Visitare İzmir


Che ne dici di “İzmir Kumru” per il tuo pranzo oggi?Esperienza Autentica:Il kumru è un panino tipico di Izmir e rapprese...

Che ne dici di “İzmir Kumru” per il tuo pranzo oggi?

Esperienza Autentica:
Il kumru è un panino tipico di Izmir e rappresenta un’autentica esperienza culinaria locale. Mangiarlo ti permette di assaporare un pezzo della cultura gastronomica della città.

Kumru: Un panino locale di Izmir, fatto con un tipo di pane morbido e farcito con salsiccia, formaggio e pomodoro.
È un cibo da strada molto popolare, perfetto per uno spuntino veloce e saporito.


Una serata meravigliosa ad Efeso, Türkiye.Contattaci via mail oppure Telefonaci o messaggia con noi tramite Whatsapp, si...

Una serata meravigliosa ad Efeso, Türkiye.
Contattaci via mail oppure Telefonaci o messaggia con noi tramite Whatsapp, sitiponici i tuoi desideri e lasciati guidare da noi alla scoperta di Izmir e d’intorni.🤠
📬[email protected]

Auguri di una serena e santa Pasqua!   🐣

Auguri di una serena e santa Pasqua!


Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-Viaggia comodamente con i furgoni de...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
Viaggia comodamente con i furgoni della nostra flotta di veicoli e scopri i luoghi piu belli ☀️☀️☀️
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursionr Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-Viaggia comodamente con i furgoni de...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
Viaggia comodamente con i furgoni della nostra flotta di veicoli e scopri i luoghi piu belli ☀️☀️☀️
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursionr Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-Viaggia comodamente con i furgoni de...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
Viaggia comodamente con i furgoni della nostra flotta di veicoli e scopri i luoghi piu belli ☀️☀️☀️
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursionr Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers

Buon Ferragosto a tutti 🇮🇹🇹🇷 ❤️

Buon Ferragosto a tutti 🇮🇹🇹🇷

Per i festeggiamenti del Göztepe, una delle squadre di calcio di Smirne, sulla spiaggia/ costa di Göztepe si tiene una f...

Per i festeggiamenti del Göztepe, una delle squadre di calcio di Smirne, sulla spiaggia/ costa di Göztepe si tiene una festa con le torce. I tifosi del distretto di Göztepe celebrano il novantottesimo anniversario della squadra di calcio di Göztepe.

A celebration is held on the Göztepe coastline with torches for the anniversary celebrations of Göztepe, one of the football teams of İzmir. The supporters of Göztepe district celebrate the ninety-eighth anniversary of the Göztepe Football team.

MIGLIOR TOUR, MIGLIOR PREZZO, VIAGGIATORI FELICI📬 * Nessun porto senza pagamento * Nessuna commiss...

📬[email protected]
* Nessun porto senza pagamento
* Nessuna commissione nascosta
* Garanzia di ritiro e riconsegna
* Garanzia del prezzo più basso, modifiche dell'ultimo minuto gratuite
* Piccoli gruppi personalizzati
* Garanzia di pagamento sicuro
* Orari di servizio estesi per l'assistenza di viaggio online
* Politiche di cancellazione più flessibili
Ci concentriamo esclusivamente sulle escursioni a terra e sui tour giornalieri. Utilizziamo questa esperienza per creare le escursioni di qualità più elevata fornite da esperti locali al prezzo più basso per i viaggiatori. i nostri pacchetti di escursioni ti consentono di viaggiare in gruppi molto più piccoli offrendo un'esperienza più personalizzata. ti invitiamo a sfogliare l'ampia varietà di escursioni o a contattarci per un consiglio personale.
Le nostre escursioni a terra per piccoli gruppi o i tour giornalieri generalmente vanno da 2 a 12 persone, fornendo un'esperienza più personalizzata rispetto alle grandi escursioni offerte dalle linee di crociera
̇zmi̇r 🇹🇷

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-The best city tour by locals “PERSON...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursionr Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-The best city tour by locals “PERSON...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursionr Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers

MIGLIOR TOUR, MIGLIOR PREZZO, VIAGGIATORI FELICI📬 * Nessun porto senza pagamento * Nessuna commiss...

