Slovenian Alps

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Slovenian Alps Pridite. Oglejte si, kar hočete. Vsak dan malo drugače, vsak dan kje drugje. A vedno v objemu mogočnih Alp.
Come. See what you like. Tako preprosto.

Every day a little differently, every day somewhere else. A still surrounded by the mighty Alps. Nikjer drugje se ne boste s tako lahkoto z dlanjo dotaknili najvišjih alpskih sten. Malo kje boste tako zlahka uživali v slogu kraljev, predsednikov, umetnikov z vsega sveta. In kje so še tako dostopni kotički neokrnjene narave? Slovenske Alpe so dostopno razkošje. S pastirsko idilo v krajih z življenj

em nekdanjosti, s sladkostmi življenja v srednjeveških mestecih, s srečo, skovano v starodavnih fužinah, z ritmom glasbe najpogosteje predvajane pesmi na svetu. Tako blizu!


Nowhere are the highest alpine walls so accessible, while few places are so beloved by kings, presidents and artists from the world over. Where else are such expanses of pristine nature so easily accessible? Slovenia’s Alps are an accessible luxury. In this pastoral idyll life still beats the pulse of ancient times, the dolce vita of medieval towns, with luck forged in age-old ironwork, dancing to the rhythm of the most popular folk melody in the world. …It's so simple and so close!

Some tips to hike in Slovenian Alps. //Nekaj predlogov za pohodništvo na Gorenjskem.

Some tips to hike in Slovenian Alps. //
Nekaj predlogov za pohodništvo na Gorenjskem.

With the first snowfall this season as early as 13th September I found myself stranded between excitement and annoyance. Not that I don’t like snow, but technically speaking, it was still summer, a…

Beautiful time-lapse from Slovenian Alps. ❤️ //Lep posnetek s Slovenskih Alp - Gorenjske. ❤️

Beautiful time-lapse from Slovenian Alps. ❤️ //
Lep posnetek s Slovenskih Alp - Gorenjske. ❤️

Feel invited to Bled Days and Taste Bled event from tomorrow to Sunday! ;) //Od jutri do nedelje vabljeni ...

Feel invited to Bled Days and Taste Bled event from tomorrow to Sunday! ;) //
Od jutri do nedelje vabljeni na Blejske dneve z Okusi Bleda! ;)
Blejski dnevi z Okusi Bleda 2017 / Bled Days and Taste Bled 2017

Feel invited to Taste Bled & Open Air Cinema from tomorrow until Sunday! ;) //Od jutri do nedelje vabljeni...

Feel invited to Taste Bled & Open Air Cinema from tomorrow until Sunday! ;) //
Od jutri do nedelje vabljeni na Okuse Bleda & Letni kino! ;)

At Breznica you may visit the reconstruction of Anton Janša's beehive. He was the founder of modern apiculture and his m...

At Breznica you may visit the reconstruction of Anton Janša's beehive. He was the founder of modern apiculture and his modern approach to beekeeping has become established throughout the world.
Na Breznici je na ogled rekonstrukcija Janševega čebelnjaka. Anton Janša je bil začetnik sodobnega čebelarstva. Njegov pristop k čebelarjenju se je uveljavil po vsem svetu!

The Dovžanova soteska gorge's 300 million-year-old walls contain thousands of fossils. Have you seen one of them?

The Dovžanova soteska gorge's 300 million-year-old walls contain thousands of fossils. Have you seen one of them? //
V stenah Dovžanove soteske, starih 300 milijonov let, je mogoče najti na tisoče fosilov. Ste že videli kakšnega?
Visit Tržič

Žiri has a tradition of lace making dating back nearly 150-years and during this time a number of special patterns, tech...

Žiri has a tradition of lace making dating back nearly 150-years and during this time a number of special patterns, techniques, forms and tools have developed. //
V skoraj 150-letni zgodovini klekljarstva na Žirovskem so se razvile številne posebnosti v vzorcih, tehnikah, oblikah in priboru klekljanja čipk.
Visit Škofja Loka

Did you know that the churches of St. Radegunda and St. Catherine in Srednja vas near Šenčur share a common bell tower?g...

Did you know that the churches of St. Radegunda and St. Catherine in Srednja vas near Šenčur share a common bell tower? //
Ali ste vedeli, da imata cerkvica sv. Radegunde in cerkev sv. Katarine v Srednji vasi pri Šenčurju kar skupni zvonik za obe cerkvi?

Škofja Loka is famous for its little honey breads (Loški Medenjaki), made by pressing fresh dough into hand-carved woode...

