Astrology Secrets in the Stars *****

Astrology Secrets in the Stars ***** Astrology and Fixed Star ***** DR.WASAM AL-SAIFI is a full-time professional consulting astrologer with over 14 years experience. Astrologer since 1993.

serves as a catalyst to help you recognize your natural abilities and overcome obstacles to success and to take action at the right time.
Astrologically speaking, we are the way we are from the moment of birth. Yet we are free to fulfill our potential or to fail to live up to it. Likewise, planetary cycles are fa

ted. Life's ups and downs are predictable. Yet, how we interact during each cycle sets up the circumstances we encounter in the next one. We are free to handle problems or go under with them, to take advantage of opportunities or to let them go by. The choices we make are up to us. Qualified professional astrologer offering consultations and astrological education. Credentials: Practitioner's Certificate, AFA in USA ....
Fixed Star Certificate ....

Services: FB or Email .....

the signs, planets, houses, and their interpretation in the natal chart. Also, a working knowledge of predictive techniques including transits and secondary progressions.Fixed Star , Numerology . Diploma Course - offers advanced study of natal and predictive techniques as well as introduction to specialist fields such as horary, mundane, heliocentric, locational, geodedic.




♆ S℞ Mon Jun 18 2018 20:32 Neptune 16°♓30′℞ SR’grade
♀ ⊼ ♄ Tue Jun 19 2018 10:55 Venus 06°♌27′ Quincunx Saturn 06°♑27′℞
♀ ☌ ☊ Tue Jun 19 2018 11:38 Venus 06°♌29′ Conjunction Node 06°♌29′
☿ △ ♃ Tue Jun 19 2018 19:43 Mercury 14°♋00′ Trine Jupiter 14°♏00′℞
☉ ☍ Vs Tue Jun 19 2018 20:14 Sun 28°♊30′ Opposition Vesta 28°♐30′℞
☉ Sqq ♃ Wed Jun 20 2018 08:05 Sun 28°♊58′ Sesquiquad Jupiter 13°♏58′℞
☽ □ ☉ Wed Jun 20 2018 10:51 Moon 29°♍04′ Square Sun 29°♊04′
☿ △ ♆ Thu Jun 21 2018 03:59 Mercury 16°♋29′ Trine Neptune 16°♓29′℞
☉ in ♋ Thu Jun 21 2018 10:08 Sun 00°♋00′
♀ ☍ ♂ Thu Jun 21 2018 16:55 Venus 09°♌03′ Opposition Mars 09°♒03′
☿ ☌ Pa Fri Jun 22 2018 09:32 Mercury 18°♋43′ Conjunction Pallas 18°♋43′
☉ ∗ ♅ Sat Jun 23 2018 05:58 Sun 01°♋45′ Sextile Uranus 01°♉45′
☿ ☍ ♇ Sat Jun 23 2018 09:24 Mercury 20°♋28′ Opposition Pluto 20°♑28′℞
☉ □ Ch Sat Jun 23 2018 21:39 Sun 02°♋22′ Square Chiron 02°♈22′
♄ ⊼ ☊ Sat Jun 23 2018 23:27 Saturn 06°♑07′℞ Quincunx Node 06°♌07′



Good morning all wonderful and nice my friends !There is a seasonal shift in the air and a renewal in the making. The on...

