Banat Reisen

Banat Reisen Young, fresh ideas, enthusiastic, adapting and flexible. From the touristic point of view, the Banat is a hidden treasure.

Banat Reisen is specialized in offering cultural but also active tours through the Banat Region but also through Romania for groups or individual travelers. We are a young enthusiastic team and the idea behind Banat Reisen, is to offer high quality touristic services to people who want to discover the culture but also the wild nature of the western part of Romania. The multiculturality of the regi

on was influenced by the high number of nationalites which leaved here throughout the centuries and the spectacular National Parks were kept so wild by the small number of tourists that have visited them. You will have now the opportunity to taste the Banat Experience through our services. For questions and information, don't hesitate to contact us.

A destination to discover!

A destination to discover!

Delicious culinary, corporate experience with   in one of the best places in

Delicious culinary, corporate experience with in one of the best places in

Creating events in beautiful places across the

Creating events in beautiful places across the

Exploring the Carpathian Mountains as they should be explored.

Exploring the Carpathian Mountains as they should be explored.

Ro: Experimentând primul traseu de Via Ferrata din Banatul MontanDe: Die erste Via Ferrata Route aus dem Banater Berglan...

Ro: Experimentând primul traseu de Via Ferrata din Banatul Montan
De: Die erste Via Ferrata Route aus dem Banater Bergland erleben.
En: Experiencing the first Via Ferrata Route from the Banat Mountains

Mulțumim frumos / Danke schön / Thank you Prietenii Naturii Banat

Combining fun, 3 seasons and safety

Combining fun, 3 seasons and safety

Thank you Visma Software Romania for the nice words and a great and delicious experience.

Thank you Visma Software Romania for the nice words and a great and delicious experience.

Mancare, plimbare si bun vin. Crama Aramic

Mancare, plimbare si bun vin.
Crama Aramic

Ro: Un nou concept alături de Crama Aramic bazat pe mâncare locală, plimbări in vie si vinuri bune.En: A new concept tog...

Ro: Un nou concept alături de Crama Aramic bazat pe mâncare locală, plimbări in vie si vinuri bune.
En: A new concept together with de Winery Aramic, based on local food, walks in the vineyard and good wine.
De: Ein neues Konzept zusammen mit dem Weingut Aramic, welches sich auf Spaziergänge durch den Weingut, lokales Essen und gute Weine basiert.

Suntem foarte mândri de echipajul Emanuel Resiga si Denisa Resiga, care la debutul lor cu o mașină nouă, au reușit sa ob...

Suntem foarte mândri de echipajul Emanuel Resiga si Denisa Resiga, care la debutul lor cu o mașină nouă, au reușit sa obțină victoria la etapa Raliul Argeșului din cadrul Campionatului Național de Raliuri 2.
La cât mai multe victorii.

Pregătim evenimente faine la Crama Aramic. Plimbăreală-n vie.

Pregătim evenimente faine la Crama Aramic. Plimbăreală-n vie.

Turism de acum 50 de ani.

Turism de acum 50 de ani.

O colecție de 300 de imagini cu România anilor 1969-1974, realizată de un călător necunoscut, a fost recuperată de pe o stradă din Budapesta, unde fusese aruncată la gunoi. Un istoric de artă a recuperat fotografiile, le-a dus acasă și a început să le sorteze și să le digitalizeze, f....

De: Siebenbürgen, eine Reise wert.Ro: Transilvania, o excursie care merită.En: Transylvania, worth a trip.

De: Siebenbürgen, eine Reise wert.
Ro: Transilvania, o excursie care merită.
En: Transylvania, worth a trip.

Kurt Tucholsky begeisterte das deutsche Erbe in Hermannstadt. Auch andernorts in Siebenbürgen ist der Einfluss der Siedler, die einst kamen, bis heute sichtbar. Und es gibt noch mehr in der Region zu entdecken.

Ro: Pregătim ceva deliciosEn: We are preparing something delicious.De: Wir bereiten etwas Leckeres zu

Ro: Pregătim ceva delicios
En: We are preparing something delicious.
De: Wir bereiten etwas Leckeres zu

RO: Suntem mândri de colega noastră Ancuța Dorohoi si de ceea ce a realizat alături de echipa sa. O serie de documentare...

