Yekaterinburg For You

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Yekaterinburg For You Your personal guide and interpreter in Yekaterinburg. Accommodation, taxi, excursions and many other services to make your visit enjoyable.

Here you can find various information on Yekaterinburg and the Urals and order tours in and out of the city \

К вам приехали дальние родственники, зарубежные гости или партнеры, и вы хотите их развлечь. Закажите у нас экскурсии на русском, английском и немецком. Мы покажем Екатеринбург и Средний Урал с лучшей стороны!

Laura and Robert, a couple from England have visited the Urals. They were planning their Trans-Siberian train tour From ...

Laura and Robert, a couple from England have visited the Urals. They were planning their Trans-Siberian train tour From Moscow to Baikal lake via our partners 2 years ago.
Finally this winter they were able to come.

They did trekking in the Nature Park Deer Streams and the next morning had a city tour in Yekaterinburg. And the weather was great : around 0.

Next destination Siberia!

During our tour to the Northern Urals we always visit a wooden house in the village of Visim.  The house of Vasiliy Cher...

During our tour to the Northern Urals we always visit a wooden house in the village of Visim. The house of Vasiliy Cherepanov, a local amateur craftsman who has decorated his front yard with wooden sculptures of Russian cartoon and fairy tale characters.
If Vasiliy and his wife are at home, they open the gate and let us inside. Vasiliy is happy to show his new creations and to talk about them.
Recently he made a wooden carriage with a horse (photo 2) for his wife to celebrate their 50s wedding anniversary.
The carriage works by the way. They had a ride around the village, with a real horse, of course.

Front photo by Ural-aif

#екатеринбургтуры #Урал #висим

Tourists in winter in Russia are rare and certainly brave 💪William is a student from the UK. He has taken a gap year to ...

Tourists in winter in Russia are rare and certainly brave 💪
William is a student from the UK. He has taken a gap year to travel and now he is doing the Trans-Siberian train journey from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok.

Today he visited the Northern Urals: we went to the top of Belaya Mt, to Visim - the village of the old believers and to the farm with Siberian Deer, Yakut horses and other furry animals.

More photos and videos in the stories.
Thank you, William for the positive feedback! :

"It was truly one of the greatest experiences of my life, far exceeded my wildest expectations. The beautiful landscape, the interesting locals, not to mention your immense knowledge of and clear experience with local and Russian history.
I can't thank you enough and hope to do business with you again soon."

Amazing ice sculptures in front of the Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg.Can you recognize the last Empress of Russia...

Amazing ice sculptures in front of the Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg.

Can you recognize the last Empress of Russia Alexandra Romanova and the heir Alexey in the photos?

This summer our guests are mainly from Germany 🇩🇪This German couple had a full day of trekking  in the Nature Park Oleny...

This summer our guests are mainly from Germany 🇩🇪
This German couple had a full day of trekking in the Nature Park Olenyi Ruchyi (Deer Streams) with our guide Maxim.

A German couple came to the Urals for one week as a part of their journey through Russia organized by our partners Explo...

A German couple came to the Urals for one week as a part of their journey through Russia organized by our partners ExploRussia
In the Urals they stayed in a guest house of Olga Semken in the village of Byngi, visited the deer farm in Visim, hiked and slept in a tent in Taganai National Park with our Taganai guide Artem and walked in the city center with our city guide Olga.

After that they went to the Ural village of Malyi Turysh to rest in a guest house at the honey farm.

Alexander from Singapore and his 3 year old half-russian daughter had a walk in the historical center of Yekaterinburg y...

Alexander from Singapore and his 3 year old half-russian daughter had a walk in the historical center of Yekaterinburg yesterday with our guide Mariana.
The photo was taken at the view point of Vysotsky Skyscraper.

Александер из Сингапура и его трех-летния на половину русская дочка погуляли вчера по историческому центру Екатеринбурга с нашим гидом Марьяной.
Фото со смотровой площадки бизнесс-центра Высоцкий.

Marita and Willi from Germany have become our first foreign tourists since March 2020! They are expats living and workin...

Marita and Willi from Germany have become our first foreign tourists since March 2020!
They are expats living and working in Moscow.
Meanwhile the spring has come to the Monastery Ganina Yama.

Happy International Guide Day!

Happy International Guide Day!

From 1.01.2021 Russia is going to issue e-visas for tourists from 52 countries including all EU countries, China, Japan,...

From 1.01.2021 Russia is going to issue e-visas for tourists from 52 countries including all EU countries, China, Japan, Turkey Iran, India and others.
E-visa will be processed within maximum 4 days and it allows to travel all around Russia. The duration of stay in Russia is 16 days and it costs 40 US$.

