I certified as a Birth Doula with Childbirth International and have also undertaken the level 1 doula training with JJ Doula in The Netherlands. I strongly believe that pregnancy and birth can be beautiful, miraculous and powerful. Birth especially can be an empowering and positive experience. I have always wanted to work in a field where I can build close relationships and connections with people
and to feel that I have been helpful to them. I want to support birthing people and their families in having an empowered birth experience and to feel confident and positive before, during and after their birth. I am the person that my friends come to when they have problems or worries. They know they can trust me not to share their struggles with others and that I will listen with empathy and compassion. I am the friend who asks you a million questions about your pregnancy and who wants a minute by minute account of your labour and birth! After having my 2nd child I realised that being a doula is what I wanted to do. It brings together my interest in pregnancy and birth, my joy of building close connections with people, of supporting people and of my belief in the power and beauty of birth. I would love to connect with other birth workers, expectant families or anyone interested in the field of birth. I want this page to be a place for positive links, discussions and information about pregnancy and birth. I look forward to hearing from you!