Good morning all wonderful and nice my friends !
There is a seasonal shift in the air and a renewal in the making. The only caveat is that we’ll need to swim through some waves to get in touch with it. As I look out into the month ahead, there is much to discuss into where we go now that the first set of eclipses are behind us. Things will continue to heat up in the universe as the Pisces Mermaid takes us deeper into the depths of the ocean.
The sign of Pisces and all the emotions she brings with her will take center stage. Feelings will be felt as we swim through her creative, emotional and empathetic terrain. Keep in mind that Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. In our own lives, this means that we’re all in the process of a renewal as we move through her waters.
Expect relationships to take center stage with Venus entering her rare retrograde. A fueling need for CHANGE is also going to be very apparent and new shifts will take place as we embark upon a seasonal change. Many of us are getting closer to taking things to an entirely new level.....
It is said of March that it comes “in like a lion, and out like a lamb.” This is almost true this year, as the beginning of the month is fearsome indeed. Yet the lion is not exactly the right animal exemplar, for the beast which rides the first portion of March is of a fantastic, imaginal nature- a spirit-beast of some sort. Indeed, even if it is a lion’s head we hear roaring, the body which trails it is gigantic and serpentine- classically draconic. Though it will be gone by the time the month comes to a close, it will take weeks for the wyrm to pass overhead.
Thursday, March 1, 2017:
Wednesday begins with the aggressive Aries Moon having difficult conversations with obsessive Pluto, anxiety producing Uranus, Jupiter (the planet that simply enlarges whatever picture we are looking at), and aggressive Mars. It is a good idea to carefully observe your own emotional triggers and sidestep other people’s hotspots. This is not a day to speak your mind or engage in difficult conversations. No one will win.
Thursday, March 2, 2017:
By the time you wake up on Thursday morning, the Moon is in Ta**us, which you would normally expect to bring solid relief to all the intensity we are living in.
However, with Jupiter now opposing Uranus, whatever you are expecting will be larger and more exciting (or disastrous) than you anticipate. You have the sense of desperately wanting to break free of limitations and restrictions and are highly aware of the most positive as well as the most negative expression of future possibilities.I encourage you to watch the reflection and the rumbling changes of these energies in your personal life as well as within our culture, our government and the world.
Wherever you find yourself, be an example of calm, open-hearted love, kindness and acceptance. Don’t let yourself get caught up in your own situation so much that you miss the opportunity to make significant, deep connection with others. We are all in need of an extra dose of kindness. Be that example in the world, show the love in your heart.
Fredag ​​3 mars, 2017:
Friday presents us with a quiet day of rest. Following a smooth, easy trine aspect to Pluto at 10:20 AM EST, the solid Ta**us Moon is VOC until 5:06 AM EST Saturday morning. VOC stands for void of course, meaning that the Moon has made its final major aspect while in one sign until it enters the next sign.
In other words following her conversation with Pluto, she doesn’t speak to any of the other planets until she enters Gemini early Saturday. This slows down all activity and gives us time to rest.
The intense energies of these past weeks have us all on edge; and no, it is not over. For Friday, allow yourself to take a break. Go home after work, cook a nice meal and spend time doing something that simply makes you happy. Take a bath; give your lover massage. Rest.
Wishing you all a wonderful month
Dr.Wasam AL-Saifi ❤❤❤
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Good morning all wonderful and nice my friends !Hello everyone .. I´ve finally gotten the celestial signal to proceed. T...