In the meantime however, the work of the official website for e-visas is suspended because of Covid (see photo 2)
But we still have hopes for the summer!
photo from

Some hopeful news:Association of Tour Operators in Russia announced that they expect the process of opening the Russian ...

Some hopeful news:
Association of Tour Operators in Russia announced that they expect the process of opening the Russian borders for tourism in March-April 2021.

Golden days in Yekaterinburg. Photo by Konstantin Lekomtsev

Golden days in Yekaterinburg.
Photo by Konstantin Lekomtsev

Счастье - это когда на дворе первое октября, а температура на улице +19.
Фото: Константин Лекомцев

The road across the Ural Mountains. Photo by Nikolay Novitsky

The road across the Ural Mountains.
Photo by Nikolay Novitsky

Осенняя дорога через Уральский хребет...
Фото: Николай Новицкий

Is it possible to grow watermelons in the Urals? Yes, but only in a green house and it won't be larger than 20cm. Fairly...

Is it possible to grow watermelons in the Urals? Yes, but only in a green house and it won't be larger than 20cm. Fairly sweet though!
Можно ли выращивать арбузы на Урале? Да, но только в теплице. И больше 20см он вряд ли вырастет. Но вполне сладкий!

Walking down the Red Line in Yekaterinburg city centre. The last day of summer.

Walking down the Red Line in Yekaterinburg city centre.
The last day of summer.

Weekend in the village of Koptyaki, near the Monastery Ganina Yama (40km away from Yekaterinburg). At the end of the sum...

Weekend in the village of Koptyaki, near the Monastery Ganina Yama (40km away from Yekaterinburg).
At the end of the summer we are blessed with good sunny days and lots of mushrooms in the woods!
@ Koptyaki, Sverdlovskaya Oblast', Russia

Check out the photos of the most beautiful sites within 100km around Yekaterinburg.Photos by Alexander Pahaluyev

Check out the photos of the most beautiful sites within 100km around Yekaterinburg.
Photos by Alexander Pahaluyev

Happy Birthday Yekaterinburg, today you are 297 years old. Stay safe! Hopefully next year your BDay celebration will be ...

Happy Birthday Yekaterinburg, today you are 297 years old. Stay safe!
Hopefully next year your BDay celebration will be big and lots of people from all around the world can participate!

Вот и завершился 297 день города! Всех с праздником, друзья!
Фото: Юрий Ломакин

Quarantine in Yekaterinburg continues till June, 1st. But people do go out not to miss the season of blooming. Photo by ...

Quarantine in Yekaterinburg continues till June, 1st. But people do go out not to miss the season of blooming.
Photo by Irina Kiryanova

Many of our guests went to the deer farm in Visim village and got to the top of Mt. Belaya. Both sites are located in th...

Many of our guests went to the deer farm in Visim village and got to the top of Mt. Belaya. Both sites are located in the territory of Visim National Park.
In June the park invites volunteers to help making eco-paths and benches. If I were in Russia I would definitely apply!
P. S. the park is full of wild animals such as foxes, wolves, elks and bears. But the most dangerous for humans are ticks! That's why all volunteers should have an anti-tick vaccination.
Многие из наших туристов бывали на горе Белой и на мараловой ферме в Висиме. Эти объекты находятся на территории Висимского заповедника. Заповедник приглашает в июне на волонтерские работы по строительству дорожек, скамеек и беседок.
В заповеднике живут лисы, волки, лоси и медведи. Но главную опасность человеку представляют клещи. Поэтому справка о прививке обязательна.
Авторы фото Полина Антощенко, Алексей Бугаев.

A new Online Mafia Tour is available for you! Yekaterinburg was famous for big Russian Mafia gangs in 1990s. Choose the ...

A new Online Mafia Tour is available for you!
Yekaterinburg was famous for big Russian Mafia gangs in 1990s. Choose the date, time and the connection: skype, zoom, watsup video and the guide will tell you exciting stories about the wild 1990s and show the gross mafia cemetery.
Get a chance to visit Russia in 2020 despite the closed borders!
More details: #

If you missed our online city tour in Antalya, you can book an individual online tour online for the date and time conve...

