Letné kanadské dobrodružstvo na Vancouver Islande, alebo North Coast Trail.
Je šesť hodín ráno a my čakáme na našu loďku, ktorá nás zavezie na začiatok trailu. Plavba loďkou bola úžasná, ráno sa všetko zobúdzalo a s nami si dávali preteky delfíny. Vylodili sme sa v divočine kde nič nie je. Sme zabalený aj s jedlom na 8 dni. Divočina čaká len ja a Kristínka, ideme utužovať náš vzťah. Prvý deň bol najhorší deň v mojom turistickom živote. Iba 9 km trasy, no nikto netušil, že to bude najdlhších, najmokrejších a najhorších km, ktoré som kedy išiel a to už mam toho nachodené dosť. Bažina, blato, bažina, blato, sem tam obrovský padnutý strom, ktorý treba preliezť. Je 15.30 a my zisťujeme, že sme iba v polke cesty, začína pršať. Prvé slzičky sú vonku, posilňujeme sa kexíkmi, obliekame pláštenky a ideme sa brodiť ďalej. Ani si neviete predstaviť aké to bolo fyzicky a psychické náročne. Do toho som spadol do bažiny po pás jednou nohou. Tento krát to už boli slzy čo stekali, Kristínke po tvári. Nevedela čo má robiť. Ja som sa nevedel pohnúť. S batohom som mohol mať 120 kilo a toto musela vytiahnuť z blata. Zaprela sa o strom, ktorý bol na šťastie blízko podala mi ruku a vytiahla ma von. Plačeme spolu a ideme ďalej. Chceli by sme aj pridať ale nechceme si ublížiť a tak sa brodíme ďalej. Na šťastie sme to stihli za svetla prichádzame do kempu. Unavení, mokrí, zdeprimovaní ale prvý deň je za nami. Na druhý deň si berieme voľno. Celý deň oddychujeme pri ohni s pohľadom na oceán. Tretí deň začína celkom fajn, 3 hodiny máme super cestu potom začne bažina na ďalšie 3 hodiny. Čo nám dáva opäť zabrať. Potom sa dostávame na pláž, ktorá sa dá prejsť iba keď je odliv, no my máme už príliv. Tak nastáva útek pred vlnami. Čakáme na vlnu, ktorá odchádza od skál a začíname utekať. Schovávame sa za ďalšou skalou na pláži, keď vlny odchádzajú zasa bežíme, takto sme prešli celú skalnatú pláž. Adrenalín v krvi. Držíme sa za ruky a ani sme sa nenamočili. Netušíme, že to najťažšie je iba pred nami. Teraz musíme z pláže vyšplhať na skalu a z nej hneď zo šplhať na ďalšiu pláž. Sú tam laná ale tie skaly sú fakt strmé a máme plné batohy. Takto nás čakali 3 skaly, ktoré sme úspešne zvládli. No ďalšia skala bola peklo. Strmá a hneď zo špičky za išlo dole. V polke skaly bol konár stromu, ktorý sa nedal ani podliezť ani preliezť s ťažkým batohom. Tak Kristínka púšťa batoh dole skalou. Ten sa rozkotúľal ako v akčnom filme a iba vypadávali veci z neho a spadol do rokliny. Potom som to spravil aj ja. Hneď po zostupení nás čakala ďalšia skala. Tretí plač bol tu. Išli sme si tam proste zarevať. Kristínka ma šok, nemôže ani hovoriť. Ja som zliezol po batohy. Trošku sme sa unavení zakempili. Kristínka ide variť jedlo a ja sa prezúvam a idem pozrieť cestu do predu. Ak budú takéto skaly ďalej tak sa do kempu dneska nedostaneme. Bez batohu som po tých skalách lietal a dostal som sa na skalu a videl som až do kempu. Čiže nič ťažké nás už nečaká. Napapkaní prichádzame do kempu ešte pred zotmením. V kempe sú starší páni s USA, ktorí to idú tiež. Jeden pán hneď pribehne k nám a je šťastný, že sme to dali a vraví, že tieto dva dni boli najťažšie aj pre neho. Veľký obdiv dáva nám ale hlavne Kristínke. Hovorí, že klobúk dole. že jeho žena ani nepomyslí na taký hike a nie to ešte to dať. Po tomto dni sme si to začali už užívať aj keď nás všetko bolelo. Ale už cesty šli väčšinou po kamenistých alebo piesočných plážach. Ešte sme mali dobrodružstvo s prekročením rieky. Cez rieku bola vybudovaná kabínka, s ktorou sme sa spustili cez rieku a lanom sme doručkovali na druhý breh. Jeden večer v kempe, si to pláži ku nám mieri macko. Veľký čierny medveď, nás zbadal, pozrel sa na nás otočil sa a šiel si po svojom. Ďalej sa kŕmil po pláži chaluhami. Krásny pocit sledovať ho vo voľnej prírode asi pol hodinu. Naše jedlo sme vyvesili na strom a šli sme spať. Nebáli sme sa a mali sme so sebou aj sprej na medvede. O niekoľko dní neskôr sme sa zohrievali vodu a potom sme sa umývali a Kristínka na mňa kričí medveď a ja rob si srandu. A fakt niekoľko metrov od nás z lesa vybehol menší medveď. Ten ani na nás nepozrel a šiel preč. Koniec dobrodružstva sme zakončili na najsevernejšom bode ostrova, kde bola hmla a malý maják.
