EcoWatch Wildlife Expeditions

EcoWatch Wildlife Expeditions EcoWatch Wildlife Expeditions arrangerar naturresor och fotoresor med fokus på vilda djur. Vi reser ofta till avlägsna platser, svåra att ta sig till själv

EcoWatch är specialiserad på björnskådning i Alaska, Kanada och Svalbard. Vi reser ofta till avlägsna platser, svåra att ta sig till själv.

This autumn we will once again head out to one of the most magical places, Katmai National Park in Alaska. If you are In...

This autumn we will once again head out to one of the most magical places, Katmai National Park in Alaska. If you are Interested to join on a unforgettable photography adventure there is still some spots available. This is not your mainstream tour but rather a photo expedition with a small exclusive group of photographers, We spend all of the precious time in field ready to capture any of the special moments that may occur.

The coast of Katmai is a spectacular place to experience, one of the best place on earth to come close and photograph the salmon fishing bears, It is not only bears who catch salmon in the rivers sometimes we even get to photograph salmon fishing wolves. It is a place where you never really know what you will experience which makes it such an exiting place to visit. Even after visiting this area frequently the last 20 years there we atill experience new things each time. Take the chance to join us for a very competitive cost, we will travel in mid September. You are welcome to send an e.mail to [email protected] if you are interested of more information.

Bear jam in Hallo Bay, Katmai National Park:)

Bear jam in Hallo Bay, Katmai National Park:)

Lazy morning at the coast of Katmai, bears are waiting for the tide to get low to be able to catch the salmon.

Lazy morning at the coast of Katmai, bears are waiting for the tide to get low to be able to catch the salmon.

Time to pack the bags again:) We are once again traveling to one of the very best bear photography place in the world, t...

Time to pack the bags again:) We are once again traveling to one of the very best bear photography place in the world, the coast of Katmai National Park in Alaska! We will stay, as usual, camped out in field during the whole time to be right in the middle of action not to miss a thing! We always travel in small groups for best photo opportunities and for the experience. This is a real photo expedition for those who like not only to get premier bear photo opportunities but also a life long experience. There is at this point still 2 spots open for the autumn 2024. Send a mail to [email protected] if you are interested to get information.

Nu går björnåret mot sitt slt och björnarna i Katmai går snart i idet för sin vintersömn. Det känns alltid som ett priv...

Nu går björnåret mot sitt slt och björnarna i Katmai går snart i idet för sin vintersömn. Det känns alltid som ett privilegium att så nära inpå få uppleva deras värld. Årets björnfotoexpedition tlll Katmai nationalpark levererade som vanligt trots ett dåligt laxår. Björnarna hade lite svårare att få tag på laxen men de kämpade på. Vi fick några fina dagar då björnarna jagade efter lax för fullt. Vi blev plötsligt även sällskap av en stor Alaskaälg som korsande älven, de kräver respekt och till och med björnarna håller sig undan en fullvuxen älgtjur. Nästa år bör det bli ett bra laxår igen, efter ett lite långsammare år så brukar det bli ett bättre året därpå. Nya datum för 2023 kommer inom kort!

Now the bear season is about to end and the bears are heading for their dens and winter sleep. It always feels like such a great privilege to get to be around them and observe them up close in their daily lives in the wild. Even though this year was a bad salmon year and the bears had a little more difficulty catching salmon, Katmai still delivered! We had some nice days with bears actively chasing and catching salmon. We were also joined by a large Alaskan moose, they demand respect and even the bears stay away from a fully grown bull moose. Next year it should be a good salmon run, after a slightly slower year the following year is usually better. New dates for photo expeditions 2023 will soon be announced!


Nu är vi tillbaka från Katmai nationalpark och är just nu på Kodiakön innan flyg tillbaka hem till Sverige. Det var lite utmanande väder i år med mycket regn men det drabbade förstås inte björnarna utan bara oss! Det var flera stora hannar på plats och en del honor med ungar. Det var mindre lax i älven i år än vanligt så björnarna fick jobba hårt för att fånga lax, vissa var bättre än andra med sina olika sätt att fånga dem. Det var speciellt en stor hanne som gjorde ett bra jobb och plockade upp lax efter lax medan de andra vackert fick titta på.


At last in Alaska again! Last time was 2019 just before the pandemic. We are just about to leave for a bear photo expedition at the coast of Katmai National Park. Will be interesting to see what have happened in the bear world during the last years!

Two young bears checking us out in Katmai National Park. Sometimes young bears can be very bold and interested of new th...

