Sudan tourism

Sudan tourism reliable, high equality service provide tours packages , including transportation , accommodation,

The Red Sea: The Red Sea is a long and narrow strip of water with a length of 1,930 km, starting from the Strait of Suez...

The Red Sea:
The Red Sea is a long and narrow strip of water with a length of 1,930 km, starting from the Strait of Suez to the Strait of Bab al-Mandab, and its average width does not exceed 280 km, while its maximum width reaches 360 km. It is also described as deep, as its average depth is estimated at about 490 meters, and its depth can reach 2,300 meters in some medium areas.
* The Red Sea occupies the eleventh place in terms of area, amounting to 438,000 square kilometers.
• The lands surrounding the Red Sea are located within eight countries that overlook it: Jordan - Palestine - Egypt - Sudan - Eritrea - Djibouti - Saudi Arabia - Yemen.
• The Red Sea is located on one of the parts of the Great Rift Valley and has shallow sidewalks and is considered a homeland. It contains a huge number of marine organisms and coral reefs, in addition to more than 1,000 species of invertebrate animals. It is also considered one of the seas existing in the northern parts of the tropical region.
Geology: Geology
The Red Sea was formed through the separation of the Arabian Peninsula from the continent of Africa resulting from The movement of the rift in the Red Sea, where this rift began in two stages:
1 - The movement of Africa away from the Arabian Peninsula 55 million years ago, and thus the Gulf of Suez was opened 30 million years ago, and the northern part was opened 20 million years ago
2 - The stage began The second occurred approximately 4 million years ago and resulted in the formation of the small basin in the Gulf of Aqaba and the southern part of the Red Sea. The movement of the plates is still continuing, as seismic and volcanic activity is an indication of this.

Etymology of the name:
The Red Sea has taken many names throughout history. Such as the Sea of ​​Qalzum, the Sea of ​​Abyssinia, and the Persian Sea.
There are several opinions about the origin of its name “Red Sea”:
1 - Because of the seasonal bloom of a type of red-colored algae near the surface of the water.
2 - Because of the presence of chains of red mountains adjacent to it. Its western coasts led to their shadows being reflected on the surface of the sea, giving it a red color.
3 - In reference to the Egyptian desert, which was previously called the Red Land.
4 - Due to the presence of some Yemeni tribes that lived near the sea, and these tribes were called “tribes.” “Red”
5- In ancient times, the four directions were indicated by colors, and the red color indicated the south and the black color indicated the north, and thus the seas took on naming colors.

البحر الأحمر :
البحر الأحمر هو عبارة عن شريط مائي طويل وضيق يبلغ طوله إلى 1930 كلم بدءا من مضيق السويس حتى مضيق باب المندب ولايتجاوز متوسط عرضه 280 كلم أما أقصى عرض له فيصل إلى 360 كلم و يوصف كذلك بأنه عميق حيث يقدر متوسط عمقه بنحو 490 متر كما يمكن لعمقه أن يصل إلى 2300 متر في بعض المناطق المتوسطة منه .
* يحتل البحر الأحمر المركز الحادي عشر من حيث المساحة والتي تبلغ 438000 كلم مربع.
• تقع الأراضي المحيطة بالبحر الأحمر ضمن ثماني دول تطل عليه وهي : الأردن - فلسطين - مصر - السودان - إريتريا - جيبوتي- المملكة العربية السعودية - اليمن .
• يقوم البحر الأحمر على أحد أجزاء الوادي المتصدع الكبير وله أرصفة ضحلة ويعتبر موطنا لعدد ضخم من الكائنات البحرية والشعاب المرجانية ، بالإضافة إلى أكثر من 1000 نوع من الحيوانات اللافقارية ، كما يعتبر من البحار القائمة في الأجزاء الشمالية للمنطقة الإستوائية .
جيولوجيا : Géologie
تكوّن البحر الأحمر من خلال إنفصال شبه الجزيرة العربية عن قارة إفريقيا الناتج عن حركة الصدع الموجود في البحر الأحمر حيث بدأ هذا الإنشقاق في مرحلتين :
1 - حركة إفريقيا بعيدا عن شبه الجزيرة العربية قبل 55 مليون سنة وعليه فتح خليج السويس قبل 30 مليون سنة كما فتح الجزء الشمالي قبل 20 مليون سنة
2 - بدأت المرحلة الثانية قبل 4 مليون سنة تقريبا ونتج عنها تشكيل الحوض الصغير في خليج العقبة والجزء الجنوبي من البحر الأحمر ومازالت حركة الصفائح مستمرة حيث أن النشاط الزلزالي والبركاني يعدّ مؤشرا على ذلك .