Jedlo sme mali rozdelené na každý deň. Hlavné jedlo, ktoré sa zaleje teplou vodou. Oriešky, polievky, sušené ovocie, tyčinky na energiu. Vodu sme si naberali v potôčikoch. Celých 8 dni sme spali v stane. Sprchovali sme sa 3 krát. Stretli sme dvoch medvedíkov, delfíny, orlie bielohlavé, srnky, veveričky. Na niektorých bodoch sa dajú vidieť aj veleby ale my sme to šťastie nemali. Pršalo nám iba prvý deň, inač sme mali krásne počasie. Prešli sme 90 km. Vzťah posilnený môžeme spolu kráčať ďalej.
Summer Canadian adventure on Vancouver Island, or the North Coast Trail. It is six in the morning and we are waiting for our boat that will take us to the beginning of the trail. The boat trip was amazing, in the morning nature woke up and the dolphins were having a race with us. We landed in the wilderness where there is nothing. We are also packed with food for 8 days. Only Kristínka and I are waiting for the wilderness, we are going to strengthen our relationship. The first day was the worst day of my hiking life. Only 9 km of the route, but no one knew that it would be the longest, wettest and worst km I've ever ridden. Swamp, mud, swamp, mud, here and there a huge fallen tree to climb over. It's 3:30 p.m. and we find out that we're only halfway there, it's starting to rain. The first tears are outside, we strengthen ourselves with cookies, put on our raincoats and go wading further. You can't even imagine how physically and mentally demanding it was. I fell into a swamp with one leg really deep. This time it was already tears that flowed down Kristína's face. She didn't know what to do. I couldn't move. I could have weighed 120 kilos with my backpack and she had to pull this out of the mud. She catch a tree, gave me her hand and pulled me out. We cry together and move on. We would also like to add, but we don't want to hurt ourselves, so we wade on. Fortunately, we made it before daylight, we arrive at the camp. Tired, wet, depressed, but the first day is over. We take the next day off. We spend the whole day relaxing by the fire with a view of the ocean. The third day starts quite well, we have a great road for 3 hours, then the swamp starts for another 3 hours. Which keeps us busy again. Then we get to the beach, which can only be walked at low tide, but we already have high tide. That's how you escape from the waves. We wait for the wave that leaves the rocks and start running. We hide behind another rock on the beach, when the waves leave we run again, this is how we crossed the entire rocky beach. Adrenaline in the blood. We're holding hands and we didn't even get wet. Little do we know that the hardest part is just ahead of us. Now we have to climb from the beach to the rock and from it immediately climb to the next beach. There are ropes, but the rocks are really steep and we have full backpacks. In this way, 3 rocks awaited us, which we successfully managed. But the next rock was hell. It is steep and went down immediately from the tip. There was a tree branch in the ledge of the rock, which could neither be climbed under nor climbed over with a heavy backpack. So Kristínka drops her backpack down the rock. It rolled like in an action movie and things just fell out of it and fell into a ravine. Then I did it too. Immediately after the descent, another rock awaited us. The third cry was here. Kristina is in shock, she can't even speak. I climbed down to get our backpacks. Kristínka goes to cook food and I change my shoes and go to see the road ahead. If such rocks continue, we won't be able to get to the campsite today. I flew up those rocks without my backpack and got to the top of the rock and could see all the way to the campsite. So nothing difficult is waiting for us. We arrive at the camp before dark. There are elderly gentlemen from the USA in the camp who are also going North Coast Trail. One gentleman immediately runs to us and is happy that we gave it and says that these two days were the hardest for him as well. But he gives us great admiration, especially for Kristínka. Hats off, he says. that his wife will not even think of such a hike and not to give it yet. After that day, we started to enjoy it even though everything hurt. But the roads mostly went along stony or sandy beaches. We still had the adventure of crossing the river. A trolley was built across the river, with which we lowered ourselves across the river and used a rope to deliver to the other bank. One evening in the camp, the bear is heading towards the beach. A big black bear saw us, looked at us, turned and went his way. He continued to feed on seaweed along the beach. It's a wonderful feeling to watch him in the wild for about half an hour. We hung our food on the tree and went to sleep. We were not afraid and we had bear spray with us. A few days later, we were heating the water and then we were showering. And a smaller bear ran out of the forest a few meters away from us. He didn't even look at us and walked away. We ended the adventure at the northernmost point of the island, where there was fog and a small lighthouse.
We had food divided for each day. The main dish, which is poured with warm water. Nuts, soups, dried fruit, energy bars. We collected water in streams. We slept in a tent for 8 whole days. We showered 3 times. We met two bears, dolphins, bald eagles, deer, squirrels. At some points, you can also see the whales, but we were not so lucky. It only rained on the first day, otherwise we had beautiful weather. We traveled 90 km. The relationship is strengthened and we can move on together.