Musafireen is a new business venture from the friendly Ustaz Danial Karim. We are currently renova

Korban Guide for 2024. May Allah SWT accept our Sacrifice (Qurban) and our good deeds, grant us forgiveness and have mer...

Korban Guide for 2024.
May Allah SWT accept our Sacrifice (Qurban) and our good deeds,
grant us forgiveness and have mercy upon us.
Eid-ul-Adha Mubarak to all my muslim brothers and sisters.

So, should you explore the spiritual and practical aspects of Zam Zam water? Absolutely! 🌟 Whether you're using it for r...

So, should you explore the spiritual and practical aspects of Zam Zam water? Absolutely! 🌟 Whether you're using it for religious practices or just curious about its history, Zam Zam water is a fascinating topic.

And if you're planning for Umrah or need Islamic services, remember we're here to help. Contact us at +6588550052 or [email protected].

Share your Zam Zam stories below! 👇✨

Bismillah  Alhamdulillah with the continued trust from our customers, we are now doing Qurban for the 5th year Alhamduli...

Bismillah Alhamdulillah with the continued trust from our customers, we are now doing Qurban for the 5th year Alhamdulillah. It's now the time for us to share with you our packages for this year's ibadah Korban and Badal Haji. An opportunity to fulfill our ibadah Korban in many different countries and various ways of distributions. 🐪🐑🐐 🇦🇺 🇸🇦 🇮🇩 🇺🇬 May this coming Eid Adha be memorable for our all Muslim brothers and sisters all over the world by giving and sharing the joy of a hearty meal.

Bismillah. Marhaban yaa Ramadhan ! Tahun ini Ramadhan menjelang pada waktu yang amat memilukan. Kami akan tetap menyerah...


Marhaban yaa Ramadhan !

Tahun ini Ramadhan menjelang pada waktu yang amat memilukan.

Kami akan tetap menyerahkan diri kami kepadaMu, ya Allah, dengan rasa hiba dan redha akan segala yang telah Engkau tetapkan.

“Ya Allah, hadirkanlah kepada kami bulan (Ramadhan) ini dengan keberkatan dan keimanan dan dengan damai dan Islam, serta bimbingan dan keberhasilan melakukan apa yang Engkau senangi. Tuhanku dan Tuhanmu (wahai bulan) adalah Allah” (HR Tirmidzi)

Semoga amalan, ibadah, kelakuan, keihklasan dan akhlak kami di Ramadhan ini lebin baik daripada Ramadhan yang sebelumnya, insyaAllah.

Korban guide 2023

Korban guide 2023

Selamat Menyambut Bulan Zulhijjah. Di antara sunnah-sunnah Korban adalah antara berikut. Terima Kasih kerana memilih Mus...

Selamat Menyambut Bulan Zulhijjah. Di antara sunnah-sunnah Korban adalah antara berikut. Terima Kasih kerana memilih Musafireen untuk Ibadah Korban anda pada tahun ini.

Jika anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi saya di talian 8855 0052

BismillahAlhamdulillah this year has been a much better year than last few pandemic years. Our masjids are full, our hom...


Alhamdulillah this year has been a much better year than last few pandemic years. Our masjids are full, our homes are full with food and visitors again.

From our humble Roti Kirai, Nasi Lemak and Kek Lapis, it’s now time for us to share with you our packages for this year’s ibadah Korban.

An opportunity to fulfill our ibadah Korban in many different countries and various ways of distributions.
🐑 🐄 🐫 🇸🇦 🇦🇺 🇮🇩 🇲🇾 🇹🇿 🇺🇬 🇸🇾 🇾🇪

In sha Allah, we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

May this Eid Adha be memorable for our all Muslim brothers & sisters all over the world by giving and sharing the joy of a hearty meal 🥘

.Bismillah. Berlalulah sudah Ramadhan, sebulan berpuasa. Tiba Syawal, kita rayakan, dengan rasa gembira. Lagu Raya terli...


Berlalulah sudah Ramadhan, sebulan berpuasa. Tiba Syawal, kita rayakan, dengan rasa gembira.

Lagu Raya terlintas di hati, membawa nostalgia tahun-tahun lalu sebelum wabak Covid-19 melanda. Alhamdulillah, kita sudah beramal, beribadah dan mengawal nafsu selama sebulan di bulan terbaik, iaitu bulan Ramadhan.

Kini tiba masanya kita mengeratkan silaturrahim sesama keluarga, sahabat-handai dan jiran-tetangga. Saling meminta-maaf antara kita supaya amalan-amalan kita di bulan Ramadhan terpelihara, insyaAllah.

