Mungmee Tour 泰國旅遊

Mungmee Tour 泰國旅遊 我是你的泰國朋友 😉

最棒的優質街頭美食! 🍜🍹 從 BTS Phrom Phong 步行 5 分鐘即可抵達素坤逸 26 號 Chapter Market,這裡有 80 多家商店,大家可以在這裡品嚐到各種美味。 🌟 每天上午 11:00 至晚上 10:00 開放...

最棒的優質街頭美食! 🍜🍹 從 BTS Phrom Phong 步行 5 分鐘即可抵達素坤逸 26 號 Chapter Market,這裡有 80 多家商店,大家可以在這裡品嚐到各種美味。

🌟 每天上午 11:00 至晚上 10:00 開放。

The ultimate Premium Street Food! 🍜🍹 Discover deliciousness from over 80 restaurants at Chapter Market Sukhumvit 26, just a 5-minute walk from BTS Phrom Phong. Enjoy every day
🌟 Open daily from 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM.

# #泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近

今年「Kaeng Krachan」的蝴蝶季節已經開始🦋🦋 來得更早,有超過 250 種蝴蝶飛舞,展現它們的美麗。就像森林中的一顆寶石… 通常是有史以來最好的蝴蝶觀賞季節今年是四月,而今年二月,蝴蝶就已經出來炫耀自己的美麗,讓遊客可以近距離欣...

今年「Kaeng Krachan」的蝴蝶季節已經開始🦋🦋 來得更早,有超過 250 種蝴蝶飛舞,展現它們的美麗。就像森林中的一顆寶石…
通常是有史以來最好的蝴蝶觀賞季節今年是四月,而今年二月,蝴蝶就已經出來炫耀自己的美麗,讓遊客可以近距離欣賞,非常漂亮。原因可能是因為旱季比每年來得早。在世界遺產森林、佛丕府、康卡沾國家公園的 Ban Krang 營地製作許多種類的蝴蝶開始展現它們的美麗。

📌 Kaeng Krachan, 碧武里

The ‘butterfly’ season has begun at “Kaeng Krachan” 🦋🦋This year, it has come earlier and there are more than 250 species of butterflies flying around showing off their beauty, like gems in the middle of the forest… Normally, the best butterfly-watching season of every year is in April, but this year, in February, butterflies have come out to show off their beauty for tourists to see up close and beautiful. The reason may be because the dry season has come earlier than every year, so at Ban Krang Camp, Kaeng Krachan National Park, Phetchaburi Province, a world heritage forest, many species of butterflies have started to show off their beauty.
* You can take pictures, but be careful not to touch or step on the butterflies.
📌 Kaeng Krachan,Phetchaburi Province


#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近 #蝴蝶

今年的 Khao Wang Phra Nakhon Khiri 節是一場盛會。有一家店有出租泰式服裝,可以穿著在活動現場走走拍照,感覺棒極了,氣氛很棒,值得一去。一年僅舉辦一次!📆 2 月 21 日至 3 月 2 日 68 ( 10天10夜...

今年的 Khao Wang Phra Nakhon Khiri 節是一場盛會。有一家店有出租泰式服裝,可以穿著在活動現場走走拍照,感覺棒極了,氣氛很棒,值得一去。一年僅舉辦一次!

📆 2 月 21 日至 3 月 2 日 68 ( 10天10夜滿)
🎇 連續 10 個晚上舉行煙火表演(2 月 21 日、22 日和 3 月 1 日舉行大型煙火表演)
📍 帕那空奇里歷史公園 (Khao Wang),佛丕府

This year’s Khao Wang Phra Nakhon Khiri festival was a spectacle. There is a shop that rents out Thai costumes, which you can wear to walk around the event and take photos. It feels great and the atmosphere is great. It is worth a visit. Held only once a year!

📆 February 21 to March 2 68 (10 days and 10 nights)
🎇 Fireworks displays for 10 consecutive nights (big displays on February 21, 22, and March 1)
📍 Phra Nakhon Khiri Historical Park (Khao Wang), Phetchaburi

#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近

Kuay Tiew Ru,  Noi 地區的人氣店鋪亮點是柔軟的麵條,醃製紅豬肉碗裡盛滿了食材,蜜汁烤肉非常好吃,醃製的很香,配上冬蔭功湯很美味,魚丸完整,軟嫩有彈性。個人喜歡點乾的,很好吃,辣度剛好💸 60 泰銖起📌 Kuay Tiew ...

