The oldest of us, Yih Shian, worked as a health educator and dietitian but secretly always wanted to a different career. The middle one, Pei Huan, has her own business (Hanwo Biotech) and wants to make it work. Sing Nam, just wanted to try starting his own business. So the three of us put our heads together and Vivifier was born. We roped in our family and friends to bring to you various classes s
uch as crafts and cooking. We hope you will enjoy learning new skills as much as we do. We notice many people, including ourselves, spending more time on the phone or tablet or computer and not doing much else. When we browse DIY websites we ooh and aahed over the pictures but never thought we could do it too. We saw family and friends giving children the phone or tablet in order to entertain them and it worried us. So, we decided it was time for a change. Why not learn easy crafts and do it with the kids? We know it works because kids in family love working with their hands. DIY can be so much better for the environment and our pockets. Anything marked handmade are sold at high prices and may not always be what you are looking for. So why not learn how to make your own? We offer classes on paper quilling, stocking flowers, paper making and more! Cooking and eating has always been a passion in our lives. Many friends always ask if our mum could share the recipes for her food. So we decided, why not offer classes? This way, not only will they get recipes, they get to learn some tips and techniques which are difficult to put on paper. With more than 30 years of cooking experience, Mum knows lots!