Kami mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Ja'alanallah Minal Aidil Wal Faizin. Semoga Allah menjadikan kita termasuk dalam golongan orang-orang yang kembali dan orang-orang yang memperoleh kemenangan.

Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum. Semoga Allah menerima amalan dan ibadah kami semua di bulan Ramadhan dan bertemukan kami di bulan Ramadhan yang amat kami cintai di tahun hadapan, insyaAllah.

.Bismillah.Selamat menyambut Nisfu Sya'ban. Semoga kita dapat berjumpa dengan Ramadhan tidak lama lagi, insyaAllah. Rebu...


Selamat menyambut Nisfu Sya'ban. Semoga kita dapat berjumpa dengan Ramadhan tidak lama lagi, insyaAllah.

Rebutlah peluang malam ini untuk meningkatkan ibadah kita. Semoga doa-doa kita dimakbulkan Allah, ibadah kita diterimaNya dan dosa-dosa kita diampuni Allah, insyaAllah.

.Bismillah.insyaAllah, ustaz-ustaz kami akan berangkat ke tanah suci esok dengan jemaah Umrah yang pertama mereka. Kami ...


insyaAllah, ustaz-ustaz kami akan berangkat ke tanah suci esok dengan jemaah Umrah yang pertama mereka. Kami memohonkan doa-doa yang terbaik dari anda agar ia berjalan dengan lancar dan selamat, insyaAllah.

Kepada siapa-siapa yang berhajat, mereka juga boleh melaksanakan Badal Umrah di sana, insyaAllah.

Untuk keterangan lanjut, sila hubungi kami. Terima Kasih.

.Bismillah.insyaAllah, kami diamanahkan mewakafkan beberapa naskhah Al-Quran bila tiba di Kota Makkah tak lama lagi. Kam...


insyaAllah, kami diamanahkan mewakafkan beberapa naskhah Al-Quran bila tiba di Kota Makkah tak lama lagi.

Kami masih boleh menerima tempahan untuk membeli beberapa lagi naskhah Al-Quran untuk para dermawan yang berminat, insyaAllah.

Sila whatsApp Ustaz kami yang berada di tanah suci di talian 88550052. Terima Kasih.

.Bismillah.It is now official.Saudi Arabia has removed most of its Covid-19 restrictions for all countries. insyaAllah, ...


It is now official.

Saudi Arabia has removed most of its Covid-19 restrictions for all countries.

insyaAllah, we will see our beloved Masjidil Haram and Masjidil Nabawi to be full of Muslims from all over the world once more.

Let's pray that we are given the opportunity and blessings from Allah to be amongst the invited ones to visit our holiest places of Ibadah, insyaAllah.

.Bismillah. Our first inaugural trip finally took off, alhamdulillah. It’s just a few of us, and we thank everyone for t...


Our first inaugural trip finally took off, alhamdulillah. It’s just a few of us, and we thank everyone for their kind support and faith in us.

Faced with many challenges and tribulations, many suggested to just cancel it and give up. But, this is our amanah. We want to fulfill it as best as we can, insyaAllah.

Covid hit us hard. Quite a number of our jemaah had to back out last minute due to contracting Covid. When one family member gets it, the whole set had to cancel. Full refunds, no further questions asked.

insyaAllah, all that we do, is all for Allah. May he be pleased with all of us, insyaAllah - Bak kata pujangga, biar sedikit asal berterusan & istiqomah. Biar sedikit asal berkat. Ameen.

Do pray for us. We will also pray for you. 😊

Bismillah.It’s now official. Saudi has opened its borders to all countries and removes most of its Covid-19 restrictions...


It’s now official. Saudi has opened its borders to all countries and removes most of its Covid-19 restrictions.

insyaAllah, we will see our beloved Masjidin Haram and Masjidil Nabawi to be full of beautiful Muslims from all over the world once more.

Let’s pray that we are given the opportunity and His invitation to visit His blessed land, insyaAllah.

Alhamdulillah berita baik buat semua untuk ke tanah suci Makkah dan Madinah. 😄

Alhamdulillah berita baik buat semua untuk ke tanah suci Makkah dan Madinah. 😄

. Bismillah. Selamat memperingati peristiwa Isra’ & Mikraj, sebuah perjalanan agung. Perjalanan bersejarah Rasullullah s...


Selamat memperingati peristiwa Isra’ & Mikraj, sebuah perjalanan agung. Perjalanan bersejarah Rasullullah s.a.w dari Masjidil-haram ke Masjid Al-Aqsa dan mengembara ke langit menghadap Allah s.w.t.