أصل التسمية :
أخذ البحر الأحمر الكثير من الأسماء عبر التاريخ كبحر القلزم وبحر الحبشة وبحر فارس .
هناك عدة آراء حول أصل تسميته ب " البحر الأحمر " :
1 - بسبب الإزهار الموسمي لنوع من الطحالب ذات اللون الأحمر بالقرب من سطح الماء .
2 - بسبب وجود سلاسل من الجبال الحمراء بمحاذات سواحله الغربية أدى إلى إنعكاس ظلالها على سطح البحر وإعطائه اللون الأحمر .
3 - نسبة إلى الصحراء المصرية والتي كانت تدعى سابقا بالأرض الحمراء .
4 - يرجع إلى وجود بعض القبائل اليمنية التي سكنت بالقرب من البحر وكانت هذه القبائل تدعى ب " قبائل الأحمر "
5- قديما الإتجاهات الأربعة يستدل بها عن طريق الألوان واللون الأحمر يدل على الجنوب واللون الأسود يدل على الشمال وهكذا أخذت البحار تسمية الألوان

Divers of the ocean...

Divers of the ocean...

F**a Island North of Port Sudan 🏝️By: Ahmed fouad

F**a Island North of Port Sudan 🏝️

By: Ahmed fouad

Surprise of the season The best party for the New Year on a yacht in Port Sudan 🤩🎶🤩 🎉🎊🪄🪘🎷🎺24 hours in the middle of the ...

Surprise of the season The best party for the New Year on a yacht in Port Sudan 🤩🎶🤩 🎉🎊🪄🪘🎷🎺
24 hours in the middle of the red sea 💃💃
We will attend the sunrise in Sanganeb Marine national park 🤩🤩 snorkeling🤿 and swimming 🏊🏼 with dolphins 🐬🦈 🤩🤩 ornamental fish 🐟🐠 and the beauty of coral reefs🤩
The party 🥳🥳 will start from seven and a half in the evening until twelve
We will leave at 3 pm from Port Sudan Corniche 🛥️
And we'll return in the next afternoon
🥳 Don't forget to bring your swimwear with you 🤩🤩
Of course, we have a DJ with us throughout the trip 🎧🎤
We have a photographer and we have a photography equipment 🤳📷
The best crew 😉💑
It's 12 o'clock, and we will be hitting a few missiles on the occasion of the New Year 🚀🚀🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆
The price of the trip is 65000 per person
(includes meals, cold and hot drinks, diving , marine permission and accommodation in equipped rooms on the yacht with the best services )
Seats are limited (reserve in advance) 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️
Booking methods and inquiries, please contact us...

مفاجاه الموسم احلي حفله لراس السنه في يخت في بورتسودان🤩🎶🤩 🎉🎊🪄🪘🎷🎺
24ساعه في وسط البحر الأحمر 💃💃
حنحضر شروق الشمس في محميه سنقنيب البحريه🤩🤩وغطس🤿وسباحه🏊🏼‍♂️ مع الدلافين🐬🦈 🤩🤩 وأسماك الزينه🐟🐠 وجمال الشعب المرجانيه 🤩
الحفله 🥳🥳هتبتدى من سبعه ونص مساءا لغايه ااتناشر
حنتحرك الساعه ٣ الظهر من كورنيش بورسودان🛥️
ونرجع تاني يوم العصر 🕘
🥳 ما تنسي تجيب ملابس السباحه معاك 🤩🤩
طبعا معانا دى جى طول الرحله 🎧🎤
و معانا مصور و معانا عده التصوير 🤳📷
واحلي طاقم 😉💑
هتجي الساعه 12 هتلاقينا بنضرب شويه صواريخ بمناسبه السنه الجديده 🚀🚀🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆
الرحله سعرها 60000 للفرد
(شامل الوجبات والمشروبات البارده والساخنه والغطس والإقامة في غرف مجهزه في اليخت مع احلي الخدمات )
العدد محدود (الحجز بالاسبقيه )🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️
طرق الحجز و الاستعلام الرجاء التواصل معنا ...