Kuay Tiew Ru, Noi 地區的人氣店鋪


💸 60 泰銖起

📌 Kuay Tiew Ru,Talad Noi
⏰ 07:30-16:00
🚆 MRT Hua lam Phong

Kuay Tiew Ru, a popular shop in Noi area
The highlight is soft noodles, marinated red pork

The bowl is full of ingredients, honey-roasted pork is very delicious, marinated to be fragrant, goes well with tom yum soup, the fish balls are complete, soft and bouncy. Personally, I like to order it dry, very delicious, just the right amount of spicy

💸 Starting at 60.-

📌 Kuay Tiew Ru, Talad Noi
⏰ 07:30-16:00
🚆 MRT Hua Lamphong


#喜歡吃 #麵條 #泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近

Cha Tra Mue 的超可愛“毯子枕頭”值得買來在午休時間小憩一下,讓全世界知道你有多愛泰式茶。柔軟舒適的枕頭,內建毛毯功能 枕頭尺寸:寬 12 英寸、高 15 英寸、厚 6 英寸毯子尺寸:寬 40 英寸,長 61 英寸💰 價格 375...

Cha Tra Mue 的超可愛“毯子枕頭”值得買來在午休時間小憩一下,讓全世界知道你有多愛泰式茶。
枕頭尺寸:寬 12 英寸、高 15 英寸、厚 6 英寸
毯子尺寸:寬 40 英寸,長 61 英寸

💰 價格 375 泰銖
🛒 可在網上商店和 Cha Tra Mue 分店購買。

Super cute "blanket pillow" from Cha Tra Mue. Worth buying to take a nap during lunch break and let the world know how much you love Thai tea. 🤣🤣
Soft and comfortable pillow with built-in blanket function
Pillow size: 12" wide, 15" high, 6" thick
Blanket size: 40" wide, 61" long

💰 Price 375 baht
🛒 Available at online stores and Cha Tra Mue branches

#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近



強烈推薦這次旅遊。導遊很有實力,也很親切。即使在乘坐巴士時,他們也非常有活力並且交談很多。聽他們說一會兒之後,你可以告訴他們你累了,想睡覺休息一下。動物園會給我們買票,但我沒有足夠的錢,所以他們會借我一些。當我告訴他們我忘了帶充電器時,他們讓我在車上充電。我覺得他們很有愛心。獅子園的距離感和日本的動物園完全不同,我們可以近距離接觸獅子,餵食獅子,還可以騎獅子雕像,這兩項活動我都推薦。特別是300日元就可以騎大象,原本以為只是拍照而已,結果走了比想像中更長的距離,非常有趣。接下來是大象洗澡,但距離感也被搞亂了,感覺近得不可思議。您可以遞給大象黃瓜來餵養牠們,甚至可以在大象試圖抓黃瓜時觸摸它們。最後,大城府。拍完許多照片後,在附近的草地上悠閒地聊天並眺望大城府,真是太棒了。這次旅行得到了很好的支持,一天可以做很多事情,所以我強烈推薦。唯一的缺點是活動在下午 5 點結束,但可能在晚上 8 點左右結束。我們遊覽結束後沒有任何計劃,所以這不是問題,但我認為在預訂此旅遊時最好不要預訂餐飲等。我會說英語和漢語,但不會說日語。但他們會盡力向你解釋,所以這不是問題。評論很少,但我想推薦它,所以我寫了一篇長篇評論。

大家可以透過 KKday 和 Gother 預訂或直接向我們預訂

The best tour
I highly recommend this tour. The tour guide is powerful and kind. He talks a lot on the bus to the place. After listening to a certain amount of stories, you can tell him that you are tired and want to sleep and rest. The zoo will buy the ticket for you, but I didn’t have enough money so they lent me one. Also, when I told them that I forgot my charger, they let me charge it in their car. I think they are very caring. The Lion Park is completely different from Japanese zoos in terms of distance, and it is very close, so I fed the lions and rode the elephants, but both are recommended. In particular, you can ride the elephants for 300 parts, and I thought that it would be over after taking photos, but they walked a longer distance than I expected, which was very fun. Next is the elephant bathing, but the sense of distance is also bugged and it is extremely close. You are handed a cucumber to feed, but you can also touch the elephants trying to take it. Finally, Ayutthaya, but it was more tasteful to see it in person than I had seen in the photos when I looked it up. After taking a lot of photos, it was very nice to look at Ayutthaya from the nearby grass while talking leisurely. This tour is very well supported and you can do a lot in one day, so I highly recommend it. The only drawback is that it finishes at 5pm, but it may end around 8pm. We didn’t have any plans after the tour, so it wasn’t a problem, but I think it’s better not to make reservations for meals when booking this tour. They only speak English and Chinese, so they don’t speak Japanese. However, they do their best to communicate, so it’s not a problem. There were few reviews, but I wanted to recommend it, so I wrote a long review.

