K-9 Dog centre Mišo

K-9 Dog centre Mišo „The company based in Slovakia. We have over 15 years of experience with dogs training. We have dogs working in more than 30 countries!“
- owner Mišo

„The company based in Eastern Slovakia. We supply hand-picked dogs all over the world and at this moment have dogs working in more than 30 countries around the world!“ Are you interested in working with us? Contact us on our company mail address!
---> [email protected]

🇸🇰 Nie je dôležité mať príspevky, statusy a iné v dnešnej dobe "dôležité" veci... Ale dôležité sú výsledky, uznanie za V...

🇸🇰 Nie je dôležité mať príspevky, statusy a iné v dnešnej dobe "dôležité" veci... Ale dôležité sú výsledky, uznanie za Vašu prácu a najmä spokojný človek, zákazník, priateľ a jeho verný štvornohý priateľ, partner, rodinný člen.. Ďakujeme ako mnoho iným policajným staniciam, šheriffom a ich obvodným oddeleniam za dôveru, ústretovosť a spoluprácu... Stále pripravený Váš K-9 Dog centre Mišo

🇺🇸 It is not important to have posts, statuses and other "important" things these days... But results, recognition for your work and especially a satisfied person, customer, friend and his faithful four-legged friend, partner, family member are the most important... Thank you as many other police stations, sheriffs and their district departments for trust, friendliness and cooperation... Always ready Your K-9 Dog center Mišo




Predstavenie výcviku 👮 policajných psov 🐾 pri príležitosti stretnutia obyvateľov obce Pusté Čemerné 🏘 2021

Veľké ďakujem patrí obci Pusté Čemerné a starostovi Juraj Jevin, za skvelé zorganizovanú akciu a v neposlednom rade kamarátovi a figurantovi Jaroslav Estok a jeho štvornohej parťáčke Damona Hanmark.

Naše psy na scéne:
Enya Cevaro
Lora z Lutolu
Bastien Saldado

Exhibition of training 👮 police dogs 🐾 on the occasion of a special day residents of the village Pusté Čemerné 🏘 2021

Many thanks to the village of Pusté Čemerné and the mayor Juraj Jevin, for a great organized event and last but not least, to my friend and decoy Jaroslav Eštok and his four-legged partner female Damona Hanmark.

Our dogs:
Enya Cevaro
Lora from Lutol
Bastien Saldado

Good luck! 🔜🇺🇸

Good luck! 🔜🇺🇸

Our Labs and GSD's heading to the US. Good luck buddies! 🇺🇲😉🥰

Our Labs and GSD's heading to the US. Good luck buddies! 🇺🇲😉🥰

Good luck boys 🔜🇺🇲

Good luck boys 🔜🇺🇲

Good luck fellas! Ready to work 🔜🇺🇸

Good luck fellas! Ready to work 🔜🇺🇸

Good luck boys! 🙂🇺🇸

Good luck boys! 🙂🇺🇸

Good luck boys 🔜🇺🇸

Good luck boys 🔜🇺🇸


Nech odpočíva v pokoji, hore v psom nebi ... Náš partner Jack 😓

Good luck 💪😉👍 🔜🇺🇸

Good luck 💪😉👍 🔜🇺🇸

Ready to take off... 🔜🇺🇸

Ready to take off... 🔜🇺🇸

My crocodiles 🐊 JACK & NIKITA 💪🏻😉✌🏻

My crocodiles 🐊 JACK & NIKITA 💪🏻😉✌🏻

www.k9dogcentremiso.com   - stránka v plnom prúde 😉 navštív nás aj ty! K-9 Dog centre Mišo

www.k9dogcentremiso.com - stránka v plnom prúde 😉 navštív nás aj ty! K-9 Dog centre Mišo

"The company based in Slovakia. We have over 15 years of experience with dogs training. We supply hand-picked dogs all over the world and at this moment have dogs working in more than 30 countries around the world! " - owner Mišo


Our fellow 😉

Good luck boys! 🙏🏻💪🏻🇺🇸

Good luck boys! 🙏🏻💪🏻🇺🇸


Mierová 304


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