📬[email protected]
* Nessun porto senza pagamento
* Nessuna commissione nascosta
* Garanzia di ritiro e riconsegna
* Garanzia del prezzo più basso, modifiche dell'ultimo minuto gratuite
* Piccoli gruppi personalizzati
* Garanzia di pagamento sicuro
* Orari di servizio estesi per l'assistenza di viaggio online
* Politiche di cancellazione più flessibili
Ci concentriamo esclusivamente sulle escursioni a terra e sui tour giornalieri. Utilizziamo questa esperienza per creare le escursioni di qualità più elevata fornite da esperti locali al prezzo più basso per i viaggiatori. i nostri pacchetti di escursioni ti consentono di viaggiare in gruppi molto più piccoli offrendo un'esperienza più personalizzata. ti invitiamo a sfogliare l'ampia varietà di escursioni o a contattarci per un consiglio personale.
Le nostre escursioni a terra per piccoli gruppi o i tour giornalieri generalmente vanno da 2 a 12 persone, fornendo un'esperienza più personalizzata rispetto alle grandi escursioni offerte dalle linee di crociera

Contattaci via mail oppure Telefonaci o messaggia con noi tramite Whatsapp, sitiponici i tuoi desideri e lasciati guidar...

Contattaci via mail oppure Telefonaci o messaggia con noi tramite Whatsapp, sitiponici i tuoi desideri e lasciati guidare da noi alla scoperta di Izmir e d’intorni.🤠
📬[email protected]

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-The best city tour by locals “PERSON...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursionr Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers

Quartiere Karşıka di Smirne ✈️

Quartiere Karşıka di Smirne ✈️

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-The best city tour by locals “PERSON...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursionr Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers
🇹🇷 ☀️

Il caffe turco rappresenta il fiore all’occhiello  della nostra terra. I Turchi sono soliti dire che offrire un caffè tu...

Il caffe turco rappresenta il fiore all’occhiello della nostra terra. I Turchi sono soliti dire che offrire un caffè turco si ricorda per mille anni “bir kahvenin bin yıllık hatırı vardır”. Da sempre è stato un dolce pretesto per conoscere nuovi amici , riappacificare gli amici irritati e rafforzare gli accordi durante le trattative ; insomma il caffè turco è sinonimo di rispetto e bontà. Per esempio c’è una tradizione simpatica, che riguarda la promessa di matrimonio . Prima di chiedere la mano della propria sposa , il fidanzato deve recarsi a casa della futura moglie . Durante questo incontro si sorseggia il caffe che verrà preparato dalla futura sposa la quale dovrebbe per tradizione prepararlo con il sale o peperoncino per il futuro sposo. Tutto questo servirà come test per valutare quanto il futuro marito possa amarla e per capire soprattutto la grandezza della sua pazienza. Alla fine un buon marito non si pronuncerà mai dinanzi alla futura moglie accettandone così tutti i suoi difetti. #😍
#🇹🇷 #🇮🇹 #☕️

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-The best city tour by locals “PERSON...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursionr Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-The best city tour by locals “PERSON...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursionr Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-The best city tour by locals “PERSON...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursionr Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-The best city tour by locals “PERSON...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursion Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-The best city tour by locals “PERSON...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursion Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-The best city tour by locals “PERSON...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursion Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-The best city tour by locals “PERSON...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursion Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-The best city tour by locals “PERSON...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursion Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-The best city tour by locals “PERSON...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursion Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers.

Attualmente siamo a Venezia per viditare i nostri amici qui. Pero dopo domani ritorniamo in Turchia ad İzmir.           ...

Attualmente siamo a Venezia per viditare i nostri amici qui. Pero dopo domani ritorniamo in Turchia ad İzmir.

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛-The best city tour by locals “PERSON...

Explore Turkey with an expert guide in the intimate company of a small group. 🛳🚌🛩🤠🏛
The best city tour by locals “PERSONALIZED&PRIVATE”
Contact us 👨🏻‍💻👩🏼‍💻👨🏿‍💻🧑🏼‍💻
[email protected]

Vi aspettiamo ad Izmir, Turchia. 👋🏻🧿🤠🎉

Vi aspettiamo ad Izmir, Turchia. 👋🏻🧿🤠🎉



💚 offers private tours, small group tours and private transfers to move around the aegean coast and beyond.

🤍The company offers its customers the possibility of personalised tours and transfers to and from airports, ports, hotels and railway stations in major Turkish cities.

❤️Book your tour in advance. You will be sure the travel safely and fully enjoy the local beauties without waiting!

Book now🔖
💚 info@visitareizmircom

Among our services you will find;

✔️Private Tours
✔️Small Group Tours
✔️Shore Excursion Tour
✔️Food tasting tours
✔️Breaks in the city

🤍And further experiences to be discover!

❤️ Best Tours, Best Prices, Happy Travellers




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