If you missed our online city tour in Antalya, you can book an individual online tour online for the date and time convenient for you!
We also have a special Friday online tour to the Turkish bazaar!
🔹During Antalya city tour you will see the historic sites of the Roman days, hear interesting stories about great Emperors and Sultans of Anatolia (present Turkey). We will lead you through the narrow streets of the old town called Keleichi passt the blooming gardens and the Mediterranean Coast.
Special price until May 15th - 13 US $

🔹Every Friday you can dive in the atmosphere of an oriental bazaar. This place is not for tourists but for the local people so life and trading here go in the old fashioned style. You will hear the loud voices of the bazaar traders calling you to buy something and you will see a variety of vegetables, cheese and olives - all that Antalya is famous for. Your guide will tell you about dos and dont's when shopping at the Turkish bazaar. And of course you will learn how to bargain.
Special price till May 15th - 15US $

🔹How it works: You choose the date, time and the connection: skype, zoom, watsup video and learn about the oriental culture of shopping with your guide.

Meet Daria, Yekaterinburg guide. Daria works with English and Spanish speaking guests as she's fluent in both languages....

Meet Daria, Yekaterinburg guide. Daria works with English and Spanish speaking guests as she's fluent in both languages. And here's her message to our former and future visitors:
"Isolation is a time period to be
devoted to your family and to yourself. To make your wishes and those of family members come true, if it is possible. I try to upgrade myself and my children. Hope that soon the world will come up with a solution to this “virusological” problem and the borders will opened once again. See you soon."
Знакомьтесь с Екатеринбургским гидом Дарьей. Дарья работает с иностранными туристами на английском и испанском языках, и проводит туры на русском. А это ее привет нашим бывшим и будущим гостям Урала:
"Карантин - время задуматься о себе и своей семье. Исполнить свои желания и желания близких, по возможности, конечно. Этим я и занимаюсь. Сижу дома самообразовываюсь и заобразовываю детей. Надеюсь, что в скором времени эту вирусологическую Проблему удастся решить во всем мире и границы будут открыты вновь. Надеюсь на скорую встречу."

Dear friends, due to the closed borders we'd like to invite you to join our ONLINE tours. If you were planning to visit ...

Dear friends, due to the closed borders we'd like to invite you to join our ONLINE tours.
If you were planning to visit Russia in 2020, let's make it happen!
🔹The Romanovs online tour will fill you in with the history, photos and videos connected with the family of the Last Russian Tsar Nicholas II
You will learn more about the biography of Nicholas II and about his family and get and idea why this gruesome story took place in Russia what caused the Russian Revolution and the ex*****on of the Tsar's family.
🔹The KGB Town and Soviet History online tour will tell you about the project of a residential district for KGBs in Yekaterinburg of the 1930s, Stalin's GULAGS in the Urals in the 1940-50s, a famous story of the American U2 airplane shot in Yekaterinburg and about the closed towns of the Cold war era which still exist here. Lots of secret information there!🤫😉
How it works:
You choose the date, time and the connection: skype, zoom, watsup video.
The online tours can be presented in a form of a lecture + conversation with your guide involving photos, video links and other materials.
Later, when it's permitted in Russia, the online tours will include live streaming from the related historical sites in Yekaterinburg.
At present our guides are not allowed to wander around the city with a camera.

More information at our website in the Tours section:

Meet Alexandra, a Yekaterinburg guide . Normally Alexandra does interesting bicycle city tours among other popular tours...

Meet Alexandra, a Yekaterinburg guide . Normally Alexandra does interesting bicycle city tours among other popular tours.
While without tourism Alexandra and her family live in their datcha near Yekaterinburg, and here's her quarantine story:
"I'm lucky to spend quarantine in the countryside and to be able to walk and cycle in the forest. Besides, I'm now able to do the things I was lacking time for - French lessons, yoga, spending time with my family. I had to return to my original profession of an English-Russian translator and now participate in several projects, one of which is voluntary translation of some information about COVID-19 to help Russian doctors."
Знакомьтесь с Екатеринбуржским гидом Александрой . В нормальное время она проводила интересные вело экскурсии по городу на английском. В отсутствие туризма Александра живет с семьей на даче, катается на велосипеде, занимается йогой и учит французский. Александра вернулась к переводческой деятельности и учавствует в волонтерском проекте по переводу информации о COVID19 в помощь Российским врачам.

Meet Vladimir, a Yekaterinburg guide . Normally at the beginning of May when the touristic season begins, Vladimir is ve...

Meet Vladimir, a Yekaterinburg guide . Normally at the beginning of May when the touristic season begins, Vladimir is very busy guiding foreign guests in Yekaterinburg and around.
This season Vladimir works in an office as a manager in international logistics sales. The quarantine in Yekaterinburg is not so strict, so Vladimir can go to work every day.
To have another job is a blessing for tour guides this year!
Знакомьтесь с Екатеринбуржским гидом Владимиром Обычно в это время года начинается тур сезон, и Владимир целыми днями занят на экскурсиях с иностранными туристами. В этом сезоне Владимир работает в клиент-менеджером в иностранных грузоперевозках.

