Ajdaa Around The World

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Ajdaa Around The World Hello and welcome to my own travel page. Here I will share my stories, tips and tricks about traveli




Long time no write my dear facebook followers! Sorry for being so quiet on this page life got a bit a hold of me. I am c...

Long time no write my dear facebook followers!
Sorry for being so quiet on this page life got a bit a hold of me.

I am cheching in from the sunny island of Tenerife in the Atlantic ocean off the south coast of Monacco.

Having gone throught some new experiances in Tenerife, lately it got me thinking on the subject of friendship.
So I decided to write about my view on friendships.
On this link you can read it and let me know what you think!

Writing has always been an artistic expresion for me. It was a way to get things out of my head. And this piece also started by me just picking up a pen and letting my hand do the writing. Words pured out on paper and thoughts written down witout thinking twice about them.
With some editing this piece came to life. It's short and hopefuly understanding...
It would mean the world it you took less than 10 min out of your day and read it.
And if youget all they way to the end please leave a comment with your thoughts on the piece. I would love to discuss your view on it :D

Hope all of you are having a good Monday and remember


I believe friendship might just be the most important relationship in our lives.


On Sunday afternoon I left Nice.
As I said before it was my home for almost 3 months. I had an amazing time there but it was time for me to move on to the next stop.
And the next stop was Vitrolles. A city 30 minutes away from Marseille. It was my original plan to go to Marseille to see at least one more place before I leave France. But I felt very tired (more mentaly than physicaly) so I decided not to stress my self even more.
As a result I had a chance to explore Vitrolle and it's hidden gems.
I climbed the hill behind the house, took a walk with my host around the old town and took a small trip to the source of a river with some small waterfalls and rocks that made me think I was in the middle of Colorado not the south of France.
I took in all the nature I could since I lived in a big city for 3 months. I am so greateful to have had this opportunity. And I always like exploring places most turists don't get to see. And Vitrolles was definitly one of them.

There was also one important thing I had to do before leaving.
The one thing I managed not to do (thankfully!) in 2020.
I took my first PCR test.
Now why would I do that?
The anwser is simple. TRAVEL!
Because I decided to keep on traveling and traveling these days comes with restrictions and extra qualifications. And the test is one of them.
And the results are negative meaning I can move to my next destination. Where is my next destination, you may ask.
Well the anwser to that will come tomorrow.
For now I have safely arrived to Barcelona where I will fly from tomorrow.
Any guesses where I am going to? Comment below and let's see who gets closes to the right one ⬇😉
I will give you a hint.
It is still part of EU but not mainland Europe😉

No photo today but I will make an album of photos from Nice and Vitrolles in the next few days.
So be sure to follow me and keep an eye out for my posts ;)

Until then,



Nice oh Nice

Whenever I book my travels (usually last minute) I never know what to expect and what experinces I will have in a certain location.
Nice was no different.
I had no idea I would spend the secon french lockdown in Nice. But I did. And made some nice memories while there.
I met many many people in Nice. From many differet coutries.
And some have gained a special place in my heart.
From the hostel manager that was incredibly kind to me to my cooworker who became my brother.
To the small enounters of people that I will remember.
We often times realize the connection after we talk about a place or an experiance. We don't see it in the momnt it happens but when we look back we realize some people will stay in our memories, stories and hearts.
And those are the people who make life special.

The more I travel the more I see it's the people that make the place.
The people who make us want to return.
The people who help us on our journey.
The people who become our extended family.
The people who make us beilve there is still so much good out there.
The people who stay in our hearts no matter the distance.

This goes out to all the people whom I have met in my travels (Nice and elsewhere) who have made my advetoures so special🥰😘❤

Who makes life special for you? Comment your anwser ;) ⬇️


The last few days have been crazy. And I was putting of writing this post every day. But finnaly here it is. 😅😆The bigge...

The last few days have been crazy. And I was putting of writing this post every day. But finnaly here it is. 😅😆
The biggest thing 2020 has taught me.

