Design and manufacturing in the field of electronics, multisensor and LED technology.
Knowledge and experiences are put into our products, which provide the users with added value and increase quality. Being an independent, privately owned company, allows us more flexible approach to customers. Our vertically integrated structure enables us to be a competitive, innovative and flexible partner in the European market. With the development of technically innovative and energy efficien
t products we provide smart solutions which help our partners to achieve their goals. Research and development:
Strong development team
From electronic to packaging design
State of the art technology
Following Industry 4.0
Full traceability
Serial production
Phase-out projects
What a great day! Celebrating 30 incredible years of success and excited to announce our international expansion with the launch of Strips Adriatic in Croatia!
This is an important step forward, and we couldn’t be more excited about the new opportunities this brings for growth and collaboration!
𝗖𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗯𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝟯𝟬 𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗽'𝘀!
Today marks an incredible milestone – 30 years of Strip's!
These years have been filled with growth, hard work and amazing achievements. We’re incredibly proud of what we’ve built, and grateful to our talented team and amazing partners!
Thank you for being part of this journey!
Celebrating 30 years of excellence!23.1.2025 marks an incredible milestone – 30 years of Strip's! These years have been filled with growth, hard work and ama...
Strip's is wishing you all the best in 2025! May the new year bring you success, good health, happiness, and endless inspiration for sustainable achievements. ✨
Danes smo se srečali z jubilanti, ki so z nami že 10, 20 ali več let in predano prispevajo k uspehu podjetja.
Bilo je resnično lepo videti vse skupaj, izmenjevati spomine in praznovati dosežke, ki so nas oblikovali v to, kar smo danes. Ob tej priložnosti podjetje Strip's d.o.o. in Tomaž Smrkolj, lastnik in generalni direktor, iskreno čestitata našim jubilantom za njihov dolgoletni prispevek k rasti podjetja.
Hvala, da ste del naše zgodbe – skupaj gradimo prihodnost! ✨
Today we had a wonderful opportunity to gather with our jubilarians who have been with us at Strip's for 10, 20, and even more years and dedicatedly contributing to the success of the company over the years!
It was truly a pleasure to have everyone together, exchanging memories and celebrating the achievements that have made us who we are today. On this special occasion, Strip's and Mr. Tomaž Smrkolj, owner and general manager, sincerely congratulate our jubilarians for their remarkable achievements and long-term contributions to the company's growth.
Thank you for being part of our story – together, we build the future! ✨
Today, we had a pleasure of hosting students from STPŠ Trbovlje at Strip’s as part of the 3rd Entrepreneurship Festival, organized by the SBC - Slovenian Business Club. From innovation to inspiring conversations, we aimed to ignite their passion for technology and entrepreneurship. Their energy and curiosity left us inspired and hopeful for the future. Thank you, see you soon! 🌟
🎥✨ Explore our latest video featuring the incredible MTB pro cyclist Vita Movrin! Join us as we share the passion and dedication that drive us at Strip's. Watch the video to see how Vita embodies our values and how we strive for innovation and success in everything we do!
Production and post production: Jp - Jaganath Produkcija
Explore our latest video featuring the incredible MTP pro cyclist Vita Movrin! Join us as we share our passion, dedication, and values that drive us at Strip...
Here’s a sneak peek-stay tuned!
Wow, what an incredible week at electronicaFair
A huge thank you to all our amazing partners and visitors who stopped by our booth. You made this event truly memorable for our team. It was inspiring to connect, share ideas, and explore opportunities for future collaboration.
We’re excited to continue building on these conversations and taking innovation and sustainability to the next level together!
Greetings from the Strip’s team! We are excited to be at Electronica 2024, at Hall A1, Stand 536. It’s inspiring to connect with industry leaders, share insights, and showcase our latest technology.
If you’re at the show, we’d love to meet you! Here’s to advancing together! 🙌
We’re thrilled to kick off ! Discover our latest technology and solutions in Hall A1, Stand 536. Stop by to connect with our team, see live demos, and explore how we’re driving the future of electronics. We're here through Friday—don’t miss out!
Join us at 𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒂 2024! 🌟
We’re excited to announce that Strip d.o.o. will be attending 𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒂 from November 12-15 in Munich! 📍 Visit us in Hall A1, Stand 536 and discover our latest innovation!
Don’t miss the chance to connect with our team and explore how our solutions can meet your needs.
Strip’s will be present at the world’s leading trade fair and conference for electronics, Electronica. This premier event provides comprehensive insights into global markets and trends in the electronics industry!
Highlights from XCO, as our Vita Movrin won the title of Slovenian National Champion 2024! 🥇
Utrinki iz XCO, ker je naslov državne prvakinje 2024 osvojila naša Vita Movrin!
At Strip’s, we support 24-year-old Vita Movrin, a professional athlete, competing in the Olympic cross-country mountain bike series. With her dedication and vision in sports, Vita embodies the values of our company. We are proud to help Vita on her journey to fulfill her dreams.
We will be cheering for Vita at the Slovenian National Championship - XCO also sponsored by Strip's! Don't miss the sporting spectacle on July 20, 2024, at the Sports Park Kipe, Trbovlje, Slovenia!