Semoga ia menjadi iktibar, pengajaran & memperkuatkan iman kita semua, insyaAllah.

.Bismillah.Makkah Al-Mukarramah adalah antara kota paling dirindui Umat Islam. Ia adalah tempat kelahiran Rasullullah s....


Makkah Al-Mukarramah adalah antara kota paling dirindui Umat Islam.

Ia adalah tempat kelahiran Rasullullah s.a.w, tempat Nabi Ibrahim a.s meninggalkan isterinya & bayinya Nabi Ismail a.s. sebelum hentakan kaki bayi itu mengeluarkan air dari tanah.

Air yang sama itu tetap menghilangkan dahaga jutaan jemaah di Makkah hingga sekarang.

Setelah dugaan Allah, di mana Nabi Ibrahim a.s diperintah menyembelih anak kesayangannya, Nabi Ismail a.s - mereka diperintah untuk membina Kaabah yang masih kekal hingga hari ini.

Orang kata, tak kenal maka tak cinta. Mengenali sejarah Makkah amat mendekatkan hati kami dengan Islam, insyaAllah.

. Bismillah. Do join us in our first inaugural Umrah with Ustaz  & Ustaz  as your Mutawwif this March. Book now to celeb...



Do join us in our first inaugural Umrah with Ustaz & Ustaz as your Mutawwif this March.

Book now to celebrate Nisfu Syaaban there in Makkah.

This is a good time to go as there are less crowds, thus your ibadah will be more peaceful and tranquil, insyaAllah.

Do contact us now to find out more. Terima Kasih. 😊

. Bismillah. Both of our Ustaz  & Ustaz  will be returning home from Umrah soon, insyaAllah. We thank you for your doa &...


Both of our Ustaz & Ustaz will be returning home from Umrah soon, insyaAllah. We thank you for your doa & well wishes.

They will be bringing back some Kurma Ajwa Aaliyah. They have tested & tasted them personally. These kurma are fresh and moist, insyaAllah.

Bismillah.Let us welcome the holy month of Rejab with a prayer and a renewed conviction to be a better Muslim, insyaAlla...


Let us welcome the holy month of Rejab with a prayer and a renewed conviction to be a better Muslim, insyaAllah.

Both our Ustaz Fadhly Rosli & Ustaz Danial Karim are in Makkah right now.

Do comment your name (or family’s names) below if you’d like them to make doa for us in Makkah, insyaAllah 😊

Ya Allah, make the months of Rejab & Sya’ban blessed for us, and let us reach the month of Ramadhan. (ie, prolong our life up to Ramadhan, so that we may benefit from its merits & blessings)

Bismillah.Alhamdulillah, we now offer Aqiqah Services all-year round.Narrated Umm Kurz: Rasullullah s.a.w said, “Two she...


Alhamdulillah, we now offer Aqiqah Services all-year round.

Narrated Umm Kurz: Rasullullah s.a.w said, “Two sheeps which resemble each other are to be sacrificed for a boy and one for a girl.” [Sunan Abu Dawood, No.2830]

It is sunnah that the Aqiqah be performed on the 7th day, if not then the 14th, 21st, 28th and so on.

The sheep has to be six months and above, if it is a goat - one year and above. The animal to be slaughtered should also be cleared from any defects.

We currently provide Aqiqah Services specifically in Saudi Arabia. The meat will be distributed and served to the needy people there.

We congratulate you in advance for the arrival of your newborn offspring. May your baby grow up to be a wonderful person, a steadfast Muslim and be a source of pride for you.

Do celebrate and share this joyous occasion with our Muslim brothers and sisters in need.

Thank you.

Bismillah.Before we start, we would like to unify our intent. [pasang niat].May this serve as a guide and a gentle remin...


Before we start, we would like to unify our intent. [pasang niat].

May this serve as a guide and a gentle reminder for us when the going gets tough and on days we may feel lost, beaten and forlorn.

We appreciate your kind prayers. Thank you.

Bismillah.Next, introducing our Musafireen’s CEO,Ustaz Danial Karim.We look forward to serving you soon.                ...


Next, introducing our Musafireen’s CEO,
Ustaz Danial Karim.

We look forward to serving you soon.

Salam guys.We are excited to bring to you, 😊Musafireen is a new business venture from the friendly Ustaz(s...

Salam guys.
We are excited to bring to you, 😊

Musafireen is a new business venture from the friendly Ustaz(s) running & .kirai.singapura - we are currently renovating a special area whilst also applying the various licenses & seeking approvals to bring quality Islamic services and products in Singapore.

Watch this space as we start our humble journey together. Terima kasih.







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