You can book through KKday and Gother or book directly with us

#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近

🦒🦒長頸鹿的數量比以前多!!有興趣在吉普車上與長頸鹿拍私人照片的朋友可以留言給我們。💭💭📍 Sri Ayutthaya Lion Park, 大城府🦒🦒There are more giraffes than ever!! Friends ...



📍 Sri Ayutthaya Lion Park, 大城府

🦒🦒There are more giraffes than ever!!

Friends who are interested in taking private photos with giraffes in a jeep can leave us a message. 💭💭

📍 Sri Ayutthaya Lion Park, Ayutthaya

#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近

這個位於 Banthat Thong 路上的紅綠燈路口非常上鏡,這裡位於朱拉隆功大學百年公園對面。對於來到 Banthat Thong 並且想要找一個獨特的拍照地點的朋友,可以嘗試步行到這裡。This photogenic traffic ...

這個位於 Banthat Thong 路上的紅綠燈路口非常上鏡,這裡位於朱拉隆功大學百年公園對面。

對於來到 Banthat Thong 並且想要找一個獨特的拍照地點的朋友,可以嘗試步行到這裡。

This photogenic traffic light intersection on Banthat Thong Road is located opposite the Chulalongkorn University Centenary Park.

For any friends who come to Banthat Thong and want a unique photo spot, try walking over here.

#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近 #清萊

🛶💦位於 Khlong Bang Luang 的泰式餐廳和咖啡館。氣氛非常好。這裡有一個河畔露台,您可以坐在那裡充分享受河邊的氛圍。欣賞船隻駛過。有趣的菜單- 泰式通心粉雞肉炒河粉味道很美味,通心粉麵條很有嚼勁,泰式炒河粉的醬汁很香很好吃。...

🛶💦位於 Khlong Bang Luang 的泰式餐廳和咖啡館。氣氛非常好。這裡有一個河畔露台,您可以坐在那裡充分享受河邊的氛圍。欣賞船隻駛過。

- 泰式通心粉雞肉炒河粉味道很美味,通心粉麵條很有嚼勁,泰式炒河粉的醬汁很香很好吃。
- 我們精選的套餐中的泰式泰式搭配(1 杯飲料,3 杯泰式甜點)有龍眼汁、Khanom Chan、Med Khanun 和 Thong Yod Mini。這道甜點味道鮮美,香氣甜美。


📍地點:Khlong Bang Luang 的 Baan Plearnjit(Chang 橋腳下 - 橋的另一側有水上市場)
⏰:每天 11.00-17.00 開放。
- 在 Bang Phai 地鐵站 4 號出口下車,然後搭乘摩托車計程車。

🛶💦Thai-style restaurant and cafe at Khlong Bang Luang, great atmosphere, with a riverside terrace for you to sit and enjoy the atmosphere, watching the boats passing by.

Interesting menu
-Pad Thai with macaroni and chicken, delicious taste, chewy macaroni noodles, Pad Thai sauce is very delicious.
-Paired with Thai Thai (1 drink, 3 Thai desserts) in the set we chose were longan juice, Khanom Chan, Med Khanun, and Thong Yod mini, delicious desserts with a sweet aroma.

For those who are looking for a riverside restaurant to relax and enjoy delicious food, I recommend it.

📍Location: Baan Plearnjit at Khlong Bang Luang (at the foot of the Chang Bridge - the other side of the bridge from the floating market)
⏰: Open daily from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

-Get off at MRT Bang Phai, Exit 4, then take a motorcycle taxi in.

#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近

✨🎆無需遠赴國外,大家仍然可以在 NaSatta Light Festival Winter Illumination 2025 年冬季燈光秀上拍攝到無盡的美麗照片,這是一場燈光秀,帶來了符合當代文化設計的現代燈光作品,數百萬盞燈光將 Na...