Two young bears checking us out in Katmai National Park. Sometimes young bears can be very bold and interested of new things including people especially if they are second or third year cubs who are still with their mother. They then feel comfortable that their mother will back them up if they end up in trouble. When they have left their mother they can stay teamed up with their siblings for another year sometimes even several years. They can then sometimes become real hooligans and test people and also other bears in their environment. They can team up and chase away other bears and steel their catch when they have caught a salmon. Sometimes these bears can be tricky to handle when you meet them in field, quit often you can although act bald against them and chase them away but sometimes you need some extra backup tools and experience to handle the situation. Usually they are just curious though but if handled the wrong way it can quickly become dangerous. Most people although get in trouble by the challenges of the environment in Katmai not the bears. Thousands of visitors visit Katmai NP every year with very few incidents with bears during the long history of the park, almost none actually, the very few cases that exist where all caused by provocation/ lack of precautions from the humans side. Bears and people normally co-exist extremely well within the park, especially where bears have been used to people by positive habituation. The bears have learned to respect our space and people to respect theirs.

Nu reser vi åter igen på en fotoexpedition till de fascinerande övargarna i British Columbia, Kanada. Det har fallit bor...

Nu reser vi åter igen på en fotoexpedition till de fascinerande övargarna i British Columbia, Kanada. Det har fallit bort några deltagare efter den långa väntan sedan pandemins början så det finns nu chans att resa med redan i år! Resan arrangeras 22-28 aug.

De övargar vi besöker är unika och bör enligt många forskare räknas som en egen underart då de skiljer sig så pass mycket från fastlandsvargarna. De har levt isolerat under lång tid på dessa avlägsna öarna längs British Columbias norra kust som har gjort att de skiljer sig från fastlandspopulationen. Vidare har de även fått leva relativt skyddade från förföljelse och jakt som gjort att dessa vargar är mindre skygga för människor. Under vår resa har vi chans att komma vargarna nära och få en inblick i deras liv. Vi bor ute i fält under hela perioden och maximerar därför våra chanser att få fotografera och skåda vargarna. Om du är intresserad av att få veta mer om resan så skicka gärna ett mail till [email protected]

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We will now once again be able to arrange a photo expedition to the Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia, Canada to visit the fascinating coastal wolves. Some participants have dropped out after the long wait since the very beginning of the pandemic, so there is now some spots available to join already this year! Date for the expedition is 22-28 August.

The wolves we visit are unique and should, according to many researchers, be considered a separate subspecies as they differ so much from the mainland wolves. They have lived in isolation for a long time on the remote islands along the northern coast of British Columbia which have led to a separate evolution. Furthermore, they have also lived relatively protected from persecution and hunting compared to the wolves on the mainland which has made these wolves less shy and suspicious of humans. During our journey we have the chance to get close to the wolves and get a good insight into their lives. We stay out in the field throughout the whole period and therefore maximize our chances of being able to photograph and view the wolves. If you are interested and want more information regarding the trip, send an email to [email protected]

You can also find more information at

Snart så är björnsäsongen och resorna till Alaska förhoppningsvis igång igen! På grund av den genomlidna pandemin så har...

Snart så är björnsäsongen och resorna till Alaska förhoppningsvis igång igen! På grund av den genomlidna pandemin så har vi vackert fått vänta två säsonger. Nu får vi hoppas att det förblir möjligt att resa för att åter kunna besöka björnparadiset, Katmai Nationalpark. Blir spännande och se om vissa bekanta individer fortsatt är kvar och vad som hänt i björnarnas värld under detta långa uppehåll! Det finns troligen ett fåtal platser kvar för att resa med nu i år så varför inte ta chansen och följa med på denna fotoexpedition för att få fotografera och uppleva grizzlybjörnarna i detta björnparadis!

Mer information om resorna hittar du på

Soon the bear season in Alaska starts again! Due to the pandemic, we have now waited two seasons for to be able to visit the bear paradise, Katmai National Park, once again. It will be exciting to see if some familiar individuals still remain and what have happened in the world of the bears during this long break! There is probably a few spots left for this year travel so why not take the chance and join this photo expedition to get to photograph and experience the bears in the bear paradise of Katmai! We stay over a week out in field so there will be plenty of action!

For more information send an e-mail to [email protected]

There is nothing that beats observing and photographing bears during a clear crispy morning at the coast of Katmai Natio...

There is nothing that beats observing and photographing bears during a clear crispy morning at the coast of Katmai National Park. The world is slowly opening up again so lets hope it will be possible to travel to Katmai Natioinal Park again this coming summer season!






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