RO: Suntem mândri de colega noastră Ancuța Dorohoi si de ceea ce a realizat alături de echipa sa. O serie de documentare care trebuie văzute, pentru a aprecia valoarea Banatului Montan. Vă invităm să savurați această zonă alături de noi.

EN: We are very proud of our colleague Ancuța Dorohoi of what she accomplished together with her team. A series of documentaries which have to be seen to appreciate the beauties of the Banat Mountains. We invite you to enjoy this beautiful region together with us.

DE: Wir sind sehr stolz auf unsere Kollegin Ancuța Dorohoi und was sie mit ihrem Team geschaffen haben. Eine Doku-Serie welche gesehen werden soll damit, man die Schönheiten des Banater Berglands schätzen kann. Wir laden sie ein, diese wunder schöne Gegend mit uns zusammen zu geniessen.

Travel documentary about the history of steel in Banat Mountains - Romania. You will discover stories and touristic attractions with traditional ferrous meta...

Preparing the new bike tracks...enjoying nature, beautiful panoramic views and silence.

Preparing the new bike tracks...enjoying nature, beautiful panoramic views and silence.

There is now a difficult time, but we have to adapt. We are preparing something nice for the good times. Stay tuned with...

There is now a difficult time, but we have to adapt. We are preparing something nice for the good times. Stay tuned with Banat Reisen

The last winter adventure

The last winter adventure

Spring is calling in Timișoara

Spring is calling in Timișoara

The very beautiful winter landscapes of the 3 Michelin Stars Astra Museum in Sibiu. We simply love it

The very beautiful winter landscapes of the 3 Michelin Stars Astra Museum in Sibiu. We simply love it

Porsche has chosen Romania for one of their last commercial...on the footsteps of Dracula.

Porsche has chosen Romania for one of their last commercial...on the footsteps of Dracula.

"People have been sharing spine-chilling tales at Halloween for centuries, and there’s one particularly terrifying character that has been familiar to childr...

Incredible December in the Banat Mountains...simply beautiful

Incredible December in the Banat Mountains...simply beautiful

DE: Heute vor 30 Jahre begann in Temeschwar die blutige Revolution, welche zur Befreiung Rumäniens von den Kommunisten f...

DE: Heute vor 30 Jahre begann in Temeschwar die blutige Revolution, welche zur Befreiung Rumäniens von den Kommunisten führte.
EN: 30 Years ago, began in Timisoara the tragic Revolution which lead to the liberation of the Romanian nation from the communist regime.
RO: Acum 30 de ani începe la Timișoara revoluția sângeroasa care duce la eliberarea României de regimul comunist.

La 30 de ani de când în Timișoara a izbucnit Revoluția din Decembrie 1989 vreau să le mulțumesc celor care s-au jertfit pentru libertate. Am realizat aceste fotografii pentru eroi, pentru orașul în care m-am născut, orașul în care am crescut, primul oraș liber de dictatură din România. Mulțumesc fotografilor care au fost pe baricade, care au luptat cu camera în mână și au realizat pozele din Decembrie 1989, fără de care acest proiect nu ar fi existat: Constantin Duma. Corbis și alți fotoreporteri cărora nu le-am aflat numele, dar pe care aș vrea să-i întâlnesc și să le strâng mâna...

Mornings like this, you don’t need anything else.

Mornings like this, you don’t need anything else.

Enjoying the Banat Highlands, you have to discover them.

Enjoying the Banat Highlands, you have to discover them.

Views in the Apuseni Mountains. They can simply charge your batteries! Try it out!

Views in the Apuseni Mountains. They can simply charge your batteries! Try it out!

Enjoying the last road trips in the Apuseni Mountains

Enjoying the last road trips in the Apuseni Mountains

You have to discover the Roman Catholic Monastery St. Maria Radna

You have to discover the Roman Catholic Monastery St. Maria Radna


It is the most beautiful road in the world, discover it!




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