Good morning all wonderful and nice my friends !
Hello everyone .. I´ve finally gotten the celestial signal to proceed. Time to roll up my sleeves and get down to business. Sessions are now open.
Hello everyone .. I´ve finally gotten the celestial signal to proceed. Time to roll up my sleeves and get down to business. Sessions are now open.
The week may start off slowly and pleasantly enough and then suddenly switch into overdrive. We may be resistant to wise counsel or any suggestion of moderation in our attitudes or our behavior. We can be hell-bent for glory or just a rebel without a cause. We are unlikely to brook any opposition. We could be a little too self-absorbed for our own good.
With a Stellium in Aries and a Stellium in Pisces, we have a strong focus on each one of us leading the parade with us either being savior or martyr and sometimes both with quick switches in the process.
Confusion can be a large part of the second half of this week. We might wonder who we are and seek out identities by which to define ourselves
We might even call upon someone for a clarity check as to who we really are. We may need comfort and support this week and possibly to draw upon someone who has laser-like vision to cut through our fog.
The week is a highly active week. We might be feeling the first thaws of Spring and find the impulse to get moving, but we are unlikely to have a clear itinerary, direction or destination in mind.
The Eight Phases of the Moon and Love *****
The first phase of the moon’s cycle is the new phase. No light is visible at all, so the moon appears to be absent from the sky. This is a great time to plant the seeds of a new relationship, set intentions for attracting love, or move a relationship into a new phase—for example, moving from dating to “going steady.”
The second phase is the waxing crescent. A relationship started in this phase may struggle to survive. The moon is just emerging, so the energy is like that of a seed that has germinated and is now pushing up through the ground. There is hard work; energy must be expended. If you need to focus effort in an area of the relationship, this may be a good time—provided all parties are willing to participate.
The third moon phase is the first quarter. This energy, to continue the plant analogy, is when the seedling sends down roots and begins to create tiny leaves. It’s a growing stage, an active stage. This is a good time to play together, push boundaries a little, and enjoy some excitement. Make sure everyone stays within their comfort zone, though, as too much chaos won’t be fruitful.
The Gibbous stage—when the moon is still waxing but appears close to full— is next. An interesting stage, it brings a sense of anticipation and carries the energy of self-analysis and introspection. This can create great energy for a calm heart-to-heart with an established love. However, it’s not the best for a first date as you may get bogged down in feeling like you have to be perfect or over-analyze everything your new date says and does.
When the moon reaches its full stage, it presents the compelling glow we see every month. This is the stage of manifestation when the guy you’ve been flirting with may finally ask you out or when you reap the reward of some hard emotional work. If you’ve been waiting to consummate an affair or even to get pregnant, the full moon can be a powerful time to do so.
The sixth stage is the disseminating phase. Because this moon’s energy focuses on giving back and integrating within society, it’s a great time to introduce your new love to friends and family or to otherwise make your community the focus of your romantic endeavors. Group activity is also favored.
If there is any doubt about a relationship, the third (or last) quarter is the time to address it. You may find that breaking up is easier at this moon phase or that the hard conversations are less emotionally strenuous at this time. In pagan traditions, the waning moon is a time to dispel or relinquish behaviors, beliefs, and patterns which no longer serve you or the relationship. It’s not the best time for a first date, though.
The final moon phase is the balsamic stage when the moon is a mere sliver in the sky. This is a time of transition. If you need to create space in a relationship or take a break from dating, this is a good time to do so.
The moon—and other planets—play a role in our love lives, whether we notice how their energy affects us or not. Paying attention to the phases of the moon and how they seem to influence you personally is the most powerful way to utilize the vibrational energies of this heavenly body. Your own personality, moon sign by birth, and the phase the moon was in when you were born will all subtly affect how you work with the moon’s phases and energy. The blessings of the moon are available to you at all times, so why not learn to integrate this beautiful energy into your life? As the ruler of emotion, the moon can be a valuable ally in the tricky world of human relations.
Wishing you all a wonderful week 9
Dr.Wasam AL-Saifi ❤❤❤
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13° ARIES – 26° PISCES

Hi all fine!New Moon in Aquarius ******The symbol of New Moon itself, which represents the potential for the month ahead...