Meet Yekaterinburg guide Eugenia  ! Eugenia takes our tourists to the Nature Park Deer Streams and to Taganai National P...

Meet Yekaterinburg guide Eugenia ! Eugenia takes our tourists to the Nature Park Deer Streams and to Taganai National Park as well as all the historical sites in the Urals.
Eugenia likes the emotional part of guiding when she can joke and play historical roles. So now on quarantine she is using her acting talent by reciting poems and posting the videos with her poetry on social networks. Besides, she is painting, sorting out the pictures from the previous travellings and watching on-line tours made by the colleagues in European countries.
That's the way to travel these days by the way!
Знакомьтесь с Екатеринбуржским гидом Евгенией . Женя водит наших туристов по природному парку Оленьи Ручьи и в Таганай, а так же по историческим местам на Урале. Женя любит эмоциональную часть экскурсий, когда можно шутить, проигрывать исторические роли. Сейчас на карантине она использует артистический талант для чтения стихов в соц. сетях, а так же рисует, монтирует фотографии из многочисленных путешествий и смотрит он-лайн экскурсии коллег из Европе. Кстати, это сейчас хороший способ путешествовать!

Meet Evgeni  , Yekaterinburg guide on quarantine. Evgeni and his pets moved to their datcha. It's located near the borde...

Meet Evgeni , Yekaterinburg guide on quarantine. Evgeni and his pets moved to their datcha. It's located near the border of Europe and Asia, by the way!
While without tourists he is painting, watching the Game of Thrones, listening to the podcasts and teaching English and Russian as a foreign language via skype.
Знакомьтесь с Екатеринбуржским гидом Евгением@white_off . Евгений и его хвостатые переехал на время карантина на дачу, не далеко от границы Европы и Азии.
На карантине без туристов Евгений рисует картины по номерам, смотрит Игру Престолов, слушает подкасты Arzamas и преподает по скайпу английский и русский для иностранцев.

Meet Olga  , Yekaterinburg guide on quarantine, and her daughter Katya. Some of you met her on city tours or went trekki...

Meet Olga , Yekaterinburg guide on quarantine, and her daughter Katya. Some of you met her on city tours or went trekking with Olga to the Nature Park Deer Streams.
Olga is a school teacher of English, so the quarantine time is the busiest for her: schools teach online and teachers have to check lots of electronic homework.
Meanwhile, during the isolation Olga has successfully passed Geek Teachers exam and Katya received the Cambridge English language certificate! A new generation of the Ural guides is getting ready!
Встречайте Екатеринбургского гида Ольгу и ее дочку Катю! Ольга водит иностранных гостей по городу и в окрестностях, а так же в парк Оленьи Ручьи.
Ольга преподает английский в школе. Сейчас, на карантине у учителей почти нет свободного времени среди проверок электронных ДЗ. Между тем, Оля успешно сдала экзамен для преподавателей (сертификат прилагается), а Катя получила сертификат Cambridge по английскому! Подрастает новое поколение уральских гидов!

While the borders are closed and Russia is officially on quarantine-holiday till the end of April, we'd like to share so...

While the borders are closed and Russia is officially on quarantine-holiday till the end of April, we'd like to share some stories of Yekaterinburg For You guides and what's happening to us right now:
Let's begin with me, Luba and my husband Reza - both guides and managers of Yekaterinburg4U🙂
We went traveling to the South- East Asia for the winter and were planning to come back to Yekaterinburg by the start of the tourist season. But in March we got stuck in Turkey, which is not a bad place to get stuck at all.
Right now we are at the Mediterranean coast in Antalya, enjoying the sun and occasional walks to the sea, doing sport in our small yard and cooking Turkish dishes. By the way we are posting stories about Turkey in our Instagram
Meanwhile, it's + 3 in Yekaterinburg and the spring is yet to come.
In the next posts we will share the stories of other guides who you might have met during the tours in the Urals or will hopefully meet in the future!

The group from Taiwan were our last tourists this spring who managed to do the Trans-Siberian journey in early March. Wh...

The group from Taiwan were our last tourists this spring who managed to do the Trans-Siberian journey in early March.

While the borders are closed, stay at home, stay well and hope to see you some time later! 🙌👊🙋🏻

Three students from Danemark went to explore the Northern Urals yesterday: Siberian deer farm, Mt. Belaya and cross coun...

Three students from Danemark went to explore the Northern Urals yesterday: Siberian deer farm, Mt. Belaya and cross country skiing for the first time in their lives!
Студенты из Дании отправились на север: навестить оленей на ферме в Висиме, подняться на гору Белую и впервые в жизни покататься на беговых лыжах!
#висим #горабелая



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