✨🎆無需遠赴國外,大家仍然可以在 NaSatta Light Festival Winter Illumination 2025 年冬季燈光秀上拍攝到無盡的美麗照片,這是一場燈光秀,帶來了符合當代文化設計的現代燈光作品,數百萬盞燈光將 Nasatta 公園的森林變成瞭如童話般美麗的花園。

今年,我們以「 文學中的女人和泰國文學中的花朵」是一次令人興奮的體驗,沿途可以看到 24 個區域的燈光,充滿文化感。

📍從今天開始鎖定你的行程 - 2025 年 4 月 27 日
📸 活動現場將提供攝影師服務和泰國服裝租借服務。您可以在下午 6:00 到晚上 10:00 之間拍攝美麗的影像。

📍位於叻丕府 ,Sattha Thai 公園
🗓️ 日期 1967 年 11 月 21 日 - 1968 年 4 月 27 日

✨🎆No need to travel far abroad, you can still get endless beautiful photos at Nasatta Thai Park with the Nasatta Light Festival: Winter Illumination 2025, a light show that brings modern light works designed to be in line with the culture with millions of lights to transform the forest in Nasatta Park into a beautiful garden like a fairy tale.

This year, it's back with a grand theme of "Thai Literary Ladies and Flowers", an exciting experience with a sense of culture along the way to see the lights in up to 24 zones. We guarantee that you'll have photos to update all year long if you visit once.

📍Pin your trip from today - April 27, 2025
📸 There will be a photographer and Thai costume rental service at the event. Capture beautiful images from 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM.

📍Na Satta Thai Park, Ratchaburi Province
🗓️ November 21, 67 - April 27, 68
🚪Open: Every Tuesday - Sunday and public holidays
🔅Lights on: 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM (Ticket sales close at 9:30 PM)

#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近

💖✨“Café Amazon”飛天小女警冰沙新菜單 今日 - 4 月 12 日 68 🥤 趕快買吧! Café Amazon 推出全新超可愛菜單:3 款冰沙飲品菜單飛天小女警附贈可愛圖案玻璃杯,有泡泡、花朵、毛茛等,我來告訴你,這是一款美味...

💖✨“Café Amazon”飛天小女警冰沙新菜單 今日 - 4 月 12 日 68

🥤 趕快買吧! Café Amazon 推出全新超可愛菜單:3 款冰沙飲品菜單飛天小女警附贈可愛圖案玻璃杯,有泡泡、花朵、毛茛等,我來告訴你,這是一款美味、清爽、奶香濃鬱、風味獨特的奶昔,你一定要試試~

📆 今天 – 2025 年 4 月 12 日
📍 所有 Café Amazon 分店
🏷️ 89泰銖/杯子

📌 3 款全新冰沙菜單飛天小女警
‣ Ocean Bingsu Bubbles Edition 藍色混合牛奶,甜美,芳香,新鮮,泡沫風格
‣ 草莓冰沙綻放版,柔和混合鮮牛奶。酸甜綻放風格
‣ 蜜瓜奇異果冰沙奶油版,柔和混合鮮牛奶。像辣妹一樣隱藏酸澀毛茛式

💖✨ New menu from "Café Amazon" Bingsu Powerpuff Girls Today - April 12, 68

🥤 Rush to buy now! Cafe Amazon launches a new super cute menu, 3 Bingsu drinks, Powerpuff Girls, that come with cute patterned glasses, Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup. Let me tell you, it's delicious, refreshing, smooth milkshakes, unique flavors, you have to try it~

📆 Today - April 12, 68
📍 At all Cafe Amazon branches
🏷️ 89.- per glass

📌 3 new Bingsu menus, Powerpuff Girls
‣ Ocean Bingsu Bubbles Edition, blue blended milk, sweet, fragrant, bright, bubble style
‣ Strawberry Bingsu Blossom Edition, smooth blended milk, sweet and sour, blossom style
‣ Melon Kiwi Bingsu Buttercup Edition, smooth blended milk, sour and spicy Buttercup style


#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近

 #新開業的𝙇𝙖 𝙇𝙖 𝙇𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙮𝙖,一個適合全家人的咖啡館和餐廳。新開幕的咖啡館和餐廳以巴厘島風格裝飾。這裡有很多拍照景點。水邊和鳥巢頂上都設有戶外座位區。在空調房裡有很多食物菜單。無論是國際美食、烘焙食品還是飲料,我必須說它...

