invata sa te iubesti mai mult, sa te respecti mai mult, sa valorifici mai mult ceea ce stii sau poti, pentru ca ai multe atuuri doar ale tale. De fapt, exact asta apreciaza ceilalti la tine, dar tu parca vrei si mai mult!
E bine sa doresti perfectiunea, dar spiritul auto-critic depaseste totusi limitele!

So what if I’m not spectacular?I can still have the dream of you with your hands all over me,unashamed and hungry, if I ...

So what if I’m not spectacular?

I can still have the dream of you with your hands all over me,unashamed and hungry, if I want it.
Look, just come over.
Just go with me here, for a second.
I know you don’t love me.
I know this, but pretend.
Pretend for a while.
I don’t care if I’m special,as long as you f**k me like I am.

Te intorci prea des inapoi, la etapele anterioare ale unui proiect care pare sa mearga bine, dar tu te simti mai in sigu...

Te intorci prea des inapoi, la etapele anterioare ale unui proiect care pare sa mearga bine, dar tu te simti mai in siguranta acolo, in trecut. Elibereaza-te de vremurile de altadata, ce a fost a fost, acum conteaza mai mult nivelul pe care te afli si, mai ales, cel spre care te indrepti. Concentreaza-ti energia pe ceea ce va sa vina, pentru ca trecutul si-a jucat rolul la momentul potrivit. Ai primit de acolo tot ce era mai bun pentru ceea ce ai de facut de acum inainte, ca atare nu te tot refugia in amintiri, in istoricul cu care te mandresti sau nu, in vremuri de demult.
Gata, s-au dus!

Cuvantul de ordine al zilei este iubire, deci investeste sentimente curate si adevarate in tot ce faci, chiar daca te ocupi de ceva care nu pare sa mearga perfect. Cu cat investesti mai multe ganduri frumoase in planurile tale, cu atat ele se vor evolua mai usor spre succes. Cat timp privesti orice situatie cu frica si cu nesiguranta, cu atat mai multa putere dai esecului sa se instaleze, ca atare deschide inima si emite de acolo cantitati uriase de iubire, de pasiune, de placere, de emotie si ai sa vezi imediat diferenta.

Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what hold you back, a...

Meditation brings wisdom;
lack of mediation leaves ignorance.
Know well what leads you forward and what hold you back,
and choose the path that leads to wisdom

Always remember me

Ca tot e zi "speciala" azi. Intotdeauna trebuie sa dai din ce ai, atunci cand vibratia, starea iti permite. Exista insa ...

Ca tot e zi "speciala" azi. Intotdeauna trebuie sa dai din ce ai, atunci cand vibratia, starea iti permite. Exista insa momente in viata cand poti face mai putin decat ti-ai propus, cand trebuie sa iti conservi energia pentru ca apoi sa daruiesti cat mai mult.
Inceputul acestui an a fost foarte dur pentru mine. A venit cu multe schimbari: m-am mutat, schimbat "biroul", foarte multe provocari la nivel emotional si pe relatii si in plus multe deplasari.
O forma de respect, din punctul meu de vedere, este sa fii alaturi de oameni cu toata fiinta, si nu doar ca prezenta. La fel sa le raspunzi oamenilor cand ai starea, vibratia si energia necesara nu doar la repezeala "ca dintr-o datorie."
Eu mi-am conservat energia lunile acestea pentru a fii alaturi de cei care au nevoie.
Fiecare intelege insa ce vrea, nu am avut nimic personal cu nimeni.
As vrea sa stiti ca in viata asta, sunt un simplu OM, care trece prin aceleasi lucruri ca si voi. Nu sunt scutita de nimic, ba unele sunt chiar mai intense.
Multumesc din inima!

Beloved ones, step with me now through the New Moon Solar Eclipse Equinox Portal.Leave the past fully behind you, right ...

Beloved ones, step with me now through the New Moon Solar Eclipse Equinox Portal.
Leave the past fully behind you, right now, all of it.
It's time for you to claim your divine birthright, reactivate your original dna blueprint and remember that you are a true master of Light and Love.
Connect with the sun's energy and raise your vibration.
Activate your cells with liquid golden, platinum and white radiant light.
Let LOVE fill your entire being.
You are being reborn, like the phoenix rising from the fire.
Fill your heart with laughter, joy, and a new lightness of being.
Invoke the energy of Abundance, Peace, Love, Light, Courage, Faith and Hope.
Call this energy into your life NOW.
Step into this energy and feel it changing you, lifting you higher, raising your vibration.
Let your heart light be as radiant as the sun.
Feel it expanding until it completely surrounds and uplifts the entire world.
Let your heart centre connect with all life around you.
Feel the deep connection that we have with one another.
Envision the pyramids around the world activating and lighting up with the alignment of the Equinox, restoring balance to the planet.
With the New Moon energy, imagine planting the seeds of what you want to create and build in the New Earth.
Let the eclipse energy magnify your dreams, visions and intentions.
Know that you are indeed a divine master creator.
Beloved ones, let yourself play, dance and have fun with the powerful energy today.
Shine as bright as the sun!
Let yourself be free.

The Demons in this world are the ones in our own Hearts, and that is where all battles must be fought .

The Demons in this world are the ones in our own Hearts, and that is where all battles must be fought .

Drive Performance...Accelerate Change...Transform Culture!

Drive Performance...Accelerate Change...Transform Culture!

Depresia este unul dintre marii inamici ai noștri. Dintotdeauna. În războiul cu ea, unii și-au pierdut speranța, alții demnitatea, libertatea, iar uneori, viața.