المفاجاه تذكرين مجانيه اعمل لايك وشير وادعو ١٠ من صحبانك عشان تدخل السحب عليهم ...


Naqa and Temple of Amun ...

Naqa consists of a large and well-preserved temple of Amun dating from the 1st century CE. Notable features include a hy...

Naqa consists of a large and well-preserved temple of Amun dating from the 1st century CE. Notable features include a hypostyle hall with splendid columns and hieroglyphics and a row of statues representing rams. Very close by is the Lion Temple. Dating from the same period, this temple is dedicated to the lion-headed god Apedemak and has wonderful exterior carvings depicting the temples creators, King Natakamani and Queen Amanitore. In front of the Lion Temple is a small kiosk.

The exact purpose of the site remains unclear as it's located in an area that has never really been inhabited, about 35km off the highway southeast of Shendi. These ruins are best visited with a tour combining Meroe Pyramids, Naqa and Musawarat out of Khartoum.

يتكون النقعه من معبد كبير لآمون يعود تاريخه إلى القرن الأول الميلادي ويتم الحفاظ عليه جيدًا. تشمل الميزات البارزة قاعة الأعمدة ذات الأعمدة الرائعة والكتابات الهيروغليفية وصفًا من التماثيل التي تمثل الكباش. بالقرب من معبد الأسد. يعود تاريخ هذا المعبد إلى نفس الفترة ، وهو مخصص للإله أبادماك الذي يرأسه أسد وله منحوتات خارجية رائعة تصور مبدعي المعابد ، الملك ناتاكاماني والملكة أمانيتور. أمام معبد الأسد كشك صغير.

لا يزال الغرض الدقيق للموقع غير واضح لأنه يقع في منطقة لم تكن مأهولة بالسكان على الإطلاق ، على بعد حوالي 35 كيلومترًا من الطريق السريع جنوب شرق شندي. من الأفضل زيارة هذه الآثار بجولة تجمع بين أهرامات مروي والنقا والمصورات خارج الخرطوم.


Welcome to sudan 🇸🇩

On the occasion of World Tourism Day, the Sudanese Maritime Activities Training Center (SMATC) announces the reduction o...

On the occasion of World Tourism Day, the Sudanese Maritime Activities Training Center (SMATC) announces the reduction of the price of the scuba diving course to 23,500 until the end of September.
The open sea course is 40 hours long
Theoretical lectures 4 lectures
Practical applications 28 applications on the swimming pool and the open sea
Number of dives 4 dives
Axes of the turn:
Knowledge of diving equipment
How to handle diving equipment
Swimming with fins
Knowing how to dive properly
Knowing diving signals
The trainee gets a diving card and a certificate from the Sudanese Center for Maritime Training

Our location:- Port Sudan - the big market, Al Ramah Building, opposite Sudani Company, second floor
Phones: 0123012544 – 0918283309
WhatsApp 0915705093

يعلن المركز السوداني لتدريب الانشطة البحرية (SMATC) بمناسبه اليوم العالمي للسياحة عن تخفيض سعر كورس القوص الي 23,500 الي نهايه شهر سبتمبر .
دوره البحر المفتوح مده الدوره 40 ساعه
المحاضرات النظريه 4 محاضرات
التطبيقات العمليه 28 تطبيق علي المسبح والبحر المفتوح
عدد الغوصات 4 غوصات
محاور الدوره :
معرفه معدات الغوص
كيفيه التعامل مع معدات الغوص
السباحه بالزعانف
معرفه كيفيه الغوص الصحيحه
معرفه اشارات الغوص
يحصل المتدرب علي بطاقه غوص وشهاده من المركز السوداني للتدريب البحري

موقعنا :- بورتسودان – السوق الكبير عمارة الرماح مقابل شركة سوداني الطابق الثاني
هواتف : 0123012544 – 0918283309
واتساب 0915705093 - 0115685058

Talla talla kabir Over 100 miles south of port sudan 🇸🇩  ...Picture  taken by blackwell 😍😍😍😍😍 ...the red sea is rich and...