The 2 things 2020 gave me was my hair (back xD) and a new perspective on friendship and family connections.
It gave me honest, supporting, amazing people who have transcended the limits of friendship. They are my family. My chosen family. The people who chose me as their family. The people who chose to stay. For good and bad. They are the people I know I can count on. The people I will call first with my best, my worst and all in between, news. I have gained such deep appreciation of these relationships. Such deep gratitude to have these people in my life.
As my hair grows, I grow, my relationships grow.
It all just flows. Life itself flows and it will keep moving into 2021.
And I am so thankful to be able to experience it all.

I hope you have found some positivity in 2020 amid all the negative things. I hope that my Decembre month of gratitude sparked some gratitude in you. Something to make you look at the bright side.

I started growing back my hair in May.
Here are the start and end of the year photos ;)

📸screenshot from one of the video chats in spring
📸in the hostel at the end of the year


Day 31 of  My post for the last day my gratitude month didnt get posted last night, since I was busy all day and drinkin...

Day 31 of

My post for the last day my gratitude month didnt get posted last night, since I was busy all day and drinking all night 😆
My celebration was awsome and I am happy to have spent it this way.
No night sky of fireworks since we all had to be inside after 8 pm but still had a blast with some awsome people.

So to finish Gratitude December the last day of 2020, I was greateful for the whole year.
I am also a little proud of myself to make these posts every evning for 1 month (if you like it, I will keep at it). When I started, I didn't think I would also finish it. But here I am. Late with my last post but still here.

I am greateful for all the good and the bad that 2020 has brought me. It changed all my plans. As life usually does but in a such a bigger scale. And I am greateful it lead me here.

That is all I will say for now.
There will be another post about the end of a year and the start of another, so keep an eye out for that today or tomorrow 😉

For now thank you for reading my posts a d engaging on my fb page. Love you all!

📸Last sunset of 2020


Day 30 of  Today has ne feeling like;  "Here we are people! Tomorrow we will end another year. 2020. And what a year it ...

Day 30 of

Today has ne feeling like; "Here we are people! Tomorrow we will end another year. 2020. And what a year it was."
Personally and globally.
What I have learned this year is that everything happens for some reason. And every single one of an affect in this world. No matter how small you think you or your actions are, the affect something and someone.
I realized it yesterday.
A good friend here said something and in that moment it hit me how one person can have a big affect on your life. And consequently have an affect on some many more.
So if we all strive do some good deed each day, we can improve our lifes. Slowly change will be seen.

So today I am greateful for all the people that made my 2020 special.
For those who stayed in touch.
For those who carred.
For those who I would bear hug the crap out of, when I see them.
For those who stayed and for those who left.

I am lucky to have such amazing people in my life.
For them I am greateful every day of the year. And I will continue to be greateful for all the amazing people in my life. ❤️🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

My wish for all my readers in the new year is, that you find someone who makes you feel loved and suppoted, in your life. And I am not talking about romance. I am talkinh about family. The bonds of family we make trought out life. Wherever we may be. 😘

📸One if my favorite travel quotes I have read so far. Posted on the GLT app😍😆


Day 29 of  As we are nearing the end of the month and the end of another year, many things are going trought my head...A...

Day 29 of

As we are nearing the end of the month and the end of another year, many things are going trought my head...
And the more I think about all of it, I feel si greateful to be where I am.
In freaking Nice. In France. Sorounded by different nationalities. Different languages. Close to a beach. Having a healthy family. Loving friends. And enjoying every moment of it.
I am greateful to have made it this far 😆
Hopefully there are many more years and months for me to live. 🙏🏽😊

📸Full moon on the promenade tonight after such a good day🌕


Day 28 of  Today I am greateful for all the languages out there. Yes, if we all spoke one language life would be a but e...

Day 28 of

Today I am greateful for all the languages out there.
Yes, if we all spoke one language life would be a but easier but languages carry so much with them.
The diversity.
The culture.
The history.
The community.
The learning.
The complexity.
The changes.
The uniquness.

They are all filled with information to discover.
And I love learning bits of a language in every place I visit. And France has been the same. But not only did I learn a small bit of french. I also renewed my spanish skills and picked up on some russian (witch is easier that others since it is in the same family of languages as my own).