Nu te crampona de o situatie care nu merge tocmai bine in acest moment, ci priveste undeva in departare, spre etapele ur...

Nu te crampona de o situatie care nu merge tocmai bine in acest moment, ci priveste undeva in departare, spre etapele urmatoare. Acum poate ca da, esti blocat, dar daca transformi un hop intr-o obsesie, fii sigur ca vei ramane aici multa vreme. Cu cat privesti mai detasat piedica de acum, cu atat vei trece mai repede peste ea, pentru ca important acum e sa te concentrezi asupra scopului spre care te indrepti. E ca si cm conteaza destinatia drumului pe care il faci acum, nu nivelul in care te afli in aceasta calatorie, deci priveste peste toate etapele direct la tinta cea mai inalta.

Mai zambim si noi ?

Casual reminder that you are the most important thing in your life.You are top priority.Nothing comes before you and you...

Casual reminder that you are the most important thing in your life.
You are top priority.
Nothing comes before you and your self care.
You are allowed to be self interested.Sleep Tight



To all Women and Men out there... May you be inspired to continue to spread your love, share your beauty, your mind, you...

To all Women and Men out there... May you be inspired to continue to spread your love, share your beauty, your mind, your heart ever more fluidly with confidence and grace as we spread harmony from the inside out... Taking time, a moment here and moment there, to give thanks, for each other, our grandparents, mothers, fathers, partners, siblings, children, friends, all the people we've never met... And for this beautiful earth we walk on. For breath giving us the base rhythm that we live by... Each thought a vibration and ripple in time, as each prayer for healing supports awakening.

A speaker of truth has no friends.

A speaker of truth has no friends.



Custom handmade turntables from a father and son team of wood-savvy audio nuts.

Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood.

Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood.

The longing for someone you love very much, combined with sadness and the need for singing sad songs. its etymology rela...

The longing for someone you love very much, combined with sadness and the need for singing sad songs. its etymology relates it to “dorinta,” which means wish — but it's more than just a feeling; it can illustrate an entire metamorphosis of body and soul for the one who experiences it.

Stop Ego Tripping GirlBreak up with boyfriend number three went something like this.Him: I’ve been thinking and when I g...

Stop Ego
Tripping Girl

Break up with boyfriend number three went something like this.

Him: I’ve been thinking and when I get back we should talk. I haven’t really been happy.

Me: (to myself- “Are you bleeping kidding me? You just left for Chicago today and are there for over a week. You want me to wait a week to talk about you being unhappy? You want me to wait a week to potentially heartbroken? You’re crazy!!!”) Don’t bother.

Him: What? (His voice increased 8 octaves.)

Me: Don’t bother. There’s no need to talk when you get back.

As I talked to a few friends, males and females, no one gave me any slack for the way I handled things. The consensus: “You should have waited until he got back.” No one wanted to hear my side. However, to be honest, I could have handled it differently. I didn’t have to go straight into battle-0f-the-egos mode. I didn’t have to deliver an unexpected blow (the screech in his voice made me even prouder of my coolly delivered line) that would ensure I won the battle.

Typically, when we let our pride get the best of us it’s usually a result of an underlying feeling like fear, anxiety, or shame. I really liked this guy (although the way I ended things suggests otherwise) and the thought of having to wait to figure out if he still felt the same way about me, or liked me enough to figure out if I was a part of his unhappiness or a few unexpected things that had come up with work lately (I failed to mention that detail earlier) felt unbearable. I felt like I had failed and that I was bound to be rejected and dumped. There was just no way could I tell my friends, many of whom though he was a great catch, that he broke up with me. So, in order to curb my own fear of being broken up with and rejected, enduring the return of my own insecurity of not being pretty enough (as a child I prayed to be pretty, that’s how unpretty I felt) I ended it first.

No confetti fell from the sky. I didn’t get a trophy to adorn my mantle for initiating the break up. It was a shallow victory for a battle that in retrospect didn’t exist.

That’s the thing about pride. It is the giver of shallow victories over battles that our own fears, anxieties, and insecurities disguise as real battles or issues. Pride robs us of real victories over opportunities seized, chances taken, issues addressed, life experienced.

So, how do you experience victories over real battles (i.e. applying for that job across country, applying for grad school, negotiating a salary increase, etc.)? You let go of your pride. You recognize pride as a mask for other feelings you should take the time to address.

What are some of the feelings that like to masquerade as pride?

Low self esteem
What are some of the experiences that lead to those feelings?

An absent caregiver
Hostile or unhealthy professional/personal environments
Unhealthy relationships ( past or present, romantic or otherwise)
History of abuse/assault
Traumatic experiences
Unfinished business (i.e. relationships or experiences that did not end well but you never processed)
What does the mask of pride look like?

Overspending and living above ones means
Consistently minimizing the work and worth of others to esteem your own work and worth
Refusing to ask for or seek help
Having oodles of acquaintances to happy hour or salsa dance with but no real friends
Ignoring reason, good advice, or being told “No” from people you know have your personal/professional interest at heart
having to have the last word
How do you remove the mask?

Be honest with yourself about the root of the pride (i.e. Being made fun of as a kid for being overweight and fear of still being made fun of although you’re at a healthy adult weight).
Ask for help. Whether it’s a close friend or a professional, once you realize whatever the experience is that has left some of the aforementioned common feelings, ask for help in resolving those issues. Friends can be helpful as you start taking off the mask, however I recommend a professional for helping you adjust to all that pretty your pride was hiding.
I don’t know if reining in my pride, fear or insecurity would have salvaged our relationship. However I do l know it would have kept me hidden from the beauty of other relationships I have since been able to enjoy.








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