Tekmovanje v grajenju mostov iz špagetov! Link za prijavo je spodaj⬇️ The group can consist of three contestants. The designing of bridges will last three days.
The three day competition will be held online this year from 3th till 5th of May 2021. 30 teams will participate. At first there will be a short presentation of the project and the rules of the competition. The competition will be finished on the third day with closing ceremony and assessment of bridges. Competitors are students of higher classes of construction with the student
status. For building materials will be used spaghetti. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE OF THE TEAMS
Becouse of this years specific situation the knowlage of constructions will not play a role. This year, imagination and creativity will be paramount. CONTEST PERIOD
The contest will begin online via MS Teams. The presentation for individual will start on third day. First presentation and then measurements on bridges. All this will be accompanied by well-known and successful Slovenian designers including professors of the faculties. On completion the rich literary award ceremony and gala awards. WHAT THE PROJECT OFFERS AND AWARDS
The winning teams will be awarded monetary prizes. Every team will recive small package with shirt for every teams member and symbolic gifts. After the contest will be found for the gala announcement ceremony, demolition, entertainment and many positive experiences from the competition and European capital of culture in year 2012, Maribor. ATTRACTIONS
Interesting presentations of groups will present all of the ideas of how to produce your design. Designers and teachers are kindly invited to visit the contest in the very beginning, when students create their model, and designed, as well as at the end of the most interesting part of the project, grading. The Bridge with most wotes, will win.
Predvajaj RTV vsebine, vsak dan!
Mariborska fakulteta za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo že 13. gosti tekmovanje v izdelavi najbolj vzdržljivega mostu iz špagetov.
Mariborska fakulteta za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo je ta teden ponovno gostila tekmovanje v izdelavi najbolj vzdržljivega mostu iz špagetov.
Ali je kaj trden most? Če je dobro narejen, je, pa četudi iz špagetov. Študenti in dijaki so to znova dokazali mednarodnem tekmovanju, ki ga organizirajo v Mariboru. Nosilnost mostov iz špagetov so seveda preizkusili, najtrdnejši je prenesel dobrih 64 kilogramov teže.
Zmagovalci letošnjega tekmovanja!
AJKTM?! 2024
Zaključna prireditev!
AJKTM?! 2024
Ekipe in njihovi mostovi letošnjega tekmovanja!
AJKTM?! 2024
Tretji dan so mostovi dobivali končno obliko!
AJKTM?! 2024
V drugem dnevu mostovi že dobivajo obliko!
AJKTM?! 2024
Prvi dan je za nami!
Temelji so postavljeni!
AJKTM?! 2024
AJKTM?! 2024 se je pričel‼️
Časovnica letošnjega tekmovanja. Vabljeni tudi vsi zunanji obiskovalci, lahko pridete pogledati kadarkoli želite😉
Hvala vsem prijavljenim za takšno število po znova nekaj letih❤️
Prijave se zaprejo 15.marca‼️
Will the record be broken in 2024?🤔
Vse kar moraš vedeti.
Razlogov za prijavo je dovolj🥳🤑
To pa je bil včerajšnji napredek naših sodelujočih ekip.👷♀️🤓
🌉Včeraj se je začelo tekmovanje Ali je kaj trden most 2023. 🌉
Ob 8.30 je bil prihod in popis ekip, ki so dobile tudi svoje majčke in darilo.
Ob 9.00 je sledila otvoritev tekmovanja, nato pa pozdrav ter kratka prestavitev pravil. Tako se je začela gradnja mostov (seveda z vmesnim odmorom za kosilo😉), ki je trajala do 17.00 ure.
Zvečer pa smo se še organizatorji in tekmovalci skupaj podružili na Fontani ob dobri hrani in prijetni družbi.😄
Tukaj objavljamo še dostop do pravil, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati na našem tekmovanju. 😄
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Tekmovanje v polnem teku!
Competition in full run!
How Strong Is The Bridge?! 2016
Check out our short video of How Strong Is The Bridge?! 2016
Tridnevno tekmovanje bo potekalo na Fakulteti za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo Univerze v Mariboru od 4. do 6. maja 2020. Sodelovalo bo največ 30 ekip iz Slovenije in tujine. Ekipo lahko sestavljajo trije tekmovalci iz iste fakultete/srednje šole in z veljavnim statusom študenta/dijaka. Najprej bo predstavljena kratka predstavitev projekta in pravila tekmovanja. Oblikovanje mostov bo trajalo tri dni. Tekmovanje se bo končalo s preizkusom obtežitve mostu. Most z največjo nosilnostjo bo zmagal.
Kot gradbeni material se uporabljajo špageti Barilla no.7.
Bistveno je tehnično poznavanje struktur, zlasti inženirskega razmišljanja, presoje in zmožnosti uporabe matematičnega analitičnega modela. Iz matematičnega opisa strukture, ki se lahko izvede s katerokoli programsko opremo ali »na roko« in je ključna informacija, ki se nanaša na dimenzioniranje in določanje največje sile pred zrušitvijo mostu.