#新開業的𝙇𝙖 𝙇𝙖 𝙇𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙮𝙖,一個適合全家人的咖啡館和餐廳。


𝙇𝙖 𝙇𝙖 𝙇𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙮𝙖
春武里府邦拉蒙縣芭達雅市 Thesaban Road 1, Soi 36
🕛 每天開放 10:00 - 20:00
📍 地點:(3z 泳池別墅飯店的風景泳池別墅區內)您無需入住飯店即可使用咖啡館。

opened 𝙇𝙖 𝙇𝙖 𝙇𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙮𝙖 Cafe and restaurant for everyone in the family

A newly opened cafe and restaurant decorated in a Balinese style. There are many photo spots here. There are both outdoor seating areas by the water, on top of the bird's nest, and in the air-conditioned room.
There are many menus, both international food, bakery, and drinks. Let me tell you that they look good and taste good. In addition to beautiful corners for taking pictures, there are also indoor and outdoor playgrounds and various coloring zones. Guaranteed to please everyone in the family 😍

𝙇𝙖 𝙇𝙖 𝙇𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙮𝙖
Thanon Thesaban 1, Soi 36, Muang Pattaya, Bang Lamung District, Chonburi
🕛 Open daily 10:00 - 20:00
📍 Location: (in the area of ​​Scenic pool villa by 3z pool villa hotel) You don't have to stay at the hotel to use the cafe.


#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近 #芭堤雅

今天就推薦給大家另一間位於Song Wat地區的傳奇餐廳。“Gu Long Bao 古笼包 Artisan Bun Shop”這家店以新鮮出爐的包子聞名,除了各種餡料的包子外,菜單上不可錯過的就是泰式茶餃子。上面是餃子,下面是濃鬱的泰式茶。...

今天就推薦給大家另一間位於Song Wat地區的傳奇餐廳。“Gu Long Bao 古笼包 Artisan Bun Shop”這家店以新鮮出爐的包子聞名,除了各種餡料的包子外,菜單上不可錯過的就是泰式茶餃子。上面是餃子,下面是濃鬱的泰式茶。一起吃,才是最完美的搭配。
📌 Gu Long Bao 古笼包 Artisan Bun Shop
👉 如何前往商店
1.)MRT Wat Mangkon 站,1號出口(你會看到 Plaeng Nam 路口,那裡有一個路標)
2.) 沿著 Charoen Krung 路步行約 2-3 分鐘(經過 Soi Texas 並繼續直行)到達 Mo Mi 路口。 (與 Mitraphan 路交叉口)
3.) 店位於‘A.P.S. Watch Center’,Domino's Pizza 對面。

Today I would like to recommend to you another legendary restaurant located in the Song Wat area. “Gu Long Bao Artisan Bun Shop” is famous for its freshly baked buns. In addition to buns with various fillings, the Thai tea dumplings are not to be missed on the menu. Dumplings on top and strong Thai tea underneath. Eating them together is the perfect combination.
📌 Gu Long Bao 古笼包 Artisan Bun Shop
👉How to get to the shop
1.) MRT Wat Mangkon Station, Exit 1 (you will see the Plaeng Nam intersection, there is a sign)
2.) Walk along Charoen Krung Road for about 2-3 minutes (pass Soi Texas and go straight) to reach the Mo Mi intersection (intersecting with Mitraphan Road)
3.) The shop is located at 'A.P.S. Watch Center', opposite Domino's Pizza.


#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近




📌Petchkasem 美術館(2 月 15 日至 23 日)
💵 免費入場


This year, the art exhibition inspired by cat eggs is back again, adding a friend, the dog egg exhibition, specifically for stray dogs. The exhibition will be divided into separate exhibition periods: 15-20 February 2025, which will be an exhibition called “Meow Testicles” for cat lovers, and 21-23 February 2025, which will be an exhibition called “Ordinary Little Dog” for dog lovers.

The highlight of both exhibitions is the paintings from art around the country inspired by cat and dog eggs, which will be displayed and auctioned to raise money for sterilization of stray cats and dogs.

Come see the artwork, rub the bellies, and give love to the homeless cats and dogs ❤️❤️
📌the Petchkasem Art Gallery from 15-23 February
⏰10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
💵 Entrance free

For more information, visit

撰稿人:Rujiyat Choksiriwan
圖片來源:Jorjarasad Stand for Strays

泰式湯圓雞蛋冰淇淋香氣撲鼻甜美可口!這麼熱的天氣,我們去吃冰淇淋吧! 必嚐菜單- 煮雞蛋冰淇淋冰淇淋裡有嫩椰肉。 賦予冰淇淋質感- 泰式湯圓,手工壓模的泰式湯圓使用天然色素、柔軟且有嚼勁的麵團 📌WanLin ไอติมไข่แข็ง,Ki...

