【 憨番在說誰?Who is the Sturdy Barbarian? 】
這張拍攝於臺南開基天后宮,臉紅紅、赤裸上身的交趾陶或石雕人物,常被稱為「憨番扛廟角」。儘管「番」字在現代並不適宜,但這句話所指涉的人群揪竟是誰,還是一個相當有趣的話題。根據王靖婷〈超搶戲的阿兜仔 —— 憨番〉一文,廟宇建築的「憨番扛廟角」可能有幾種來源。
This photograph, taken at the Founding Mazu Temple in Tainan, features a figure with a red face and a bare chest, often referred to as the "Sturdy Barbarian Supporting the Temple Corner" in Taiwanese temples. While "barbarian" is no longer appropriate in modern contexts, the identity of the people to whom this phrase originally referred remains an intriguing topic. According to Jing-ting Wang in her "The Scene-Stealing Foreigner—The Sturdy Barbarian", there are several possible origins for the figure.
1. 荷蘭紅毛番 Dutch Colonizers
據說由於 17 世紀荷蘭人來臺期間,並未善待漢人移民,因此荷蘭人離開後,嘉南地區的廟宇並開始將「紅毛番」安排在廟宇的角落或大樑之下,以示懲罰。這似乎是較常見的說法。
Some believe the figures depict 17th-century Dutch colonizers, known as "red-haired barbarians", who mistreated Han settlers. After the Dutch left, temples in southern Taiwan depicted them under beams as punishment.
2. 黑奴 Black Slaves
Another theory suggests the figures represent black slaves brought to Taiwan during Dutch rule, possibly from India, the Philippines, or Indonesia. Known for their physical strength, they were depicted by craftsmen in temple architecture.
3. 力士 Strongmen
This theory links the figures to "strongman" statues from Chinese Buddhist or Greco-Roman architecture, serving as structural supports.
4. 老番角 Annoying Elders
Some believe the figures represent bothersome elders who criticized craftsmen during construction, with their likenesses placed under beams as a form of symbolic retribution.
5. 原住民 Indigenous Peoples
The final theory suggests that the figures represent Taiwan's Indigenous peoples, particularly the Plains Indigenous groups, whose strong physiques inspired the craftsmen.
像「憨番扛廟角」這樣早期名詞,儘管多數已不合時宜,但仍可讓我們一窺早期族群互動歷史。Mata Taiwan 在臺灣文博會期間與臺南市文化資產管理處合作,舉辦一系列戲劇走讀活動,一起走入當年的鎮北坊,從廟宇建築細節,窺探臺南 300 年前的歷史,歡迎大家一起來逗熱鬧~
While these terms and depictions are inappropriate, they offer insights into historical ethnic interactions. During the Taiwan Cultural Expo 2024, Mata Taiwan and the Tainan Cultural Heritage Management Office held tours exploring Tainan's temple architecture including the Founding Mazu Temple and its 300-year-old history. Welcome to join us!