Hi all fine!
New Moon in Aquarius ******
The symbol of New Moon itself, which represents the potential for the month ahead, is 8 ° in Aquarius: "A flag is seen turning into an eagle."
It is New Moon on Saturday! This time it is in Aquarius, at about 8 degrees, where you have that point in your personal horoscope? Worth checking out. When the New Moon should we wish, please write down our wishes and then check how the situation has changed about the kind a half years. Now it is associated with our innermost hopes and our dreams, big things! So do not hold back on anything, imagine how you would have wanted to have your dream life. What will you do to get a piece of the road? How can you be active and effort you? What people nearby or around the world, could be very helpful in the era go? Networking and va social, share with you, tell me what it is you are looking for and want. Only you yourselves represent limitations right now.
Top three zodiac signs that are affected right now and this weekend is Pisces, Aquarius and Capricorn. Especially you who are born in the end of March, the middle of December and the end of January in any year. Since this new moon affected the character of the fixed cross (Ta**us, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) and especially those born from 27 to 31/1, from 26 to 30/4, 29 / 7-3 / 8 and 29/10 -3/11, and those have planets from the 6th to the 10th degree of the fixed cross.
The weekend is very special. It is highly concentrated energy in the three above-mentioned signs, then we see three planetkonjunktioner each. In Capricorn remains tankeplanten Mercury, approaching a conjunction with Pluto. The result is that we have to rethink a lot of our tank processes and structures, and can also cause us to exert power over others through the words and beliefs. Words become significantly more power full weekend overall, affecting more.
In Aquarius, there is a new moon on Friday / Saturday, Sun and Moon (the conscious and unconscious, the ego and the id, identity and soul) meet in the innovative and mental Aquarius leading to very adventurous weekend, if you want it that way. Much talk, very new ideas, insights, new people, and unexpected events. Be prepared to realize a few things over the weekend that might not be too pleasant.
Furthermore are both Mars and Venus still in Pisces, at the tail end of the emotional journey we have made in recent weeks. Now we are emotionally exhausted, tired to dream, imagine and feel so damn much. But then some of the goods it will be! To conclude the weekend, so much of what we do is based on what we know, it can happen very unexpected things and acquaintances, and generally be a fairly tumultuous weekend. Be ready, and stand firm!
New Moon in Aquarius is about changes in our lives to make improvements. Often it makes us feel as though we are without the help of the world. Venus also sits next to Kiron, was wounded healer, so it is quite possible that our old wounds can be triggered so that we can become more aware of how they are running the show and sabotage our relationships. It is important to be prepared to take responsibility for our own wounds and vulnerabilities rather than reacting defensively or blame the other person for "make" us feel the way we do. It is our old baggage, so we must take it; it's just that somehow the other person acts may tend to turn on our sore, wounded areas and allows us to react. We should see this as a gift, because we have a chance to see it, recognize it and clean it up, even if we may not look very pretty! Overall, this combination of Saturn, Kiron, Venus and Aquarius moon can help us to see ourselves and our relationships with clarity and compassion and make some huge changes in old, worn-out ideas and designs. We should give our wounds and vulnerabilities are out in the open, so that what is blocking us can be cleared without guilt or shame.
Continue to have a great Friday and a really nice weekend!
Love to all ♥♥♥
Dr.Wasam AL Saifi
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Swim calmly! Holding nerves cold !!Angry days Mars in Pisces square to Saturn on 19/1 !!!From January 15 to 22, Mars in ...

Swim calmly! Holding nerves cold !!
Angry days Mars in Pisces square to Saturn on 19/1 !!!