V podjetju Strip's podpiramo 24-letno Vito Movrin, profesionalno športnico, ki tekmuje v gorskokolesarskem olimpijskem krosu. Vita s svojo predanostjo in vizijo v športu pooseblja tudi vrednote našega podjetja. Ponosni smo, da lahko Viti pomagamo na poti k uresničitvi sanj.
Za Vito bomo navijali na Državnem prvenstvu - XCO, ki ga sponzorira tudi podjetje Strip's! Ne zamudite športnega spektakla, ki bo 20. julija 2024 v Športnem parku Kipe, Trbovlje!
With our innovative project, CLOD, we are revolutionizing the way businesses manage their coffee operations.
Our advanced IoT espresso machine telemetry module and cloud analytics portal empower you to monitor critical metrics in real-time—from coffee consumption and quality assurance to machine maintenance and bean inventory—accessible on any internet-connected device. Our IoT module can be seamlessly installed in any professional espresso machine,
Discover the key to the perfect cup of coffee through digitalization!
As the days get warmer and the sun shines brighter, Strip's wishes you an incredible summer filled with joy and relaxation.
Please note, we will be taking a summer break from July 22nd until August 2nd, 2024.
We look forward to returning refreshed and ready for new adventures! Have a fantastic summer!
Greetings from the Strip's team!
Pridružite se našemu dinamičnemu timu v podjetju Strip's! Trenutno iščemo sodelavke in sodelavce za raznolika in zanimiva delovna mesta!
Prijavite se zdaj, čakajo vas čudovite priložnosti za rast in razvoj!
Če verjameš v moč dobre ekipe, ki lahko doseže izvrstne rezultate in si pripravljen/a soustvarjati prihodnost - potem si pravi/a za nas! Ponujamo ti priložnost, da se razvijaš in rasteš v dinamičnem delovnem okolju, kjer se vsak dan zgodi nekaj novega.
Pridruži se nam na poti inovacij, ustvarjalnosti ter odličnosti. Postani del naše izjemne zgodbe s skoraj 30-letno tradicijo! 's
Be the first to know and let us send you an email when Strip's posts news and promotions. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Contact The Business
Send a message to Strip's:
Strip's is wishing you all the best in 2025! May the new year bring you success, good health, happiness, and endless inspiration for sustainable achievements. ✨
Here’s a sneak peek-stay tuned!
Strip’s will be present at the world’s leading trade fair and conference for electronics, Electronica. This premier event provides comprehensive insights into global markets and trends in the electronics industry!
Če verjameš v moč dobre ekipe, ki lahko doseže izvrstne rezultate in si pripravljen/a soustvarjati prihodnost - potem si pravi/a za nas! Ponujamo ti priložnost, da se razvijaš in rasteš v dinamičnem delovnem okolju, kjer se vsak dan zgodi nekaj novega.
Pridruži se nam na poti inovacij, ustvarjalnosti ter odličnosti. Postani del naše izjemne zgodbe s skoraj 30-letno tradicijo! #WeAreStrip's
Prijave na:
Strip's zaposlitveni video: Prodajnik BeeConn
💎 Postanite del naše ekipe kot prodajnik za blagovno znamko BeeConn in skupaj nizajmo nove uspehe!
Prijave na:
We are Strip's.
Founded in 1995, Strip's has grown to a prominent company with over 160 employees. Our culture is supported and enriched by the diversity of our employees and their experiences. We challenge ourselves every day to push the boundaries of known and possible further.
Mi smo Strip's.
Podjetje Strip's, ustanovljeno leta 1995, je zraslo v ugledno podjetje z več kot 160 zaposlenimi. Našo kulturo spodbuja in bogati raznolikost naših zaposlenih ter njihovih izkušenj. Vsak dan se trudimo premikati meje znanega in mogočega.
Wishing everyone a happy Holiday season and a joyous New Year!
Ekipa Strip'sa Vam pošilja prve pozdrave iz IFA Berlin 2016 sejma. Pridružite se nam!
The Strip’s Team is sending you first greetings from IFA Berlin 2016. Come and join us!
Creativity and innovation are part of our day-to-day work, allowing us to continuously develop new ideas. We develop new products, new ways of working, new strategies, and entirely new lines of business.
Inspired by completed projects, and otivated by common values and a wish to exceed partners’ expectations, our determined and enthusiastic team does seemingly impossible to deliver outstanding results. We are dedicated to innovation and powered by common success, and we are passionate about bringing the world of electronics closer to people project by project.
With R&D in the heart of what we do, we improve existing designs and upgrade products offering our strategic partners competitive advantage in the market. We ensure the best price-performance concept development for each project. Our innovations and solutions help stakeholders predict, plan, produce and manage sustainable future.
Knowledge and experiences are put into our products, which provide the users with added value and increase quality. Being an independent, privately owned company, allows us more flexible approach to customers. Our vertically integrated structure enables us to be a competitive, innovative and flexible partner in the European market. With the development of technically innovative and energy efficient products we provide smart solutions which help our partners to achieve their goals.
Research and development:
Strong development team
From electronic to packaging design
State of the art technology
Following Industry 4.0
Full traceability
Serial production
Phase-out projects