Talla talla kabir Over 100 miles south of port sudan 🇸🇩 ...
Picture taken by blackwell 😍😍😍😍😍 ...

the red sea is rich and diverse icosystems with more then 1200 species of fish, of which 10% found nowhere else , the rich diversity is in part due the 2,000 km (1,200 mi ) of coral reefs extending along its coastline this fringing reefs are 5000 - 7000 years old and largely formed of stony acropora and porites corals very high surface temperatures and high salinities makes this also one.of the warmest bodies of seawater in the world , the average surface water temperature of the red sea during summer is about 26 c in the north 30 c in the south , all of this combined with incredible water clarity makes the red sea one of the most popular dive destination in the world ...
جزيره تلا تلا كبير اكتر من ١٠٠ ميل بحري جنوب بورسودان شوف السودان وجمال البحر الاحمر من جزر ومحميات طبيعيه ومناطق اول مره الإنسان يوصلا 😍😍😍😍😍
تابعنا ليصلك كل جديد ومعرفه رحلاتنا القادمه...


Sha'ab amber it is a long reef located 8 miles from sha'ab jumna north of swaken also offer an interior lagoon that give...

Sha'ab amber it is a long reef located 8 miles from sha'ab jumna north of swaken also offer an interior lagoon that gives shelter to the ships in the southern area of the reef is a sandy platform of 25 metres of depth ideal to enjoy encounters with hammerhead gray reef sharks and huge groups of jack fish ...

شعب العنبر هو شعاب مرجانية طويلة تقع على بعد 8 أميال من شعب جمعة شمال سواكن كما توفر بحيرة داخلية توفر مأوى للسفن في المنطقة الجنوبية من الشعاب المرجانية وهي عبارة عن منصة رملية بعمق 25 متر مثالية للاستمتاع مع أسماك القرش ابو مطرقه الرمادي ومجموعات ضخمة من أسماك جاك ....

Kassinger Islands North sudan 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Meroe is characterized by beauty and tranquility. Originally, the islands are area...

Kassinger Islands North sudan 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Meroe is characterized by beauty and tranquility. Originally, the islands are areas of cultivation and grazing. They have all the ingredients that make them a tourist destination. Islands, waterfalls, rocks and sand in the middle of the Nile River. The tourist season begins in October and ends in April. It is bordered on the east by the huge attractive rocks and on the west by the Nile, and the area seems completely empty only. It is a green land and many flowing waterfalls in the islands, which amount to (75) islands, linked by waterways, some of which are habitable, while others have only birds, natural wildlife and traditional agriculture. And when the Nile recedes, after the fall, a number of waterfalls and white sand appear, and their brilliance increases in the winter. The islands are called Basami, such as: - Sodari Island, Massachah Island, Itimare Island, Ashchi Island, Wad Bechara Islands, Tarj Island, Aqiri Island, and on one of the islands there is the shrine and shrine of Sheikh “Hajj Al-Mahi” the man of religion and science known in Sudan and religious shrines Awlad Al-Mahi and Awlad Jaber. The road towards Kassinger is full of the picturesque nature of the magic of palms, the Nile and the rocks. The islands were formed due to the divisions of the Nile. The Cassinger Islands start from the beginning of the Meroe Dam in the east, consisting of seven tributaries, and end in the west at the beginning of the city of Nuri. The region is the division of the Nile and formed more than (100) islands, and the period of its formation is long for many years and is not specifically known. Kassinger has become an entertainment and tourist destination for all guests, despite the lack of tourist possibilities. If attention is paid to the charming islands, it will become a global destination for tourism.