Prednostne, vendar neobvezne spretnosti so na področjih:
- Strukturna analiza
- Osnovno razumevanje lesnih, betonskih in jeklenih konstrukcij
- Računalniško modeliranje struktur
- Poznavanje programov za računanje statičnih struktur
- Zlasti inovativne ideje in ročne spretnosti
Vse ekipe bodo prejele ves potreben material in orodja za izgradnjo mostov. Vse karakteristike, ki bodo delovale v diagramih, so bile izmerjene v laboratorijsko analizo.
Samo tekmovanje traja tri dni. Zadnji, tretji dan poteka predstavitev za širšo javnost, kjer se bodo ekipe predstavile, mostovi pa se bodo porušili. Celoten potek rušitve spremljajo znani in uspešni slovenski projektanti, kot tudi profesorji fakultet. Ob zaključku se zmagovalnim ekipam podelijo denarne nagrade. Po zaključku tekmovanja, je pripravljena pogostitev, na katero ste vsi vljudno vabljeni.
Zmagovalne ekipe bodo nagrajene z denarnimi nagradami. Nagrade se bodo podelile v dveh kategorijah, nosilnost in dizajn. V kategoriji nosilnost, se bo podelilo za 1. mesto 1000 €, 2. mesto 600 € in za 3. mesto 300 €. Za zmagovalce kategorije dizajn, pa se bo podelila nagrada v višini 500 €. Člani ekip bodo dobili tudi paket dobrodošlice in spomin na tekmovanje »Ali je kaj trden most 2020?!«.
Tekom tekmovanja je poskrbljeno za 2 topla obroka, pijačo, prigrizke in družbene dogodke.
Ekipe se bodo predstavile svoje ideje in potek gradnje do rušitve mostov. Rušilnim modelom mostov se izmerijo fizikalne veličine, sila in struktura premika na različnih točkah na modelnem mostu. Nastali premik grafov in deformacija omogočata podrobnejše razumevanje same strukture. Red. prof. dr.Andrej Štrukelj bo strokovno nadzoroval celotne merilne modele. Profesorji so vabljeni, da se udeležijo tekmovanja že na samem začetku, ko študentje in dijaki oblikujejo svoj model in oblikujejo, kakor tudi na koncu najbolj zanimivega dela projekta, rušenje. Zmaga most z največjo nosilnostjo.
The three day competition will be held at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture of the University of Maribor May 4th till 6th, 2020. 30 teams from Slovenia and from around the world will participate.
The team can consist of three contestants. At first, there will be a short presentation of the project and the rules of the competition. The designing of bridges will last three days. The competition will be finished on the third day by testing the constructed bridges by loading them. The bridge with maximum bearing capacity will win.
Competitors are students of higher classes of construction with the student status. For building materials will be used spaghetti.
It is essential technical knowledge of structures, especially engineering thinking, judgment and ability to use mathematical analytical model. From the mathematical description of the structure, which can be done with software packages, or "by hand" is the key information, refer to the sizing and determination of the maximum force before bridge collapse.
Preferred but non-statutory skills are in the areas of:
- Structural analysis
- Basic understanding of wood, concrete and steel structures
- Computer modelling of structures
- Knowledge of programs for computing the static structures
- In particular, innovative ideas and crafts contestants
All teams will be provided with material and geometric characteristics of materials. All the characteristics that will work in the diagrams have been measured in the
laboratory and statistically evaluated.
The contest will begin at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Maribor in the Borut Pečenko hall. The presentation for the individual will start on the third day. First presentation and then measurements on bridges. All this will be accompanied by well-known and successful Slovenian designers including professors of the faculties. On completion of the rich literary award ceremony and gala awards. After a hard contest will be a snack Fits to which you are all cordially invited.
The winning teams will be awarded monetary prizes. Prizes will be awarded in two categories, bearing capacity and design. In the category of bearing capacity, will be awarded for the 1st place 1000 €, 2nd place 600 € and 3rd place 300 €. The category design winners will receive 500 €. Other sites are rewarded with a consolation prize. To members of teams will be given also a welcome pack and souvenir of the How strong is the bridge 2020 competition.
The contest is also catered for lunch and dinner. After the contest will be found for the gala announcement ceremony, demolition, entertainment and many positive experiences from the competition and European capital of culture in the year 2012, Maribor.
Interesting presentations of teams will present all of the ideas of how to produce your design up to the demolition of these. Demolition models of bridges to be measured physical quantities, force and displacement structure at different points in the model bridge. The resulting graph displacement and deformation allows a more detailed understanding of the structure itself. Dr. Andrei Štrukelj will professionally supervise the entire measurement models. Designers and teachers are kindly invited to visit the contest in the very beginning, when students create their model, and designed, as well as at the end of the most interesting part of the project, demolition. The Bridge with maximum load capacity will win.