- 煮雞蛋冰淇淋冰淇淋裡有嫩椰肉。
- 泰式湯圓,手工壓模的泰式湯圓使用天然色素、柔軟且有嚼勁的麵團

📌WanLin ไอติมไข่แข็ง,Kin Kan Jang Shuba靠近
⏰:每天下午 4:30 至凌晨 2:00 開放。

Sweet and creamy Bua Loi Egg Ice Cream!
In this hot weather, we have to go and have some ice cream!

Must-try menu
- Egg Ice Cream The ice cream has young coconut mixed in
Giving the ice cream texture
- Bua Loi Bua Loi is hand-molded, using natural colors, soft and chewy dough

📌Sweet tongue ice cream with toppings, near the Shabu Kin Kan Jang restaurant
⏰ : Open daily from 4:30 PM - 2:00 AM

#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近

國際風箏節在芭堤雅海灘🪁2025 年芭達雅國際海灘風箏會每年一次,準備好在海灘上觀賞美麗的風箏。 #2025年國際風箏節🗓 2025 年 2 月 26 日 - 2025 年 3 月 2 日International Kite Festiva...

2025 年芭達雅國際海灘風箏會


🗓 2025 年 2 月 26 日 - 2025 年 3 月 2 日

International Kite Festival on Pattaya Beach🪁
Pattaya International Kite On The Beach 2025

Once a year, get ready to see beautiful kites on the beach.

🗓 26 Feb 2025 - 2 Mar 2025

#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近

「Krua Bangna」今天要給大家推薦另一間味道正宗,品質優良,價格合理的泰國餐廳,適合全家人一起品嚐。 除了美味可口的菜單外,還有一份甜點菜單(蛋糕),任何人嘗試都會喜歡。📍 Krua Bangna 分店,Central Rama 3...

「Krua Bangna」今天要給大家推薦另一間味道正宗,品質優良,價格合理的泰國餐廳,適合全家人一起品嚐。

📍 Krua Bangna 分店,Central Rama 3 購物中心 6 樓

"Krua Bangna" Today, I would like to recommend another Thai restaurant with authentic taste, good quality, and reasonable price for everyone in the family.

In addition to the delicious savory menu, there is also a dessert menu (cake) that anyone who tries it will love.
📍 Krua Bangna branch, 6th floor, Central Rama 3 shopping center

#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近

💦💦透過史詩般的節奏、令人驚嘆的視覺效果和身臨其境的水效果,感受泰國最大的宋幹節慶祝活動的脈搏🥳。 ✨ 準備好迎接 Marshmello、Alan Walker、DJ Snake、Timmy Trumpet、Major Lazer、Dipl...

💦💦透過史詩般的節奏、令人驚嘆的視覺效果和身臨其境的水效果,感受泰國最大的宋幹節慶祝活動的脈搏🥳。 ✨ 準備好迎接 Marshmello、Alan Walker、DJ Snake、Timmy Trumpet、Major Lazer、Diplo 等等!這是世界一流的舞蹈音樂與真正的泰國節日精神的交融。最具傳奇色彩的節日又回來了——比以往更盛大、更大膽、更熱鬧。

🎟 購票連結
🗓️ 活動日期:2025年4月12日至14日
📌地點:Rajamangala National Stadium

💦💦Feel the pulse of Thailand’s biggest Songkran celebration 🥳 with epic beats, stunning visuals, and immersive water effects. ✨ Get ready for Marshmello, Alan Walker, DJ Snake, Timmy Trumpet, Major Lazer, Diplo, and more! This is where world-class dance music meets real Thai festival spirit. The most legendary festival is back—bigger, bolder, and wetter than ever.🏄‍♀️ Don’t just watch it—live it at Pepsi presents S2O Songkran Music Festival 💦🔥

🎟 Tickets link:
🗓️ Event date: 12-14 Apr 2025
📌 Venue: Rajamangala National Stadium

#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近 #情人節


47 Liap Nuea 12


จันทร์ 09:00 - 18:00
อังคาร 09:00 - 18:00
พุธ 09:00 - 18:00
พฤหัสบดี 09:00 - 18:00
ศุกร์ 09:00 - 18:00
เสาร์ 09:00 - 18:00
อาทิตย์ 09:00 - 18:00



รับทราบข่าวสารและโปรโมชั่นของ Mungmee Tour 泰國旅遊ผ่านทางอีเมล์ของคุณ เราจะเก็บข้อมูลของคุณเป็นความลับ คุณสามารถกดยกเลิกการติดตามได้ตลอดเวลา

ติดต่อ ธุรกิจของเรา

ส่งข้อความของคุณถึง Mungmee Tour 泰國旅遊:

