Nordic Baroque Dancers

Nordic Baroque Dancers Nordic Baroque Dancers is a Sweden-based company directed by Karin Modigh.

We work with different choreographers and project-based teams in a variety of contexts. Our vision is to nurture and broaden the view of baroque dance, and we are convinced that the 17th and 18th-century dance arts have an intrinsic value, independently of their historical context.

Nordic Baroque Dancers is a Sweden-based company that was founded in 2007 by Karin Modigh. It consists of members with diverse backgrounds and work experience from different dance genres, but with a high level of specialization in dance from the 17th and 18th centuries. Our vision is to nurture and broaden the view of baroque dance by working with different choreographers and project-based teams in a large variety of contexts. Be it productions based on repertoire choreographies, or new creations using the baroque aesthetic as a point of departure, the work is driven by the conviction that the 17th and 18th-century dance arts have an intrinsic value, independently of their historical context.

Oulun vanha musiikki

Thank you to the Oulu Early Music Festival for putting together this video clip from our dance concert last year.
Such a nice collaboration - looking forward to come back!

Excerpts from Pécour's Passacaille d'Armide, with a special homage to Deda Cristina Colonna, and Les Caractères de la Danse by Marie-Geneviève Massé, performed by Noah Hellwig and Karin Modigh.
Oulu Early Music Festival Orchestra under the direction of Peter Spissky.

Näin ihastuttavasti toimi Oulun barokkiorkesterin (OBO) yhteistyö viime vuoden Barokkitanssin taikaa -konsertissa upeiden Peter Spisskyn ja Nordic baroque dancers - Karin Modighin ja Noah Hellwigin kera.

Oulun oma barokkiorkesteri on vuosien aikana soittanut mieleen painuvia konsertteja vanhan musiikin alan eturivin taiteilijoiden kuten viulistien Dimitri Sinkovskin, Peter Spisskyn ja Anton Steckin, tenori Anders J. Dahlin tai tanssija-koreografi Karin Modighin kanssa.

Tänään myös Kalevan yhteisösivuilla on juttu Obosta. Haastattelussa Laura Kangas, joka on 9.2. konsertin konserttimestari. Laura on kouluttautunut barokkiviulistiksi Kreeta-Maria Kentalan, Peter Spisskyn ja Aira-Maria Lehtipuun johdolla. Lauran sanoin: "Tulossa on ehkä yksi hienoimmista projekteista, jossa olen saanut olla mukana!"

Lämpimästi tervetuloa konserttiin!

Liput myy, Oulu10-palvelupisteet ja Valveen lipunmyynti.

Händel: Passacaglia, HWV 399
Lully: Passacaille from Armide
Rebel: Les Caractères de las dance
J.S.Bach: BWV 1067, Ouverture, Badinerie (traverso, Pekka Elsilä)

International Summer Academy of Baroque Dance | Nordic Baroque Dancers

International Summer Academy of Baroque Dance 2020:


“Seven is a captivating number. It has been significant since ancient times, it has a special place in almost every major religion, and it is commonly associated with magical powers.

This will be our seventh year at Löftadalen, and it will be a year devoted to the magic of theatrical dancing. There will be characters that evolve through dancing, and characters that are defined through movement. There will be meticulously choreographed material, and there will be space for improvisation. There will be all sorts of genres, from the highly dramatic action of magicians to the comic and the grotesque of the commedia dell’arte characters, passing by the demi-caractère. “Theatrical dancing” is a vast theme that I have been planning for years, and I am enthusiastically looking forward to sharing it with teachers and students at Löftadalen this summer.

Welcome to contribute to our Summer Academy spirit: sharing and exchanging, cultivating curiosity and open-mindedness, staying focused on the learning process while remaining humble. Welcome to join us in making this a magical seventh year!”

Karin Modigh
Artistic Director of Nordic Baroque Dancers



- A clear focus on movement quality and body awareness
- A summer academy conceptualised by dancers for dancers
- Main baroque dance classes at four different levels with the Feuillet notated repertoire or contemporary baroque dance choreographies
- Optional afternoon courses open to all students present for the chosen week
- Morning warm-ups and afternoon stretches to keep the body fresh throughout the week
- A welcoming and friendly atmosphere promoting the exchange of ideas and experiences

International Summer Academy of Baroque Dance
Löftadalen Conservatory, Åsa, Sweden, 19-26 July and 9-16 August 2020
Registrations will open on 15 January at

International Summer Academy of Baroque Dance Learning from the best. Getting inspired by nature. Sharing new horizons. Welcome to our 7th year at Löftadalen in 2020! 19-26 July beginners/intermediate level 9-16 August advanced/professional level International Summer Academy of Baroque Dance ......

“Barockdans med havsutsikt” | Nordic Baroque Dancers

"Barockdans med havsutsikt"

Tidig Musik, the Swedish early music magazine, has published a beautiful article on the International Summer Academy of Baroque Dance. Read it here!

And while we are at it, as a little autumn present, here are the dates of our 7th edition in 2020:
19-26 July beginners and intermediate level
9-16 August intermediate and professional level

Happy dancing until then!

“Barockdans med havsutsikt” 28 October, 2019 | Press, Productions Article on the International Summer Academy of Baroque Dance, published in the Swedish early music magazine Tidig Musik 3/2019. Read the full article here Previous Post


Our next D-Day / Jour J is here!
We look forward to say välkommen, welcome, witamy cię, willkommen, wilkomme, benvenuta, bienvenue, bienvenidos, tervetuloa, Добро пожаловать, dobrodošli and vítej to all the participants who are joining us for the second week of the sixth Summer Academy at Löftadalen Conservatory!


Allmän information

> Our artistic activities include creation of performances in collaboration with choreographers, singers, musicians and actors. > Our teaching activities include dance classes for all ages and levels. We also organize the International Summer Academy of Baroque Dance at Löftadalen Conservatory, which attracts around 50 students from all over the world. > Our research activities include participation in seminars and a continuous investigation of the source material.


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