From January 15 to 22, Mars in hazy and vague sign of Pisces will be in square to Saturn, a difficult aspect for the Twins, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces that you were born at the end of the second ten-day period and the beginning of the third ten-day period and / or those who have ASC and personal level (moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) from 17 to 24 degrees of the above signs.
will have to take some difficult decisions, do you feel you are at a crossroads in your life. You may feel an inner conflict or can not clarify your way of action or your priorities, which sets up obstacles.
Can also those days to reveal that it was a step in the right direction for a goal and now you must choose a new direction. But to do this you must first remove the current direction (or at least to do something about it). People and situations require that the days of more discipline and commitment than what you feel you can give. Or presented some obstacles that make you wonder if you should abandon your present course and if you have to take a different route.
Maybe you feel that the struggle to achieve your goals is a waste of time and do not have the energy and will try to reach it.
Mars is in a hurry and want to go further; Saturn delays and disrupt. Therefore, we can be in conflict: the battle attitude or be wise. Although we have the impulse to action, can cause or other forces to block us, and may lack funds and resources. Works may be paralyzed.
We can also put power and energy on top of anything that does not move, it stuck and not developed. All this can leave us frustrated, so it will be advisable to avoid wearing what is not going to produce results. Also, we must be ready, because the facts will force us to give up any requests.
Mars and Saturn energy associated with reflection, strength and composure, which can lead to situations where you need to go to war against the time, such terms plenty to do but never had time for it. In this case it would be appropriate to count on people who can help us, but also be prepared to delegate tasks.
In some cases, we may be forced to shoulder heavy responsibilities, but can also be overloaded tasks. We may also feel a sharp decline in our physical energy, which can leave us discouraged, grumpy or less sexually active. Impatience, anger or urgency may also result in bruising and injury. Back problems and dental extractions can be complicated, and can increase cases of bone fracture, especially in the feet. but also be prepared to delegate tasks. In some cases, we may be forced to shoulder heavy responsibilities, but can also be overloaded tasks. We may also feel a sharp decline in our physical energy, which can leave us discouraged, grumpy or less sexually active. Impatience, anger or urgency may also result in bruising and injury. Back problems and dental extractions can be complicated, and can increase cases of bone fracture, especially in the feet. but also be prepared to delegate tasks. In some cases, we may be forced to shoulder heavy responsibilities, but can also be overloaded tasks. We may also feel a sharp decline in our physical energy, which can leave us discouraged, grumpy or less sexually active. Impatience, anger or urgency may also result in bruising and injury. and may increase the cases of bone fracture, particularly in the feet. grumpy or less sexually active. Impatience, anger or urgency may also result in bruising and injury. back pain and tooth extractions may be complicated, and may increase the cases of bone fracture, particularly in the feet. grumpy or less sexually active. Impatience, anger or urgency may also result in bruising and injury. back pain and tooth extractions may be complicated, and may increase the cases of bone fracture, particularly in the feet.
The male characters, military or police restrict our actions, but also is in trouble or go through some resistance in their performances. Anyway, it is likely to happen armed clashes. Is a particularly powerful appearance, it can still cause problems in structures, landslides and serious accidents.
Dr.Wasam AL Saifi ❤❤❤
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Astro week 3 *****Hi all wonderful friends!Week with deep affection, but need patience with obstaclesFull moon phase mak...

Astro week 3 *****
Hi all wonderful friends!
Week with deep affection, but need patience with obstacles
Full moon phase makes us more sociable and outgoing, but can also increase tensions. On Thursday (19), the moon waning, favors complete the pending issues and prepare better inside. The same day, the sun will move into Aquarius, bringing a more relaxed mood and expanding contact with groups and friends. Throughout the week, Venus / Pluto deepen relationships also erotic zone the affective nature. But Mars square Saturn tends to increase irritability and even enter events that require patience. From this weekend, intuitive antennas in conjunction with Mercury in sextile to Neptune!
One of those present this week will be Venus sextile Pluto, which gives greater intimacy and connection in relationships in general, with the risk of increased eroticism in the affective level. In some cases, you can love the past or return so relationships are not well can be recycled and renewed after putting issues on the clean dishes firmly but also with diplomacy.
However, it should be noted that this point will operate in parallel with Mars / Saturn, which will be discussed below. So if the other dominates, it may be that aspect of this does not seem much, or even be a possibility, despite the conflicts, still feel a strong connection with each other and a desire to find a better way to solve problems.
The week begins with our ability to concentrate on what needs to be done and focus our attention on the quality of our lives. We need to be careful that we do not engage more than we can handle. We can assume that we almost can move mountains, but our "to do" list can be long and without our taking into account the delays that can trip up our schedule or any past problems that could be demanding our attention. When we get our bearings, we can easily move forward
In the beginning of the week it is good to hear from you to someone who you know has many contacts in the industry you want to be in. Your efforts and priorities come first and you would like to get a piece of your work now. In the middle of the week, then it's time to mingle and go to events, follow the flow and not miss important relationships that can get you where want faster than you might have imagined. Va open with your plans and what goals you have set for 2017, unexpected things can happen.
You dream big and want to create a life that you feel comfortable with at all levels and where everyday life need not be so routine dear Ta**us. Now you also boosted actually concretely put you and shape you want. You are focused and gives absolutely not up easily. Hard work pays you know and it will show up faster than you think. Flowet is also to make contact with people who have the skills you are looking for and who have completed the journey you are about to.
This is a good time for cutting down on certain parts of your life right now does not give you energy and joy that you had hoped. Va instead focused on pieces where you have plenty of flow and also situations where there is a win-win mindset. Explore opportunities to work online with any subject that concerns you, or how you can best work to eventually get it to roll on automatically. Your ideas and it's around is open to test new ways.
You are full of enthusiasm and your focus is to possibly take a course, try a training, contact a particular company or actually run on starting up and running your own business. Development is the theme and you are holding your dreams high. It may be time to take risks and it is also a step forward in life, dear Cancer. Comfort Zone is not your element at the moment. You also have benefits if you want to have others with you on the train or get a partner in crime.
Time to look at which parts of your life that has a flow and which ones do not. How can you do to avoid a lot of wasted time? Where can you pull down and turn your energy into something that is both enjoyable and additionally favorable for your finances? You have deep thoughts and ideas about how you want your life to look like and you will do everything to succeed in your goals. Please contact an advisor to develop your income and to put your money right.
In the beginning of the week you are more eager to do what to your mind. Bet on your interests, your talents and just dedicate yourself to the pleasures, friends, after works. Later you will have to take back some dropped time and do a proper lift to take you forward again, dear Virgo. But there is no danger, control of just and start writing lists! What should you prioritize and what needs to be organized and controlled up properly? Do not forget your exercise, eating right, and that in addition to bed on time.
The wave
You are busy with your inner emotional life, your relationships, and you'd rather not leave your home dear Libra. Invite friends over to dinner and enjoy the calm before the latter part out of the week starts. Then you suddenly tired of lying on the couch, now we need to take on the party bosses and show the world that you have woken up, for real! It is your creative side that gets a boost and you will find it easy getting into situations that take you further than you would have imagined.
Use the beginning of the week to communicate with your colleagues or classmates, you will be popular! And there is always something new you can share and learn from others. You would like to inspire you bet on to enroll in a short course or order home a bunch of books that can help you towards your goals. When approaching the weekend, you need to take a little break dear Scorpio. You have had many balls in the air and would rather focus on your home and your family.
This week, you better existence on by reviewing your assets and bring order to the practicality of your life, dear Sagittarius. What can you do to help? Book an appointment with your banker and start a saving in the long run? Time to invest or make any other smart move? When the weekend is approaching, it is life in the hatch and you will be in a completely different mood. Get out and socialize, mingle, meet people who want and think like you, laugh and enjoy all that is only just fun!
In the beginning of the week, you can still have things left to do that is about you and your life plans and you get the chance to dream away. But the weekend then you start to feel a craving to stabilize you and everyday a little more dear Capricorn. Excellent time to start new habits and establish clear procedures. Focus on making a budget, cut down on costs by actively check better prices such as mortgages or other figures love to pull away!
You begin the week to continue to slide and live a little in a dream world, far removed from reality. This weekend then it's completely different conditions and your life energy will be like new! Follow flowet and follow even what interests you, your projects and things that you are passionate about. Great time to take place and dare to show off your skills dear Aquarius. Your self-confidence increases and you get people much easier with you in everything you choose to do additionally, awesome!
When the week starts, you are still in a very festive mood up, dear Fish. Take the opportunity to pull the contacts, go on group activities and forget absolutely not the business card at home. When the weekend is approaching, it is like pulling down the shade and initiate a more slow mood on your part. Let go of your "must-do" list and stay up for a while. Think about what has been and where you're going with it this year. Do not take any hasty decisions, but enjoy the serenity instead.
I wish you a wonderful week!
Dr.Wasam AL Saifi ❤❤❤
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Numerical forecasts for 2017 *****Good morning my friends !A UNIVERSAL ‘1’ Year represents the start of a fresh new cycl...

Numerical forecasts for 2017 *****
Good morning my friends !
A UNIVERSAL ‘1’ Year represents the start of a fresh new cycle – a new 9 year cycle of creativity, learning and growth.
A UNIVERSAL ‘1’ Year is a time to plant the seeds of intention for the forthcoming cycle – your deepest heartfelt desires, dreams and visions for every area of your life – relationships, health, finances, career, lifestyle, spirituality etc
The intentions & foundations you set in place during 2017 (preferrably early in 2017), mold the field of potentiality and set the tone & flow of energy within your life over the forthcoming 9 years.
The year 2017 is one of metamorphosis and evolution. It is essential for restarting a cycle under optimal conditions. Life being an eternal beginning, one must know how to draw lessons from the past in order to better understand the future and not to perpetuate the same mistakes throughout its existence.
The number "1" is a sign of renewal. Abstraction must be made of individuality, selfishness and arrogance. More determined than usual, more original and creative, his ideas are more evolved. With a more open mind, we turn to new areas of interest to experiment and carry out our goals. Courage being the key to success, it is advisable not to expect anything from others, but to work for oneself. Independence is paramount. These 12 months lead us to surpass ourselves, to be more realistic and to structure ourselves if we want to sustain our achievements. Satisfactory results come from the second half of the year. In universal year 1, it is necessary to envisage its existence in a different way, to engage, to invest and especially not to miss its opportunity by seizing all the opportunities that present themselves, because positive influxes emerge causing unexpected opportunities devolution. The harmful climate of the year 9 leads to a favorable repositioning in year 1. Daring, innovating, rethinking one's life, stand out, be audacious and avant-garde, act and find innovative ideas while determining its orientations and priorities The best way forward. The initiatives are rewarded and successful. The encounters are decisive, they promote the human relationships and the thrusts of destiny. This period certainly brings novelty. The professional field is highlighted. A change of environment or even a move is often beneficial.
Year 1 för 2017 *****
----->>>> If you were born, one !! So you will be lucky in 2017

✔8 - 17 - 26 January
✔2 - 12 - 20 - 29 July
✔ 7 - 16 - 25 February
✔ 1 - 10 - 19 - 28 August
✔ 6 - 15 - 24 March
✔9 - 18 - 27 September
✔5 - 14 - 23 April
✔ 8 - 17 - 26 October
✔ 4 - 13 - 22 - 31 May
✔7 - 16 - 25 November
✔ 3 - 12 - 21 - 30 June
✔6 - 15 - 24 December
General atmosphere
The personal year 1 foretells new beginnings, openness, creative aspirations and restarts. One must be active, provoke situations, assert oneself and know to rebound on other bases. It is a period to surpass, restructure and project itself over the long term. Risk taking is necessary. The new experiences bring a beautiful evolution on the private plane. Independence and mastery are required to spend a comfortable year. Decisions are taken to create a dynamic and find different interests. It is important to show initiative and autonomy about the projects to be developed since there is little support from outside. Letting go and trust are essential to progress on the road to success. Boldness and ambition are recommended, as opportunities arise. This is a decisive year for all kinds of challenges. It is a revival that takes place for those who have a keen mind, courage and determination to be tested.
Avoid impulsiveness, superiority and arrogance.
Beneficial periods
The second half brings satisfactory results.
This sector is widely favored, it is time to move on to the next stage and to broaden its field of action. An evolution is possible if one has solved its previous problems. Professional construction is on the way to completion. Changes and modifications are expected in particular with regard to communication and modern technologies. Employees have the opportunity to fill a position, to evolve within their company, to take a different direction, to increase their income or to be given more responsibility. Some want to create their own business and fly on their own. The male influence of the 1 leads to move forward and to build sustainably. Entrepreneurs, artisans, artists and the professions must innovate at all costs and adopt other methods. Decisions bring about salutary changes. Moving or expanding premises is not excluded. The success of the next 9 years depends essentially on what is set in motion during the year. We must rely only on ourselves to prosper effectively. On the other hand, a little help from fate can be brought by an influential person. To be certain of achieving his ends, it is better to give him the means and defend his ideas.
Important months
March, July, September, December.
An improvement in the standard of living (wage increase or bonus) should normally take place. Investments can be made on the property plan as well as substantial purchases.
Important months
July, September.
Emotional changes may occur. The sentimental life takes a different turn and can give rise to a more stable and deeper relationship based on real values.
It is more demanding than usual to approach one's amorous experiences. More intransigent, one asks above all not to cheat with the feelings. Avoid individuality and selfishness to create a climate of trust and sympathy. If the current is established with a person, one may want to invest and build. The choice of the partner turns rather towards someone devoted, independent and flexible character. Love usually arises in the context of work (internship, training, seminar), on vacation or through the net. The meetings are likely to take place over time, they remain in any case, significant and decisive.
In a relationship with
The duos already trained make plans for the future (moving, formalizing the relationship, starting a child ...). The agreement is good if the same objectives are met mainly on a material and professional level. The important thing is to be able to free ourselves easily from the tasks that fall to us. The alter ego must be available and above all to be malleable so as not to attract the wrath of the partner, caught by an incessant whirlwind of activities.
Suitable months
January, May, October.
Social life
It is time to recreate friends.
Outings, invitations, trips
February, April, August, November.
Form and well-being
A clear revival of vitality is felt. However, headaches are often the result of too much work intensity.
Gifts to Offer
A book, a calendar or a pen.
Month devoted to love commitments and feelings (encounter, rupture, procreation, family). Couples make plans for the future and singles are looking for the soul mate. The balance can be weakened due to too much emotion.
Period to create, establish contacts and make new relationships. Outings and invitations are on the program. Valentine's Day is the opportunity to prove his love to one who shares his life. The bachelors seek a nice complicity to form a duet.
This is not the time to rest on its laurels, because we endorse additional responsibilities. Rigor is required, work is harassing and romantic relationships temporarily dismissed. Financially, the time is right for the economy.
Independence is paramount. It radiates and is very reactive. You can get a job if you are unemployed or if you are an employee. Sentimentally, libido is on the rise, butterfly and seduction are in order.
Feelings come to the fore. The desire to conquer the beloved is there. It is not impossible that the bachelors are disturbed and attracted by a charming person. Couples engage in games of seduction and are very accomplices, they make plans for the future.
This period calls for reflection and questioning on all sides. The work of writing is favored as well as the intellectual activities. Loves are not the main objectives, because we take a step back from the events and people around us. Month of introspection and reflection.
Money comes in, but big spending is on the budget. One parades and desires to be in sight. Love is lived flamboyantly. Nothing is too beautiful for the beloved, the great means are deployed to make the lucky one fall into his net.
Do not undertake anything new, because we have a wrong view of things. A break is essential to recharge and find common ground to ambiguous situations. Love is dreaming, it can also become reality, but temporarily.
Business is getting bigger. Contracts are signed and a resumption of activities is in sight. There is a good progress with regard to the work and projects envisaged. Another dynamic takes place. The energy is good and the results satisfactory.
All that is associative is favored. Collaborations are sought and partnerships welcome. The feelings are exacerbated and the nerves flush. A woman seems to be a major supporter. Attention, projects for two or sentimental break.
Outings and invitations are likely. A lucky capital accompanies us throughout these weeks. Friendships are sought after and loves are pleasant. Month of conviviality where it is good to be in our company to be distracted.
The work is put forward. Little time for entertainment and recreation. The family must be a haven of peace and not suffer from our activity overload. Do not forget to invite the circle close to the occasion of the holidays, because we are very busy. Excellent Christmas.
Onar you all a wonderful year of happiness and good health and more love ....
Dr.Wasam AL-Saifi ❤❤❤
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