Škofja Loka is famous for its little honey breads (Loški Medenjaki), made by pressing fresh dough into hand-carved wooden moulds of various shapes and motifs.
Škofjeloški kruhki ali loški medenjaki se izdelujejo z vtisovanjem surovega testa v lesene, ročno rezljane modele različnih oblik in motivov.
Visit Škofja Loka

The oldest preserved blast furnace and kilns is the only one of its kind in Slovenia. Do you know, how high is it? goo.g...

The oldest preserved blast furnace and kilns is the only one of its kind in Slovenia. Do you know, how high is it? //
V Železnikih se nahaja edini tovrstni ohranjeni plavž v Sloveniji. Veste, koliko metrov je visok?
Visit Škofja Loka

The valley is a flat plain to the south, whilst its northern limits reach to the Karavanke mountain range. The Završnica...

The valley is a flat plain to the south, whilst its northern limits reach to the Karavanke mountain range. The Završnica stream was dammed for the construction of the first Slovenian public hydropower plant in 1914, which created the Završnica lake. //
Dolino Završnice tvori ravninski južni del, severni pa sega v hribovito območje Karavank. Potok Završnica so zajezili za potrebe prve slovenske javne hidroelektrarne in nastalo je umetno jezero, ki je danes priljubljeno rekreacijsko območje.

Did you know that Trboje lake is now home to about 140 various species of water birds? //Ali veste, da ob ...

Did you know that Trboje lake is now home to about 140 various species of water birds? //
Ali veste, da ob Trbojskem jezeru danes gnezdi ali občasno prebiva okrog 140 vrst ptic?

Take a trail leading to the Škofja Loka castle gate and admire an interesting mosaic of various architectural styles of ...

Take a trail leading to the Škofja Loka castle gate and admire an interesting mosaic of various architectural styles of the castle. //
Po razgledni poti se povzpnite na Škofjeloški grad, ki je zanimiva sestavljanka slogov iz različnih časov.
Visit Škofja Loka

Did you know? Turn Castle was the birthplace of the first Slovenian female writer; Josipina Urbančič known as Josipina T...

Did you know? Turn Castle was the birthplace of the first Slovenian female writer; Josipina Urbančič known as Josipina Turnograjska. //
Ali ste vedeli? Grad Turn je bil domovanje prve slovenske pisateljice Josipine Urbančič, poznane kot Josipine Turnograjske.

Many famous people lived in Tržič. Can you name one of them? //V Tržiču je živelo precej znanih ljudi. Lahko poimenujete...

Many famous people lived in Tržič. Can you name one of them? //
V Tržiču je živelo precej znanih ljudi. Lahko poimenujete vsaj enega od njih?
Visit Tržič

Do you know what is so famous in Šenčur that there stands a monument to it? //Veste, po čem je znan Šenčur? Postavili so...

Do you know what is so famous in Šenčur that there stands a monument to it? //
Veste, po čem je znan Šenčur? Postavili so mu celo spomenik!

Lake Črnava in Preddvor is inviting you to explore it. //Jezero Črnava v Preddvoru vabi k odkrivanju. goo....

Lake Črnava in Preddvor is inviting you to explore it. //
Jezero Črnava v Preddvoru vabi k odkrivanju.
Foto: Matej Vranič, Picture Slovenia

In Naklo and its surroundings you can find many walking trails. //V Naklem in okolici lahko najdete več po...

In Naklo and its surroundings you can find many walking trails. //
V Naklem in okolici lahko najdete več pohodniških poti.

Fish ponds Žeje allows fishing adventures all year long for experienced or amateur fishermen as well as families.

Fish ponds Žeje allows fishing adventures all year long for experienced or amateur fishermen as well as families. //
Ribniki Žeje omogočajo ribiška doživetja za izkušene ali ljubiteljske ribiče in družine.

Did you know? Radovljica is the hometown of Anton Tomaž Linhart, the main character of the Slovenian enlightenment and p...

Did you know? Radovljica is the hometown of Anton Tomaž Linhart, the main character of the Slovenian enlightenment and pioneer of dramatic arts, theatre and historiography. //
Ali ste vedeli? Radovljica je rojstno mesto Antona Tomaža Linharta, osrednje osebnosti slovenskega razsvetljenstva, pionirja dramatike, gledališča in zgodovinopisja.
Visit Radol'ca

This was once a shelter for Neanderthal man, with remains of cave bear, buffalo and wolves found alongside their ancient...

This was once a shelter for Neanderthal man, with remains of cave bear, buffalo and wolves found alongside their ancient fireplaces. The site in the lowest depths of the cave is the oldest archaeological site in Gorenjska. What is the name of this place? //
V jamah so prisotne sledi neandertalcev! Pri izkopavanju so našli tudi kosti jamskega medveda, bizonov in volkov. Nekoč zavetišče in kurišče je danes najstarejše arheološko najdišče na Gorenjskem. Kako se imenuje?
Visit Škofja Loka



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