「在大城一日遊的必玩景點之一,就是搭船近距離觀賞大象洗澡 🐘🐘!還可以親自餵食大象,超有趣!想體驗這樣的活動,可以透過KKday預訂,或是直接聯絡我們預約喔~」
One of the highlights of the trip to Ayutthaya was watching the elephants bathing 🐘🐘
You can really get up close and personal with the elephants and feed them. If you want to experience such an activity, you can book a trip through KKday or directly through us.
KKdays : https://www.kkday.com/zh-tw/product/200330?cid=4904&ud1=detail-share&ud2=mobile-web
#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日游 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近 #泰國必去 #大城動物園 #大城 #大象 #thailand #travelinthailand #thailandtravel #bkk #onedaytour #halfdaytrip #lionpark #Ayutthaya
泰國的旅遊旺季正式來襲!為了避免行程混亂,建議您提前規劃,訂好車輛和門票,這樣就不會錯過任何精彩瞬間。想讓旅行更輕鬆愉快嗎?選擇「Mungmee Tour 泰國旅遊」的租車服務,讓您的旅程無憂無慮!無論您是單獨出行還是成團,我們都能為您精心安排合適的車輛,還有會說中文的司機陪伴,讓您在異國也能輕鬆交流!趕快來體驗一下吧,讓我們一起探索美麗的泰國!
#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日游 #泰國景點 #曼谷附近 #泰國必合 #thailand #travelinthailand #thailandtravel #bkk #onedaytour #halfdaytrip #hiseason #winter
今天推薦給大家4道不容錯過的泰式海鮮菜單。 片段裡可以看到哪些菜色~
Today we would like to recommend 4 Thai seafood menus that you should not miss. What menu items can be seen in the clip~
The first dish is stir-fried scallops with celery. Fresh oyster meat stir-fried with stir-fried spices, giving it a nice spicy taste.
As for the fried squid in black sauce, it was rich, sweet, and salty.
Fried shrimp with garlic, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside
Finally Crab curry with chapu leaves
💬Has anyone ever eaten or want to try any of the menu items?
#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #泰國菜 #華欣 #海鮮餐廳 #thailand #travelinthailand #thailandtravel #sea #seafoods #huahin
📍 Budsabong Thai Restaurant, BTS SaiYud
🛻 交通方式:BTS SaiYud ,第 3 出口
🕛 下午四點到凌晨兩點
Late night porridge. It rains every day and the weather is cool, so you must drink hot porridge with delicious dishes.
📍 Budsabong Thai Restaurant, BTS SaiYud
🛻 交通方式:BTS SaiYud ,Exit No.3
🕛 16.00p.m - 02.00 a.m.
#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #特價 #泰國菜 #夜市 #美食 #泰國美食 #thailand #travelinthailand #thailandtravel #bkk #saiyud #thaifoods #streetfood
💜 今天來教大家如何剝山竹皮的方法。 讓你的手不被弄髒。首先要用拇指和食指垂直擠壓球的中心。 山竹果皮很容易剝開,你可以試試看~~
💜 Today I will teach you how to peel mangosteen. Keep your hands from getting dirty.
First of all squeezing the center of the ball vertically between your thumb and index finger. Mangosteen peel is easy to peel, you can try it.
#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國景點 #必買 #泰國必買 #山竹 #泰國山竹 #泰國品牌 #thailand #travelinthailand #thailandtravel #bkk #mangosteen
泰國的雨季來了🇹🇭☔ 這段時間來旅遊會碰到下雨,曼谷下雨時有點不好叫車,也有可能會碰到打車不跳表😭😭 跟我們包車就不用怕發生這些事!
The rainy season in Thailand has begun 🇹🇭☔ You will encounter rain when traveling during this period. It is a bit difficult to call a taxi when it rains in Bangkok, and you maybe meet the taxi driver that doesn’t use the meter.
If you book the car with us, you don’t have to worry about these things happening!
✅The driver arrives early
✅Customer service assists in communication
✅Safe (local legal travel agency)
✅Fixed price
#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #包車 #雨季 #thailand #travelinthailand #thailandtravel #bkk #rainning
泰國雨季蚊蟲会特別多,建議大家隨身帶一個Soffell 防蚊蟲。這個是基本上每一家必備的日用品之一,下雨天或者晚上出遊不可缺的東西。
有兩種噴的和擦的,擦在身上也不會粘膩,而且有長達7小時的防蚊效果,這樣出門也不必擔心蚊蟲叮咬。在睡覺的時候噴在床的周圍也可以安心的入睡~ 很棒吧!
📣 在此期間,小瓶裝有折扣,所以趕快購買吧
The best things to buys in Thailand 🇹🇭🇹🇭
There are a lot of mosquitoes in Thailand during the rainy season. It is recommended that you bring a Soffell mosquito repellent with you. This is one of the essential daily necessities for basically every household, and it is indispensable on rainy days or when traveling at night.
There are two types of spray and wipe-on, which won't be sticky when applied on the body, and have a mosquito repellent effect of up to 7 hours, so you don't have to worry about mosquito bites when you go out. When you sleep, spray it around the bed and you can sleep peacefully~ It's great!
#泰國 #泰國旅遊 #泰國旅行 #曼谷 #一日遊 #泰國必買 #必買 #thailand #travelinthailand #thailandtravel #bkk #驅蚊水 #防蚊水