How many laguages do you speak or understand? Let me know in the comments😉⬇️

📸The street painter on the promenade in Nice today. Painting Nice on his right sith the sun light coming from behind him 🤩🤩🤩


Day 27 of  Today I am greateful for our imagination. We all have access to imagination. Much more when we are children. ...

Day 27 of

Today I am greateful for our imagination.
We all have access to imagination. Much more when we are children. As adults it varies from person to person.
I am doing ny best to keep as mzch if that as possible. And I think keep the child inside alive has a big effect on that.
I feel like the things that make me feel like a child also broaden my imagination. The feeling of anything is possible if you only imagine😊

I am greateful to have such access to imagination. And to help bring more to this world of ours 😊

When was the last time you did something that sparked your imagination? ⬇️😉

📸The painted easter eggs, me and my mom pained back in April 🎨🥚


Day 26 of  I have been thinking about what to write about today, all evening. And after doing this for so many days, one...

Day 26 of

I have been thinking about what to write about today, all evening. And after doing this for so many days, one thing came to mind. YOU. The person taking the time to read this post. I am greateful for every single one of you!!

And I would love to hear from you!
If you have been reading my posts, now is the time to say hi. 😄 I am interested in my readers so tell me where are you reading this from in the comments😉⬇️😊
Let's all get to know each other 😊

📸The fabric shop (I guess they sew dresses as well but I am not sure), on the ground floor of the building where I have been staying in Nice. Founded in 1942😯😊


Day 25 of  Today I was on roller blades after ages. If felt good just rolling around Nice and the whole promenade. Lucki...

Day 25 of

Today I was on roller blades after ages. If felt good just rolling around Nice and the whole promenade. Luckily I cought the good wearher before a storm came in. I felt like a kid again. And anything that makes me feel like a kid is a good thing😊
I thunk we should all narture the child in us to live our best life. Those are the things that make us smile more.

So today I am greateful for all the things that allow me to stay a kid inside. Getting super excited over small things. Enjoying the moment as it is. Playing around. Doing arts and crafts. Doing sports. And enjoying good company.

Find something today that makes you feel like a kid again. Believe me it will feel good 😉

📸My christmas gifts from today by guests in the hostel🤩😊


Day 24 of  To many out there today is christmas eve. Many cultures celebrate today in different ways and for different r...

Day 24 of

To many out there today is christmas eve. Many cultures celebrate today in different ways and for different reasons. And what ever the reason you have, I wish all of you happy hollidays and may all of you be healthy 😘

Today I am greateful for my family. The family I was born into. The family that raised me. The family that will always be there. My imidiate family is quite small. But loving non the less.
I have been in a good mood all day for unknown reason. But the video chat filled my heart. On one side me in Nice, France. On the other side my parents and my brother in Slovenia and my aunt on the third side in Serbia. All drinking the same drink (that has never happend before). All laughing. All healthy. All glad to stay in touch and know we are all doing good. I love them so much. And in the spirit of the hollidays, today I am even more greateful to have them.

I hope all of you have some family to celebrate the hollidays with.

📸 The only sceen shot that was good, from todays chat


Day 23 of   Today I am greateful for my brothers. And so far I got a few. Let me explain. I have one younger brother tha...

Day 23 of

Today I am greateful for my brothers. And so far I got a few.

Let me explain. I have one younger brother that was born as my sibling. But I do believe in the bon of brotherhood/sisterhood. I believe we gain a choosen family. People that come into our life and stay just in such a way they become family.

I got my second brother in the second year of high school. In the beginning of the year, one of the teachers asked us if we are brither and sister. And we said yes. (he is the same age as my actual brother) And I treated and seen him like a brother ever since. Still do to this day. And he made my day by calling me today.
I got my third brother while traveling in 2019. I couch surfed with him and just stayed at his studio for amlost 3 months. And used as a base. Even came back to see him before going to Slovenia. He is my Yemeni big bro that I know will always have my back.
Probably by the time I leave France, I will have anither Colombian brother in that list.

I love my awsome band of brothers. Each one of them ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wicth family member are you greateful for today? 😉⬇️😊

📸 Me with one big teddy bear. Part of the city christmas decoration in Nice 🐻🌲





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