جزر الكاسنجر 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

مروي تتميز بجمال وهدوء في الأصل الجزر مناطق زراعة ورعي، يوجد بها كل المقومات التي تجعلها مقصد سياحيا جزر وشلالات وصخور ورمال وسط نهر النيل ويبدأ الموسم السياحي يبدأ في شهر أكتوبر وينتهي في أبريل. تحدها من الناحية الشرق الصخور الضخمة الجذابة ومن الغرب النيل وتبدو المنطقة خالية تماما فقط عبارة عن أرض خضراء وشلالات كثيرة متدفقة في الجزر التي تبلغ (75) جزر، تربطها ممرات مائية بعضها قابله للسكن فيها والبعض الآخر لايوجد فيها غير الطيور والحياة البرية الطبيعية و الزراعة التقليدية،ووقت انحسار النيل عقب فصل الخريف تظهر عدد من الشلالات والرمال البيضاء ويزداد ألقها في الشتاء. تسمي الجزر باسامي مثل:- جزيرة سودري جزيرة مساخة جزيرة اتيماري جزيرة اششي جزر ود بشارة جزيرة ترج جزيرة اقّيري ويوجد في احدى الجزر ضريح ومزار الشيخ “حاج الماحي” رجل الدين والعلم المعروف بالسودان وومزارات دينية أولاد الماحي وأولاد جابر. الطريق نحو الكاسنجر مفعم بالطبيعة الخلابة من سحر النخيل والنيل والصخور. الجزر تم تشكيلها بسبب تقسيمات النيل وتبدا جزر الكاسنجر من بداية سد مروي شرقا تتكون في سبعة روافد وتنتهي غربا في بداية مدينة نوري، المنطقة هي منطقة تقسيم النيل وشكلت أكثر من (100) جزيرة، و فترة تكوينها بعيدة لأمد السنين وغير معروفة تحديداً. الكاسنجر أصبحت قبلة ترفيهية وسياحية لكل ضيوف رغم قلة الإمكانيات السياحية. واذا تم الاهتمام بالجزر الساحره ستصبح وجهة عالميه للسياحه....

Marra Mountains is a range of volcanic peaks created by a massif that rises up to 3,000 m. It is located in the center o...

Marra Mountains is a range of volcanic peaks created by a massif that rises up to 3,000 m. It is located in the center of the Darfur region of Sudan, specifically within Dar Zagahawa and some areas. The highest point is Deriba Caldera. The upper reaches of the massif is a small area of ​​temperate climate with high rainfall and permanent springs of water ...

جبال مرة هي مجموعة من القمم البركانية التي أنشأتها كتلة صخرية ترتفع حتى 3000 متر. تقع في وسط إقليم دارفور بالسودان وبالتحديد داخل دار الزغاوة وبعض المناطق. أعلى نقطة هي Deriba Caldera. الروافد العليا من الكتلة الصخرية هي منطقة صغيرة ذات مناخ معتدل مع هطول أمطار غزيرة وينابيع مائية دائمة

Khartoum and Omdurman in the year 1961 for the American photographer: Foreman Harrison Source and copyright: Library of ...

Khartoum and Omdurman in the year 1961 for the American photographer: Foreman Harrison Source and copyright: Library of the American Geographical Society University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee ...

Walid Ahmadoun from Kassala is considered one of the greatest photographers. And a member of the Photographic Union. Fro...

Walid Ahmadoun from Kassala is considered one of the greatest photographers. And a member of the Photographic Union. From some of his beautiful photos, a very classy documentation of the city (Kassala people, see you, show them the beauty of Kassala) and salute to all the photographers ❤️


Our greatest civilization ❤

Our greatest civilization ❤


Dunganab marine national park east of port sudan one of the best marine parks in the world ..

Day 342 - 353Aswan To Abu Simbel, crossing into the Sudan via Wadi Halfa, currently in Abri. ~Current temperature: 47 de...

Day 342 - 353

Aswan To Abu Simbel, crossing into the Sudan via Wadi Halfa, currently in Abri.

~Current temperature: 47 degrees celcius ☀️
~Air-conditioning status: no where to be found
~longest distance cycled: 280 kms
~wind direction: lucky tailwind all night long 🍀

We just arrived in a tiny town called Abri, located in the middle of the Sudanese desert, somewhere along the Nile on the way to Khartoum.

We decided to start cycling at night, because of the ridiculous day temperatures. This makes our cycling life a lot easier but it's hard to sleep in the day with the scorching heat...

Our border crossing between Egypt and Sudan wasn't a very smooth one 😂. It took us about 8 hours, of which we had to wait for 4 hours in the midday sun at some random gate.

Sudan definitely has a very different feel to. People are incredibly nice and generous. Today we were invited by a stranded trucker (2 of his tires blew out) for tea, coffee and cake, on the side of the road🙏.

We will make our way to Khartoum as quickly as possible and from there we will fly to Ethiopia's capital, Addis Abeba. The land border is still closed due to the Tigray conflict so, sadly, we have no other choice than flying...

Looking forward to a refreshing 26 degrees midday temperature 🤣😁.

Take care everyone!



A camping trip to the Dongenab Islands north of Port Sudan 🏕 😉 A place like this can change your mood ❤️                ...

A camping trip to the Dongenab Islands north of Port Sudan 🏕 😉
A place like this can change your mood ❤️


Arkawit trip red sea hills east sudan ...                             #

Arkawit trip red sea hills east sudan ...



An introductory film about Sudan's diverse resources and cultures filmed in over 50 locations all over Sudan. This film was first screened at the Paris Conference to support the transition into democracy.

Client: MCU Media Communication Unit -SPMO
Director : Mohamed Kordofani
Cinematography : Khalid Awad - Alaaldin Khair - Mohamed Kordofani
First AD/ 2nd Unit Director : Mohamed Hussein khalil
2nd AD : Safia Mahmoud Abdelkareem
Drone Operator: Hatim Mamoun Elshaikh - Amar Abdallah Mohamed
Production Manager : Hind khalid Hussien
Fixer/Location Manger : Mohamed Makki Hanafi - Mohamed Hamad
Production Assistant : Waleed Mohamed Bilal
Camera Assistant : Burhan Tamee - Abdelbagi Alameen
Editor : Mamdou Abozaid
Color-grading : Ahmed Essam
Music composition and Production : Mazin Hamid
Sound Design and Mixing: Mazin Hamid
Vocals: Sulafa Elyas & Wad Abbo
Oud: Faris Misbah
Tanboor: Alaa Eldin
Recorded at Compass Studios
Pre Production and Research : Samah Fawzi - Nadine Elroubi
Logistics : Shaikh alsadig
Drivers : Salah Alsir - Othman Dafallah - Abdelgadir Abualgasim - Atif Abdallah - Alfatih Mohamed - Waleed Babikir

Special thanks to
Mohamed Khalid (Gosor)
Sagda Alnoor
TARCO Airlines
Kanzi Yousif
Suliman King


# # #

Arbaat village and dam in the Sudanese Red Sea State, 20 km north of its capital, Port Sudan, close to the coast and onl...

Arbaat village and dam in the Sudanese Red Sea State, 20 km north of its capital, Port Sudan, close to the coast and only 7 km from the small island of Sanqanib. Arbaa is the one that supplies Port Sudan with its natural water that originates from Groundwater ..


Sudan Sanganeb Marine National Park is located 25 km from the Sudanese coast, surrounded by water reaching a depth of 80...

Sudan Sanganeb Marine National Park is located 25 km from the Sudanese coast, surrounded by water reaching a depth of 800 m. Sanganeb is a long reef ellipse with a shallow lagoon in the center and a lighthouse at the southern end. It offers two main dive sites: a long ridge at the north end and a beautiful plateau at the southwest. The north ridge plunges to about 55m. Hammerhead sharks are regularly seen in the blue. The southern plateau is a mixture of sand and pinnacles covered with soft coral at about 25m, patrolled by gray reef sharks. Groupers, jacks, barracudas and sharks dominate this area. Sanganeb is the first National Park to be published in the Official Gazette of Sudan, which took place in 1990. A bonus for tourists is the lighthouse built by the British between 1958 and 1964. The lighthouse is 50 meters high, has 268 steps and is a highly photographed landmark. It is also the best place for a tourist to see all the beauty of Sanganeb. Sanganeb is a habitat for marine mammals, seabirds, turtles, sharks, dolphins, manta rays and barracudas. About 86 coral species in 35 genera are recorded in Sanganeb. The reef is recognized for its high levels of biodiversity and many of its species are unique. Sanganeb is relatively safe from human activities as there is no resident population and it is not a traditional fishing area. Commercial fishing in Sudan was banned in 1978, a move that saved many sharks. In July 2016, the Sanganeb Marine National Park was added to the Natural World Heritage Site by UNESCO, a decision made by the World Heritage Committee in Istanbul, Turkey. According to UNESCO, the prestige that comes from a site on the World Heritage List helps raise awareness of citizens and governments on the urgency of heritage conservation.
Photo taken by Fransisco paz

For the first time in Port Sudan, unconventional recreational trips for all loving people exploring new areas and enjoyi...

For the first time in Port Sudan, unconventional recreational trips for all loving people exploring new areas and enjoying camping, diving, beach & sea fishing 😍😍 😍😍😍
We offer you an integrated and very sweet program on one of the most beautiful islands of the Red Sea for two days In a very special place
⭕️ The programs can be in the form of a trip for families or friends and groups (the place can accommodate 15 people very comfortably)
⭕️ Or in the form of a camping program for a group or family (maximum 15 people)
The programs and services include the following 😍😍😍
1 / Delivery to and from + reception ✈️🔥
2 / Meals and grill program 😋🍖🍡🍢🌮🌯🍜🍤 all day long
3 / Snacks, sweets and cold and hot drinks available all day long
4 / There is a water volleyball and a football
5 / Music, Dj, Joe, and sweeter 🎉🌌🌌
6 / Various sessions, a hammock ,on the beach, the stars, and the sound of the sea in front of you
9 / Boat trips in the region and neighboring destinations as well as road trips
10 / Fishing, snorkeling and diving program, with a guide and diving instructor

Attached photos and videos of the place 😉😉😉
For reservations, inquiries and such ☎️:
[email protected]



At the top of the red sea hills east side of Sudan ...


On the Arkawit mountains ...    ...  ...Starting from Port Sudan, past Swakin, the asphalt road turns southwest, crosses...

On the Arkawit mountains ...

Starting from Port Sudan, past Swakin, the asphalt road turns southwest, crosses a wide deserted plain dotted with acacias, climbs into the gorges between the mountains, reaches the village of Sinkat, and continues to a masonry door that marks the border with the Arkawit region. We continue on until we reach the same name village. They also call it the “tower in the clouds”: it happens in winter that it is wrapped in clouds, while the rest of the African world disappears. Around us we see some small villas, old and recent, an old hotel, built by the English and a modern one built recently instead. Arkawit was a place of vacation, where the English, during their occupation, used to spend their holidays, to escape the heat of the plain. Alone, on a hill, stands the white Osma Digna mausoleum, he was a Sudanese patriot and a hero. We climb a little to reach the highest point of the cliff, where there is a beautiful view.We are at an altitude of about 1,200 m, the view follows the mountains profiles that reach even 2,000 m, until you realise in the distance in the mist, in a north-westerly direction, the coast and the sea. A landscape that seems boundless. What’s interesting about it? Why go to Arkawit, travel about 140 km by bus, and as many to return? To see something beyond the sea, to enjoy the landscape, the desert and the mountains, to walk among the cliffs and the soaring cactus, to listen to the stories of the Sudanese land from the wind. Then to stop in a cafeteria at Sinkat, among the people, to taste the typical Sudanese coffee, the scented gebena, stealing some shots, some of those elusive visions of colorful women’s tops, some bejas or adandwa, shepherd or cameleer, exploring the Simkat souk, among the bread sellers, or milk, or at the dromedary market. Then we can hope for some unpredictable encounters, which will give an added flavour to our shots, until we return to the sea, to the mythical Swakin, were we will take a short walk and imagine how life used to be. We will observe the soul of the port among the felucas, the fishing activity, some markets, the white mosque and the faces of the people. You have to pack flavors and fragrances, and other colors, we are not satisfied only with the sea, missing something more, Sudan, the coast and the hills of the Red Sea!

We love adventure!



Port Sudan


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